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          1                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
          2                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
          3                                 ***
          5                        IN HLW, LLW, AND SDMP
          6                                 ***
          7                           PUBLIC MEETING
          8                                 ***
         10                             Nuclear Regulatory Commission
         11                             One White Flint North
         12                             Rockville, Maryland
         13                             Tuesday, June 30, 1998
         15              The Commission met in open session, pursuant to
         16    notice, at 2:05 p.m., Shirley A. Jackson, Chairman,
         17    presiding.   
         20              SHIRLEY A. JACKSON, Chairman of the Commission    
         21              GRETA J. DICUS, Commissioner
         22              NILS J. DIAZ, Commissioner
         23              EDWARD McGAFFIGAN, JR., Commissioner
          2              JOHN C. HOYLE, Secretary
          3              KAREN D. CYR, General Counsel
          4              L. JOSEPH CALLAN
          5              MALCOLM KNAPP
          6              NORMAN EISENBERG
          7              MICHAEL BELL
          8              WILLIAM OTT
          1                        P R O C E E D I N G S
          2                                                     [2:05 p.m.]
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Good afternoon, ladies and
          4    gentlemen.
          5              Today the Commission will be briefed by the NRC
          6    staff on its performance assessment program which covers
          7    three technical areas that are of treat interest and
          8    importance to the Commission.  These are low-level
          9    radioactive waste disposal, high-level radioactive waste
         10    disposal, and site decommissioning.
         11              The staff briefs the Commission annually on the
         12    topic of performance assessment.  The Commission was last
         13    briefed by the staff on this subject on May 15th of last
         14    year.
         15              The staff made it clear at last year's Commission
         16    briefing that developing a performance assessment model in
         17    any one of these three technical areas is a complex and
         18    challenging task.
         19              However, the development of high quality
         20    performance assessment models for low- and high-level waste
         21    and site decommissioning would enable the Commission to
         22    obtain significant quantitative and qualitative input for
         23    making risk-informed, performance-based regulatory decisions
         24    on these matters.
         25              So we look forward to hearing about the new
          1    developments that have occurred in the past year in the
          2    performance assessment program particularly as it relates to
          3    radioactive waste disposal and the decommissioning of sites.
          4              Unless my colleagues have anything to add,
          5    Mr. Callan, are you leading off?
          6              MR. CALLAN:  Yes, Chairman.  Thank you, and good
          7    afternoon, Commissioners.
          8              Present at the table with me today are Mal Knapp,
          9    to my right, the acting director of NMSS; Mike Bell, to my
         10    far left, who is the chief of the Performance Assessment and
         11    High-Level Waste Integration Branch, NMSS; to my far right
         12    is Bill Ott, the acting chief of the Waste Management Branch
         13    in Research; and the primary briefer this afternoon will be
         14    Norm Eisenberg, just like he was last year.  He set a high
         15    standard last year.
         16              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  That's his reward.
         17              [Laughter.]
         18              MR. CALLAN:  He's the senior advisor for
         19    performance assessments in the Division of Waste Management,
         20    NMSS.
         21              Norm.
         22              [Slide.]
         23              MR. EISENBERG:  Thank you very much.  Good
         24    afternoon.
         25              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Good afternoon.
          1              MR. EISENBERG:  If I could have slide 2, which is
          2    an outline of the presentation.
          3              [Slide.]
          4              MR. EISENBERG:  I will begin as usual by defining
          5    performance assessment to set a context for this briefing.
          6              Second, I will discuss three current issues in
          7    performance assessment, and for each issue I will describe
          8    the issue and the staff's approach to resolving the issue.
          9              For two of the issues I will describe examples to
         10    illustrate both the issue and the approach that the staff
         11    has to resolving it.
         12              Third, for each of the Division of Waste
         13    Management program areas I will describe the performance
         14    assessment program, including recent accomplishments and
         15    planned activities.
         16              As I have mentioned in the past, Division of Waste
         17    Management has performance assessment activities in
         18    high-level waste, low-level waste, and decommissioning.
         19              Then I will briefly touch on support for
         20    performance assessment from the Office of Nuclear Regulatory
         21    Research, and finally, I will summarize.
         22              [Slide.]
         23              MR. CALLAN:  Performance assessment is a type of
         24    systematic analysis that explores three questions for a
         25    waste facility:
          1              What can happen?
          2              How likely is it?
          3              What are the consequences of the occurrence?
          4              Performance assessment integrates information
          5    across a wide variety of disciplines that are required to
          6    analyze the performance of a waste facility.  These could
          7    include such diverse fields as corrosion science,
          8    geochemistry, hydrology, heat transfer, rock mechanics.
