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          1                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

          2                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION

          3                       OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

          4                                 ***

          5                   BRIEFING ON THE D.C. COOK PLANT

          6                                 ***

          7                           PUBLIC MEETING


          9                             Nuclear Regulatory Commission

         10                             Commissioners' Conference Room

         11                             Building 1

         12                             One White Flint North

         13                             11555 Rockville Pike

         14                             Rockville, Maryland

         15                             Monday, January 10, 2000

         16              The Commission met in open session, pursuant to

         17    notice, at 10:05 a.m., the Honorable RICHARD MESERVE,

         18    Chairman of the Commission, presiding.


         20              RICHARD A. MESERVE, Chairman

         21              GRETA J. DICUS,  Commissioner

         22              NILS J. DIAZ, Commissioner

         23              EDWARD McGAFFIGAN, JR., Commissioner

         24              JEFFREY S. MERRIFIELD, Commissioner




          2              WILLIAM TRAVERS, Executive Director for Operations

          3              E. LINN DRAPER, Chairman & CEO, AEP

          4              JOE POLLOCK, Plant Manager, D.C. Cook

          5              ROBERT P. POWERS, Sr. Vice President, Nuclear

          6                Generation and Chief Nuclear Office, AEP

          7              CHRIS BAKKEN, Site Vice President, AEP

          8              MIKE RENCHECK, Vice President, Nuclear

          9                Engineering, AEP

         10              DAVID LOCHBAUM, Nuclear Safety Engineer, Union of

         11               Concerned Scientists

         12              JIM DYER, Administrator, Region III

         13              JOHN GROBE, Director, Division of Reactor Safety,

         14                Region III

         15              SAMUEL COLLINS, Director, NRR

         16              JOHN ZWOLINSKI, Director, Division of Licensing

         17                 and Project Management, NRC

         18              SCOTT GREENLEE

         19              ROBERT GODLEE

         20              DON NAUGHTON

         21              BILL SCHALK

         22              WAYNE KROPP

         23              MIKE FINISSI

         24              SAM BARTON

         25              DAVID KUNSEMILLER


          1                        P R O C E E D I N G S

          2                                                    [10:05 a.m.]

          3              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Good morning.  On behalf of the

          4    Commission I would like to welcome you to today's briefing

          5    on the D.C. Cook plant.

          6              The Commission will hear from representatives of

          7    American Electric Power, the licensee for D.C. Cook, the

          8    NRC's Region III office, and Mr. David Lochbaum of the Union

          9    of Concerned Scientists.

         10              The D.C. Cook plant was shut down in September,

         11    1997, following an Architect and Engineering inspection that

         12    identified significant problems with safety systems. 

         13    Subsequent inspections identified additional safety system

         14    deficiencies, most notably with the ice condensers.  The NRC

         15    issued a confirmatory action letter in September, 1997,

         16    requiring the licensee to address issues discovered during

         17    the AE inspection and to perform further assessments and

         18    take appropriate corrective actions prior to restarting the

         19    plant.

         20              After a slow start AEP has made substantial

         21    progress in discovering, evaluating and correcting a large

         22    number of issues, and after more than two years of effort is

         23    within sight of achieving restart.

         24              I visited the D.C. Cook plant in December, 1999,

         25    and was impressed with the frank discussion by AEP of past


          1    problems and deficiencies and of the steps that it had been

          2    taking to ensure that these problems and deficiencies are

          3    corrected and do not recur.

          4              I was also impressed by the magnitude and quality

          5    of the NRC Staff's oversight activities.

          6              I understand that copies of the handouts are

          7    available at the entrances.  Unless my colleagues have any

          8    comments they would like to make, you may proceed.

          9              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Well, actually, Mr.

         10    Chairman, just to make a note, since our last meeting I,

         11    too, have had the opportunity to travel to Michigan and

         12    visit at the D.C. Cook facility and meet with the

         13    individuals at this table as well as the staff of the

         14    facility and our Staff up there, and I would share the

         15    Chairman's comments about the work being done by the

         16    licensee and equally as well the hard work being done by our

         17    Staff to resolve these issues and move forward, and so thank

         18    you very much for your additional consideration.

         19              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Any other opening statements?

         20              [No response.]

         21              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  If not, Dr. Draper, you may

         22    proceed.

         23              DR. DRAPER:  Thank you, Chairman Meserve, and

         24    thank you, Commissioners, for taking the time to be with us

         25    today.


          1              I am Linn Draper, Chairman and Chief Executive of

          2    American Electric Power.  With me today are Bob Powers,

          3    Senior Vice President, Nuclear Generation, who is

          4    responsible for all aspects of our D.C. Cook operations;

          5    Chris Bakken, D.C. Cook Site Vice President; Mike Rencheck,

          6    Vice President of Nuclear Engineering; and Joe Pollock, the

          7    D.C. Cook Plant Manager.

          8              Bob is our Chief Nuclear Officer.  He will lead

          9    the presentation today to review the progress made towards

         10    the restart of the Cook plant.

         11              Chris Bakken joined AEP from Public Service

         12    Electric & Gas Company, where he was Plant Manager for the

         13    two Salem units.  Chris was a key manager responsible for

         14    returning those units for operation, and instilling the high

         15    standards of safety, reliability and accountability that

         16    enabled that organization to continue to perform well.

         17              Mike Rencheck joined AEP from Florida Power

         18    Corporation, where he was Director of Engineering.  He was

         19    part of the successful Crystal River 3 restart as well as

         20    the Salem restarts at PSE&G;.

         21              Joe Pollock also joined us from Public Service

         22    Electric & Gas Company, where he was the Maintenance Manager

         23    and previously the Quality Assurance Manager.

         24              This has been a long and costly outage to AEP.  It

         25    has been necessary to make improvements to our systems, our


          1    components, material condition, processes, personnel

          2    training and our organizational culture.  It has also been

          3    an important outage because it marks a renewed commitment by

          4    AEP to safety returning the D.C. Cook units to full power

          5    operation.

          6              As the Chairman mentioned, the outage began in

          7    September of 1997.  We shut down both units to address

          8    concerns raised by the NRC regarding the ability of the

          9    emergency core cooling system and the containment system to

         10    function properly in the unlikely event of a loss of coolant

         11    accident.

         12              In early 1998, after we clearly saw the magnitude

         13    and the nature of the ice condensers issues, we decided to

         14    melt the ice and rebuild the ice condensers to a superior

         15    condition.  This was the first of many similar and tough

         16    decisions to do the right thing when confronted with a

         17    problem involving the capability of a safety system or a

         18    component to perform its intended function.  In fact, doing

         19    the right thing every step of the way has become the major

         20    theme for all of the work done at the Cook plant.

         21              It was clearly demonstrated in our decision a year

         22    ago to stop the outage work and take the extra time to

         23    complete the expanded system's readiness reviews that both

         24    Mike and Bob will discuss.  It was reinforced as we

         25    authorized the resources to begin the necessary repairs and


          1    modifications to the plant and to revamp engineering

          2    programs, surveillance programs, and the Corrective Action

          3    Program and other areas in need of improvement that you will

          4    more about in just a few minutes.

          5              Under the direction of Bob Powers, we have made

          6    significant changes to the D.C. Cook management team.  We

          7    have a number of the members of the Cook team here today. 

          8    Bob, Chris and Mike will discuss some of the cultural

          9    changes we have made to strengthen our management team and

         10    prepare for the restart of the Cook units.

         11              Many of the Cook team men and women have assisted

         12    in the restart of other nuclear plants across the country. 

         13    They further demonstrate AEP's commitment to provide the

         14    resources necessary to restart this important generation

         15    resource for our system.

         16              When we met last with the Commission in November,

         17    1998, I said it was clear to me that one factor that led to

         18    our present situation was an insular and complacent attitude

         19    that had developed over many years within the Nuclear

         20    Generation Department.  We were not identifying our own

         21    problems.  We were not aggressive in correcting the problems

         22    that we did identify.  We did not question conditions that

         23    had existed for many years and our oversight of the Cook

         24    operations was not adequate.

         25              AEP has made a commitment to provide the resources


          1    necessary to correct these conditions to restart the Cook

          2    units and to return our Nuclear Generation Division to an

          3    industry leadership position.

          4              As I mentioned in the beginning, this outage has

          5    been very expensive to AEP.  We have lost the entire output

          6    of one of our largest generation plants for over two years. 

          7    We have spent considerable additional resources rebuilding

          8    the ice condensers and making other necessary modifications

          9    and repairs to the plant.

         10              With the progress we will report today, we can now

         11    see the end to this outage, basically on the schedule that

         12    we announced in the middle of last year.  We are confident

         13    that the investment in D.C. Cook will result in a safer,

         14    more reliable and more efficient operating plant.  We

         15    clearly understand that excellence in nuclear plant

         16    performance will return economic dividends to AEP by

         17    enabling Cook to achieve higher capacity factors, lower

         18    operating and maintenance costs, and shortened refuelling

         19    and maintenance outages.

         20              We are also preparing Cook for license renewal. 

         21    We think that extension of its useful life beyond the

         22    current limits of the NRC operating licenses will be

         23    valuable to us.  In fact, it will be a key to our economic

         24    recovery.

         25              We look forward to the D.C. Cook's plant's


          1    resumption of its critical role in meeting the electricity

          2    supply needs in Michigan and Indiana.  AEP's commitment to

          3    nuclear power also extends beyond the Cook plant to the

          4    acquisition of a 25 percent interest in the South Texas

          5    Project through our merger with the Central and Southwest

          6    Corporation.  The approval process is moving forward on a

          7    definitive timeline and we expect to complete the merger in

          8    the spring.

          9              Nuclear power will be a long-term and significant

         10    component of the AEP generation mix.  In order to ensure the

         11    success of Cook and the nuclear generation business sector

         12    in both the near and long-term futures, AEP has taken steps

         13    to improve its oversight.  I am personally continuing my

         14    active oversight of Cook through periodic meetings with Bob

         15    Powers and the independent safety review group.  This group

         16    is made up of six well-respected nuclear consultants who

         17    report to Bob as Chief Nuclear Officer and to me as CEO.

         18              In our reorganization following the merger with

         19    CSW, nuclear generation will continue to report directly to

         20    me.  I will continue to devote a significant segment of my

         21    time to ensure nuclear safety and the effectiveness of our

         22    nuclear power operations.

         23              Bob and I meet essentially monthly with the AEP

         24    Board of Directors or with our Nuclear Oversight Committee

         25    of that Board that was formed in April of 1999.  The Nuclear


          1    Oversight Committee is made up of five outside Directors of

          2    our corporation.  Its purpose is to provide long-term,

          3    focused oversight of this important sector of the company. 

          4    It has met four times -- once at the Cook plant -- to review

          5    Cook restart work and plans.  The committee will continue to

          6    meet periodically to review the Cook status.

          7              In sum, as you will hear from Bob and his team, we

          8    have made significant progress this past year, and have the

          9    end of this long outage in sight.  We have assembled a

         10    talented and experienced management team which is instilling

         11    the right kind of safety consciousness and standards for

         12    excellence.  AEP has given its full support and commitment

         13    of resources to Bob and the Cook team to do the job right,

         14    and they are doing just that.

         15              If there are not questions, we will commence with

         16    the formal presentation.  There is an agenda slide which I

         17    believe has come up.  Bob will begin with an overview or

         18    perspective of what we found needed to be changed, the

         19    process we are using to make those changes, and a snapshot

         20    of where we currently stand, then Mike will discuss the

         21    extensive discovery effort completed by the Cook team, its

         22    results and some of our more important accomplishments.

         23              Chris will cover the implementation phase of our

         24    restart plan, discussing the preparations being made to

         25    ensure a safe restart of the Cook units, and finally Bob


          1    will provide some closing remarks, and we would be delighted

          2    to entertain questions either now or along the way, however

          3    you prefer.

          4              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Why don't we proceed, and we'll

          5    come back to questions at the end of the presentation.

          6              DR. DRAPER:  Bob?

          7              MR. POWERS:  Thank you, Linn.

          8              When I came to Cook in August of 1998, restart

          9    efforts had been underway for about a year.  I arrived with

         10    a background of what a well-run plant looked like, and based

         11    on my understanding of the situation at Cook I knew that a

         12    substantial challenge lay ahead for the employees and for

         13    me.

         14              To help define that challenge and determine the

         15    best course of action in response, I had to access what the

         16    differences were between performance at Cook and the

         17    performance we would need to successfully restart and for

         18    long-term operations.

         19              As a starting point for this comparison I compared

         20    what I saw at Cook with four essential cultural attributes

         21    found at successful nuclear plants.  I believe the

         22    fundamentals of a healthy nuclear safety culture include the

         23    characteristic that people must be first and foremost

         24    focused on safety.  There must be capable leadership within

         25    the organizations and at the senior management level.  The


          1    organizations must also be self-critical, and the Corrective

          2    Action Program must operate effectively.  Finally, people

          3    must be adequately trained and prepared for their jobs.

          4              As you might imagine, I used a number of sources

          5    to gather data for my assessment and how the culture at D.C.

          6    Cook compared with these fundamentals.  I received numerous

          7    briefings from my direct reports and their staffs and I

          8    talked with many of our employees.  I physically observed

          9    ongoing work, toured critical plant areas, and reviewed key

         10    documentation related to the work and problems that had been

         11    identified up to that point.

         12              I also sponsored assessments by our Quality

         13    Assurance Department and chartered other independent

         14    assessments.

         15              The principal findings of my assessments are

         16    listed on the right hand side of the slide.  Basically I

         17    determined that the people at Cook had become insular in

         18    their focus and approach to managing the power plant.  This

         19    led to gaps between how Cook did business and how many in

         20    the industry were doing business, particularly in the

         21    engineering disciplines.

         22              While the organization at Cook had been dedicated

         23    over the years to ensuring that the plant ran well, I

         24    believe Cook's good operating history had a substantial

         25    influence on how people viewed problems when they arose. 


          1    For example, even when technical issues were identified by

          2    the NRC's Architect-Engineering Inspection Team, I believe

          3    many people at Cook didn't fully appreciate what these and

          4    other identified problems meant in terms of breakdowns and

          5    design control and compliance with the licensing basis.

          6              I found that change management was not effective. 

          7    This was probably best seen in the move of the Engineering

          8    organization in two stages from New York City to Columbus,

          9    Ohio, and then to our near-site offices.  Large numbers of

         10    experienced engineers were lost because of the moves and the

         11    impact on the organization led to a lack of understanding

         12    and focus on certain areas such as design and licensing

         13    bases

         14              I also confirmed that there were deficient

         15    processes and programs.  This was particularly notable in

         16    the areas of design control, safety evaluations, corrective

         17    actions, and training.

         18              In the area of corrective actions, problems were

         19    not being found or documented in some cases, but in

         20    addition, when they were identified there too often was

         21    little or no follow-up.  This left a backlog of unresolved

         22    issues.  Besides the problems with the ice condenser these

         23    technical issues reduced assurance that certain systems were

         24    capable of meeting their safety and accident mitigation

         25    functions.


          1              My assessment also revealed that our training

          2    programs were in poor shape.  This situation enabled the

          3    insular perspective found at the site, rather than serving

          4    as a platform to enhance human performance and help assure

          5    that industry standards were being met.

          6              In retrospect, and having had the benefit now of

          7    our expanded discovery efforts, I can understand why we

          8    couldn't answer a number of fundamental design and licensing

          9    basis questions raised by the Architect-Engineering Team and

         10    other NRC inspectors.  Simply stated, as an organization

         11    Cook had lost focus on maintaining the design basis and in

         12    providing strong configuration management, which are both

         13    vital to preserving safety margins.

         14              Overall, it was clear to me that the fundamentals

         15    were missing.

         16              Faced with the gaps I mentioned, and the missing

         17    fundamentals, I had re-establish a foundation for successful

         18    restart and beyond.  This required setting the overall

         19    direction for the organization.  It also required putting

         20    some stakes in the ground to help guide our people along the

         21    way.

         22              I came to Cook with high standards, as did my

         23    management team.  We all recognized that to achieve

         24    successful cultural change we must communicate our standards

         25    effectively and provide continual reinforcement.


