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 1                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


 3                       OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

 4                                 ***


 6                                 ***

 7                           PUBLIC MEETING



10                                  Nuclear Regulatory Commission

11                                  One White Flint North 

12                                  Commissioners Hearing Room

13                                  11555 Rockville Pike

14                                  Rockville, Maryland  


16                                  Wednesday, May 5, 2000

17              The Commission met in open session, pursuant to

18    notice, at 9:30 a.m., the Honorable RICHARD A. MESERVE,

19    Chairman of the Commission, presiding.



22              GRETA J. DICUS,  Member of the Commission

23              NILS J. DIAZ, Member of the Commission

24              EDWARD McGAFFIGAN, JR., Member of the Commission

25              JEFFREY S. MERRIFIELD, Member of the Commission



 2              WILLIAM TRAVERS, Executive Director for Operations

 3              DR. DONALD COOL, Director of Industrial & Medical

 4                Nuclear Safety, NMSS

 5              MR. ANTHONY HUFFERT, Decommissioning Projects

 6                 Branch, NMSS

 7              MR. FRANK CARDILE, Rulemaking and Guidance Branch,

 8                 NMSS

 9              DR. CARL PAPERIELLO, Deputy EDO for Materials,

10                Research, and State Programs

11              MS. CHERYL TROTTIER, Chief, Radiation Protection,

12                Environmental Risk and Waste Management Branch

13              ANNETTE L. VIETTI-COOK, Secretary

14              KAREN D. CYR, General Counsel













 1                        P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                                                     [9:30 a.m.]

 3              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  The Commission meeting this

 4    morning is to hear from the Staff on the status of efforts

 5    to control release of solid materials contaminated with

 6    small amounts of radioactivity.

 7              The Staff has provided us in SECY paper with

 8    recommendations as to how it suggests that we proceed to

 9    address what is a very complex and difficult issue.

10              This is the first of two briefings that the

11    Commission will have on this subject.  Our briefing today is

12    obviously with the Staff, and will focus on the paper that

13    has been circulated to us.

14              We will also have a public meeting on May 9th, on

15    which the Commission will have the opportunity to interact

16    with a large number of stakeholders who have interests in

17    this matter.

18              I'd like at the outset to commend the staff for

19    their work on this effort.  This is, as indicated, a very

20    complex and intricate task that they have confronted, and it

21    has necessarily involved interaction with a large number of

22    stakeholders, many of whom, it's apparent from reading the

23    SECY paper, have strong and divergent views as to how we

24    should proceed.  This issue is not an easy one.  

25              Let me turn to my colleagues and see if they have


 1    any opening statement.

 2              [No response.]

 3              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  If not, Dr. Travers, you may

 4    proceed.

 5              DR. TRAVERS:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.  Good

 6    morning.

 7              As you pointed out, the Staff did send SECY 0070

 8    to the Commission in March, and this morning, we'd like to

 9    summarize the contents of that paper, discussing, in

10    particular, results of some of the public meetings that

11    we've had on the issues paper; discuss some of the status of

12    the technical analysis supporting decisionmaking on this

13    issue, and some of the Staff's recommendations for

14    proceeding.

15              Here with me at the table today are Carl

16    Paperiello, who is the Deputy Executive Director for

17    Materials Research and State Programs; Don Cool, who is the

18    Director of the Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear

19    Safety in NMSS; Cheryl Trottier, Chief of the Radiation

20    Protection, Environmental Risk and Waste Management Branch

21    in the Office of Research; Anthony Huffert, who is a Senior

22    Health Physicist in NMSS; and Frank Cardile, who is a Senior

23    Project Manager in NMSS.

24              And with that, I'd like to begin the briefing.

25              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Very good.  


 1              MR. HUFFERT:  Thank you.  I want to begin by

 2    outlining the briefing that we prepared on the SECY paper. 

 3    The information we present is based on the contents of the

 4    main body and the attachments of that SECY paper.

 5              First, I will discuss the rationale for examining

 6    our approach for controlling releases of solid materials. 

 7    Then I will summarize recent Staff actions in this area.

 8              Frank Cardile will then provide an overview of

 9    Attachment 2 of the SECY paper, which summarizes the

10    stakeholders concerns and reactions that we received during

11    the Fall public meetings, and from the letters that we have

12    received to date.

13              Cheryl Trottier will discuss the status of our

14    technical basis, which is contained in Attachment 3 of the

15    SECY paper, and Don Cool will cover international activities

16    as discussed in Attachment 4, and then he will conclude our

17    presentation with recommendations for proceeding on the

18    control of solid materials.

19              Next slide, please.  The rationale for examining

20    the approach for controlling releases of solid materials is

21    because existing NRC regulations do not contain generally

22    applicable standards for the control of solid materials with

23    relatively small amounts of radioactivity that is either in

24    or on the material or equipment.

25              Even though NRC does not currently have such


 1    criteria in place to cover the release of solid materials

 2    with small amounts of radioactivity, it is likely that

 3    licensees will continue to seek to release these materials

 4    under recycle, reuse, or disposal when it become obsolete or

 5    otherwise unusable during the operations or at the time of

 6    decommissioning.

 7              Currently, licensees are authorized to release

 8    solid materials and to make specific requests for the

 9    release of solid materials on a case-by-case basis.

10              Licensees' decisions are made using a variety of

11    criteria such as Regulatory Guide 1.86, its equivalent fuel

12    cycle, 8323,  and 10 CFR 20.2002.

13              The current case-by-case approach is adequate to

14    protect public health and safety.  Part 20 of NRC

15    regulations requires licensees to survey materials to

16    evaluate their rad hazard.  This provides reasonable

17    assurance that elevated levels of licensed radioactive

18    material is not being released from their control.

19              However, the lack of established logical criteria

20    for controlling solid materials does result in inconsistent

21    release levels.  Not all licensees use the same survey

22    instruments and procedures to monitor solid material

23    releases, which can lead to variations in the sensitivities

24    and equipment.

25              Existing guidance such as Regulatory Guide 1.86 is


 1    based on detection capability of serving instruments and is

 2    geared towards the release of solid materials with surface

 3    contamination, not volumetric contamination.  Thus, a major

 4    consideration in the control of solid material is the

 5    ability to detect small amounts of radioactivity in and

 6    around the material itself.

 7              And there are limitations for reliably measuring

 8    such radioactivity, even with state-of-the-art

 9    instrumentation and measurement methods.

10              Dectectability is, therefore, an important issue,

11    not only for the NRC licensees that seek to release this

12    solid material, but also for recipients that monitor

13    radioactivity in their supplies.

14              There continue to be changes in instrumentation

15    and measurement methods, and the role of detectability for

16    controlling solid materials should be followed closely by

17    the Staff.

18              May I have the next slide, please?  Recent Staff

19    actions include publications of the issues paper on the

20    release of solid materials at licensed facilities in the

21    Federal Register on June 30, 1999.

22              The issue paper presents a variety of issues and

23    alternatives related to the control of solid material.  It

24    also served as a discussion tool for public meetings during

25    the Fall.  


 1              Our first public meeting was held in San Francisco

 2    in September, which was followed by meetings in Atlanta in

 3    October; NRC headquarters in November; in Chicago in

 4    December.

 5              At these meetings, we discussed the rationale of

 6    why we are examining our approach, alternatives for what

 7    should be done with solid materials and what materials

 8    should be covered; the context of the dose ranges that we

 9    are considering, namely, about one percent of natural

10    background; the technical analyses that have been completed

11    to date; and the health and environmental costs an survey

12    analyses that are still needed.

13              During this time, we also established a website

14    and a list server for public access to the issues paper,

15    related SECY papers, public meeting notifications, the

16    agendas, Staff summaries of our public meetings, and also

17    the meeting transcripts themselves, as well as the comment

18    letters are in the server and website.

19              The website address is show here on this slide as

20    it is still active, providing updated information on our

21    activities in this area, such as the information on this

22    briefing today, and the stakeholder meeting next week.