          9              In addition, performance assessment integrates
         10    information across different program areas.  For example,
         11    design, site characterization, and the analysis used to
         12    examine safety.
         13              The term "performance assessment" as used in the
         14    Division of Waste Management encompasses a broad range of
         15    quantitative analyses that are applied to waste disposal
         16    facilities.  The analyses are attempted to be matched to the
         17    need.  We go from deterministic bounding analyses, which are
         18    used most often, to probabilistic analyses, which are used
         19    on the most complex facilities and issues.
         20              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  I've asked you this kind of
         21    question before, but now I will put a twist.  How does
         22    performance assessment compare with dynamic PRA?
         23              MR. EISENBERG:  To the degree that I understand
         24    dynamic PRA, there are many similarities.  The dynamic PRA
         25    is trying to look at components and subsystems that are
          1    normally not included in a standard PRA and look at their
          2    response to the damages states that are produced by a given
          3    fault or initiating event.  This is where the focus is
          4    primarily in performance assessment, looking, if you will,
          5    at the level 3 aspect of a PRA rather than the level 1 and
          6    level 2.
          7              Our analysis of scenarios is really quite
          8    simplistic compared to the complex logic trees and diagrams
          9    that you have in PRAs because we don't have a complex piece
         10    of machinery; we have a different kind of system.
         11              Our focus is primarily on what I believe the
         12    dynamic PRAs are attempting to focus on.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Thank you.
         14              One other question.  Maybe you can speak to this
         15    as you go through because I think I know the answer in the
         16    high-level waste program.  Is there a role for expert
         17    panels, or are they necessary once you get away from
         18    high-level waste kind of issues?
         19              MR. EISENBERG:  When you say get away from
         20    high-level waste, do you mean other kinds of waste or other
         21    areas?
         22              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  When we talk about low-level
         23    waste disposal and site decommissioning.
         24              MR. EISENBERG:  I am sure there is room for the
         25    use of expert elicitation and informal expert judgment
          1    throughout the waste programs because the information is
          2    often soft; there is not a large amount of data in a lot of
          3    the areas; and you need to evaluate it.
          4              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Thank you.
          5              Commissioner.
          6              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  The output of a
          7    performance assessment and high-level waste or
          8    decommissioning, or whatever, is a number for total
          9    effective dose to an average number of a critical group.  Is
         10    that what we are trying to get?
         11              MR. EISENBERG:  It certainly is the focus on
         12    high-level waste in our current code efforts.  I think I
         13    have to hastily add that we fully intend to look at
         14    intermediate outputs from different parts of the system.  If
         15    other measures of performance might be of interest, even if
         16    they are not strictly speaking required for regulatory
         17    judgment, we might want to look at those also.  You always
         18    design the tool to fit the need, and if the regulatory need
         19    is to get the total effective dose, then that is how we
         20    design.
         21              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  What other intermediate
         22    outputs do you have in mind that might not be regulatory but
         23    might be of interest?
         24              MR. EISENBERG:  We might be interested, for
         25    example, in the time that the waste packages start to fail. 
          1    We might be interested in the time for certain radionuclides
          2    to traverse the saturated zone, for example.
          3              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  If you took the TEDE
          4    over a period to the average number critical group and
          5    plotted it over time, these would be intermediate results to
          6    getting a resonance at some date.
          7              MR. EISENBERG:  These certainly are all
          8    incorporated in the end result but they give us an idea of
          9    how the system works and how the different parts contribute,
         10    which is an important part of making a regulatory judgment.
         11              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  To the extent you are
         12    doing deterministic bounding analyses for most issues, does
         13    that lead to conservatism, and how much conservatism does
         14    that lead to?
         15              MR. EISENBERG:  There is a lot of discussion later
         16    in the briefing about conservatism.  Maybe we could wait. 
         17    Certainly conservatism is a way to simplify the analysis and
         18    to do bounding when it's appropriate.
         19              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Is vulcanism something
         20    that is deterministic or probabilistic?
         21              MR. EISENBERG:  We are treating it
         22    probabilistically.
         23              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Since the time domain came
         24    into question, looking at your definition of dynamic PRA, it
         25    seems to me that the definition that you are using does not
          1    really consider putting time as an independent variable,
          2    which some of the new PRAs do.  You are still keeping time
          3    as a dependent variable; is that correct?