          1              This next slide summarizes my standards as key

          2    management expectations.  It is through the implementation

          3    of these expectations that we are changing the culture at

          4    Cook.

          5              These management expectations are placed

          6    throughout the plant and our engineering offices.  When I

          7    rolled them out, I met with my managers and supervisors to

          8    discuss the expectations.  I indicated that it was my goal

          9    for each manager to internalize the expectations, pass them

         10    on to the staffs, and begin to use them in the conduct of

         11    work.

         12              I don't intend to go over each of these with you

         13    this morning.  However, I would like to make a few points

         14    about them.

         15              First, I would like you to note that the

         16    expectations are behavior-based.  I believe that to sustain

         17    change people must learn repeatable behaviors that support

         18    the nuclear safety fundamentals I previously mentioned.

         19              The second point I want to make is that the end

         20    results of these expectations are the same ones demonstrated

         21    by personnel at well-performing plants.  For example,

         22    promptly identifying and correcting problems leads to a

         23    questioning attitude.  Doing what we say we will do leads to

         24    ownership.  Accepting accountability for yourself and your

         25    coworkers builds teamwork and an entire organization


          1    grounded on the principle of accountability.

          2              Each of these expectations focuses on people. 

          3    Although the plant and our processes are very, very

          4    important, ultimately people make all the difference.  When

          5    the units and the processes are completely fixed, the

          6    strength of our people will be the way we reach our ultimate

          7    goal of world class performance.

          8              In the end, what we are doing at Cook is nothing

          9    fancy.  We are concentrating on the fundamentals like clear

         10    management expectations, and I believe if we do the

         11    fundamentals right, we will be successful in restarting the

         12    plants and long-term safe and efficient operation.

         13              At this point in our change efforts my management

         14    team and I are still providing strong top-down direction for

         15    the organization.  However, we are seeing signs that our

         16    management expectations are taking hold.  In fact, some of

         17    the performance improvements that Mike and Chris will

         18    discuss later are a direct result of this.

         19              I fully expect that as our staff matures and

         20    becomes more self-sustaining they will be able to take on

         21    more responsibility for determining the successful direction

         22    of our efforts.  This will allow my senior management staff

         23    and me to concentrate our attention on other long-term

         24    issues such as business process redesign and license

         25    renewal.


          1              However, setting expectations and getting our

          2    people moving in the right direction was just part of what

          3    was needed to restart the plants.  This next slide provides

          4    an overview of our restart plan.

          5              This slide gives you an overview of the major

          6    steps in our restart process.  The process involves four

          7    basic phases.

          8              First, discovery of issues; then implementation of

          9    corrective actions; third, verification our corrective

         10    actions were effective, ultimately leading to restart by the

         11    units.  This is the process we have been following since

         12    early of last year.

         13              However, as I alluded to earlier, the initial

         14    discovery efforts at Cook were limited in focus.  When I

         15    first arrived at Cook, the information I was receiving from

         16    my staff indicated that in their minds the recovery effort

         17    was nearing completion.  As much as I hoped the Cook staff

         18    was correct, I pulled the string on this information and the

         19    more I pulled the more the message was mixed.

         20              As I looked harder, it became clear that the

         21    initial discovery efforts had not been conducted using

         22    effective procedures, nor had effective training been given

         23    to the engineers performing the reviews.  Consequently, the

         24    results were inconsistent and only a limited number of

         25    issues were identified.


          1              Because of this limited focus, we didn't have a

          2    full understanding of the causes and thus we didn't really

          3    know where else to look.  In addition, it seemed like every

          4    time the NRC looked at an area more issues were uncovered.

          5              It was obvious that we needed to broaden our

          6    review.  To start us down this path in September of 1998 I

          7    helped assure that we did a thorough and comprehensive job

          8    while conducting a safety system functional inspection of

          9    the auxiliary feedwater system at the Cook plants.

         10              Now since this system had supposedly been scrubbed

         11    by our -- cleaned by our previous reviews, it would serve as

         12    a bellwether of the accuracy of our previous efforts.  Later

         13    in the fall of 1998 I also initiated a Blue Ribbon expert

         14    panel review of our engineering programs.  Both of these

         15    efforts turned up substantive issues requiring further

         16    evaluation and by late 1998 it was clear to me that

         17    something bold needed to be done if the facility was to

         18    restart.

         19              It was in this same timeframe that I hired Mike

         20    Rencheck and subsequently directed a more thorough discovery

         21    effort take place.  Under Mike's leadership, our initial

         22    discovery process was expanded to include a more

         23    comprehensive review of our plant systems and also the

         24    performance of our departments and of our key processes. 

         25    Mike will give you more detail about the discovery process


          1    in his presentation.

          2              During the initial period of our expanded

          3    discovery early last year, it became clear that I would need

          4    to further rebuild the management team as well. Chris and

          5    Joe and Mike represent important elements of that rebuilding

          6    process.  It also became clear that we would have to re-

          7    establish the Engineering organization, improve our

          8    oversight capability and work to restore our credibility

          9    with the NRC.

         10              We believe we have made substantial progress in

         11    each of these areas.  Chris and Mike will give you more

         12    detail about our implementation efforts later on.

         13              So where does this leave us today?  As the icon

         14    illustrates, we are currently putting all the pieces

         15    together that are necessary for the Cook organization to not

         16    only safety restart the units but support our longer term

         17    goal of excellence.  We have not completed all the

         18    remediation work yet, but we do know what else needs to be

         19    done.  We have a schedule to perform the remaining work and

         20    we are committed to safety and quality along the way as we

         21    have been throughout our restart efforts.

         22              We have accomplished a great deal over the last

         23    year.  For example, we have submitted the items in our

         24    confirmatory action letter to you for closure.  We have

         25    submitted all of our license amendment requests for Unit 2


          1    restart.  We have undergone numerous NRC inspections,

          2    including several major inspections such as the recent

          3    Engineering Corrective Action Team Inspection, ECATI, and

          4    these inspections support our belief that the Engineering

          5    organization has improved and that our Corrective Action

          6    Program, our self-evaluation process, and our training at

          7    the Cook facility are effective.

          8              From an organizational standpoint, we are turning

          9    our attention to human performance, and Chris will discuss

         10    that later.

         11              In addition, I have personally devoted time to

         12    ensuring that there is a strong management team for restart

         13    and beyond.  On this latter point, we have assembled a

         14    strong leadership team here at Cook, and I expect it to

         15    provide a guiding and stabilizing force for our future

         16    efforts.

         17              The individuals seated behind me are a few of the

         18    people -- introduce yourself, guys.

         19              MR. FINISSI:  Mike Finissi, Director of Plant

         20    Engineering.

         21              MR. GODLEE:  Robert Godlee, Director of Regulatory

         22    Affairs.

         23              MR. KROPP:  Wayne Kropp, Director of Performance

         24    Assurance.

         25              MR. GREENLEE:  Scott Greenlee, Design Engineering


          1    Director.

          2              MR. BARTON:  Sam Barton, Site Senior License.

          3              MR. NAUGHTON:  Don Naughton, Senior Systems

          4    Engineer.

          5              MR. SCHALK:  Bill Schalk, Communications.

          6              MR. KUNSEMILLER:  Dave Kunsemiller, Technical

          7    Assistance.

          8              MR. POWERS:  Thanks, guys.

          9              These and other individuals represent the

         10    management and technical depth of our current team. 

         11    Although we may experience some turnovers in moves toward

         12    normal staffing levels, we intend to keep high-performing

         13    people by providing them with a challenging and rewarding

         14    environment.

         15              Now with regards to the physical work of fixing

         16    the plant we also have accomplished a great deal but by far

         17    the singlemost man-hour intensive effort we have underway is

         18    the repair and reload of our ice condensers.  I would like

         19    to give you a brief description of this work and provide an

         20    update of where we are today with their refurbishment.

         21              Next slide, please.

         22              MR. POWERS:  Approximately 3,800 bags of ice, like

         23    the one shown here, were filled using the Cook Plant ice-

         24    making machine in 1998.  Each bag contains approximately

         25    1,200 pounds of ice and it has been stored in an off-site


          1    cold storage facility since that time.  We have periodically

          2    sampled the ice while it has been in storage to ensure its

          3    quality.

          4              As the first step in reloading, the ice is

          5    transported by refrigerated tractor-trailers to the station. 

          6    After removal, it is brought to an ice crusher, which is

          7    shown in the next slide.  Each bag is brought in and a

          8    crusher forklift is used to perform an initial breakup of

          9    the ice.  The workers on the platform that you see in the

         10    slide then begin the process of breaking the ice into

         11    smaller chunks to feed into a pulverizer-crusher.

         12              The ice then travels by auger and by blowers to

         13    the ice condensers, during which time it is conditioned with

         14    refrigerated air.  This conditioning minimizes moisture

         15    intrusion into the ice condenser, limiting frost

         16    accumulation and sublimation of the ice.

         17              The next slide shows the actual loading of the ice

         18    into the ice condenser baskets.

         19              The ice piping from the blowers is connected to a

         20    cyclone separator in the ice condenser.  The cyclone

         21    separates the forced refrigerated air from the ice itself

         22    and then the ice then falls into the baskets.  The green air

         23    flow passage bags that you see in the slide are installed

         24    prior to the ice being loaded in order to limit the amount

         25    of ice which falls out of the baskets.


          1              Reviewing some of the numbers.  There are 1,944

          2    ice baskets in the condenser, and each basket is

          3    approximately 12 inches in diameter and 48 feet long. 

          4    Technical specifications require a total ice weight of

          5    2,590,000 pounds and we expect to loan about 3 million

          6    pounds in the Unit 2 ice condenser.  At the present time we

          7    have loaded half of the Unit 2 ice condenser and are just

          8    initiating the process of weighing the first baskets.

          9              Reloading ice is a major milestone for the people

         10    at D.C. Cook.  I hope the short overview I just provided

         11    with you of the ice load helps you appreciate that we have

         12    not only accomplished a great deal in discovering and

         13    resolving issues, but we have made significant progress in

         14    restoring the physical plant since I last spoke to the

         15    Commission in November of 1998.  True to our key management

         16    expectations, we are doing what we said we would do.

         17              Let me quickly summarize the key points of my

         18    opening remarks.  The picture that best describes where we

         19    are today is that we know what our problems are.  We have

         20    identified the necessary corrective actions and we are

         21    nearing completion of our restart efforts.  Frankly, where

         22    we are now feels more and more like a refueling outage. 

         23    What faces us in the near term is simply to complete the

         24    remaining work with quality and with safety.

         25              For the longer term, we intend to continue to


          1    focus on the fundamentals.  As we improve there, our

          2    leadership team will turn more attention to the challenges

          3    of deregulation, license renewal and more efficient

          4    operating cycles.

          5              With this overview, let me turn the presentation

          6    over to Mike Rencheck.

          7              MR. RENCHECK:  Thank you, Bob.  As Bob indicated,

          8    you can categorize areas, our areas of focus into plant,

          9    processes and people.  Today I am going to concentrate on

         10    how we set about identifying our issues and some of the

         11    results that we have achieved.

         12              One of the first things that I did when I came to

         13    Cook was to establish a solid processing -- process for

         14    discovering our problems, and I did that by utilizing

         15    processes that I had found effective in the past.

         16              The next slide shows the key elements of this

         17    process.  Discovery was the first of four phases in our

         18    restart process.  Discovery was designed to identify

         19    problems that could adversely affect the safe and reliable

         20    operation of the Cook units.  It contained the following

         21    attributes to ensure that problems were thoroughly evaluated

         22    consistent with their safety importance.

         23              As the first bullet on the slide indicates,

         24    discovery was an industry-proven process used in the

         25    recovery and restart of other nuclear plants.  It is


          1    described in our restart plan and has been implemented

          2    through formal procedures.

          3              Second, discovery utilized personnel with the

          4    broad-based experience in the recovery and restart of

          5    nuclear units, combined with Cook experienced personnel.  We

          6    also used industry peer reviews and visited other nuclear

          7    utilities to ensure that lessons learned were incorporated

          8    into our process.

          9              Third, discovery applied comprehensive and

         10    intrusive methods, and we did this through three principal

         11    efforts.  One of these was our expanded system readiness

         12    reviews.  These reviews provided a detailed and disciplined

         13    assessment of essentially all safety and risk-significant

         14    systems.  Non-risk-significant systems were also reviewed

         15    but to a lesser degree.  We also conducted programmatic

         16    assessments that were designed to evaluate whether processes

         17    critical to restart were in place and functioning properly. 

         18    125 per REM baseline assessments were performed.  This

         19    resulted in 94 detailed self-assessments of the programs

         20    being conducted.

         21              The last effort involved our functional area

         22    assessments, which included 18 departmental reviews.  These

         23    reviews were conducted to determine whether department

         24    practices, as well as personnel and management capabilities

         25    were adequate to support start-up and safe plant operation.


          1              The fourth bullet on the slide focuses on our

          2    corrective action program.  Early in our discovery process,

          3    we completely revamped our corrective action program to make

          4    it consistent with other well-designed industry processes. 

          5    We utilized our new program to document, understand the

          6    extent of condition, and then to promptly fix the identified

          7    problems that came out of discovery.

          8              Finally, we subjected our discovery effort, scope,

          9    approach, results and proposed corrective actions to a

         10    demanding oversight by our various oversight groups such as

         11    our System Readiness Review Board and our Plant Operations

         12    Review Committee.  These efforts were also audited and

         13    assessed in detail by our performance assurance department.

         14              We believe that our discovery process utilized

         15    industry best practices, techniques, and experienced people

         16    to assure rigorous and comprehensive evaluation of the

         17    problems at D.C. Cook.

         18              Let me now discuss what we found.  As the left

         19    side of this slide indicates, our discovery efforts

         20    identified issues in three areas -- people issues, process

         21    issues and plant issues.  In the area of people issues, the

         22    problems generally included an organization that had become

         23    insular in its approach to change.  This resulted in the

         24    inability to raise standards and keep pace with industry

         25    changes, to consistently identify conditions adverse to


          1    quality, determine root causes and implement corrective

          2    actions in a timely manner, to adequately train and qualify

          3    personnel in important areas such as our design and

          4    licensing basis, and, finally, to effectively establish,

          5    communicate and implement standards and management

          6    expectations.

          7              Regarding process issues, a number of our

          8    processes had become deficient and ineffective, resulting in

          9    problems such as inconsistent design control, inadequate

         10    safety evaluations, inadequate operability determinations,

         11    deficient post-maintenance and post-modification testing,

         12    and insufficient work management programs and associated

         13    processes.

         14              Many of the plant or technical issues arose from

         15    the process issues I just mentioned.  This generally

         16    resulted in eroded safety margins, missing documentation and

         17    inoperable plant equipment.  Some specific examples include

         18    missing or deficient design documentation, deficiencies in

         19    the areas of material condition, for example, our ice

         20    condensers, deficiencies in the design of some systems or

         21    components, examples are motor-operated valves.

         22              Throughout the discovery effort, issues were

         23    documented in our corrective action program.  The issues

         24    were categorized as restart or post-restart required using

         25    an industry-proven screen criteria.  Management then


          1    analyzed the restart issues and developed a list of

          2    approximately 40 items that required additional management

          3    attention due to their potential safety significance.  To

          4    date, we have been resolving these issues and have found

          5    that several have had some safety significance, namely, our

          6    ice condensers, our high energy line break program, and our

          7    motor-operated valves.  Although we have determined how to

          8    solve these issues, we are continuing in our efforts to do

          9    so.

         10              In summary, these issues generally represent the

         11    fundamental reasons for our shutdown.  Our processes and

         12    people skills, fundamental to sound engineering practices,

         13    were ineffective.  Alignment among our license, our design

         14    basis documentation and the plant's hardware in some

         15    instances was at best unknown, and, at worst, varied

         16    substantially.

         17              Clearly, we faced a significant challenge at Cook. 

         18    However, let me give you some perspective on this challenge. 

         19    Cook represents the third recovery effort that I have been

         20    associated with.  In general, the problems at Cook are not

         21    unique.  With the possible exception of the ice condenser

         22    and the extent of our documentation deficiencies, the

         23    problems at Cook have been seen throughout the industry in

         24    one form or another.