23              At this time, I'd like to turn the briefing over

24    to Frank Cardile, who will discuss stakeholders concerns and

25    reactions.


 1              MR. CARDILE:  Thank you.  There were diverse and

 2    wide-ranging comments received at the four public meetings

 3    and the over 800 letters received on the issues paper.  

 4              These comments were received from a variety of

 5    different stakeholder groups.  These included

 6    representatives of the metals, scrap, and cement industries,

 7    who are potential recipients of this solid material, as well

 8    as from those involved with sanitary waste facilities.

 9              Citizens groups expressed opposition to this

10    process, and did not attend the first two public meetings,

11    although a letter explaining why they did not attend was

12    delivered to the meeting attendees.

13              Certain citizen groups did attend the latter

14    meetings, and the large majority of the 800 comment letters

15    that we received were from citizen groups and individuals.  

16              There were also a number of comments received from

17    licensees who must deal with issues of handling this

18    material, and from the Health Physics Society, and from

19    persons working in the health physics profession.

20              In addition, there were comments from federal and

21    state agencies and from tribal governments.

22              The Commission paper presented in some detail, a

23    summary of stakeholder reactions.  The Staff plans to

24    publish a NUREG report in the coming few months to provide

25    additional detail on the wide range of issues raised and


 1    comments received.

 2              The majority of the comments that we have received

 3    have focused on specific alternatives for what should be

 4    done with the solid material, and, in general, these

 5    comments fell into distinct viewpoints by stakeholder

 6    groups.  At a meeting on May 9, the Commission will hear the

 7    views of invited stakeholders on this subject.  

 8              Today we would like to provide you with an

 9    overview of some of the viewpoints in this area.  Could I

10    have the next slide, please?  

11              Metals and cement industry commenters indicated

12    that they were opposed to unrestricted release of solid

13    materials that could come to their facilities for potential

14    recycle.  The rationale for this view included that there

15    could be a very large economic impact on these industries if

16    consumers do not want to buy products due to concerns over

17    the presence of radiation in the products.

18              For example, a letter from the metals-producing

19    industry estimated that a one-percent loss in market could

20    produce a $600 million annual loss to the steel industry. 

21    Concern was also expressed over the potential for exposing

22    individuals, both at facilities and in the public.

23              It was noted that detectors at steel mills are

24    very sensitive and could alarm at levels near an NRC

25    standard that might be promulgated, which could result in


 1    the steel industry rejecting shipments of released material.

 2              The comment letters from the metals-producing

 3    industry suggested that they could support an approach that

 4    included the major points noted on this slide:

 5              First, metal could be released solely for specific

 6    restricted applications that would preclude its use in

 7    consumer products.  These restricted applications would

 8    limit the metal to nuclear-related uses or to disposal in

 9    landfills.

10              Such material would need to comply with labeling

11    and tracking requirements.  Also, if could be reasonably

12    shown that a metal was not radioactively contaminated at the

13    licensed facility, for example, perhaps fencing from around

14    the perimeter of the site, and if radiation detectors showed

15    that this metal does not contain above-background levels of

16    radiation, then the metal could be released for unrestricted

17    use, subject to labeling and tracking requirements.

18              The letter from the scrap industry did not offer a

19    specific approach, but rather suggested that a panel of

20    stakeholders be formed to provide advice to the Commission

21    on various technical and policy issues.

22              May I have the next slide, please?  Citizens

23    groups and individuals generally indicated that radioactive

24    wastes should be isolated from the public, and that they

25    were opposed to releasing materials that could end up in


 1    consumer products.

 2              The rationale for this view included that the

 3    risks posed are too high and are avoidable and involuntary

 4    and unnecessary; that doses cannot be predicted with

 5    accuracy; that releases will not be able to be measured

 6    accurately to assure compliance because of difficulties in

 7    monitoring; and that licensees and the NRC cannot always be

 8    trusted to implement and enforce criteria and regulations.  

 9              Because of these concerns, the comments that we

10    received ranged from categorical opposition to any release,

11    to general opposition, unless uncertainties in technical and

12    policy issue are resolved.

13              In general, these commenters stated that to be

14    protected, releases of solid material should be prohibited,

15    and that, in addition to prohibiting future releases, there

16    should be full reporting on and recapture of material

17    released so far.

18              May I have the next slide, please?

19              MR. CARDILE:  Licensees in the health physics

20    society generally express the view that setting and

21    unrestricted use standard that is set at a low dose level is

22    both appropriate and needed, and recommended that NRC adopt

23    the consensus standard developed by the American National

24    Standards Institute, ANSI N13.12.  Specifically, these

25    groups noted that the doses and risks being considered are


 1    very low and that scientific bodies such as NCRP and ICRP

 2    indicate that levels around 1 millirem per year are

 3    negligible in risk considerations.

 4              These groups also noted that a level around 1

 5    millirem per year would be well below doses received in the

 6    public's routine activities and insignificant compared to

 7    variations in background that people are exposed to each day

 8    without discernible effect on health.

 9              These commenters also noted that prohibiting

10    releases and sending material with very low amounts of

11    radioactivity to low level waste disposal would be very

12    costful and wasteful of resources, and would not have an

13    accompanying health benefit to send this material to

14    disposal.

15              For example, it was noted that biomedical research

16    could be curtailed or stopped if all materials have to go to

17    low level waste disposal.

18              I would like to now turn to Cheryl Trottier of the

19    Office of Research, who will discuss the issues related to

20    technical basis development.

21              MS. TROTTIER:  Thank you, Frank.

22              Could I have the next slide, please?  I am going

23    to speak to you today about the information that the staff

24    believes is needed to help the Commission in decision-

25    making, and the first piece of this deals with doses to


 1    individuals.  This work was published as Draft NUREG-1640 in

 2    March of 1999, and it describes the scenarios, the models

 3    and the calculations of doses for a broad range of scenarios

 4    that would constitute the probable fates for various

 5    materials, mostly metals.  We looked at steel, copper,

 6    aluminum, concrete and equipment for reuse that could likely

 7    enter into U.S. commerce.

 8              The evaluation was designed to identify groups of

 9    individuals likely to receive the highest dose.  The NUREG

10    is currently out for comment.  Although the comment period

11    officially closed, the staff will continue to accept

12    comments through June of this year.  The staff is also

13    developing scenarios for soil reuse that was not included in

14    1640, and that will be factored into the overall analysis of

15    the individual doses.

16              The next piece that we are working on is the

17    inventory of materials and equipment.  This effort will

18    estimate the types and amounts of material and equipment

19    that might become available for clearance and it is needed

20    to estimate potential population doses, as well as to

21    analyze the costs and benefits.

22              The next piece deals with the doses to

23    populations.  In addition to assessing collective population

24    dose, doses that might arise from exposure to multiple

25    sources will also need to be estimated.


 1              The next piece involves costs.  This work is based

 2    on the estimates of the inventory that is potentially

 3    available and includes an estimate of the costs associated

 4    with that collective dose, with surveying, transportation,

 5    disposal and certain non-radiological risks associated with

 6    the materials that we talked about earlier. 

 7              The next piece that will need to be evaluated is

 8    the environmental impact.  Once all these other pieces, that

 9    is the inventory, the dose assessment and the cost data are

10    obtained, the staff will need to look at environmental

11    consequences, both radiological and non-radiological

12    impacts, and socioeconomic considerations.

13              And the last piece is the measurement methods. 

14    This is the major technical challenge associated with the

15    effort that the staff is undertaking, because what we need

16    to do is find a means of measuring residual radioactivity at

17    near or background concentrations.  

18              The information is being developed to address

19    media where the radioactivity is distributed throughout the

20    volume of a sample.  The staff is looking at various methods

21    and analyses that are available for different types, sizes,

22    and shapes of material that might be available for release,

23    as well as the cost to conduct these surveys.