          4              MR. EISENBERG:  I would say no.  We track the
          5    evolution of the repository through time.  So we look at the
          6    behavior of each component in the system as a function of
          7    time.  One of the things that we have to do is to roll up or
          8    convolve, for example, the output of the various waste
          9    packages into the transport and the geosphere to look at the
         10    effect of the geosphere.  That is very much a time dynamic
         11    situation.
         12              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Right.  But it has two
         13    independent variables at any one time.  You can do it like
         14    we do a point time analysis.  The other one you have two
         15    independent variables.  I think that is the key difference
         16    in what some people are calling dynamic PRA.
         17              MR. EISENBERG:  I'm not sure I could answer the
         18    question.
         19              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  All right.  Let it go.
         20              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Why don't we go on.
         21              [Slide.]
         22              MR. EISENBERG:  We thought we would articulate
         23    three current issues in performance assessment.  I will
         24    discuss the staff's approach to resolving these issues and
         25    in two cases, as I said, provide examples of the staff's
          1    approach.  The issues are:
          2              How can the optimize its efficiency by choosing
          3    the most appropriate analytical tool for the regulatory task
          4    at hand?
          5              Second, how can the staff eliminate or greatly
          6    reduce unnecessary conservatism in regulatory analyses while
          7    simultaneously assuring adequate protection of public health
          8    and safety.
          9              Issue three is, how can the staff employe a
         10    risk-informed, performance-based approach in framing
         11    regulations, guidance and procedures so that flexibility is
         12    provided to licensees?
         13              Now I would like to go ahead and describe the
         14    staff's approaches to these three issues.
         15              [Slide.]
         16              MR. EISENBERG:  The first issue is how to optimize
         17    efficiency by choosing analytic tools most appropriate to
         18    the task.
         19              We tailor our tools to the requirements of the
         20    performance assessment.  First, we have different kinds and
         21    types of tools for each of the programmatic areas.
         22              For high-level waste we have what I would think is
         23    the most complex and detailed level of modeling.
         24              For low-level waste, because the regulatory
         25    structure is different and the problem is different, we have
          1    less complexity -- for example, there is no substantial heat
          2    generation by the waste -- with more flexibility in treating
          3    aspects of modeling and in treating uncertainty.
          4              For decommissioning there is a divers range of
          5    contamination, complexity and site conditions.  For example,
          6    it can go from a very complex site involving several
          7    radionuclides to a very simple site involving a single
          8    radionuclide.
          9              In addition, within each program area we vary the
         10    level of detail and complexity in the modeling approach so
         11    that it's commensurate with the importance of the aspect
         12    being modeled.
         13              As an example, in high-level waste groundwater
         14    flow is given a lot of attention because it has such a
         15    pervasive influence on the performance of the repository. 
         16    The migration of gaseous radionuclides is given relatively
         17    less attention because the dose potential for those nuclides
         18    is small.
         19              [Slide.]
         20              MR. EISENBERG:  Moving along to the second issue,
         21    how do we assure adequate protection of public health and
         22    safety while eliminating unnecessary conservatism in
         23    regulatory analyses?
         24              We first define, evaluate and consider
         25    uncertainties in the regulatory decisions.
          1              We first identify the uncertainties.  Some of the
          2    uncertainties are quantified; others are evaluated
          3    qualitatively.
          4              Finally, we factor uncertainties in the decision,
          5    and we need to consider the degree and type of uncertainties
          6    and the impact of the uncertainty and also the facility's
          7    operation on public safety.
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Is your approach consistent
          9    with the approach outlined in the generic reg guide on PRA,
         10    Reg Guide 1.174?
         11              MR. EISENBERG:  I can't answer that.
         12              [Slide.]
         13              MR. EISENBERG:  To move along and talk about how
         14    we treat conservatism, we first need to say a little bit
         15    about uncertainty in performance assessment.  There are five
         16    different kinds of uncertainties described in this slide. 
         17    These are not necessarily mutually exclusive sets, but let
         18    me say a few words about each one.
         19              Parameter uncertainty relates to the parameters
         20    used in models to describe consequences.  Examples include
         21    corrosion rate, solubility limit, flux of water into the
         22    waste package, porosity; all the dose parameters such as
         23    foodstuff intake and irrigation rate factor into these kinds
         24    of parametric uncertainties.
         25              Disruptive scenario uncertainty relates to the
          1    inability to determine whether a disruptive event will or
          2    will not occur.  Usually one determines a fixed set of
          3    scenarios for consideration and each scenario has an
          4    associated probability of occurrence.
          5              I will say that one of the things we do in our
          6    high-level waste performance assessment is that the time of
          7    occurrence of the particular event is taken as a random
          8    variable, and therefore in that sense we do not have a fixed
          9    time evolution, but from one realization to another it will
         10    change.