         25              We have been utilizing industry-proven corrective


          1    actions to address many of our identified problems.  I have

          2    personal experience with many of these such as our expanded

          3    system readiness review, resolution of our high energy line

          4    break issues and other industry operating experience, and,

          5    therefore, I have confidence in their effectiveness.

          6              The right side of the slide identifies the

          7    corrective action focus areas we used to reestablish and

          8    strengthen our engineering capabilities.  In the engineering

          9    department, we specifically focused on the capabilities of

         10    our people, that is, their skills and knowledge, and the

         11    processes we use to do our work.

         12              First, we had to assure that our management and

         13    oversight were sound.  To accomplish this, we hired several

         14    new management individuals that understood the need for

         15    setting high expectations and following through with

         16    coaching and direction of both our AEP employees and the

         17    contractors that we were utilizing.

         18              We understand that the level of engineering

         19    performance is directly proportional to the knowledge and

         20    skills possessed by our personnel, as well as the quality of

         21    the supporting training program.  In this regard, we

         22    conducted an assessment of personnel competence.  Two areas

         23    were considered, engineering judgment and problem-solving

         24    knowledge.  The assessment indicated that engineering

         25    judgment was adequate, but problem-solving skills needed


          1    enhancement.

          2              Our assessment also found that many engineers

          3    lacked the full understanding of configuration control,

          4    design and licensing basis, safety evaluations and

          5    operability.  Consequently, we initiated a comprehensive

          6    remedial training program.  In some cases all engineering

          7    personnel, including contractors received the training.  In

          8    other cases, we targeted training to a specific engineering

          9    group.

         10              I will give you an example.  The population of AEP

         11    and contractor personnel received training in management

         12    expectations, responsibilities, safety focus, conservative

         13    decision-making, design and licensing basis, operability

         14    determination, 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation fundamentals,

         15    configuration management, design control, calculations and

         16    the development of solutions.  And some of the specific

         17    targeted training was applied to AEP engineering personnel

         18    in areas such as effective problem-solving and human error

         19    reduction techniques.

         20              An 80 percent passing score was required on tests,

         21    and when personnel did not achieve this grade, remediation

         22    training was performed.  Academic review boards were also

         23    conducted for those personnel not meeting standards.

         24              We have since performed several follow-up

         25    assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of our efforts. 


          1    Based on the quality of work products and root cause

          2    analyses, engineering personnel are showing an overall

          3    improvement such as an increased understanding of the design

          4    and licensing basis, and they are demonstrating a greater

          5    questioning attitude toward their work.

          6              For the longer term, to ensure that improvements

          7    seen to date are maintained and increased, we have revamped

          8    our engineering support personnel training program.  The

          9    program includes establishing position-specific guides for

         10    engineering personnel to achieve and then maintain their

         11    qualifications.

         12              In summary, we are challenging our people to meet

         13    higher standards.  We believe this focus will help us reach

         14    our goal of excellence in the future.

         15              Now, in addition to the skills and knowledge

         16    training, we have also been improving our practices and

         17    procedures used by our people.  As part of the programmatic

         18    assessment effort that I mentioned earlier, engineering

         19    processes and programs were thoroughly evaluated.

         20              For example, we performed detailed reviews

         21    involving safety evaluations, design control, engineering

         22    calculations, the design change process and configuration

         23    management.  And not only the programs, we also took a look

         24    at the documentation associated with these programs such as

         25    our updated Final Safety Analysis Report, our calculations


          1    and our safety evaluations.

          2              Issues identified for corrective action during

          3    these reviews were documented as condition reports in our

          4    corrective action program for disposition.  Some of the

          5    corrective actions we took in response to these reviews

          6    included incorporating best industry practices into our

          7    programs, establishing the design engineering organization

          8    as the design authority, developing a station-wide

          9    configuration management policy and associated procedures,

         10    and completing a comprehensive revision of our design

         11    control processes, and, last, establishing oversight of our

         12    engineering products through our engineering effectiveness

         13    department and formal review committees such as our Design

         14    Review Board.

         15              In summary, we have improved our skills, practices

         16    and procedures, and I am seeing the results from our

         17    efforts.  The documentation for our design and licensing

         18    basis is being rebaselined were appropriate.  Approximately

         19    190 modifications are being installed at D.C. Cook to

         20    improve the safety and reliability of our plant.

         21              Our performance indicators such as root cause

         22    quality, safety evaluation quality and calculation quality

         23    also show me that we are on an improving trend and meeting

         24    management expectations for restart.

         25              These next two slides illustrate our performance


          1    in these two areas.  This slide shows the percentage of

          2    acceptance by the Plant Operations Review Committee for

          3    50.59 safety screenings and evaluations going back to

          4    February of last year.  This team set high standards and, as

          5    you can see, back in February of last year, 50.59 screens

          6    were being rejected and sent back for further analysis. 

          7    This ultimately resulted in higher quality evaluations that

          8    are consistently meeting our expectations today.

          9              Another key indicator that directly relates to our

         10    corrective action program and the ability of the

         11    organization to find problems and develop effective

         12    corrective actions is the quality of our root causes.  This

         13    next slide shows our most recent performance.  The quality

         14    of our root cause evaluations is measured by the corrective

         15    actions department and is scored using a variety of factors

         16    such as safety significance, did we achieve the root cause,

         17    and extent of condition.  These factors are weighted into a

         18    composite score that is applied against a management

         19    standard or a goal.  Although we expect the quality to

         20    continue to increase in the future, root cause evaluations

         21    are meeting management's higher expectations and are on a

         22    generally improving trend.

         23              The improvements in these and other fundamental

         24    areas, along with the new processes, and the development of

         25    design changes, the control of documentation, and


          1    configuration management, among others, have resulted in

          2    rebaselining our design and license basis documentation and

          3    plant modifications, where appropriate.  This provides us

          4    with reasonable assurance and gives us a sound foundation

          5    for safe and reliable plant operation.

          6              These improvements also indicate the beginning of

          7    a longer term cultural change in the engineering department. 

          8    With our continued leadership and oversight with the safety

          9    first focus, we will not repeat past mistakes.

         10              I am encouraged with our progress, however, our

         11    work in the engineering department is not complete.  We

         12    still have challenges ahead and I would like to highlight

         13    these for you in the next slide.

         14              Although the current quality of our engineering

         15    products, such as design change packages and safety

         16    evaluations are at an acceptable level for restart, we must

         17    continue to improve.  Our improvements must reduce our

         18    reliance on multiple review processes and increase our

         19    engineers' knowledge and skills.  Our goal is for the

         20    engineers to produce products that continually meet our

         21    higher standards.  This will be achieved in part by

         22    enhancing our organizational capabilities, and we will do

         23    this through our training programs, and through the use of

         24    personnel performance techniques such as human error

         25    reduction and performance assessments.


          1              Another focus area is on contractor reliance. 

          2    During this restart period, we have relied heavily on

          3    outside help.  These contracts have been under the

          4    management and direction of AEP employees doing this effort

          5    and we appreciate their contributions.  Quite frankly, we

          6    could not have tackled this restart effort without them. 

          7    Having said that, however, we must now continue reducing our

          8    reliance on them to ensure that we have the internal

          9    knowledge and capabilities for the longer term journey to

         10    excellence.

         11              Finally, we recognize that to be successful, the

         12    D.C. Cook Station must be an operations-led organization. 

         13    Engineering, of course, plays a critical part in supporting

         14    the safe and reliable operation of the units.  We have

         15    substantially improved, but we must continue to improve the

         16    quality and timeliness of our products delivered to

         17    operations.

         18              These are the challenges ahead for the engineering

         19    department.  I would now like to turn the presentation over

         20    to Chris Bakken.

         21              MR. BAKKEN:  Thank you, Mike.  To pick up on Bob's

         22    earlier discussion of desired behaviors, we believe that

         23    being self-critical and developing sound corrective actions

         24    requires that we focus on effective oversight.  At Cook, we

         25    believe that oversight is fundamental to the success of our


          1    restart work, as well as to our long-term goals.

          2              Oversight is a broad concept and involves

          3    activities such as monitoring, assessing, coaching and

          4    providing feedback.  It is demonstrated by individual

          5    behavior, as well as through structured processes and

          6    programs.

          7              On an individual basis, Joe, Mike and I all

          8    incorporate oversight into our everyday activities.  For

          9    example, during daily team meetings, we carefully evaluate

         10    the information provided by our staffs.  We provide feedback

         11    and we encourage people to take a broader view of problems,

         12    and to voice their opinions.  We believe that this approach

         13    promotes openness and better teamwork, and it also results

         14    in more comprehensive solutions.

         15              This example shows you how we provide oversight on

         16    a personal level.  But oversight is also built into our

         17    restart plan as a structured process.  As the next slide

         18    shows, our restart effort was designed to provide several

         19    layers of oversight.  This slide was first shown to the NRC

         20    staff during an 0350 meeting last fall.  This slide breaks

         21    our restart process down into three basis parts, discovery,

         22    implementation, and verification, which then lead to restart

         23    of the units through the final phase, start-up and power

         24    ascension, which is not shown on this slide.

         25              The boxes are color-coded with blue representing


          1    work activities, yellow representing assessment and

          2    oversight activities, and green representing approval or

          3    concurrence of successfully completed activities.  The slide

          4    highlights the yellow boxes.  As you can see, oversight, in

          5    one form or another, occurs in each major step of our

          6    restart process.

          7              We did not move from discovery without an

          8    evaluation of the effectiveness of our efforts to identify

          9    problems.  A third party panel of experts, the System

         10    Readiness Review Board, or SRRB, principally performed this

         11    evaluation.  As we move towards the completion of our

         12    implementation efforts, you can see that, once again, we are

         13    using oversight as an important element of our process. 

         14    Again, SRRB, along with our Plant Operations Review

         15    Committee, is providing oversight.

         16              In our final phase of the restart, we again will

         17    be utilizing several oversight reviews.  This consists

         18    mainly of department self-assessments and final affirmation

         19    reviews by senior management and the Plant Operations Review

         20    Committee.

         21              Throughout the entire restart process, oversight

         22    is also provided by quality assurance.  As your staff has

         23    noted during several inspections, quality assurance has

         24    provided intrusive and insightful review of our restart

         25    activities.  Line management now sees the benefit of these


          1    insights and is actively seeking quality assurance's

          2    feedback.

          3              We believe the structured use of oversight, along

          4    with our personal efforts to oversee activities at the site,

          5    has ensured that we are doing a quality job.  It is a major

          6    reason why we have confidence in the effectiveness of our

          7    efforts to date.

          8              Two other major reasons why we have this

          9    confidence is that our discovery effort was thorough and

         10    comprehensive, and we are being successful in our transition

         11    from an engineering-led organization to an operations-led

         12    organization.  This next slide illustrates this transition.

         13              As mentioned earlier, our restart plan began with

         14    the discovery phase.  This intensive and time-consuming

         15    effort was headed up by engineering for several reasons. 

         16    First, many of the problems at Cook were centered on design

         17    and license basis issues, as well as technical issues. 

         18    Second, Mike Rencheck had extensive personal experience in

         19    leading such an effort.

         20              The left side of this slide identifies the key

         21    activities performed under Mike's direction.  In addition to

         22    discovering our problems, Mike and his organization were

         23    responsible for developing the solutions to our problems, as

         24    well as reestablishing the safety margins and the design

         25    bases of our plant and processes.


          1              Through these efforts, we also began the process

          2    of changing the culture of all of our people.  Together,

          3    these activities have helped ready us for the transition to

          4    power operations.  In particular, they have given us

          5    confidence that when our plant modifications are complete,

          6    the operators will have safe and reliable plant equipment,

          7    as well as effective procedures.  These activities have also

          8    provided momentum for our longer term journey to excellence.

          9              As we move through this transition period, I can

         10    tell you as an operator myself, that the operations

         11    organization is anxious to resume control of the plant. 

         12    Since my arrival in the spring of 1999, I have been hard at

         13    work with my organization to reshape the culture among our

         14    staff.

         15              As the right side of the slide indicates, I

         16    believe there are four fundamentals that define an

         17    operations-led organization.  First and foremost, the

         18    operations organization is responsible for operating the

         19    plant in a safe and reliable manner.  In order to do this,

         20    the operators must be trained, maintain their qualifications

         21    and be knowledgeable of their license responsibilities.

         22              Second, an operations-led organization must be a

         23    competent and demanding customer.  The proper maintenance of

         24    the plant and the processes are critical to an operator's

         25    job.  This means that operators must work well with


          1    engineering, maintenance and other support organizations to

          2    assure that plant and processes are well maintained. 

          3    However, the operators must also hold those responsible for

          4    maintenance accountable, both in terms of their product and

          5    their services.  Without quality services and products, the

          6    operators are more likely to be unnecessarily challenged in

          7    the form of equipment failures or malfunctions.

          8              Third, an operations-led organization must be

          9    constantly assessing itself and those supporting it.  Unless

         10    an organization is self-critical, it cannot be assured of

         11    growth or continuous improvement.

         12              Finally, as the leader of plant operations, the

         13    operations department must be among the first to demonstrate

         14    the behaviors embodied in the management expectations that

         15    Bob discussed earlier.

         16              We are well into our transition to an operations-

         17    led organization.  This has involved instilling higher

         18    standards, reshaping the leadership within my various

         19    organizations and improving our work processes.  To help us

         20    complete our transition, we in operations have been

         21    concentrating on improving our skills and capabilities.  We

         22    also have been focusing on enhancing the processes we rely

         23    upon to do our jobs.

         24              MR. BAKKEN:  We have accomplished a great deal

         25    over the past year.  However, since our time is limited, I


          1    will only highlight some of the activities that are

          2    preparing us to return the power operation.

          3              First, let me talk about operator training.  We

          4    believe that a strong training program is key to our long-

          5    term success.

          6              In October of 1998, our training programs for

          7    operations were placed on probation by NPO.  We gave this

          8    training program top priority, and in April of 1999, we

          9    achieved accreditation renewal of the operations training

         10    programs.

         11              Subsequent NRC inspections have also noted our

         12    training improvements.  Concerning operational skills, one

         13    area we've been focusing on is human error reduction.

         14              We have established human performance goals, and

         15    we trimmed the performance of each crew.  We utilized this

         16    information in our training program and during periodic crew

         17    briefings.

         18              We have provided our operators with a variety of

         19    training opportunities on this subject.  For example,

         20    operators have attended a human errors reduction training

         21    course, they have attended the NPO Team-building Workshop. 

         22    They have participated in our shift manager mentoring

         23    program, and they have participated in our Hop Hallet Crew

         24    Training.

         25              For those of you not familiar with Mr. Hallet,


          1    he's the author of the Industrial Operators Handbook, and is

          2    a recognized authority on individual and crew human

          3    performance.

          4              Because human error reduction is such an important

          5    element of our long-term success, we recently hired a site

          6    human performance manager.  Although her efforts are

          7    directed to all of our organizations, I have specifically

          8    asked her to focus her near-term efforts on error reduction

          9    within operations and maintenance departments.

         10              We have also focused on the ability of our staff

         11    to perform effect root-cause analysis.  Training courses

         12    have been provided, and this has increased the number of

         13    operations staff members who are now qualified root-cause

         14    investigators.

         15              In-field operations by operations management have

         16    been increased.  The expectation is to provide oversight of

         17    the actual work at the job site, providing support and/or

         18    coaching where necessary.

         19              Peer checking has been incorporated into the day-

         20    to-day conduct of the operations staff, and more time is

         21    being devoted to interfaces between managers and their

         22    crews, as well as between the Operations and the Quality

         23    Assurance Departments.

         24              An operations-led organization cannot stand on its

         25    own.  It is supported by Engineering, which Mike has spoken


          1    of earlier, as well as other organizations such as

          2    Maintenance.

          3              I want to briefly mention what we have

          4    accomplished in our Maintenance Department:  We continue to

          5    focus on augmenting our staffing ranks.  Over the past

          6    several months, we have nearly doubled the permanent AEP

          7    staffing levels in supervision and craft available for plant

          8    maintenance.

          9              At the same time, we continue to reduce our

         10    reliance on contractors.  While we need contractor support

         11    to help us complete the work on Unit II, and for the restart

         12    of Unit I, it is my intent to carefully eliminate the

         13    majority of our contractors by the end of this year.