24              Next slide, please.  Now, I will speak briefly to

25    some of the issues associated with the development of the


 1    technical basis.  Under the first, the technical review of

 2    doses to individuals, that NUREG that I mentioned earlier,

 3    1640, the public comments need to be addressed and the NUREG

 4    needs to be finalized.  The NUREG underwent a rigorous QA

 5    process in its development, and during the time that it was

 6    being developed, the staff worked extensively with the

 7    Environmental Protection Agency and the International Atomic

 8    Energy Agency, both who have been in the process of

 9    developing similar doses for clearance of material over the

10    last six years in an attempt to harmonize the technical

11    issues.

12              However, to address concerns recently raised about

13    the credibility of this NUREG, the staff plans on conducting

14    an independent technical review of the models and

15    assumptions used in the NUREG prior to finalizing it.

16              The other issue that I would like to speak to is

17    the conflict of interest issue.  As a result of terminating

18    the existing technical support contract, development of the

19    technical bases needed to support the subsequent Commission

20    decisions will likely be delayed.  The staff is proceeding

21    to initiate new contracts, but the existing schedule could

22    be delayed by up to nine months. 

23              Certain work was not impacted directly by the COI,

24    such as the development of information on measurement

25    methods which we are currently undertaking and the


 1    information on dose estimates for soil usage, because the

 2    staff is doing this in-house. 

 3              And that concludes my remarks.  I will turn that

 4    over to Don Cool now.

 5              DR. COOL:  Thank you, Cheryl.

 6              Next slide, please.  The considerations of

 7    controlling solid materials are both global in impact and in

 8    consideration.  This is maybe one of the hottest topics of

 9    discussion in the international community and in various

10    regulatory organizations that is going on today.  A great

11    deal of the focus of those discussions has been in two

12    forums, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the in

13    the European Union, European Commission.

14              Let's talk first just briefly about the European

15    Union.  A directive published on May 13th of 1996 was

16    intended, is intended to have the European Union countries

17    adopt the new basic safety standards and recommendations

18    coming out of ICRP's Publication 60.  So that directive is a

19    broad wide-ranging directive which covers the entirety of

20    radiation protection and brings it up to date with those

21    recommendations of the ICRP.

22              One portion of that directive does specifically

23    address the topic of clearance.  Internationally,

24    "clearance" is the term used to deal with the process for

25    moving material from a situation where controls are imposed


 1    to a situation where no regulatory requirements are in place

 2    any time.  We have chosen in the purposes of our discussions

 3    not to use that term, "clearance," in essence, being a

 4    subset of the wider ranges of issues relating to all the

 5    things that you might possibly do, including potentials for

 6    restricted release and otherwise.  But, internationally, the

 7    term that you will always hear is the word "clearance."

 8              At this point the directive is to be in place by

 9    the 13th of this month.  European Union member states are

10    supposed to have transposed their legislation and regulatory

11    requirements to be in line with that directive by that date. 

12    I think it is safe to say that there is a variety of places

13    at which those member states are at this point, ranging from

14    a couple of countries who will likely have completed their

15    transposition by that date, to others that will be at

16    various other stages of that situation.

17              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Excuse me, Mr. Chairman.  That

18    is mandatory?

19              DR. COOL:  It is mandatory, yes.  Following that

20    date, and my discussions with folks from the European

21    Commission who are dealing with this subject have indicated

22    that there is not going to be an extension of that date. 

23    There is then a process whereby, first, the European

24    Commission would make a prima facie finding, some letters of

25    recommendation, some further fact-finding which might


 1    eventually lead to a further reasoned opinion case, is I

 2    think the term which they use.  Theoretically, this could

 3    end up in the European courts.  That process tends to take a

 4    fairly long period of time, and, of course, the process will

 5    be continuing throughout that, so it is essentially

 6    impossible at this moment to predict how those processes

 7    might proceed.

 8              Member states, in essence, have a similar sort of

 9    situation perhaps to what we have here in the United States

10    in that a member state of the European Union does not have

11    to adopt exactly the pieces of the directive.  They can be

12    more restrictive, particularly when you get to the details

13    with regards to concentrations and quantities of material. 

14    So we expect that there will be some variations in the

15    approaches that will end up in the individual national

16    legislations and regulations in terms of some of those

17    details.

18              The European Union directive is a dose-based

19    criterion, the 10 micro-sievert or 1 millirem per year

20    criteria.  The directive itself which goes in place has a

21    table associated with it that is the exempt concentration

22    and quantity tables.  There is, proceeding in parallel with

23    this, the technical work for additional tables associated

24    with clearing larger quantities, other volumetric quantities

25    of material, and those are at various stages of publication


 1    review transmittal throughout the European Union.

 2              The International Atomic Energy Agency is in a

 3    similar sort of situation.  The basic safety standards for

 4    radiation protection and the safety of sources was published

 5    in 1996.  It also has the topic of clearance in it.  It is

 6    also a dose-based criterion at the 10 micro-sievert or 1

 7    millirem per year level.  The basic safety standards also

 8    have a table associated with exempt concentrations and

 9    quantities.  Those tables are, in essence, the same between

10    the European Union and the International Atomic Energy

11    Agency's basic safety standards.

12              IAEA has had in place since 1989 a Safety Series

13    Number 89 dealing with exemption and exclusion.  They have

14    had a process ongoing for some number of years now to revise

15    and update that and include the concept of clearance.  That

16    document is focused primarily on the philosophy and

17    approach, the definitions, the sorting out of those sorts of

18    details rather than the technical modeling which translates

19    a dose to a particular concentration or a quantity.  

20              At this point in time that document is still under

21    active consideration.  It was reviewed by the Radiation

22    Safety Standards Committee of the IAEA just three weeks or

23    so ago, and sent back to the Secretariat for numerous

24    possible changes and considerations.  It is not at all clear

25    at this point whether, in fact, that will even remain as a


 1    Safety Series document in that IAEA, in its structure for

 2    Safety Series standards and reports, has moved to a format

 3    where their safety standard guides are supposed to be very

 4    similar to our Regulatory Guides, "should" type statements,

 5    and much of what is currently contained in that document is

 6    explanatory material, thus, it may not survive as a Safety

 7    Series guide when IAEA finally completes that.

 8              IAEA is also working through the process of

 9    revising an update technical basis work which would

10    translate the dose criterion, the 10 micro-sievert, to a

11    particular concentration or quantity for any of a large

12    number of isotopes.  What is referred to as a Tech Doc, or a

13    Technical Document, Number 855 was published by IAEA back in

14    about '96 and is currently being looked at, revised, updated

15    to bring the models into line, with a view of trying to get

16    harmony between the various groups that are looking at and

17    trying to do this modeling, including the European Union,

18    including the activities that we in the Environmental

19    Protection Agency have been doing in this particular area.

20              The whole issue brings to light once again the

21    question of, what happens when material which potentially is

22    cleared from controls someplace enters the United States? 

23    The fact that there is a great amount of activity going on

24    right now doesn't change the fact that materials are being

25    cleared today under individual legislations and activities


 1    from a variety of places, inside and outside of the European

 2    Union, nor does it change the fact that occasionally

 3    material comes into the United States and we either, at the

 4    point of entry, or actually more often at some later point

 5    inside of the United States, detect the presence of some

 6    quantity of radioactive material.

 7              We have had over the years to respond to a number

 8    of circumstances where material has shown up, and attempt to

 9    determine exactly what should be done.  The Environmental

10    Protection Agency, under the Federal Emergency Response

11    Plan, is the lead agency for dealing with these types of

12    situations, and they and the State Department, in fact,

13    entered into a Memorandum of Understanding last fall to try

14    and work through some of the issues associated with how to

15    view and deal with criteria for what to do with the import

16    of material when radioactive material is detected.  

17              That is not to say that there is, in essence, a

18    survey program which would survey all material which might

19    be shipped into the United States.  The Department of

20    Treasury, Customs people have little radiation pagers. 

21    Every once in a while those will trip and tell us something. 

22    But more often you have the situation as we had a year,

23    year-and-a-half or so ago, where material will enter the

24    country, some processing or otherwise may happen, and then

25    at some point it finds one of the detectors, and they you


 1    have to try and backtrack to determine what material is in

 2    what location and what may have already been utilized in

 3    some way, what material may still be in the raw form, or the

 4    form in which it was entered into the country.

 5              But the issues remain and will become exacerbated

 6    through not only the formalization of standards in the

 7    European Union, the IAEA, but the fact that the issues

 8    associated dismantling, decommissioning and other sorts of

 9    activities in a variety of countries, the former Soviet

10    Union and other places, is accelerating and, thus, the

11    potential for materials moving about in the global commerce

12    is increasing.

13              If I can have the next slide.  That then leads the

14    staff to a set of four recommendations, the first two of

15    which are on this slide.  In keeping with the SRM from the

16    Commission of March 8th, we have been working to prepare the

17    appropriate contracting Statement of Work vehicle for the

18    National Academy of Sciences to move forward with that

19    independent examination and attain some recommendations

20              Secondly, we believe it is important to continue

21    the development of the technical bases work that needed to

22    be done.  The variety of issues which Cheryl outlined remain

23    yet to be resolved and the details laid out.  That

24    information will be important to us and the Commission, as

25    well as other organizations more or less irrespective of


 1    some of the possibilities in terms of a final direction and

 2    recommendation which may come out.

 3              Third, the next slide, please.  We would continue

 4    to stay informed and actively involved with the

 5    Environmental Protection Agency, State Department,

 6    Department of Energy, Customs, Treasury, you could run down

 7    a very long list of agencies who all have various little

 8    pieces and activities in this to try and understand the

 9    international activities that are going on, the implications

10    for us, the precedents or otherwise that that may pose for

11    us, as well as the issues of what kinds of materials might

12    enter the United States.

13              And then, lastly, in view of the fact that we are

14    asking the National Academy to provide us some

15    recommendations, and the current situation in terms of the

16    developments, we believe that it would be appropriate to

17    defer a final decision with regards to the specific

18    direction for proceeding, either in terms of rulemaking or a

19    specific technical approach, until we can have the insights

20    from the National Academy on particular approaches and

21    activities which might allow, not a consensus, but at least

22    a direction where we could gain sufficient agreement to

23    allow the agency to proceed.

24              And that concludes the staff briefing.

25              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Thank you very much for a


 1    helpful briefing.

 2              Let me turn to Commissioner McGaffigan to start

 3    off, see if he has some questions.

 4              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Mr. Chairman, just to

 5    clarify, are we going to try to do two rounds of questions,

 6    because obviously you could sit here all day asking

 7    questions on this subject but you don't want that either, so

 8    how do you want me to proceed?

 9              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  I had envisioned we would

10    follow our normal process of one round in questions --

11              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  One round?

12              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  -- but if there is consensus

13    that people have a lot more to do, we could probably do it.

14              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Okay.  I have lots of

15    questions, some of which can go till next week, but I would

16    like to ask a few today and get ready for that.

17              Slide 6 talks about the metal, scrap and cement

18    industries' concerns with regard to a release criterion for

19    solid materials.  Theoretically this could also apply to

20    surface contamination materials that have different case by

21    case rules.

22              The cement industry, they actually are opposed to

23    release.  I haven't read their stuff.  I have read the steel

24    industry's.  I just want to start with cement. 

25              Do they realize -- I mean isn't coal ash routinely


 1    used in concrete and cement products, and do they realize

 2    the amount of technologically enhanced norm that there is

 3    already in their material?  As I understand it, a building

 4    built with that sort of material, as many buildings are --

 5    brick -- brick is radioactive, lots of things are

 6    radioactive -- but, you know, you get 20 or 30 millirems a

 7    year.  If you are unlucky enough to work in the Capitol I

 8    think the late Carson Mark from Las Alamos did some work

 9    around the Library of Congress building that was well over

10    100 millirems a year that people got if they spent eight or

11    10 hours a day in that building, so the question I have, and

12    maybe it is more for the folks next week, although the

13    cement industry is not represented in my recollections, just

14    steel folks, do they realize just how much radioactivity is

15    already in building materials?

16              MR. CARDILE:  In answer to your first question,

17    they are -- they have submitted a letter.  We could make

18    sure that we get you that letter for you to review before

19    next week, but in their letter they cite similar reasons to

20    being opposed to this as the steel industry, namely that

21    there would be problems with purchasing, consumers wanting

22    to purchase their product.

23              They also suggest similar concerns about the

24    transfer --

25              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Is there any building


 1    material that we are aware of that could be used, that could

 2    get us a house or a building where we would get no

 3    radiation?

 4              MR. CARDILE:  Well, they cite, this issue of the

 5    fly ash, coal ash came up at the Chicago public meeting

 6    where the cement industry representative was there.  They

 7    also address it in their letter and the indication in the

 8    letter and at the meeting was that, yes, this was something

 9    that happened I guess in the '80s where this was directed

10    that they should take this material but that (a) that

11    doesn't necessarily justify what we are doing here; and (b)

12    at the Chicago meeting it was discussed that perhaps if

13    these issues, these discussions would have been held then

14    that perhaps this also would have been raised as an issue.

15              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Well, those aren't our

16    issues.  Coal ash is regulated or not by the Environmental

17    Protection Agency.  I mean it is identified as a

18    technologically enhanced norm, as it should be.  It can be

19    quite hot, as we all know, and 500 picocuries per gram of

20    uranium thorium can easily be in it.

21              Just recently the Environmental Protection Agency

22    decided not to, pursuant to the Bevill Amendment, not to

23    regulate coal ash.  There was an article in Foreign Affairs

24    earlier this year about the fact that the old AEC some time

25    in the '50s actually thought about coal ash, defining it as


 1    source material.  If the price of uranium were high enough

 2    we might actually be mining uranium from coal ash, and part

 3    of the discussion as I understand it that went into the coal

 4    ash decision at EPA last week was that there are beneficial

 5    uses including in agriculture.

 6              I mean this stuff I guess is used in fertilizers

 7    as well, so we will have to have that discussion next week,

 8    but just for the public listening to this, it is hard for me

 9    to understand the notion that one millirem per year, if that

10    is the ANSI standard, the IAEA suggestion, the EC standard,

11    why that is such a dire problem given the tolerance for

12    these materials elsewhere.

13              Carl seemed to want an answer.  Is there a

14    building material?  It really goes to the steel industry as

15    well. I mean steel is mostly used, I mean it is partly used

16    in flatware.  A lot of it is used in building buildings and

17    then it is surrounded by concrete or whatever, and I assume,

18    number one, steel I suspect has some radioactivity in it

19    just naturally because you can't -- you know, it is mined

20    and has uranium and thorium and radium, whatever, with it,

21    but then the material it is surrounded with has

22    radioactivity in it.

23              DR. PAPERIELLO:  I suspect plastics made with

24    petrochemicals might be the coldest material you can use.  I

25    have come across an article --


 1              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  But even that  has

 2    radioactivity in it.

 3              DR. PAPERIELLO:  Even glass has radioactivity in

 4    it.  I am -- there's probably nothing if you use the term

 5    zero, but you know, you are aware that I met with the metal

 6    industry, a separate meeting with the metal industry to try

 7    to understand their concerns, and their concerns are very

 8    much economic and perception.

 9              They did not represent to me too strongly that the

10    material was dangerous but rather that if I make steel

11    beverage cans, and that is a big part of the industry, and

12    even a small percentage of the public refuses to buy that

13    product, that represents a serious economic loss and their

14    competitors, supposedly in another industry that doesn't use

15    material that is recycled, will then advertise the fact "Our

16    containers are pure."

17              I mean recognizing there could natural material

18    and it's just --

19              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  There is one part of,

20    and I don't want to go on forever here, but there is one

21    part of -- although I could -- there is one part of the

22    stuff I came across recently in, I think it was in

23    Nucleonics Week, that it referred to the Codus Alimentarius,

24    which is apparently a food code that has some standards in

25    it for radioactive material in food, and I am not sure


 1    whether it is the U.N. Food and Air Culture Organization --

 2              DR. PAPERIELLO:  Yes.

 3              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  -- that puts it out?