         14              Another area of continuing focus in maintenance is

         15    training.  The plans we are currently developing will

         16    achieve sufficient skills and qualifications in mechanical,

         17    electrical, and instrumentation and controls, to support the

         18    contractor reductions at the conclusion of the Unit I

         19    restart.

         20              I'd like to also mention that the health of our

         21    maintenance training programs and instructional staff were

         22    reviewed in November of last year by an NPO accreditation

         23    team.  I believe these programs will receive accreditation

         24    renewal in March of this year.

         25              The last area I will talk about concerns a few of


          1    the processes that we have upgraded that are key to safe

          2    operations.  One of these involves operability

          3    determinations under Generic Letter 91-18.

          4              We revised the governing procedure to provide

          5    better guidance to personnel when performing these

          6    determinations.  We provided training on those procedural

          7    changes.

          8              We established the Operations Department as the

          9    clear owner of the program.  We also implemented, on a

         10    temporary basis, a shift operating review team, and on a

         11    long-term basis, a cross functional event screening

         12    committee, both of which are designed to reduce the burden

         13    on the control of operators for reviewing Condition Reports

         14    and performing prompt operability determinations.

         15              These were some of the measures we put in place to

         16    handle the large volume of issues encountered during our

         17    discovery efforts.

         18              In addition, as part of our new electronic

         19    corrective action reporting system, we enhanced the data

         20    available to the operators.  The data screens now include

         21    information on operability, reportability, and mode

         22    constraint requirements.

         23              The other process I would like to briefly discuss

         24    is our emergency operating procedures or EOPs.  Early in our

         25    restart effort, we recognized that our EOPs needed to be


          1    substantially revised.

          2              We have largely completed this effort, bringing

          3    them up to current industry standards.  At this time, the

          4    procedures themselves have been fully revised.  Review and

          5    approval by our Plant Operating Review Committee is

          6    complete.

          7              Now, operators are currently being trained on the

          8    new procedures in the simulator.  As you can see on this

          9    slide, on this important area, we've made steady progress,

         10    and, in general, adhered to our schedule, and completed this

         11    effort last Friday, not in time to update the slides.

         12              I have only highlighted some of the many

         13    initiatives that we have implemented to help us transition

         14    to an operations-led organization.

         15              We have made tremendous progress, and overall, I

         16    believe we are demonstrating an improving trend.  Of course,

         17    as in any restart situation, the startup and testing phase

         18    is where everything comes together, and where the quality of

         19    our efforts can be measured.

         20              If you will turn to the next slide, I would like

         21    to discuss our restart and power ascension testing program.

         22              As we complete the implementation phase of our

         23    restart efforts, the Operations Department is resuming

         24    control of the plant systems through the system turnover

         25    process.


          1              To date, 17 of 86 systems have been turned over to

          2    Operations.  This means that the systems have been tested,

          3    as allowed by current plant conditions, and Operations has

          4    found that they meet their standards for safety and

          5    reliability.  This turnover process is an initial step in

          6    the startup and power ascension program.

          7              I would like to point out that from the beginning

          8    of this discussion, that the modifications that are being

          9    performed on the Cook Units are limited in scope and, in

         10    general, are not significantly changing any of the

         11    operational capabilities of the plant.

         12              This is unlike other restart efforts.  As an

         13    example of what I'm referring to, during the Salem restart,

         14    we installed a digital feedwater control system, and rebuilt

         15    the entire process control system to improve the plant's

         16    capabilities.

         17              This required extensive testing such as several

         18    load rejection tests to confirm its effectiveness.  In

         19    general, the modifications at Cook involve equipment

         20    compliance upgrades, such as the motor-operated valve and

         21    high-energy line break work.

         22              We are not installing modifications that will

         23    cause the plant to respond significantly differently from

         24    when it was shut down, and, therefore, the testing programs

         25    are much more modest in scope.


          1              With the turnover of systems complete, and

          2    concurrence of AEP management and the NRC, we will take the

          3    reactor critical and ultimately proceed to 100-percent

          4    power.  This chain of events will be under the control of

          5    the Operations Department, utilizing what we call a Startup

          6    and Power Ascension Program.

          7              Before I describe the program itself, I would like

          8    to discuss its basis priorities. mplementing these

          9    priorities is essential to achieving an event-free restart

         10    of the plant.

         11              Safety is our top priority during this critical

         12    phase of restarting the units.  We are committed to

         13    proceeding only in a controlled and deliberate manner.  By

         14    control, I mean that the startup is conducted by a strong,

         15    operations-led organization with full responsibility to

         16    direct actions and events safely at all times.

         17              By deliberate, I mean that we will have a high

         18    degree of certainty, that is, the outcome of next actions

         19    are well known, are safe, and are in accordance with our

         20    overall plans.

         21              If we have a problem, we will stop, assess, and

         22    implement appropriate corrective actions before proceeding.

         23              As to the program itself, we have a plan document

         24    that is the Startup and Power Ascension Testing Program

         25    Procedure.  This procedure describes the key steps in our


          1    program, and has been reviewed by the System Readiness

          2    Review Board.

          3              The program is divided into four phases: 

          4    Component testing, system testing, integral functional

          5    testing, and power ascension testing.  This building-block

          6    approach assures that the plant equipment, both

          7    independently and as an integrated system, can be relied

          8    upon to perform its intended function.

          9              The program itself is nearly identical to the one

         10    used during the Salem restart.  System test plans have been

         11    developed in accordance with the scope of the work performed

         12    during this outage.

         13              The plans are owned by the system manager, and are

         14    thoroughly reviewed by a system engineering supervisor, an

         15    operations senior reactor operator, and a test review board. 

         16    Plans are updated as necessary on a continuing basis.

         17              As we execute our plan and perform the various

         18    tests, there will be oversight on-shift to assure that

         19    proper expertise and management attention is available to

         20    address both routine and emergent situations.

         21              The around-the-clock oversight includes a shift

         22    plant manager, a shift engineering manager, and a shift test

         23    engineer.

         24              As startup proceeds, the test results will be

         25    reviewed by the Test Review Board to ensure that the test


          1    achieved its intended function, and that the results meet

          2    the defined acceptance criteria.

          3              We anticipate that we will face some emerging

          4    issues as we proceed with the startup and testing.  But as I

          5    have previously stated, we have skilled individuals and

          6    processes to resolve problems as they emerge.

          7              Once again, the Cook organization is committed to

          8    restarting the plant in a safe, controlled, and deliberate

          9    manner.  It is only by doing so that we can have an adequate

         10    level of assurance that the restart will meet our goal of

         11    being even-free.

         12              There are two final topics I would like to cover

         13    briefly:  First, if you will turn to the next slide, I want

         14    to go over where we are from a schedule standpoint.

         15              This slides shows the total person-hours that we

         16    have expended, and, more importantly, the black line shows

         17    the person-hours remaining to be completed.

         18              As you can see, the lines have crossed, which

         19    means that we are well past the halfway point of the outage

         20    work.  Additionally, little emergent work is being added,

         21    which means that if we do what is scheduled and do it on

         22    time, we should be close to our scheduled completion date of

         23    April 1st for Unit II.

         24              I want to again point out that challenges

         25    occasionally do arise, and we will take the time to do the


          1    job right.  If called for, we will not hesitate to stop

          2    work, reassess, and assure safety and quality are met before

          3    resuming our work.

          4              The final topic I would like to discuss concerns

          5    the focus areas that I see ahead for my organization, which

          6    I have listed on the next slide.

          7              The first focus area is to ensure that the restart

          8    and operation of Unit II is not affected by the continuing

          9    outage efforts on Unit I.  To accomplish this, we are

         10    dedicating portions of our staff to these separate

         11    activities.

         12              Specifically, the Unit II staff will focus on the

         13    critical functions of reactor restart, testing, and power

         14    ascension activities.

         15              The Unit I staff will focus on the ongoing steam

         16    generator replacement and completion of the Unit I outage.

         17              The shift plant manager and operations shift

         18    manager have overall responsibility for both plants, and

         19    they have both the resources and guidance from senior

         20    management to assure both the event-free restart and

         21    operation of Unit II and the adequate control of work at

         22    Unit I.

         23              I can assure you that I fully understand the

         24    demands that will be placed on these crews.  The situation

         25    is very similar to when I was at Salem, including the steam


          1    generator replacement.

          2              We were successful at Salem, and are employing the

          3    same techniques here to ensure success at Cook.

          4              In the area of human performance, I spoke about

          5    this previously, and as I indicated, our long-term success

          6    will greatly depend on the efforts in this area.  It is my

          7    intention to initiate a sitewide human performance strategy

          8    consistent with the best-performing plants in the industry

          9    to continue our improvements in this area.

         10              In addition, we continue to be committed to an

         11    open environment for personnel to raise concerns.  As with

         12    other restart situations, we have and will continue to face

         13    some issues in this area.

         14              To date, however, I believe that we have been

         15    successful in addressing these matters.  We significantly

         16    upgraded our Employee Concerns Program last year, and we

         17    have conducted training for supervisors and employees on how

         18    to maintain an effective, safety-conscious work environment.

         19              These efforts, combined with our upgraded

         20    corrective action program, provide a multifaceted approach

         21    to assure a healthy work environment at Cook.

         22              The third focus area is control of work.  During

         23    an outage such as this one, our goal is to control work in a

         24    systematic and deliberate manner.  This is critical to our

         25    safety-first fundamental, and is the ultimate responsibility


          1    of the Operations Department.

          2              Operators and management are taking control of the

          3    day-to-day activities, and ensuring that they do not let

          4    situations control them, minimizing challenges to the

          5    control room.  This is consistent with our top priority of

          6    safety first.

          7              The fourth focus area is our backlogs.  These are

          8    being monitored and evaluated to assure minimal impact on

          9    plant operations.  This effort is from both an individual,

         10    as well as an aggregate effect point of view.

         11              Only those items that management believes can be

         12    safely deferred to online maintenance or the next outage

         13    will be moved past restart.

         14              Obviously there is still work ahead of us, and as

         15    we proceed, there will be emerging issues that the

         16    organization must address.  However, we are ready for them.

         17              As the site Vice President, I'm committed to

         18    stopping and assessing when necessary, and proceeding only

         19    when we have the confidence that we can do so safely.

         20              We will use our new skills effectively, exhibit a

         21    questioning attitude, and demand quality from ourselves and

         22    others to assure safe and reliable operations.

         23              This concludes my part of the presentation.  Bob?

         24              MR. POWERS:  Thanks, Chris.  I'll take just a few

         25    minutes to wrap up what we presented today, and give you a


          1    brief sense of where I see us heading for the future.

          2              Could I have the next slide, please?  This slide

          3    captures the key points that we'd like to leave you with

          4    today.

          5              During the restart process, we have learned some

          6    key lessons:  First, we understand the aspects of our past

          7    performance that contributed to the shutdown of the Units.

          8              The discovery process and the associated results

          9    have caused all of us at Cook to reflect on where we were

         10    two years ago, and we've made a commitment not to repeat the

         11    past.

         12              We've learned how to find and how to fix our

         13    problems.  We now have the disciplined processes and the

         14    questioning attitude to assure that root causes are

         15    effectively identified, and that corrective actions are

         16    effectively implemented.

         17              We've learned that it takes a sound plan to

         18    achieve our goals.  Our restart plan has provided the

         19    necessary guidance and flexibility to both address our

         20    initial problems and to make the necessary adjustments as

         21    emerging issues reveal themselves.

         22              As most of you recall, I spoke to the Commission

         23    in November of 1998.  I described my vision for world class

         24    performance and how we would go about achieving it.

         25              We developed a comprehensive restart plan, and we


          1    are doing what we said we would do; we are nearing

          2    completion.  We believe the restart of Unit II is in sight,

          3    and should occur in the Spring of this year.

          4              Unit I should follow in the Fall, with its steam

          5    generators replaced as well.

          6              We have learned that even with good planning,

          7    we'll have challenges ahead.  Not everything is going to go

          8    smoothly, but we have developed the skills to effectively

          9    address emergent problems.

         10              Thee is more work to be done with our people and

         11    processes to reach our goals.  However, we do know how to

         12    evaluate these challenges and plan for their resolution.

         13              Most of all, we've learned not to rush the work of

         14    restart.  We have and will stop work when necessary to

         15    reinforce our higher expectations and achieve the results of

         16    doing the job right the first time.

         17              Our efforts in terms of time and resources,

         18    especially over the past 12 months, have been both difficult

         19    and enlightening, but there are definite rewards.

         20              They are manifested in a more robust plant that

         21    will respond properly when called upon by our operators. 

         22    They also show up in changes to our culture and processes

         23    which are grounded in our higher management expectations.

         24              Through our restart efforts, we've built a

         25    foundation based on four fundamentals:  A safety-first


          1    culture, capable leadership, self-critical organizations

          2    supported by an effective corrective action program, and

          3    trained, well-prepared people.

          4              These foundational elements are allowing us to

          5    build the infrastructure that will support world class

          6    performance.  They are also helping us as an organization to

          7    modify behaviors and make a fundamental change in our

          8    culture.

          9              Those changes include improvement in our

         10    questioning attitude, accountability, teamwork, and

         11    ownership.

         12              As I mentioned, we are seeing signs of changes in

         13    these areas, but we still have a ways to go.  With continued

         14    attention to our management expectations, we will achieve

         15    our goal of safe, reliable, and event-free operation and

         16    ultimately world class performance.

         17              On behalf of all of us at Cook, I want to thank

         18    you for the opportunity to address the Commission today, and

         19    this concludes our formal presentation.

         20              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Good.  Thank you very much. 

         21    I'd like to express my appreciation to all of you for what

         22    was really a remarkably candid appraisal of the situation

         23    that you have confronted.  It's clear that you made very

         24    aggressive efforts to deal with the situation.

         25              Could you say something about the work that


          1    remains to be completed?  You indicated that the ice

          2    condenser was about half filled, and so what other things of

          3    major significance are before you, before you're ready to

          4    commence the restart?

          5              MR. POWERS:  There are about 200,000 hours of

          6    physical work remaining in the outage.  Half the ice

          7    condenser remains to be filled.

          8              That work involves refurbishment of approximately

          9    80 or 90 of our motor-operated valves.  It includes the

         10    physical work to implement the 190 some odd design changes,

         11    although some are complete and underway.

         12              There are some of the design changes that remain

         13    to be resolved.  And it involves the work associated with

         14    our system turnover windows, where we've gone through and

         15    taken a comprehensive scrub of the corrective action

         16    documents that have been identified on each system, and any

         17    physical work that needs to be done in terms of maintenance,

         18    repair, it includes that as well.

         19              There is attendant work that is not showing up in

         20    that 200,00 man-hours, and that would be some paperwork

         21    issues, analytical work, closure work that's associated

         22    principally in the engineering and supporting organization.

         23              I think that gives you a pretty good assessment on

         24    what remains to be done.

         25              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Mr. Chairman, I have


          1    just a clarifying question, if I can?

          2              What's the split between Unit II and Unit I in

          3    that 200,000 hours?

          4              MR. BAKKEN:  That doesn't account for Unit I.

          5              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  That's only for Unit II?

          6              MR. BAKKEN:  Yes, we're treating Unit I as a

          7    separate entity, and really the only substantive work that's

          8    going on now in Unit I is steam generator placement, because

          9    we don't want to distract the organization on Unit II.

         10              That project will go through the end of March, and

         11    that point then we'll make an assessment, depending on the

         12    condition of Unit II, on what work we then pick up and do on

         13    Unit I.  And we'll look at that very carefully to make sure

         14    they don't adversely impact each other.  Clearly, Unit II

         15    will take precedence.

         16              MR. POWERS:  The 200 man-hours of work represents

         17    about eight weeks worth of work at the rate we are working

         18    it down.  I think this outage is going to be time-dependent,

         19    both on our continued ability to work that 200,000 man-

         20    hours down, but it's also become like a refueling outage, a

         21    process of appropriately managing the critical path

         22    activities where certain key lead items, whether it be

         23    associated with the design or the procurement of parts,

         24    really will determine the ultimate length of the outage.

         25              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Okay, I have a couple of


          1    quick questions, if I could.  One of them is on what you

          2    just said, the critical path issues.

          3              To what extent is the NRC -- I mean, where are we

          4    in the critical path?  Is there something that you need from

          5    us?