 4              DR. COOL:  It is.

 5              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  You could get into the

 6    situation where easily, as I understand the Codus

 7    Alimentarius discussion, where you have these pristine

 8    containers and then radioactive food inside it, because we

 9    know food is radioactive, right?  

10              I mean the brazil nuts and bananas and the

11    phosphate fertilizers that are used by the farmers to grow

12    the food has radioactive material in it which then gets

13    captured in the food, but have you all looked at the Codus

14    Alimentarius and come up with guesstimates?  Does that use a

15    dose criterion or does that use concentration limits in

16    terms of trying to decide how radioactive food should be?

17              DR. COOL:  That has, and I have not looked at it

18    lately to verify this, that has concentration values and was

19    designed to be a level at which you would interdict food

20    supplies following an event.

21              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  So it is not for

22    everyday use?

23              DR. COOL:  It is not typically for everyday use. 

24    It is for a situation, it was put in place post-Chernobyl

25    for a situation of when you would cut off or restrict food


 1    supplies from the transport system, so it has a slightly

 2    different purpose and for that reason has levels which would

 3    not necessarily be the same as what you would want to do for

 4    a typical what I want to eat every day.

 5              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Two more quick

 6    questions, I hope.

 7              One of the issues mentioned in the paper, and I

 8    could pull out the exact quote, but the industry is

 9    concerned about their sensors going off if material is

10    cleared and the big issue, one of the big issues was in

11    Tennessee, this MSC material that was going to have minute

12    amounts of Technetium-99 in it.

13              Technetium-99 is a beta emitter, a low energy beta

14    emitter that largely self-shields and if it were right there

15    I wouldn't get anything right here.  Could their detectors

16    possibly detect the nickel that was going to come out of

17    MSC?  Possibly?

18              DR. PAPERIELLO:  I had a meeting down at the Hill

19    last week with representatives of the metal industry and

20    some Congressional representatives.  Actually I raised the

21    issue and they acknowledged that they would not be able to

22    detect Technetium-99 with the systems they have.

23              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  But they have gamma

24    emitters, right?

25              DR. PAPERIELLO:  They can detect gamma emitters


 1    and a few have a reasonable amount of Strontium-90 they

 2    would probably be able to detect the bremsstrahlung from

 3    very high energy beta emitters like Strontium-90.  If you

 4    had a pure alpha emitter, and I don't know too many alpha

 5    emitters are really pure alpha emitters, the problem with

 6    using detectability is it is not a risk-based standard.

 7              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  I understand that.

 8              DR. PAPERIELLO:  And you would have a drastic

 9    range of risk --

10              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  But part of the issue, I

11    mean partly I want to make sure that we are dealing with

12    facts as we go through these things, and detectability is

13    not necessarily a good standard but the issue came up with

14    the nickel as to whether it would set off their detectors.

15              As I understand what sets off detectors, 90

16    percent of what sets off detectors at scrap yards and steel

17    mills is norm, T norm --

18              DR. PAPERIELLO:  Right.

19              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  -- and then there is an

20    occasional orphan source from our regime, but it just

21    strikes me that when assertions are made that the material

22    is going to set off detectors which obviously aren't true we

23    need to deal with that, or in that case maybe the state of

24    Tennessee needed to deal with that because it was their

25    regulatory process that was being challenged.


 1              I have lots of other questions, but I will defer

 2    at this point and see if there is a chance for another

 3    round.

 4              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Commissioner Diaz.

 5              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Yes.  Mr. Chairman, see, I

 6    want to try to claim my two questions in two separate

 7    issues.

 8              First is a policy issue.  I understand well the

 9    concerns of the industry regarding economics and

10    acceptability, obviously a very valid case, not a safety

11    case, and just want to point out that when the Commission

12    started down this road the clear issue was and still remains

13    that we want to do those things that pertain to the best job

14    that we can do regarding public health and safety and that

15    has not changed and that we are considering those things in

16    the proper priorities and scale.

17              From that case, you know, and from the time I have

18    been here I have found out, and I hope that everybody agrees

19    but if you don't please let me know, that rulemaking is the

20    best tool that we have, the most comprehensive tool that we

21    have to address an issue that is associated with public

22    health and safety.

23              When we want to do something that is protective,

24    that considers all aspects we enter into rulemaking.

25              My concern at the present time is that groups of


 1    all different sorts seem to be wanting not to do rulemaking

 2    when rulemaking is the best thing that we can do -- whatever

 3    shape it ends up with -- but the process is the best process

 4    that we have, and rulemaking by the NRC to me is the most

 5    open, complete process we have to address issues of public

 6    health and safety.

 7              Therefore, I am a little bit concerned that we are

 8    deferring and redoing and doing and I know there are

 9    conflicts of interest, but I still believe that there is a

10    pathway that existed that will be the best pathway for

11    protection of public health and safety.

12              I would like the Staff to answer is rulemaking the

13    best pathway for us to consider an issue or public health

14    and safety, and if so, why are we deferring?  Deferring is a

15    word that causes me concern because it seems like we are

16    going be putting things off while I think the development of

17    those technical bases is fundamental to the protection of

18    public heath and safety.

19              DR. PAPERIELLO:  Let me try to answer that

20    question.

21              If we proceed on a rulemaking starting now, it is

22    not at all clear what the National Academy study would

23    achieve.  It is not clear that anybody that we would want

24    the National Academy to engage with would pay much attention

25    to the National Academy and instead would concentrate on


 1    what we are doing, and so if you are asking the National

 2    Academy to give you recommendations it almost seems we are

 3    precluding or making a judgment.  I mean we are giving you

 4    our best advice with all the things that we are pulling

 5    together, but I would agree with you that to resolve this

 6    issue once and for all we ought to go to rulemaking because

 7    that is what we did on decommissioning.  

 8              I mean we had been ad hoc'ing decommissioning for

 9    years through licensing.  We went with a rulemaking. I 

10    think the way to deal with this ultimately will be through

11    rulemaking.  Right now it is just a question of the timing

12    and how does the National Academy work fit in with the rest

13    of what we are doing.

14              So you are getting out best judgment in trying to

15    put the pieces together, but I guess our view is if we go to

16    rulemaking starting now, the people that we would like to

17    engage with the National Academy probably concentrate on us

18    and not ignore the National Academy.

19              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  I didn't ask for the timing. 

20    I just wanted to clearly establish whether rulemaking is the

21    best process that we have.  The timing is the second issue.

22              DR. PAPERIELLO:  Okay, I understand, but I would

23    agree with you.  Rulemaking is the best way to go.

24              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Okay.  Now on the issue of the

25    timing, you know we have the National Academy of Sciences


 1    study.  The Commission has accepted to go that route.  In

 2    the meantime that brings me to the technical basis and the

 3    technical issues.

 4              I fully agree that the most pressing issue is the

 5    issue of the determining what is measurable and how can we

 6    measure it, and there is no doubt about that.  In fact, if

 7    you look at the Staff briefing at the very beginning we use

 8    the words "detectability," "undetectability" and there is

 9    nothing in the world, nothing that I cannot detect some

10    radioactivity on.  You know, there is absolutely nothing,

11    okay?  I mean if you give me enough time and a precise

12    instrument I can detect it -- there is just absolutely no

13    way.  Therefore, you know, I think measurability in terms of

14    public health and safety becomes the issue.

15              My point on timing is that that should not be

16    deferred to the National Academy of Sciences study.  That is

17    an issue that we need to tackle urgently.  That is an issue

18    that impacts not only on control of radioactive materials

19    but is an issue that is central to the mission of this

20    Commission which is radiological protection, and therefore

21    measurability -- how do we measure and in our case how do we

22    measure doses is an issue of tremendous importance.

23              Therefore, I would like to ask the Staff what

24    steps are we going to take now up till the end of this

25    process to accelerate and make the very best expedient


 1    efforts to determine the issue of measurability of radiation

 2    doses.

 3              MS. TROTTIER:  We are in fact continuing to work

 4    on developing the measurement methods.  That piece has not

 5    been impacted by the conflict of interest.  Those contracts

 6    are ongoing.