          6              MR. POWERS:  No, Commissioner.  The support from

          7    the staff has included critical questioning; it's included a

          8    thorough review.  But the from the standpoint of support of

          9    the project, that questioning and review has been timely. 

         10    It's been scheduled to support our restart activities.

         11              The licensing support, again, has involved

         12    critical questioning, tough standards, high standards, but

         13    the license products for the Cook Unit II restart are coming

         14    at a pace that will support the schedule, and I don't -- in

         15    any of my internal documents, I don't see the words, NRC in

         16    terms of critical path between us and getting the Units

         17    restarted.

         18              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  And then my second question

         19    is going to go to the issue of the new reactor oversight

         20    program that we're going to implement later on this year.

         21              The first part of this question is probably

         22    somewhat philosophical, and you can get into it if you like,

         23    or if you want to defer, that's okay, too.

         24              But if we had had the new oversight process in

         25    place a year or two or three or four ago, would it have


          1    given you a greater signal early on that you had problems at

          2    D.C. Cook, and that those problems needed to be addressed? 

          3    Would it have given you a heads-up on that?  That's the

          4    philosophical part of that question.

          5              But the second part of it, in light of the fact

          6    that we are going to a new oversight process program, in the

          7    activities that you have ongoing, which you have so

          8    carefully and thoroughly reviewed for us, have you

          9    incorporated this new oversight process in your thinking, in

         10    your going forward, as you said on some of your slides, to

         11    look at and to operate the plant under a new oversight

         12    process, such as it is.

         13              And I guess the third part of the question is, are

         14    you ready to go under a new oversight process?

         15              MR. POWERS:  Okay, there are three parts to the

         16    question.

         17              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Yes.  It's a three-part

         18    question.

         19              MR. POWERS:  Let me philosophize first.  Going

         20    forward, I think the NRC has developed a good oversight

         21    process for the nuclear industry.  I do believe, if I can

         22    answer the question by way of looking forward first, then

         23    I'll go back in time, we will have a sound corrective action

         24    program.

         25              In the conduct of that corrective action program,


          1    we will identify issues, and they will be scrubbed for their

          2    safety significance.  This will be a key element and a key

          3    input into the oversight process, and you will have a

          4    dataset that indicates what types of issues are being

          5    identified at the Cook plant.

          6              In addition, you have engineered as part of your

          7    oversight process, some cross-cutting inspection activities

          8    that will take a look at the corrective action program for

          9    its health, and continue to take a look at the engineering

         10    organization in terms of doing some cross -- some vertical

         11    reviews to take a look at the health of the engineering

         12    organization.

         13              With all of those elements in place, I think the

         14    new assessment program will find problems like we've talked

         15    about, earlier.

         16              Now, looking back in retrospect, the Cook plant

         17    did not have a healthy corrective action program, nor was it

         18    doing a particularly in-depth review and look at its

         19    engineering activities.

         20              So I'm not sure the feeding, the initial process

         21    of getting issues out on the table would have fed the

         22    oversight process.  So, from my own personal philosophical

         23    standpoint, looking at it now as a senior member of industry

         24    management, a healthy corrective action process is very,

         25    very critical to ensuring that the oversight process will


          1    work.

          2              And second question, related to whether our

          3    thoughts about the new oversight process and staring up,

          4    with Unit II having been shut down now for getting close to

          5    two and a half years, a lot of critical data that goes into

          6    the performance metrics is either old or not available.

          7              Several of the performance indicators require

          8    7,000 critical hours of the reactor to effectively establish

          9    the denominator on some of the indicators.

         10              As a result, we have talked with your staff and

         11    suggested that a transition program from the old oversight

         12    effort would be most appropriate for the startup of Cook.

         13              So we have a meeting scheduled in February to talk

         14    to the staff about what that transitional plan would look

         15    like.  It certainly would include the continued utilization

         16    of the restart metrics that we have established, and they

         17    are numerous ones, and they cover a broad gambit of safety-

         18    related issues at the plant.

         19              The 03.50 panel, in some form or fashion, will

         20    probably stay in place to oversee this transition, and we

         21    would move aggressively to move and transition to the new

         22    oversight program within about a year of restarting the

         23    first unit.

         24              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  All right, thank you.

         25              MR. POWERS:  Did I answer the third part?


          1              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  You just answered the third

          2    one, yes.  You just go into the third one.  You're not quite

          3    ready to do it yet, the transition?

          4              MR. POWERS:  Yes, that's our perspective.

          5              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Right.

          6              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Commissioner Diaz?

          7              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Yes, I want to echo the

          8    Chairman's comments regarding the ability to self-criticize

          9    yourselves and go forward.  There obviously has been a major

         10    effort, and your discovery efforts, I guess, have all been

         11    major steps.

         12              I've got a couple of questions, both of them

         13    really related, and I will state them first.

         14              When you looked through your present to the

         15    supporting material, there's some programmatic items, you

         16    know, in the case of the specific list that have high

         17    priority, which I will tend to qualify them, but you can see

         18    them safety-significant or risk-significant.

         19              And then when you get to the restart issues or

         20    probability questions, those same items take place with low

         21    priority.  A case in question is the ice condenser which

         22    most -- leads me to my second part of the question.

         23              There is some discrepancy, at least to me, at

         24    first sight, in the way you prioritize these issues for

         25    whether they are case-specific or whether they are


          1    operational issues.

          2              And the second part of the question is, as you

          3    know, we went through -- I wouldn't call it traumatic, but a

          4    very, very stressful period with Millstone in trying to

          5    determine what were the Millstone issues.  You know,

          6    Millstones has had thousands of issues, and we keep being

          7    hammered with how you're going to resolve thousands of

          8    issues.

          9              And it happens that really practically any power

         10    plant or any industry has thousands of issues to resolve. 

         11    However, the Commission is always concerned with those

         12    issues that are safety issues, or lately, we might be even

         13    calling them risk-significant, ambivalent, or use them both

         14    ways.  We don't ever know which way to use them.  But we use

         15    them in a way that confuses everybody, including ourselves.

         16              [Laughter.]

         17              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  So, you mentioned, when you -

         18    - and Mike Rencheck was the only one to talk about

         19    specifically what were some of the safety issues.  You talk

         20    about the ice condenser and the high-energy lines and the

         21    motor-operated valves.

         22              Are those the only real safety and risk-

         23    significant issues that your discovery showed up, or are

         24    those are the only ones you highlighted?

         25              If so, okay; if not, what other safety and risk-


          1    significant issues had to be not only analyzed, but

          2    resolved?  And what is the status of both?

          3              So, first, the discrepancy, and second, what are

          4    they?

          5              MR. RENCHECK:  Let me back up.  I think I might

          6    provide you with some insight on how we went about

          7    establishing the items we have been paying increased

          8    attention to, to give you some background, and then I'll

          9    answer the question specifically.

         10              We used an industry-proven process that we had

         11    used at Salem for screening issues as they came up and we

         12    entered them into our Corrective Action Program, so we would

         13    call restart issues issues that were safety issues,

         14    operability issues, design and licensing basis issues,

         15    configuration management issues, a gamut of regulatory

         16    compliance as well.

         17              When we took a look at those issues that we were

         18    calling "restart required" we had a very experienced

         19    management team and we went through all of those items,

         20    identifying what issues and general issues could result in

         21    something that was safety significant.  That is the list of

         22    40 that I had talked about.

         23              After we scrubbed through all of the issues we

         24    found, we had about 40 on our list that we knew that we had

         25    to pay increased attention to because they could have some


          1    safety significance to them.

          2              Now as we have been resolving them to date we have

          3    only identified those three that truly had safety

          4    significance to them, although we are continuing to work

          5    through the issues and we continue to look through the

          6    issues --

          7              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Excuse me -- have high safety

          8    significance?  Obviously the other 40 have some safety

          9    significance.  You want to prioritize them in a level of

         10    requiring major attention from you and also have regulatory

         11    significance.  Is that --

         12              MR. RENCHECK:  That is correct.

         13              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  That is correct, okay.

         14              MR. RENCHECK:  That is how we came up with the

         15    list.  We are still working on them.  We have three to date: 

         16    the ice condenser, motor-operated valves, and high energy

         17    line break.

         18              Now I believe you asked about the inconsistency. 

         19    I believe if you look at those issues they are each in

         20    themselves have -- play a different role in the plant, so we

         21    do not intend to communicate an inconsistency with the

         22    priority on them.  They all are being looked at at the same

         23    level.

         24              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Okay, but it clearly says it

         25    is high priority in here, it's low priority in there, and,


          1    you know, if I am a layman, which I, you know, tend to be,

          2    some of the time I look at it and say wait a minute, you

          3    know, you are placing different priorities at different

          4    times.

          5              On issues of safety significance, I just really

          6    focusing on safety significant issue, shouldn't the clear

          7    priority on safety significant issues be maintained

          8    throughout or is the process you are establishing, you know,

          9    culls them some time and say they are no longer high

         10    priority?  I don't understand.

         11              MR. RENCHECK:  I guess to answer that question we

         12    have placed again increased management attention on those 40

         13    issues, placing them in a higher realm of management

         14    attention and a higher priority than the other issues that

         15    we have had for restart.  We have periodically reviewed them

         16    internally as well as with the Staff.

         17              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  The question is should some of

         18    those that are very important like the ice containment or

         19    the high energy lines or the motor operated valves, should

         20    they carry that same priority into the operation?

         21              MR. RENCHECK:  We are correcting those issues for

         22    restart so as we restart our facility, we will be restoring

         23    our plant back to its design licensing basis or having new

         24    licensing actions that we have already worked with your

         25    Staff on.


          1              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Commissioner McGaffigan?

          2              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Thank you.  I want to

          3    join the Chairman in commending this group of folks for

          4    their straightforwardness, not only today but over the last

          5    year or so in tackling the problems of restart.

          6              One issue that comes to mind, since the plant has

          7    been down for so long, how are you stocked for licenced

          8    reactor operators, senior reactor operators and I assume you

          9    probably have some classes ready to do their manipulations

         10    and whatever once you have a plant to manipulate -- where do

         11    you stand in trained people?

         12              MR. POLLOCK:  We are in a little different

         13    position with the restart at Cook than some of the other

         14    plants.  We are actually going to be restarting Cook

         15    primarily with operators that had operated the plant prior

         16    to the shutdown.

         17              In fact, it is pretty well -- I believe it's

         18    actually 95 percent SROs and 80 percent ROs and of that 95

         19    percent SROs some of those are ROs who have been upgraded

         20    through the licensing process to SROs, so basically we are

         21    restarting Cook plant with operators who had operated Cook

         22    prior to the shutdown.

         23              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  You didn't lose people?

         24              MR. POLLOCK:  We didn't lose people from that

         25    standpoint, although there's some changes, some people who


          1    were in different positions and were relicensed.  We haven't

          2    lost people.

          3              Additionally, we have 24 SROs slated for training

          4    classes that we have brought in that were previously

          5    licensed from other plants to augment this and go into a

          6    training program starting this spring -- actually, two

          7    training programs we will have going this spring.

          8              That is on the licensed side, and then we have

          9    brought in nearly 40 equipment operators to augment our

         10    staff also going through the training program.

         11              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  This is a philosophical

         12    question that Commissioner Dicus asked.  You have one set of

         13    standards for restart, and we have heard that from other

         14    plants that some of these folks have worked at, and I know

         15    they are going forward to achieve excellence, first

         16    quartile, whatever.  How do you see -- how long do you see

         17    that period taking to achieve the higher standards that you

         18    hope to achieve?

         19              MR. POWERS:  Well, we would love to be able to

         20    tell you that it could happen over a short period of time,

         21    but realistically the cultural change and making sure that

         22    it is embedded in the fabric of our culture in our

         23    estimation will take from three to five years to see its

         24    full fruition demonstrate itself.

         25              In the short-term, let's say over the first year


          1    or so following restart we still see us in a mode of

          2    providing a lot of directive top-down management as the

          3    cultural attributes get further and further developed

          4    throughout the organization.

          5              We have a business plan that is being put together

          6    to carry our efforts of continuing that change past restart. 

          7    There will be 10 strategic initiatives that we'll go to work

          8    on some of the human performance issues that Chris alluded

          9    to, some of the strategic performance initiative that we

         10    need to tackle in terms of enhanced reliability for the

         11    units, improved refueling outage performance and the like,

         12    and we have included resources to support that business plan

         13    as part of our going forward effort but overall I would say

         14    you are looking at a couple refueling cycles to really see

         15    the results of that cultural change.

         16              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  And then one final

         17    question.  This may be for Dr. Draper.  The Corbin MacNeills

         18    of the world and Don Hinzes say you are either a shark or

         19    you are going to be eaten.

         20              [Laughter.]

         21              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  And one of the issues is

         22    insularity.  I mean the reason I bring it up -- there is a

         23    safety nexus.  You know, some of the plants -- once Mike

         24    worked at Crystal River and it's now been purchased by

         25    Carolina Power & Light, I believe, or merged -- there is a


          1    trend in the industry towards in that case it was a single

          2    unit.  You have a two-unit plant so you have more personnel,

          3    but the notion that, the philosophical notion that some

          4    people in the industry put forward is that you need a group

          5    of plants to help provide people with career path

          6    opportunities to retain them and that sort of thing, so do

          7    you see -- how will you deal with the insularity issue on a

          8    more global scale?

          9              DR. DRAPER:  Well, we think restarting the units

         10    gives us a variety of options.  The options are relatively

         11    obvious, I suppose.

         12              One has been suggested -- that you could either

         13    sell or buy and become either larger or nonexistent.  There

         14    are intermediate possibilities, we think.  The fact that we

         15    will have the relationship with the South Texas Project

         16    means that there are really four units that have some

         17    relationship one to another.

         18              There is also the possibility that we would form

         19    some sort of an operational alliance of the type that has

         20    been formed by the Wisconsin companies.  Those companies are

         21    nearby.  Some of the units at least have similarities to our

         22    own plant, so it is a bridge we have not yet crossed.  We

         23    recognize that it is something that is certainly worthy of

         24    attention, but I wouldn't say it is as obvious as perhaps

         25    Corbin thinks it is, that a two-unit, substantial sized


          1    plant couldn't be successful.  I think it probably could be,

          2    but that is not necessarily the optimum situation.

          3              We will just as we go forward evaluate what those

          4    options are.

          5              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Thank you.

          6              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Commissioner Merrifield.

          7              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Obviously, you know, a

          8    lot of the success here is due to the fact that you brought

          9    in the strong management team.  In fact, you have so many of

         10    them here it makes me wonder who is left at the plant today

         11    but --

         12              [Laughter.]

         13              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  I guess my question is

         14    institutionalization of changes so that when this group of

         15    folks leaves down the line you will still have the right

         16    kind of results, that this is not a person-driven process,

         17    that it has become institutionalized within the system, and

         18    I wonder if you could just touch a little bit on how you are

         19    going about doing that.

         20              DR. DRAPER:  Let me make a comment and then ask

         21    Bob to comment as well.  I think you are absolutely right.

         22              One of the things that we believe we had done is

         23    to put together an absolutely top notch team of people who

         24    have had experiences at a variety of successful operating

         25    plants as well as the restart plants, and so we think we


          1    have a top layer organization that is second to none.

          2              The trick is to, as you suggest, institutionalize

          3    that, be sure that the people who are in the succession plan

          4    have equally good skills and we'll be working very hard to

          5    be sure that we don't have a team that is the All Star team

          6    leading off, with nobody else sitting on the bench, and that

          7    is a challenge for us.  We believe that we have capabilities

          8    within our own organization for developing people who have

          9    been there, and we will doubtless continue to look around as

         10    needed to fill in behind these guys.

         11              MR. POWERS:  Let me answer the question on a

         12    personal level.  I came to help this plant achieve world

         13    class performance and my job is not done, so I plan to stick

         14    it out and make sure that happens.

         15              Now having said that, the plan that I am

         16    implementing is twofold for about the next year or so.  It

         17    will be a top-down effort to ensure that the cultural

         18    attributes that I mentioned are in fact demonstrated on a

         19    day to day basis, and I plan to make sure that the

         20    management team that is in place is motivated and

         21    appropriately compensated to stick it through as well.

         22              In the longer term, the pre-eminent, the first

         23    strategic initiative in our business plan will be the human

         24    performance initiative.  It includes a vision that says to

         25    achieve the operating focus that Chris Bakken described we


          1    will license people throughout the facility to get an

          2    operational perspective or certify them.  Those will be

          3    engineers and maintenance people and radiation protection

          4    and chemistry people who will get a sense of what it is like

          5    to operate the facility so that they can carry that spirit

          6    of what it takes to truly have operational focus forward.

          7              Those will be the types of actionable items we

          8    will have to accomplish over the next three, four, five

          9    years to really make sure that this is self-sustaining, and

         10    be less susceptible to the senior management team deciding

         11    to go off and pursue other adventures, and that is what we

         12    are committed to do.

         13              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Thank you very much.

         14              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Mr. Chairman -- I'm

         15    sorry, that wasn't my only question.

         16              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Could you make it brief now,

         17    Jeff?

         18              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Can you estimate the

         19    size of the backlogs you expect at restart and how you are

         20    going to deal with that given the fact that you may have

         21    emerging issues under power?

         22              MR. BAKKEN:  Yes.  The specific size of the

         23    backlog, Commissioner, is a little bit too early to tell. 

         24    We do have a meeting planned with the Staff to discuss the

         25    backlogs in detail and our plans for addressing them in


          1    March.  In general, the backlog are scrubbed carefully using

          2    the restart criteria that we have with the same process that

          3    has been used elsewhere.

          4              We will be very careful going through it to look

          5    to make sure that the individual component as well as

          6    potentially aggregate impact is adequately reviewed to make

          7    sure that there is no safety issue and that we don't miss a

          8    design or license basis issue or a reliability issue.

          9              All of that review is being done by the system

         10    manager as well as the senior reactor operator and

         11    ultimately comes to our plant operating review committee for

         12    review and approval.  It is a pretty rigorous review process

         13    to make sure it is okay.

         14              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  One final brief

         15    question.  Commissioner Dicus asked about readiness renewal

         16    oversight process, but I am interested in whether you have

         17    any insights at this point on how we might integrate the

         18    03.50 process into that new program as well?

         19              MR. POWERS:  The 03.50 process, Commissioner?

         20              I think that deserves some thought.  There is a

         21    big difference -- the 03.50 process is really a process to

         22    drive discovery.  The oversight process is one that really

         23    needs to have programs in a healthy status to work as I

         24    mentioned.  Beyond that, we really haven't thought through

         25    any --


          1              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Okay, perhaps it's for

          2    another day.  You brought us some insight on that.  Thank

          3    you.

          4              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Good.  I would like to thank

          5    you all very much.  It's been a very helpful presentation.

          6              I would like to turn now to Mr. David Lochbaum,

          7    who, as most of you know, is a Nuclear Safety Engineer with

          8    the Union of Concerned Scientists.  He has been following

          9    the situation at this plant carefully over the years. 

         10    Welcome.

         11              MR. LOCHBAUM:  Good morning.  Thank you for

         12    soliciting our views on this matter.

         13              Nineteen months ago I sat at this table to discuss

         14    the proposed restart of Millstone Unit 3.  My presentation

         15    at that time ended with these two conclusions, quote, "NU's

         16    future performance cannot be predicted, but it is known that

         17    the NRC Staff lacks the ability to reliably shut down plants

         18    with regulatory performance problems.  Millstone Unit 3

         19    should not start without that adequate protection standard

         20    being met."

         21              There are many similarities between D.C. Cook Unit

         22    2 today and the Millstone Unit 3 facility in June of 1998. 

         23    Both had been closed for more than two years while their

         24    owners made numerous corrections to both the physical plant

         25    and to its procedures.


          1              We believe that the extent of these changes

          2    strongly suggests failure by the plant owners and also by

          3    the NRC to have properly focused on safety.  D.C. Cook's

          4    owners have provided today a lengthy listing of plant

          5    modifications, equipment upgrades, and procedure changes

          6    that they have made to support their assertion that the

          7    facility is preparing to restart.

          8              Millstone's owners provided a comparable listing

          9    in June of 1998 and similar time and effort has gone into

         10    examining these lists in an attempt to ensure that the

         11    necessary safety margins have been restored.

         12              The compilation and scrutiny of D.C. Cook's list

         13    is as important now as it was for Millstone in 1998.  The

         14    long length of these lists demonstrates that substantial

         15    erosion of safety margins occurred.  I will try to avoid my

         16    usual exchange with Commissioner Diaz over this subject by

         17    not stating that this meant that the plants crossed the line

         18    between safe and unsafe.  Instead, I will say that this

         19    meant the plants crossed the line from acceptable

         20    performance into unacceptable performance.

         21              The key difference between Millstone in 1998 and

         22    D.C. Cook today has nothing to do with their respective

         23    laundry lists.  The key difference is that the NRC Staff now

         24    has a list of what it has corrected.  At the top of that

         25    list is the revised reactor oversight process.  In 1998 the


          1    NRC Staff did not have such a list.  At best it had an IOU

          2    slip.

          3              In effectively implemented reactor oversight

          4    process is vital for D.C. Cook, for Millstone, and for all

          5    operating nuclear plants.  If performance declines an

          6    effectively implemented oversight program wills step in and

          7    prevent safety margins from being eroded to the point where

          8    the line between acceptable and unacceptable performance is

          9    crossed.

         10              In 1998 we lacked confidence that the NRC Staff

         11    had the means to detect and correct declining performance at

         12    Millstone should that occur following restart.  After all,

         13    the Staff was using the same policies and procedures that

         14    had been used unsuccessfully prior to Millstone's extended

         15    outage.

         16              Today we have confidence that the revised reactor

         17    oversight process, if implemented effectively, can provide

         18    the Staff with the means to detect unacceptable operation at

         19    D.C. Cook if its performance declines following restart.

         20              The qualifier in that statement, "if implemented

         21    effectively," should not be discounted.  The old reactor

         22    oversight process could have been successful if it had been

         23    implemented effectively.

         24              We are encouraged that the Staff's plans for

         25    implementing the new process include monitoring and follow-


          1    up checks to increase the chances of successful

          2    implementation.

          3              We recommend that the revised reactor oversight

          4    process be applied to all operating nuclear plants as soon

          5    as practical.  It is the adequate protection standard that

          6    we felt was lacking in June of 1998.

          7              Thank you for listening to our views.

          8              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Thank you very much, Mr.

          9    Lochbaum.

         10              You would agree, would you not, that there has to

         11    be some sort of a transition in the case of D.C. Cook

         12    because they don't have the critical data available to go

         13    full-fledged into the new oversight program.

         14              MR. LOCHBAUM:  Right.  An earlier draft of my

         15    written statement suggested that we apply it to D.C. Cook at

         16    restart, after discussions with Mr. Grobe and others that,

         17    your point is well taken, the plant is not ready to allow

         18    that to happen.  It is going to take some time for something

         19    to happen, so that I agree that that needs to happen.

         20              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Thank you.  Any questions from

         21    my colleagues?

         22              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Yes.

         23              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Yes.

         24              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Others?

         25              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Go ahead.


          1              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  On the oversight

          2    process, you heard earlier that -- what was broken at D.C.

          3    Cook.

          4              Are you confident -- I mean you have sat on this

          5    Board -- that if implemented effectively that we would have

          6    found the corrective action program problems and the design

          7    problems at D.C. Cook with the revised inspection program?

          8              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  And if I could, also the

          9    people problems as well, if I could tag that on.

         10              MR. LOCHBAUM:  I think it would have been, and the

         11    evidence that I used to base that guess is the -- and I

         12    don't have it today, I wish I did -- we plotted the NRC

         13    inspection findings for a two year period before September

         14    of 1997 and a nine-month period afterwards, and they

         15    averaged roughly eight or nine findings, which included

         16    Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 noncited violations.

         17              They averaged eight or nine of those before

         18    September, 1997, and they jumped to like 75 in a peak month

         19    afterwards.  They went up.  There was a dramatic sea change.

         20              We felt that D.C. Cook's performance didn't change

         21    overnight.  The perception changed overnight.

         22              I don't know that the director of the oversight

         23    process would have found it at the exact earliest

         24    opportunity but I think it would have found it earlier than

         25    September of '97.


          1              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Would the PIs have found

          2    it or would it have been in inspection findings?

          3              MR. LOCHBAUM:  I think it was a race, because most

          4    of the data comes through the PI format.  My guess would be

          5    PIs would have found it first.  I think some of the back-

          6    testing that is done in SECY 99.07 or 7(a), I forget which

          7    one, indicates that some of the findings PIs did go other

          8    than green at D.C. Cook so I think that would have been an

          9    indication.  Whether the NRC's supplemental inspections then

         10    fully explain what the problems were and pointed out the

         11    people problems Commissioner Dicus pointed out, I suspect

         12    that would have happened or that there was an opportunity

         13    for that to have happened.

         14              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  I would like to

         15    continue.  I don't want to turn this into a new inspection

         16    program.  We will have another opportunity on that, but the

         17    significance determination process for inspection findings,

         18    do you think some of the inspection findings that were there

         19    to be found would have triggered a white or yellow, they

         20    wouldn't have all been green inspection findings if you had

         21    a properly implemented new oversight process?

         22              I mean these are all theoretical questions.

         23              MR. LOCHBAUM:  Right.  I hope they would have.  If

         24    not, at least it would have prompted a debate, which would

         25    have given groups like ours an opportunity to have a voice


          1    in the debate, but I think it would have -- absent --

          2    absent -- I really do --

          3              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Okay.

          4              MR. LOCHBAUM:  I have no data to prove that, but I

          5    do believe it would have.

          6              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Thank you.

          7              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Well, I'm sorry we are not

          8    disagreeing a lot today.  That makes me wonder whether I am

          9    getting old.

         10              [Laughter.]

         11              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  David, but I just wanted to

         12    say that I personally, I believe the Commission appreciates,

         13    you know, your comments early in the process with this, how

         14    you brought things out, and I am glad we pay attention, and

         15    you have been very valuable to us in this process, and we --

         16    I just want to say thank you.

         17              MR. LOCHBAUM:  I appreciate that.  Thank you.

         18              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Commissioner Diaz,

         19    beating me to the punch, I agree.  I think your assistance

         20    in the D.C. Cook oversight, the new oversight process and

         21    the 2.06 process have all been valuable and I hope our

         22    positive comments don't take away from your constituency's

         23    respect for what you do, because certainly I have respect

         24    for it.

         25              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  He will disagree soon.  Don't


          1    worry about it.

          2              [Laughter.]

          3              MR. LOCHBAUM:  Not yet though.

          4              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  I want to say we have

          5    been dealing with the issues relative to Millstone and D.C.

          6    Cook within the time that I have been a Commissioner, and

          7    even dissatisfaction with the way in which we were doing

          8    some things at D.C. Cook and at Millstone and have not had

          9    quite the same level of concern about what we have been

         10    doing at D.C. Cook.

         11              At both we used the 03.50 process, and so my

         12    question for you is do we have an issue here in terms of a

         13    different way of implementing the 03.50 process?  Is it a

         14    different way that the regions have acted in their oversight

         15    efforts?  Is there some inconsistency within how we were

         16    acting here at Headquarters?  Do we have some other

         17    programmatic weaknesses?

         18              Where is it that is the source of a difference, in

         19    your opinion, in terms of how we acted relative to Millstone

         20    and how we have been acting relative to D.C. Cook?

         21              MR. LOCHBAUM:  Well, I think the 03.50 process is

         22    intentionally broad-based and they can cover a number of

         23    applications.  Therefore, that allows a lot of flexibility

         24    on level of detail, what is within the scope, what is out of

         25    the scope.


          1              Even with that issue, I think it was more in how

          2    it was implemented at Millstone versus how it was

          3    implemented at D.C. Cook, so I don't think it is a specific

          4    problem with the procedure.  It seemed to me to be the way

          5    it was implemented.

          6              When I attended or monitored Millstone meetings,

          7    there were -- the Staff asked questions, but there was no

          8    follow-up.  There were no strings pulled.  It seemed to be

          9    accepted on faith what Millstone was doing.  I am not saying

         10    Millstone was doing a bad job, just when I look at how

         11    Region III has handled D.C. Cook, there have been probing

         12    questions.  It is not adversarial so it is not a different

         13    approach, but there is a greater public confidence.  At

         14    Millstone it didn't look like -- when I came away from a

         15    Millstone meeting I usually had questions that I would have

         16    asked had I been allowed to speak.

         17              At the D.C. Cook meetings it was very seldom that

         18    the region didn't ask the questions first.  That led me to

         19    greater confidence that they were doing a thorough job

         20    asking the questions that I would ask if I could speak, so I

         21    think that is the difference that I observed.

         22              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Thank you.

         23              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Thank you.  We very much

         24    appreciate --

         25              MR. LOCHBAUM:  Thank you.


          1              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  -- your participation this

          2    morning.

          3              Our final panel will consist of various members of

          4    the Staff.  Good morning.

          5              DR. TRAVERS:  Well, I think we're settled, Mr.

          6    Chairman.

          7              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Why don't you proceed?

          8              DR. TRAVERS:  Thank you very much.  Good morning. 

          9    As you pointed out earlier, Chairman, in your comments, the

         10    Agency has certainly been significantly involved in

         11    evaluating the corrective actions at D.C. Cook.

         12              Today we plan to provide you with our perspective

         13    on a number of issues, including the status of the

         14    licensee's corrective actions, and our own Manual Chapter

         15    0350 restart assessment process.

         16              Joining me at the table this morning are Jim Dyer,

         17    the Regional Administrator, Region III, Jack Grobe, who is

         18    Jim's Director of the Division of Reactor Safety; Sam

         19    Collins, the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor

         20    Regulation; John Zwolinski, who is Sam's Director of the

         21    Division of Licensing and Project Management.

         22              Other members of the NRC staff who have been key

         23    to our activities at D.C. Cook will be identified in a few

         24    moments by both Jim Dyer and John Zwolinski.

         25              This is the fourth time in the past two years that


          1    we've had the opportunity to discuss the performance at D.C.

          2    Cook with the Commission.  In July of 1998, we discussed

          3    D.C. Cook performance at the annual briefing on operating

          4    reactors.

          5              As a result of that meeting, we concluded that the

          6    performance at D.C. Cook was declining.  In November of

          7    1998, we met with the Commission to discuss D.C. Cook

          8    performance in detail, with the particular focus on

          9    engineering performance issues.

         10              In May of 199, we discussed D.C. Cook performance

         11    again at the annual briefing, and we informed the Commission

         12    that D.C. Cook had been categorized as an Agency-focus

         13    plant.  This was done in recognition that the issues at D.C.

         14    Cook had for some time been the focus of senior NRC

         15    management attention.

         16              D.C. Cook remains an Agency-focus plant, and the

         17    staff intends to utilize the senior management meeting

         18    schedule for this Spring as the vehicle for making the

         19    determination of whether the Agency-focus classification

         20    should be retained or changed.

         21              This determination would include our assessment of

         22    the power operations subsequent to any restart

         23    authorization.  Restart authorization will occur after the

         24    Manual Chapter 0350 restart panel has determined that

         25    actions have been satisfactorily completed for safe restart


          1    at Unit II.

          2              Jim Dyer, in coordination with Sam Collins and

          3    myself, will make a final determination regarding the

          4    restart of the D.C. Cook plant.

          5              Importantly, the 035 panel will continue to

          6    evaluate Unit II performance following restart to ensure

          7    that American Electric Power actions to improve performance

          8    are sustained.

          9              I would like to now to turn it over to Jim Dyer

         10    who is going to begin our formal presentation.

         11              MR. DYER:  Thank you, Bill.  May I have Slide 1,

         12    please.

         13              Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, here with me today is

         14    Jack Grobe, who in addition to being the Director of the

         15    Division of Reactor Safety in Region III, is also the 0350

         16    panel chairman.  John Zwolinski is the Vice Chairman for the

         17    0350 panel for D.C. Cook restart.

         18              Additionally, Region III staff who are also here

         19    involved with the D.C. Cook project are Tony Vagel, the DRP

         20    Branch Chief, Bruce Bartlett, his Senior Resident Inspector

         21    for D.C. Cook, Gary Shear, the DRS Branch Chief, lead Branch

         22    Chief for D.C. Cook, and Mel Holmberg, the lead engineer for

         23    the D.C. Cook restart activities.