 7              While there were pieces from the technical support

 8    contract that were terminated that were needed by the

 9    contractors working on the measurement methods, primarily

10    the inventory, that would help them assess areas to work on,

11    they have been able to readjust their schedule and they are

12    continuing to work on that.

13              We are not waiting for the National Academy to do

14    any of the technical bases.  We will continue to work on the

15    technical bases.  The only thing that is holding us up is

16    the amount of time that we will need to initiate new

17    contracts, because it is not a really quick process, but we

18    are trying to expedite it as much as possible.

19              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  You know, sometimes on an

20    issue like this just rather than starting it all new, just a

21    validation or rejection of whatever data is there might be

22    the most expedient way.  We used to be able to do that.

23              But I just want to emphasize -- I am sorry -- that

24    this issue is not dependent upon the National Academy of

25    Sciences.  That is an issue by itself and it needs to be


 1    expedited.  That is, it needs to be done in the most

 2    complete, technical, competent manner that we can do. 

 3              I don't think there is an issue around that

 4    requires more technical competence and depth than the issue

 5    of measurability, because it is not detectability.  If we go

 6    to detectability you might as well leave the earth and go

 7    someplace else.  Thank you.

 8              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  That's a high radiation

 9    environment outside here, this atmosphere, but watch out.

10              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Thank you.

11              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Let me just comment, if I may

12    just step out of turn, on one of the focus of the questions,

13    and this is for the benefit of the public, that the

14    Commission has decided to go forward with the National

15    Academy of Sciences study as a vehicle for resolving some of

16    the issues that are confronted with us.  There are others,

17    as Dr. Diaz has indicated, that perhaps are ones that -- and

18    the Staff has recommended that there are others that we

19    should proceed with in parallel with the Academy study and I

20    think it was the view of the Commission as a whole that

21    integrating efforts that the Staff would undertake in

22    parallel with output from the Academy would put us in a

23    position, number one, to decide whether to proceed with the

24    rulemaking but also if we do so we'll have amassed a source

25    of information that will enable us to respond to the many


 1    questions that have been raised by the public.

 2              Let me turn to Commissioner Dicus for questions.

 3              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Let me go to -- this is on

 4    Slide 6.  Most of the recycling in the steel mills, what do

 5    they set their detecting levels?  Two, three times

 6    background -- is that about right?  Do you know?

 7              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Tony?

 8              MR. HUFFERT:  It depends on the steel mill and the

 9    type of detector they have.  They are increasingly using

10    more sensitive instruments.  They are using very large area

11    detectors and this can get down to very close to background

12    and they can actually discern by just taking the general

13    counts -- they are not doing spectrometric measurements,

14    they are only taking gross counts at this point -- and they

15    are trying to see how it changes as the vehicle moves

16    through, so as the vehicle moves through they are trying to

17    detect the radioactivity, so it is a very small fraction of

18    background.

19              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Okay.  Then let me go in this

20    direction.  If we were to proceed with the rulemaking, and

21    if we set a limit about 1 millirem, and if we included

22    recycling, and I want to emphasize those "ifs" for

23    everybody -- the Staff as well as members of the public --

24    because we haven't made decisions on this, can they detect

25    that?


 1              MR. HUFFERT:  I can tell you what the steel

 2    industry has told us.  They hired a certified health

 3    physicist to do an analysis.  He took a look at the

 4    concentrations in NUREG-1640 equivalent to 1 millirem.  He

 5    made some assumptions about the loading of materials in a

 6    tractor-trailer combination, and he determined that certain

 7    radionuclides at that level were detectable if they were in

 8    a large mass and they didn't rig the shipments so that there

 9    was a lot of self-shielding, so that was his conclusion.

10              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  It's possible they couldn't

11    be detected as well?

12              MR. HUFFERT:  That's correct.  It depends on the

13    radionuclide, the high energy beta gamma emitters.

14              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  The amount, okay, and the

15    self-shielding.  I understand all that.

16              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Would they alarm at that level?

17              MR. HUFFERT:  His analysis said yes, that certain

18    radionuclides could alarm.

19              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Go ahead.

20              DR. PAPERIELLO:  I went to the Mid-Year Health

21    Physics Symposium this year because it was dedicated to

22    instrumentation and between presentations by actually

23    representatives of the steel industry, presentations by

24    individuals just on in situ gamma spectroscopy, and meeting

25    with vendors, for some radioisotopes, particularly those


 1    that are high energy gamma emitters, there are instruments

 2    available that could detect concentrations of radioactivity,

 3    gamma emitting radioactivity, that would result in a dose at

 4    1 millirem -- in other words, they can get lower.

 5              In fact, one vendor was selling a drive-through

 6    Cobalt-60 detector that was based on gamma gamma

 7    coincidence.  This is a problem with detection again.  Some

 8    elements for a whole variety of reasons are easier to

 9    detect.  It's unrelated to dose, so just to back up

10    something that Commissioner Diaz said that was extremely

11    important.  The emphasis is -- sampling is important for

12    non-gamma emitters because you don't know whether or not you

13    have homogeneity.  If you have heterogeneity just coming up

14    with the sampling protocol is going to be a problem, so it

15    even goes beyond -- but we are working on this.

16              We are looking at all of these things, but the

17    answer to your question is yes, you can, and the equipment

18    is commercially on the market today, and not just built for

19    the steel industry.  The in situ gamma spectrometers that

20    are being sold for the purposes of decommissioning, for some

21    elements can get detectable limits below 1 millirem per

22    year, but it is just certain elements.

23              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  In the presence of

24    background?

25              DR. PAPERIELLO:  In the presence of background,


 1    yes.

 2              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Okay.  The draft NUREG-1640,

 3    I know you said some of these other documents that we need

 4    there will be a nine-month delay due to the conflict of

 5    interest.  How about NUREG-1640?

 6              MS. TROTTIER:  We are anticipating publishing that

 7    as a final document in January and that allows us time to do

 8    one more independent review, which we hope to complete by

 9    September and incorporate our review of the public comments

10    and finalize the document.

11              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Okay, and one final question

12    has to do with the Customs. I think you mentioned -- of

13    course we are working with the Department of State and et

14    cetera, and U.S. Customs has been involved.

15              Did they attend any of our public meetings and to

16    what extent are they involved with this?

17              DR. COOL:  I do not believe we had anyone actually

18    representing Treasury, the Customs group.  Folks from the

19    State Department and EPA were in attendance at if not all, I

20    think all of the meetings.

21              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Okay, thank you.

22              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  When you were discussing Slide

23    10 that had to do with your development of work on various

24    technical issues you indicated that you had been working

25    with EPA, and IAEA, in trying to develop that approach.


 1              You didn't go on to say whether there had been

 2    issues that had been raised by either EPA or IAEA as to the

 3    approach we are taking, the questions we are raising and

 4    problems, and can you in terms of the technical work you

 5    have done, in particular was EPA raising any questions?

 6              MS. TROTTIER:  No.  In fact, what we have

 7    attempted to do is harmonize the results, because both EPA

 8    and IAEA have done similar calculations to the ones that are

 9    in 1640.  I believe we are down now to a factor of about two

10    to three difference between, at least with the EPA and I

11    think that is true with IAEA also.

12              Bob Meck, the Project Manager, is in the audience. 

13    I will ask him.

14              MR. MECK:  My name is Robert Meck, with the Office

15    of Research.  Yes, over the last six years we have had an

16    excellent working relationship with EPA on the technical

17    development. We are down to a factor of three in our

18    approach, which is by modelers considered excellent

19    agreement given the uncertainties involved, and with the

20    IAEA we are working towards those same kinds of agreement.

21              Their needs are somewhat different from those of

22    the U.S. in that they have a spectrum of 129 countries, some

23    of which are more and less developed, and so the scenarios

24    that are reasonable to consider in some of the developing

25    countries may lead us to some more restrictive levels, but


 1    in general the harmonization is remarkably consistent.

 2              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  On a factor of three difference

 3    are we more conservative than EPA or not?