         24              Can I have the second slide, please?  For today's

         25    presentation, our plan is that I will first summarize NRC


          1    oversight activities since the shutdown of the D.C. Cook

          2    Units, and focusing on those activities since our last

          3    briefing in May, 1999.

          4              And then John Zwolinski will present the status of

          5    licensing activities that are in progress or have been

          6    completed to support the D.C. Cook restart.  And then,

          7    finally, we will address the staff oversight activities

          8    planned for the restart and the operation.

          9              Overall, the NRC has expended approximately 20,000

         10    hours of direct inspection effort at the D.C. Cook plant

         11    since 1997, in the past three years.

         12              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Excuse me, how many?

         13              MR. DYER:  About 20,000 hours since 1997, 1998 and

         14    1999.  And of those, about half of them, or 10,000 hours of

         15    direct inspection effort, have been focused on what I will

         16    call the recovery and discovery efforts of the licensee.

         17              Slide 3, please.  For a little history, in

         18    September, 1997, in followup to the architect engineering

         19    inspections and subsequent plant shutdown, dual-unit

         20    shutdown of both D.C. Cook Units, Region III issued a

         21    confirmatory action letter documenting the actions that

         22    American Electric Power would take prior to their restart.

         23              Those actions included resolution of nine specific

         24    issues identified during the NRC inspection, as well as our

         25    understanding that American Electric Power would determine


          1    whether similar engineering problems existed in other safety

          2    systems.

          3              Subsequently, additional problems were discovered,

          4    and as a result, the NRC issued a Severity Level II problem

          5    violation -- issued violations that constituted a Severity

          6    Level II problem, and issued a $500,000 civil penalty in the

          7    latter part of 1998.

          8              And in March, 1998, American Electric Power

          9    developed a restart plan that expanded and included system

         10    readiness reviews of those risk-significant systems to bound

         11    the problems found by the inspection.

         12              At that same time, the NRC commenced its 0350

         13    restart panel, formed its 0350 restart panel, and issued its

         14    initial case-specific checklist for D.C. Cook restart.

         15              Later in 1998, American Electric Power completed

         16    their plant system readiness reviews that were intended to

         17    bound the significant issues, and in September, the NRC

         18    observed American Electric Power's contracted safety system

         19    functional inspection of the auxiliary feedwater system.

         20              That inspection identified significant operability

         21    issues that had been missed by these system readiness

         22    reviews.  Also in September, NRC inspectors identified

         23    operability concerns with motor-operated valves that further

         24    questioned the effectiveness of their system readiness

         25    reviews.


          1              At the November 30th, 1998 Commission meeting,

          2    briefing on D.C. Cook, American Electric Power was bringing

          3    in their outside engineering and management talent,

          4    performing self-assessments, and revising their approach to

          5    restart, and in March, 1999, they revised their restart plan

          6    to include the expanded system readiness reviews and

          7    assessment of programs and functional areas.

          8              Overall, up until March of 1999, from the

          9    September 1997 date until March 1999, the NRC expended

         10    approximately 4,000 hours of direct inspection effort to

         11    identify the scope of their problems to the licensee, and

         12    have them initiate their expanded system readiness reviews.

         13              Next Slide 4, please.  The expanded system

         14    readiness reviews, programmatic assessments, and the

         15    functional reviews conducted by American Electric Power

         16    staff, augmented by experienced contractors, the process

         17    identified numerous deficiencies, some of which required

         18    repair, system modifications, and license amendments, as we

         19    heard earlier from the licensee.

         20              This was the status of the activities at the time

         21    we last briefed the Commission in May of 1999.  This past

         22    Summer, the Manual Chapter 0350 restart panel focused

         23    several inspections on the American Electric Power problem

         24    discovery efforts, using our own experienced inspectors and

         25    contractor personnel.


          1              Our inspections evaluated the conduct of

          2    licensee's problem discovery efforts, reviewed the resultant

          3    input to their corrective action process, and assessed the

          4    adequacy of the licensee's oversight of this discovery

          5    process.

          6              We also conducted a safety system functional

          7    inspection of two safety systems as an independent

          8    validation of their efforts.  We found the expanded system

          9    readiness reviews to be effective in identifying the

         10    deficiencies impacting safety system functions that

         11    confirmed that American Electric Power had conducted

         12    sufficiently self-critical reviews of their programs and

         13    functional areas, and that the performance assessment

         14    organization of D.C. Cook provided critical oversight of

         15    plant activities.

         16              This effort ended up and was completed in

         17    September of 1999, and the NRC expended approximately 3,000

         18    hours of direct inspection effort to review their discovery

         19    efforts.

         20              Following this validation of the discovery

         21    efforts, the case-specific checklist was expanded to capture

         22    the necessary licensee corrective actions to support the

         23    safe restart.

         24              Slide 5, please.  This past Fall, inspections have

         25    been conducted to review the effectiveness of American


          1    Electric Power's efforts to correct the deficiencies

          2    identified during their discovery efforts.

          3              To date, we have spent approximately 2500 hours of

          4    direct inspection effort, reviewing such areas as operator

          5    training, corrective actions program, safety evaluations,

          6    preventive maintenance, operability determinations, ice

          7    condenser corrections, and incorporating instrument

          8    uncertainties into equipment design testing and plant

          9    procedures, as well as some of the engineering corrective

         10    actions activities that were discussed earlier by Mr.

         11    Rencheck.

         12              The inspections confirm progress in resolving many

         13    of the restart issues.  Our inspections and NRR staff

         14    reviews have confirmed adequate resolutions of the issues

         15    identified in the confirmatory action letter and the nine

         16    issues in the bounding concern.

         17              We are currently considering the staff's

         18    recommendation to close out this confirmatory action letter. 

         19    The remaining restart activities would then be managed

         20    through a case-specific checklist in the 0350 process.

         21              Slide 6, please.  At this point, I'd like to turn

         22    the discussion of the licensing activities over to John

         23    Zwolinski.

         24              MR. ZWOLINSKI:  Good morning.  I would like to

         25    recognize members of the NRR staff, our Project Manager,


          1    sitting behind me, is John Stang, who has had the

          2    responsibility for Cook for the last couple of years.  His

          3    Section Chief is Claudia Craig, who has also been deeply

          4    involved with the facility.

          5              I'd also like to note that there are others on the

          6    NRR staff that have been deeply involved with technical

          7    reviews under the Division of Engineering and Division of

          8    System Safety and who supported the work.

          9              As compared to other extended shutdown plants,

         10    D.C. Cook did not require the processing of a large number

         11    of license amendments as Cook has undertaken an effort to

         12    restore the original design basis of the plant.

         13              The licensee chose to make modifications at the

         14    plant, in lieu of trying to use analysis to justify the

         15    conditions found during the enhanced system readiness

         16    review.

         17              Examples include the repair and restoration of the

         18    ice condenser to its original design and licensing basis,

         19    removal of foreign material, and repair of ice baskets, for

         20    example; removal of fibrous material.

         21              They also cut holes in the containment crane wall

         22    to allow reactor coolant to flow back to the recirculation

         23    sump to maintain levels in the sump.

         24              Thus, our technical staff focused on questions and

         25    concerns raised regarding licensing basis of the plant, and


          1    trying to maintain a schedule to support licensee

          2    submittals.

          3              This has been especially true over the past year. 

          4    Two major issues resolved by the technical staff were

          5    unreviewed safety questions concerning sump pump

          6    performance, ice rates, also credit for control rod

          7    insertion following a large break loca.

          8              We have monitored licensee design and licensee

          9    initiatives that were identified as a result of the

         10    licensee's enhanced system readiness review process and our

         11    own inspection process.

         12              In order to facilitate the licensing process, we

         13    not only interact with the licensee on a daily basis; we

         14    conduct a senior management-level phone call on a weekly

         15    basis.  Typically, NRR, the Region, residents, and the

         16    licensee, participate on this important call.

         17              We've taken steps to ensure surprises have been

         18    minimized, and use the concept of over-communication to

         19    ensure any and all issues are raised promptly, thus trying

         20    to attain or maintain our ability to stay out in front of

         21    any critical licensing issues.

         22              Remaining issues before the staff that require our

         23    approval prior to restart:  Changes to containment spray

         24    pump surveillance, deletion of a reference to reactor

         25    coolant pump volume as referenced in the technical


          1    specification, and issuance of an order against NUREG 0737

          2    to modify hydrogen monitoring.  These are all scheduled to

          3    be completed before the end of January.

          4              To put in context, the staff's efforts, we've

          5    compared our efforts to a few plants that have been in

          6    extended outages, specifically Salem and Crystal River.  For

          7    Cook, in 1999, our staff has spent approximately 1600 hours

          8    resolving 13 issues.  For Salem, the staff spent

          9    considerable time in the early stages of that plant

         10    shutdown, but in the following year, resources spent were

         11    considerably less than Cook.

         12              Whereas, with Crystal River in the last year, we

         13    spent about 3500 hours on 34 issues, so Crystal River was

         14    very heavily into the licensing side of the house, Cook

         15    being far less.

         16              That concludes my remarks.

         17              MR. DYER:  Slide 7, please.  As we heard earlier,

         18    American Electric Power plans to restart D.C. Cook Unit II

         19    in March of this year, and Unit I later this Summer, after

         20    steam generator replacement.

         21              The NRC Manual Chapter 0350 restart panel has

         22    effectively focused NRC activities to accomplish the

         23    necessary regulatory actions to meet this schedule.  As John

         24    said, licensing activities have been well coordinated, as

         25    well as the inspection activities in working with the AEP


          1    staff.

          2              We've held frequent meetings onsite, in the

          3    Region, and here at headquarters to solicit stakeholder

          4    input, and to give them the opportunity to observe the

          5    regulatory process.

          6              The restart panel continues to review plant

          7    issues, emerging issues within the station, and to

          8    coordinate our inspection schedules, and review and assess

          9    the overall work environment for individuals to raise safety

         10    concerns.

         11              Currently, we have some remaining inspections to

         12    complete prior to restart.  As part of our continued

         13    validation of the corrective action program, we will inspect

         14    the motor-operated valve program, electrical protection

         15    coordination, return to service of safety systems, and the

         16    surveillance testing program.

         17              Just prior to restart, we will also conduct an

         18    operational readiness inspection with continuous control

         19    room observation, and our senior reactor analysts will also

         20    assess the risk impact of any deferred work after restart.

         21              Overall, we expect to expend approximately 1200

         22    hours of direct inspection effort in this restart effort,

         23    going forward from today.

         24              Restart approval will follow the existing 0350

         25    manual process.  The 0350 panel will continue to evaluate


          1    the Unit II performance, following restart, to ensure that

          2    improved performance is sustained.

          3              We'll also provide oversight for the Unit I

          4    restart, after steam generator replacement, and we'll

          5    support transition of D.C. Cook to the new oversight panel.

          6              The implementation of the risk-informed baseline

          7    inspection program and the revised assessment process will

          8    be delayed beyond April 1st.  To minimize the impact during

          9    the restart of the units and until D.C. Cook has been

         10    operated in sufficient time to develop the valid performance

         11    indicators, the NRC, as we heard earlier, the NRC and D.C.

         12    Cook will meet in February to discuss the transition plan. 

         13    We'll have a plan put together before April 1st to handle

         14    the transition.

         15              That concludes my prepared remarks.

         16              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Thank you very much.  I think

         17    the staff should be commended for their efforts, and we

         18    appear to be headed towards a successful conclusion with

         19    what is a very obviously major effort.  That reflects very

         20    well on all of you.

         21              I don't really have any questions for you about

         22    the specifics of the restart process, but I wonder if having

         23    been in the middle of this, there are some observations you

         24    make or lessons we should learn about when we confront this

         25    situation again.


          1              Hopefully we won't, but the possibility exists. 

          2    Are there things that we should learn from this whole

          3    process that you've been under that have to do with our own

          4    way of dealing with these situations, things we should

          5    undertake that would improve the way we approach the kinds

          6    of problems that you've been dealing with for the last few

          7    years?

          8              MR. DYER:  Mr. Chairman, I think that the biggest

          9    lesson that I have learned -- and we talked about this, and

         10    I think Commissioner Dicus and the other Commissioners have

         11    raised the issue -- about looking with 20/20 hindsight, what

         12    would we have done with the new assessment process and Cook?

         13              Sam Collins and I have had several discussions

         14    about this.  It's the importance of, we have to make the new

         15    process discover the D.C. Cook's before they get this bad. 

         16    And I don't know whether the performance indicators would

         17    have discovered it, but focusing on the inspection program,

         18    it is -- we need to make sure that the tools are there.

         19              I look at it now -- I believe that the new

         20    assessment program with the inspection that's currently

         21    provided, could find, can find.  The challenge that is on me

         22    as a Regional Administrator, and Jack as the DRS Director

         23    and our team, is to make sure that we put the right kinds of

         24    people and have the right kind of inspection effort and

         25    talent to identify some of the design basis issues that


          1    wouldn't lend themselves to performance indicators.

          2              And that we ensure that the performance indicators

          3    that do come forward are properly categorized so that we get

          4    the true picture of performance at the site.

          5              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Thank you.  Commissioner Dicus,

          6    do you have any questions?

          7              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Just a quick one.  I'll ask

          8    Commissioner Merrifield's question for him.

          9              On the 350 process, he's brought this up with the

         10    other presenters, and to what extent the 350 process might

         11    have to change under the new oversight -- new reactor

         12    oversight program that we're going to.  I'm just asking it

         13    to you, what you think, because it is going to require some

         14    modification, but it has also been a very successful

         15    program, particularly with D.C. Cook.

         16              Do you want to jump on that one?

         17              MR. DYER:  I'm not sure how the new -- what we're

         18    looking at to go -- to tie it to the 350 process to go

         19    forward.  I anticipate that it will be somewhat like we have

         20    right now.

         21              There are some critical parts of the 0350 process

         22    that I think have to be there.  I think the communications

         23    channels that it opens up at the point where we make the

         24    decision to dedicate the resources, and to manage and to a

         25    structured approach, to manage the resources that we're


          1    focusing on a problem plant, are critical.  That still has

          2    to be there.

          3              Jack is much more familiar with it, so I'll let

          4    him talk, if he has anything he wants to add.

          5              MR. GROBE:  I've studied the new draft procedure

          6    for the new 0350 process, and Sam Collins's staff and I

          7    considered whether we should implement the new process, once

          8    April 1 comes around.  We concluded that we should not,

          9    because it is predicated upon valid performance indicators

         10    and other things that we didn't do under the old process.

         11              But there are a couple of things that I have

         12    learned through this process.  I believe this outage could

         13    have been shorter, had we been more intrusive earlier in the

         14    0350 process.

         15              Behaviors that we've learned in the Regions over

         16    the years have shown we have to provide findings.  If a

         17    licensee doesn't listen to those findings, we make new

         18    inspections and provide more findings.

         19              But we weren't very -- I don't want to say

         20    directive, but severely intrusive early in the discovery

         21    efforts that occurred in 1998.  Consequently, it wasn't

         22    until later in '98 when we were going to do an aux feedwater

         23    SSFI and the licensee requested that they be permitted to do

         24    that with our oversight, that it truly came to the surface,

         25    that the early system reviews were not being effective.


          1              We had indications of that earlier, and I believe

          2    we should have become more intrusive earlier, and done a

          3    more thorough engineering inspection earlier in that

          4    process.

          5              With respect to the new, risk-informed baseline

          6    inspection program, for that program to be effective, the

          7    licensee has to have a robust corrective action program.  So

          8    it's somewhat of a guess, whether or not the new program

          9    could have been effective with Cook in its, as Bob Powers

         10    described, insular, nonfunctional from the standpoint of

         11    corrective action, mode that it was in.

         12              The new inspection program has corrective action

         13    program inspection modules; the old program had those.  As

         14    Jim indicated, our challenge is to be more effective in

         15    implementing those new inspection modules.

         16              In addition, the new program includes a much more

         17    intense design focus, once every other year, which was not

         18    included in the old program.

         19              So, from that standpoint, those are the lessons

         20    learned from Cook and Millstone.