 4              MR. MECK:  It varies.  Sometimes we are more

 5    conservative and other times the EPA is more, depending on a

 6    radionuclide by radionuclide basis.

 7              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  You didn't mention it in the

 8    presentation, but the SECY paper indicates that the

 9    Department of Energy has formed some type of a task force

10    that is looking generally at this area.  Do we know what

11    that task force is up to?  Have we got any connections to

12    it?  What is the timeframe for their work?

13              Is that going to be helpful to us?

14              DR. COOL:  You're correct.  They have formed a

15    task group following the Secretary's decision back earlier

16    this year on volumetrically contaminated materials.

17              We in fact had a meeting with the head of that

18    group --

19              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Is that a staff group?

20              DR. COOL:  -- just last week.  That is a staff

21    group. It is headed by a Special Assistant to Director

22    Richardson, a blue ribbon panel, if you will.  I am not sure

23    I have the exact terminology.

24              My understanding is that they have had one

25    publicly observable interaction and that at least one of


 1    their next steps involves going and looking at the different

 2    practices that are presently existing within the DOE

 3    complex.

 4              Many I could turn to Tony or Frank for any other

 5    insights because you were at that meeting and I was not. 

 6    Tony?

 7              MR. HUFFERT:  Yes, we met with Frank Costner and

 8    Steve Carrier from the Department of Energy last week.  We

 9    were invited to meet with them to talk about our clearance

10    work.

11              They as Don said are polling their offices to see

12    what the current practice is.  They are also looking into

13    the possibility of having a dedicated melter established for

14    recycling metals.

15              We did not get into very much detail about the

16    task force and the next meetings.  It was a very general

17    meeting in that respect.

18              DR. COOL:  To come back to your last statement, it

19    is not clear at this point exactly what timeline that task

20    group is on.  Certainly it is our intention to try and stay

21    in touch with and aware of the thing they come up with, and

22    to the extent that we can mine that for data, insights or

23    other things, we intend to do so.

24              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Thank you.  When you were

25    discussing the EC and the IAEA efforts, you described them


 1    as both of them having a dose base and then deriving, as I

 2    understood it from the dose concentration tables.

 3              I presume that is being done by some sort of an

 4    all pathways analysis of the type with which we are

 5    familiar?

 6              DR. COOL:  Each of those modeling efforts involve

 7    a variety of pathways, as we have done.  There are some

 8    differences in terms of how you reach a particular end-

 9    point.  When we have done our modeling we have gone through

10    and summed up all the little individual bits and pieces.

11              My understanding is one of their observations is

12    that for any given radionuclide one pathway is always the

13    dominating one, so I believe at least in some of their cases

14    they have gone with a most restrictive pathway scenario to

15    pick their number, as opposed to a summation, but that they

16    have looked at the wide spectrum of possible scenarios in

17    going through each radionuclide.

18              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  You indicated I think that they

19    had some of these concentration tables that had been

20    developed and others were still in the works.

21              Are they having a problem on the volumetric side

22    or surface contamination or is it that they haven't got all

23    the isotopes yet, or what is the state of their technical

24    work?

25              DR. COOL:  I would in fact I think characterize it


 1    almost exactly in the same place as ours.  They are

 2    continuing to develop, elaborate, verify and harmonize those

 3    models between the EC, the IAEA, and things which are being

 4    done nationally, the U.S. being one of the principal

 5    contributors to that.

 6              In each case, each agency's, each organization's

 7    case there is a draft which is out floating around and they

 8    are working to elaborate and amplify.

 9              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  What distinguishes the tables

10    they have completed and the tables that they are still

11    working on?

12              DR. COOL:  I am going to turn to Bob Meck to give

13    you that detail, because you have gone about one level

14    deeper than I have.

15              MR. MECK:  Right.  Just to give you some context,

16    I have been a consultant to the IAEA on several occasions in

17    terms of the writing of the technical details.  The

18    approaches that the IAEA are using emulate those of the

19    European Community and, as Dr. Cool mentioned, the pathway

20    analyses are generally for a dominant pathway for a

21    radionuclide but they take into account assumptions and

22    parameters that would apply to the country -- I am speaking

23    for the IAEA now -- that would apply to the broad spectrum

24    of countries and in making those judgments.

25              It comes down to ultimately making judgments of


 1    what is appropriate in terms of assumptions and pathways for

 2    reasonable scenarios and the differences, the status of

 3    where we are now, comes -- harmonizing differences of

 4    perceptions between the various countries that are

 5    contributing to the technical development and so where we

 6    are at today, we worked in February of this year and came to

 7    very close agreement with the EC numbers at the IAEA.

 8              it was decided that we needed more clarification

 9    of what the process was, and so we anticipate another

10    consulting group in June of this year to finalize those

11    numbers and given that the EC will have passed their

12    deadline for compliance, we expect that we will have some

13    firm numbers to compare against at that time.

14              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  At the end of this you

15    anticipate that throughout the EC, if I understood you

16    correctly, there will be clearance rules and there will be

17    toleration of release of materials that will lead to small

18    amounts of radioactive exposure to the public?

19              DR. COOL:  Yes.  What we anticipate is that each

20    of the member states of the EC will adopt into their

21    legislation a regulation, a provision that deals with

22    clearance.

23              There may be some slight variation in the exact

24    levels that they select in terms of their translation of

25    concentration or quantity.  Some may choose to do it by


 1    groupings rather than a radionuclide by radionuclide basis. 

 2    The net effect will be exactly as you stated.

 3              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Now I think we all know that

 4    metals are imported into the United States from Europe

 5    including in automobiles that some of us can afford and

 6    maybe many of us like me can't but -- and other things.  

 7              Have we had any conversation with the metals

 8    industry about how they are going to handle scrap that

 9    derives from imported materials?

10              DR. COOL:  On that specific subject, not as an

11    identified agenda topic per se.

12              The scrap industry I believe would represent to

13    you, and you can check this next week, is well aware of this

14    issue of incoming materials and is equally concerned about

15    that potential for material coming in from offshore versus

16    material that has been generated here within the United

17    States.

18              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Do they have a proposal on how

19    to deal with that?  Bar all imports?

20              DR. COOL:  I don't believe --

21              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  It's hard to find a

22    purely American car manufacturer anymore.

23              In the old days Detroit might have liked that.

24              DR. COOL:  I don't believe they have suggested a

25    particular proposal in any of the interactions they have


 1    with us.

 2              I expect, absent anything else, that they would

 3    behave in a very similar manner.  If the alarm goes off, I

 4    sent it back.  End of discussion.

 5              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Commissioner Merrifield?

 6              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 

 7    I want to focus first on pages 6 and 7 of the briefing

 8    materials.

 9              On page 6, in characterizing the opinion of the

10    metal scrap and cement industries, it states that they

11    oppose free release because of the potential for economic -

12    - and I would underscore health impacts, potential for

13    health impacts.

14              Similarly, on the presentation or the

15    characterization of the citizens' groups and individuals,

16    one of the items, the second one is that the risks are too

17    high.

18              What scientific evidence was provided by either

19    the metals and scrap industry or the citizens' groups to

20    back up those particular claims?  

21              MR. HUFFERT:  I'll go ahead and address that. 

22    With regard to the letters that were received from the

23    metals industry, most of the focus of the letters were

24    related to economic issues and perception that people would

25    not buy the products, and that this could potentially cause


 1    a shift or a loss of market.  That was the focus of most of

 2    their letter.

 3              The health impacts were not done -- or the

 4    discussion about the health impacts were not scientific,

 5    with supporting analysis accompanying the letter, but rather

 6    the concern was that -- with regard to the cement industry

 7    letter, there was a concern that, in general, cement is used

 8    in a variety of public uses, and this would increase

 9    exposure.

10              That was a concern expressed there.  With regard

11    to the metals industry, the concern that was expressed was a

12    kind of industry concern that if more scrap started coming

13    in which had the potential to set off alarms, which we have

14    discussed, which might lead to perhaps raising the level of

15    the alarm, which then might lead to some inadvertent

16    meltings of actual sealed sources.

17              So the concerns expressed, the health impact

18    concerns expressed in the metals and the cement industry

19    letters were of a general nature.  

20              The concerns expressed in the letters from the

21    citizens groups and individuals were of varied nature. 

22    There was one type of concern expressed by NRDC that, in

23    fact, what they wanted to see was better analysis of the

24    various potential health impacts, the ability to detect the

25    material, and with regard to uncertainties and regard to


 1    effects from risks.

 2              There was a variety of concerns and comments

 3    expressed in the citizens groups letters that risks posed at

 4    a millirem are unacceptable.

 5              MR. COOL:  If I could elaborate on just one thing,

 6    the interactions that we had did not specifically go to, nor

 7    did they end up going down a track of holding a discussion

 8    on the fundamental question of the acceptability of

 9    unaceptability of a particular dose, the linear dose

10    hypothesis or how you would make those transpositions.

11              They stayed focused on the issues associated with

12    these materials moving in and out, rather than going to that

13    underlying concern, although it was clearly recognized as

14    being there.

15              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Having read the

16    transcripts and seen some of the comments being made, there

17    are a variety of consumer products being raised of being of

18    concern -- frying pans and forks and all manner  --

19    eyeglasses and all manner of things.

20              Are you saying that there wasn't -- that those

21    groups that raised concerns about released materials getting

22    into those products, that they didn't have -- they didn't

23    raise any kind of scientific explanation for why they felt

24    that even a very small amount of material getting in there

25    would have possible public health consequences?


 1              DR. SCHROCK:  In the discussions that we had, they

 2    clearly expressed their views.  In some cases, they

 3    expressed some basis for their view in terms of with regard

 4    to policy or an overall position.

 5              As I said, we did not engage, nor for the most

 6    part, was anything offered of a specific scientific argument

 7    of the type that a set of health physicists or detectability

 8    folks would attempt to make in that issue.

 9              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  In his opening question,

10    Commissioner McGaffigan talked a bit about some of the

11    comparative issues of exposure to radioactivity, either from

12    building materials and other forms.  One could also make

13    comments about airplanes flights across country and things

14    of that nature.

15              Did the discussions -- and I didn't see to much of

16    it, but did the discussions in those meetings get to some of

17    those comparative exposure issues as well?

18              MR. HUFFERT:  As Tony mentioned in his remarks, in

19    our opening discussions, as we opened to several different

20    sessions at the meetings, we would discuss the context of

21    the types of potential exposures that we were considering

22    here, the range of around a millirem.

23              We put slides up with regard to how this compared

24    to, as you mentioned, other actions you might take, the

25    background levels that are involved, and also other health


 1    protective standards that we and other agencies have.  

 2              And then the conversation was opened up, and as I

 3    say, the conversation and the letters went beyond that and

 4    said, you know, there should -- this material should be

 5    isolated from public use, and that the levels around a

 6    millirem are -- especially, some of the comment letters came

 7    in and said, well, if you extrapolate the exposure to a

 8    millirem over the number of people who would use the

 9    material or over the United States, with this material,

10    there would be potential risks associated with that.

11              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Okay, in some of the

12    materials I have seen, one of the examples that was used in

13    getting to the economic issue was relative to cars.  We had

14    a little bit of a discussion about cars, and I'll proceed on

15    that a little further.

16              And the concern was that if materials were

17    released, found their way into the steel products, the steel

18    products found their way into cars, that the American

19    public, upon finding out that their Ford Motor product,

20    their Taurus, had radioactive materials incorporated within

21    it, even at every low levels, they would not want to buy

22    that car, and that would have a trigger effect on the steel

23    industry.

24              Given the fact that our European counterparts are

25    proceeding along a road to allow a release at a one-millirem


 1    standard, and given the notation made earlier this morning

 2    that we have international motor companies -- Ford Motor has

 3    significant operations in Europe, as does General Motors,

 4    and, of course, we all know Daimler-Chrysler is in that

 5    regard as well -- are there similar reactions of the public

 6    or to those companies that we are aware of in Europe

 7    relative to the decision of the EU to move forward on this

 8    basis?  

 9              Are there these dire economic consequences in

10    Europe that are being postulated by some of the testimony

11    that you receive relative to the economic issues?  

12              MR. COOL:  In talking with several of the

13    representatives from particularly like Germany and the UK,

14    and how they're going through this process, one of the

15    things that they said is that they are seeing now, from

16    steel and scrap industry type representatives, these issues

17    being raised, not necessarily  the same words, but concerns

18    about materials entering their facilities, concerns tied to

19    sources and detections and how can I tell the difference,

20    concerns about the marketability of their product.

21              So, yes, I believe it is safe to say that these

22    issues are being raised.  They do not have at this point,

23    the same sort of forum that we have been conducting, but

24    they are coming to light, particularly in the EU.  

25              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  I would say, just as a


 1    final comment, I do want to thank the Staff for what I think

 2    was a good presentation.

 3              This has obviously been a difficult issue, and

 4    given my review of the transcripts, these meetings have not

 5    been the easiest for Staff, and I think they are to be

 6    complimented for a lot of hard work relative to those

 7    meetings. 

 8              As my final comment, I would agree with

 9    Commissioner Dicus that certainly we need to take a review

10    of all of these issues of the comments we receive from the

11    public next week.  Certainly the National Academy of Science

12    study will play a part, certainly, in my decision as to how

13    we should proceed and if we should proceed.  

14              Thank you, Mr. Chairman.  

15              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Thank you very much.  This has

16    been a very helpful discussion for all of us.  It is

17    apparent to me that we will have -- we obviously have a

18    scheduled opportunity to ask more questions next week of the

19    stakeholders, and in the future there will be further

20    interactions on this subject.

21              As the questioning has -- 

22              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  There is one question

23    I'd like to ask, if I could, of these folks, not the public. 

24    It has to do with the definition of radioactive material.

25              I think it sort of bears on clearance, but there


 1    seems to be different definitions of what is radioactive

 2    material in different countries.

 3              We have an export case currently before us where

 4    there is some material that a licensee, I believe in the

 5    south, wants to export to Canada, and part of their

 6    application is that this is not radioactive material once it

 7    gets to Canada, although it is here.  It's byproduct

 8    material here.

 9              Do you have a sense -- I mean, we're looking at

10    clearance, but I think we have to look at clearance in

11    context.  Do we have a sense, and could the Staff get it at

12    some point, of how, you know, different definitions  -- we

13    have a legal framework that comes from the Atomic Energy

14    Act.

15              We've testified, we've talked about all these

16    different materials that are almost identical, low-level

17    waste, food wrap materials, exempt source material, exempt

18    NARM, NARM.

19              Other nations probably have equally messed up

20    codes, although we probably can top the list.  We're good at

21    that.

22              But I think at some point it would be useful --

23    this is not really a question, but is more a statement -- I

24    think it would be useful for us to have a sense, country-

25    by-country, what gaps there are.  


 1              The thrust of my questioning is that there is lots

 2    of this stuff around.  Our stuff gets treated very, very

 3    carefully, and there are big microscopes on it, but there

 4    are lots of other things floating around that are not under

 5    any regulatory framework whatsoever.

 6              And it varies, country-by-country.  So Customs and

 7    Treasury must have real problems.  But as I say, I just

 8    thought of it as we were talking here, that there is a case

 9    currently before the Commission that's being handled by

10    Staff.  It got a little bit of press notice, which is why I

11    noted it, not because the Staff brought it to our attention.

12              But it was the -- you didn't need to.  It was this

13    notion that this material, whatever export case it is, as

14    soon as it gets to Canada, is no longer radioactive.

15              And I know that's true elsewhere.  I know that in

16    the transportation codes and whatever, there are

17    differences.  If you could put in in some context at some

18    point, at least for this Commissioner.  

19              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Good.  With that, I think that

20    we've come to an end.  We'll have lots of interactions on

21    the subject, I'm sure, in the future.  Thank you very much. 

22    We're adjourned.

23              [Whereupon, at 10:50 a.m., the briefing was

24    concluded.]