         21              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Okay, thank you.

         22              MR. COLLINS:  I think we're going to go forward

         23    since -- speaking for the Program Office -- we track the

         24    oversight process improvements through the tasking

         25    memorandum, and as you know, they go to level of detail.


          1              We have moved improvement initiatives in both the

          2    old 350 process, the oversight process, obviously, and also

          3    the confirmatory action letter process, into our operating

          4    plan as an organization for NRR.

          5              Our regulatory effectiveness matrix includes an

          6    initiatives area that includes all of these areas.

          7              The application of the program, specifically the

          8    CAL and the 0350 process at Cook was more of a hybrid than

          9    we might have seen at a Salem or a South Texas, for that

         10    matter.

         11              The hybrid aspect of it was that we had a tendency

         12    to be more in-process than confirmatory, once a licensee has

         13    come to a conclusion or has completed a program.

         14              That's a credit to Jim and Jack and the resources

         15    in Region III, in that in the area of changed management,

         16    the staff was able to move for a back-end review, once all

         17    the answers were there, to an in-process review wherein they

         18    look at the process by which the licensee comes to

         19    conclusions, take a sample of the application of those

         20    processes, and then move on and only sample the subsequent

         21    applications.

         22              The 0350 process is the same way.  The discipline

         23    having to do with the restart items is very focused towards

         24    those specific regulatory risk-significant issues which need

         25    to be confirmed by the Region, rather than go back and


          1    recouping all of the items on the outstanding list and

          2    ensuring that they're complete before plant restart.

          3              So these initiatives are in process as a result of

          4    lessons learned, not only from Cook, but as a learning

          5    organization from the past three cases.  We have already

          6    revised the confirmatory action letter procedure; that's

          7    been done.

          8              The 0350 process procedure is in draft, so we're

          9    moving down the road as a result of these.

         10              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Commissioner Diaz?

         11              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Yes, obviously practice makes

         12    perfect, and you guys have so much practice in Millstone and

         13    Crystal River and so forth, that, you know, you were able to

         14    use better processing.

         15              I have a two-part question, one directed to John

         16    and one to Jim.  It's the same question.

         17              We all realize, you know, what happened when you

         18    got into the discovery of the auxiliary feedwater and the

         19    MOVs and the significance of those issues, and how, you

         20    know, you it was -- by the licensee, and you -- and now

         21    almost at the end of the process, John, what is the

         22    confidence level that you have that all major safety-

         23    significant issues have been discovered or have been

         24    discovered and already remedied?

         25              MR. ZWOLINSKI:  I'll go ahead and start.


          1              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  I'm talking about your part,

          2    the licensee design, and then I'm going to turn to Jim and

          3    ask him the same question on the rest of the issues.

          4              MR. ZWOLINSKI:  The licensee did the expanded

          5    system readiness reviews and identified a myriad of issues. 

          6    It was then incumbent on us to run it through a process in

          7    which the staff was satisfied that the licensee had

          8    identified significant issues, risk-significant issues,

          9    unresolved safety questions, or were they issues that were

         10    less significant that could be deferred?

         11              So there restart checklist became a very important

         12    vehicle for the licensee to use and for us to look at also. 

         13    So that went in parallel.

         14              The licensee -- and, by the way, this was all done

         15    through our 0350 panel.  The licensee presented the results

         16    of many of these reviews.  We independently checked that,

         17    verified the licensee was making proper use of 91.18, the

         18    degraded nonconforming conditions, and ultimately was

         19    satisfied that the restart checklist that they were using

         20    was defensible and critical safety concerns had been

         21    resolved.

         22              The licensee did mention that they are still

         23    addressing high-energy line break issues, and they have a

         24    process in place that we have been looking at.  And they're

         25    also looking at their motor-operated valve program, and


          1    making changes there.

          2              Should a USQ arise, then perhaps there would be

          3    the need for an amendment, but we are monitoring those two

          4    areas very closely.  And right now, we don't see the need to

          5    perform an independent technical review.

          6              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Okay, so you're pretty

          7    confident that process worked sufficiently, so that there

          8    will be no surprise.  You know we got a surprise with

          9    Millstone at almost the very end.

         10              MR. ZWOLINSKI:  Commissioner, I had the

         11    opportunity to work on Salem, to work on Crystal River.

         12              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  That's right.

         13              MR. ZWOLINSKI:  And now Cook, and I see the same

         14    process being implemented three times, so I'm becoming

         15    fairly familiar with it.

         16              I want to retain that arm's-length, and

         17    questioning the attitude, but it appears that this facility

         18    has quite a bit of design margin.  They share this with ius,

         19    and we verify that.

         20              Our analysis during licensing reviews shows

         21    margin.  So, yes, I feel that we're certainly on the right

         22    track and have handled the licensing amendments

         23    appropriately.

         24              As far as the licensee's activities, their

         25    discovery programs seem to be very extensive, and our


          1    inspectors were ultimately able to conclude that the program

          2    was, indeed, aggressive.

          3              So the summary of the headquarters look, as well

          4    as the inspection look, appears to have given this licensee

          5    the marks that they've requested as far as mimicking the

          6    other licensees.

          7              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Okay, and now the same

          8    question on the rest of the issues, Jim?

          9              MR. DYER:  Well, from the inspection standpoint,

         10    Commissioner, I think --

         11              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Including human performance,

         12    if you please.

         13              MR. DYER:  I think from the inspection standpoint

         14    certainly in the discovery phase when we invested 3000 hours

         15    of direct inspection, that is five FTE that we delivered

         16    when observing their inspection -- excuse me, observing

         17    their discovery phase, independently validating it, and then

         18    watching their process for making sure that those actions

         19    got into the corrective action process.

         20              That is a phenomenal amount of inspection and we

         21    used again, and I'll echo the presentation, we used our very

         22    best inspectors.  We went through and identified ahead of

         23    time our best senior resident inspectors.  I worked with the

         24    other regions to get talent from the other regions as well

         25    as from Headquarters.  We paid top dollar to get the top


          1    contractors to come out and support our inspection effort,

          2    and so that 3000 hours of inspection effort really wrung out

          3    their overall processes and did our own independent

          4    validation to identify it.

          5              Jack can correct me if I'm wrong, but there was

          6    essentially no surprises during our inspections.  There was

          7    a couple of more minor issues and that, but there was

          8    nothing that was a show-stopper or anything that would jump

          9    up on our radar screen through the discovery phase.

         10              The human performance was part of that.  We had

         11    done an operator training inspection.  Earlier some of the

         12    EOPs and the procedure issues or concerns we found that the

         13    licensee has essentially set standards higher than ours and

         14    is out trying to implement them, and we haven't -- we have

         15    gone in in very much a confirmatory role.

         16              MR. GROBE:  Just to echo and expand on a couple

         17    things that Sam and Jim have said, we took a different

         18    approach at Cook, and that was to be more in process to

         19    avoid, as Jim said, shooting any air balls at the last

         20    minute.  We didn't want to have a repeat where they finish

         21    their discovery phase and we came in and did some

         22    inspections and concluded it was inadequate.  That would

         23    have been a failure obviously on Cook's part but also on our

         24    part, so we performed oversight in process, first as they

         25    developed their programs, as soon as they had a program


          1    developed we provided immediate comment on that, and we did

          2    provide comments that enhanced the quality of the program.

          3              It was a good program.  The program included as a

          4    starting point identifying the key functions that each

          5    safety system served, so it started from that as a

          6    foundation, then going to identify what design documents

          7    existed, and in approximately 40 percent of the cases they

          8    couldn't find the documents, and then they had to

          9    reconstitute those.

         10              I had three Staff that were onsite supplementing

         11    the resident team essentially full time for about three

         12    months.  As each step was taken by the licensee, we would

         13    provide critical oversight and feedback.

         14              As Jim indicated there were no show-stoppers in

         15    our inspection findings.  We made findings, had good folks

         16    out there looking, and then at the end confirmed with two

         17    independent SSFIs of two safety systems to ensure that we

         18    had thorough oversight.

         19              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Okay, Mr. Chairman, one tiny

         20    question with a very short answer, and it is directed to the

         21    licensee.

         22              We sometimes, you know, the Staff gets between a

         23    rock and a hard place.  They are too intrusive or they are

         24    not intrusive enough and it appears by getting in process

         25    that some improvements were made to the process.


          1              Do you agree or disagree with the Staff assessment

          2    that being in process was helpful?

          3              DR. DRAPER:  Oh, we absolutely agree that that was

          4    a helpful move.

          5              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Thank you.

          6              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Commissioner McGaffigan.

          7              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  One quick question, and

          8    then perhaps one slightly longer.

          9              Mr. Dyer, you said that you have a Staff

         10    recommendation to lift the CAL under consideration.  How

         11    long is that review going to take, or is that imminent, your

         12    decision on that?

         13              MR. DYER:  I believe it will happen -- we get back

         14    this week --

         15              [Laughter.]

         16              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  If we let you guys do

         17    your work --

         18              MR. DYER:  Well, yes.  The Staff's recommendation

         19    is the inspectors that were inspecting all the individual

         20    items have agreed that the nine items and we closed out the

         21    bounding issue as part of the discovery inspections, then we

         22    had the nine specific issues.

         23              There was one for NRR evaluation, which I believe

         24    was the last one in NRR inspections that exited last week,

         25    closed out all the issues.


          1              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  The more philosophical

          2    issue, just to go back to this oversight issue, all the

          3    hypotheticals we are asking about oversight which may be

          4    more appropriate to our March Commission meeting than today,

          5    but since D.C. Cook is in front of us, the new oversight

          6    process, would the PIs have caught D.C. Cook?

          7              If you have a broken Corrective Action Program,

          8    will our Corrective Action Program inspections catch D.C.

          9    Cook, would they have, or is it the design inspections?

         10              By having the PIs, we are freeing up resources to

         11    do modules that we didn't do before.  Is it the design

         12    inspection that would have caught D.C. Cook?  Just

         13    hypothetically, you know, David says, Mr. Lochbaum says if

         14    properly implemented we will catch the D.C. Cooks next time. 

         15    I am not as sure, because I am not sure how the significance

         16    determination process gets you white and yellow findings on

         17    things like broken Corrective Action Programs and broken

         18    design bases, and so that is my question.

         19              MR. DYER:  From my perspective, it can, and we

         20    need to make it.  That's my mindset.

         21              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  My mindset too, but you

         22    have to be able to analytically be able to show that at some

         23    point.

         24              MR. DYER:  And I think the question we are still

         25    wrestling with too, and Sam probably could speak to this, is


          1    the cross-cutting issues, and how we find those things.

          2              I don't know whether or not the PIs would have led

          3    the Corrective Action Program or the design inspection.  We

          4    have all three of those tools.  When we get to our PPR

          5    process, we need to be able to put it together and come up

          6    with the conclusions much sooner.

          7              MR. GROBE:  If I could just correct some

          8    information that was alluded to earlier.

          9              The benchmarking that was done earlier this

         10    year -- excuse me, last year -- of the new safety

         11    determination process, significance determination process,

         12    utilized the findings that came from Cook following

         13    shutdown, looked at all of those findings and concluded

         14    there would have been actually several red findings had

         15    those issues been identified.

         16              Cook was a well operating plant prior to the

         17    shutdown.  It operated reliably and they were a middle-of-

         18    the-road performer as far as our inspection findings were

         19    concerned.

         20              DR. TRAVERS:  But I think the sorts of findings

         21    you are talking about are not performance indicators as much

         22    as they are design basis issues that have subsequently --

         23              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  So it's really design

         24    basis --

         25              DR. TRAVERS:  So I think corrective actions and


          1    design basis issues are the ones that I think of the Cook

          2    experience as the ones embodied in the oversight program in

          3    addition to the PIs.

          4              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  And the SDP did pump out

          5    even red findings?

          6              DR. TRAVERS:  Yes.

          7              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Once you got them? 

          8    Okay.

          9              MR. COLLINS:  I am very careful with absolutes,

         10    and I am perhaps not quite as optimistic as maybe some of

         11    our other stakeholders who have been at the table, because I

         12    think some of this has yet to play out, as well as the

         13    licensee's involvement.

         14              We have to realize that the licensee plays a major

         15    role it --

         16              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  It's critical.

         17              MR. COLLINS:  -- in ensuring that their internal

         18    Corrective Action Program, which I believe NEI would

         19    acknowledge has to be sharpened up in order for the

         20    oversight process to work appropriately, the self-

         21    assessments, the peer reviews, there is a dual burden here.

         22              Our process needs to drive it.  We need to

         23    understand licensees' capability and their processes, but

         24    there are also obligations on the licensees' end.

         25              The same for those remaining issues before plant


          1    restart.  This is a status briefing.  The plant is not ready

          2    to restart.  The process has to play out.  We do have an ASP

          3    finding, high energy line break, that the Office of Research

          4    is providing support as they have throughout the restart

          5    process, and discovery will continue in some important areas

          6    by licensees -- not in new areas, but as far as the extent

          7    of condition.

          8              What we have to be comfortable with is that the

          9    NRC processes in place, 03.50 oversight process and

         10    inspection and licensing, will be able to respond to those

         11    licensees' findings through the remainder of the restart

         12    process and come to appropriate regulatory decision.  I am

         13    confident in that.

         14              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Commissioner Merrifield.

         15              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Yes, I have three quick

         16    questions, I think.  They probably all can be answered with

         17    a yes or no.

         18              During your presentation you discussed a variety

         19    of the problems that were identified at D.C. Cook and the

         20    efforts underway by the licensee to resolve those as part of

         21    its corrective action.

         22              Are you confident the licensee has taken the steps

         23    necessary to address the root causes of the problems

         24    identified in the plant so that they do not, these problems

         25    of this nature don't reoccur in the future?


          1              MR. DYER:  Yes, sir.

          2              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  We at this point have

          3    had a lot of focus on Unit 1.  My sense is at least from

          4    what I have heard so far is many of the performance and

          5    programmatic problems at the plant were common to both

          6    units.

          7              Are we taking steps necessary to review our

          8    inspection efforts relative to Unit 2 so we can reduce our

          9    inspection efforts as it results to Unit 1 going forward?

         10              MR. DYER:  Jack, I'll let you --

         11              MR. GROBE:  Yes.  The first unit is actually Unit

         12    2.  It is backwards this time, but the programmatic issues

         13    that are corrected for Unit 2 restart are also going to be

         14    valid for Unit 1 restart.

         15              We have already started mapping out the inspection

         16    that we believe is necessary for Unit 1 restart.  It will be

         17    substantially less than what we have done in Unit 2 and we

         18    will primarily focus on the more significant engineering

         19    modifications and verification that those were performed

         20    correctly and then the similar inspections to what we are

         21    doing now going forward on system return to service and

         22    preparation of the operators for operating two units

         23    simultaneously safely.

         24              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  My final one is do we

         25    have any NRR or Region III resources dedicated to restart or


          1    on the licensing efforts so that these efforts can be

          2    carried out in a timely manner?

          3              MR. DYER:  The answer to that is no, but we do

          4    have sufficient resources within the agency, and that is the

          5    way -- I view as the agency focus effort for D.C. Cook to

          6    get resources from the other regions as well as NRR, so

          7    collectively as an agency we do have the resources for

          8    restart but we are beyond the regional level.

          9              MR. COLLINS:  I think this is a good example of

         10    the teaming aspect where Region II I think in particular, as

         11    a result of the performance of their plants in that region,

         12    has provided a significant amount of resources, the other

         13    regions also, but Region II particularly.

         14              MR. DYER:  Yes, sir.

         15              COMMISSIONER MERRIFIELD:  Thank you.

         16              CHAIRMAN MESERVE:  Thank you very much.

         17              On behalf of the Commission, I would like to thank

         18    American Electric Power, Mr. Lochbaum, and the NRC Staff for

         19    providing a very thoughtful and helpful briefing.

         20              It is clear that AEP faced a daunting challenge at

         21    D.C. Cook and hopefully they are well on their path to its

         22    resolution.  It is also clear that the NRC Staff, and I am

         23    referring here to resident, regional and Headquarters staff,

         24    have played an integral part in reaching a solution here,

         25    and I would like to thank you all.


          1              [Whereupon, at 12:33 p.m., the briefing was

          2    concluded.]






