         11              Exposure scenario uncertainty relates to the
         12    inability to predict accurately the behavior of humans in
         13    the future.  Often a stylized set of exposure scenarios are
         14    established by the regulator.  For example, an intruder is a
         15    stylized scenario in low-level waste.  The license
         16    termination rule is another example that permits development
         17    of site-specific exposure scenarios.
         18              Model uncertainty.  In this context I mean
         19    alternative conceptual model uncertainty.  It relates to the
         20    uncertainty in the choice of a model to describe the
         21    performance of the waste facility.  Often different models
         22    may have different degrees of support but they will produce
         23    different estimates of performance.  So that is a measure of
         24    uncertainty.
         25              Another way to try to quantify the uncertainties
          1    is to attach subjective probability or credibility to each
          2    alternative conceptual model if one wants to.
          3              Finally, there are programmatic factors that
          4    produce uncertainties, things such as QA, management
          5    effectiveness, and adequacy of recordkeeping.  These all
          6    have an influence on safety but are very difficult to
          7    quantify.
          8              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Excuse me.  I am trying to
          9    understand the role of risk information in your performance
         10    assessment.  You are going to use risk information to
         11    develop a risk-informed regulatory framework or to set
         12    levels for performance thresholds, or both?
         13              MR. EISENBERG:  Both.
         14              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  The Environmental
         15    Protection Agency just went through the waste isolation
         16    pilot plant certification.  Did they use performance
         17    assessment type capabilities?
         18              In that case, I think it was 15 millirem TED. 
         19    They didn't have a groundwater issue because there was no
         20    potable groundwater, but they had to figure out whether it
         21    met a 15 millirem TED.  The intruder scenario, was that
         22    legislated away?
         23              MR. EISENBERG:  They had scenarios like drilling
         24    into a brine pocket that spurted waste and brine out of the
         25    repository.
          1              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Did they use techniques
          2    similar to what you use?
          3              MR. EISENBERG:  Yes, I would say so.
          4              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Do you talk to EPA about
          5    how their performance assessment worked in that case?
          6              MR. EISENBERG:  Yes.  As a matter of fact we
          7    commented on the criteria that they published for evaluating
          8    the performance assessment.  We talk to them frequently
          9    about it.  We have observed their activities.  Several staff
         10    members have been involved in observing the WIPP activities
         11    for a long time.
         12              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  When you deal with
         13    parameters do you use a range of values with a probability
         14    assigned, or do you use a single value and do sensitivity
         15    analysis on whether if you vary off of that point you get
         16    significantly different results?
         17              MR. EISENBERG:  We use a variety of techniques. 
         18    For the things which we think are quite important we prefer
         19    to use a probability distribution and examine through a
         20    formal type of sensitivity analysis what the impact is. 
         21    However, most of these models have more variables than you
         22    would ever want to have to deal with.  So the ones that are
         23    either not very important or that are judged to be
         24    relatively easy to fix we go ahead and fix those.  We don't
         25    want to do things like do sensitivity analyses to see how
          1    the variation of gravitational constant is going to --
          2              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  I wouldn't advise that
          3    either.
          4              MR. EISENBERG:  There are some that are quite
          5    important that we want to focus on and others that for a
          6    variety of reasons we may decide to just fix.
          7              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  If the gravitational
          8    constant changes we've got bigger problems.
          9              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  It depends on which planet you
         10    are on.
         11              [Laughter.]
         12              [Slide.]
         13              MR. EISENBERG:  To further the discussion on page
         14    8, I'd like to say what I mean by conservatism.  As far as
         15    I'm concerned it's the choice for any area of the various
         16    types of uncertainties that I have previously mentioned that
         17    would produce numerical results that underestimate the good
         18    performance of a facility.  For most of our cases this means
         19    that the calculated doses are higher for greater
         20    conservatism.
         21              Often the analysis is simplified by making
         22    conservative assumptions.  For example, by choosing a
         23    bounding value for a parameter rather than dealing with the
         24    full range of variability.  This can save time and money.
         25              Some uncertainties are expressed quantitatively in
          1    the analysis.  As we just discussed, parameter uncertainty
          2    can be propagated through change of models.  Other
          3    uncertainties are not quantified but a conservative approach
          4    to their treatment should be factored into decisions because
          5    those uncertainties and those conservatisms are there.
          6              Different stakeholders may have a different view
          7    of how much conservatism might be in a particular analysis
          8    and that may not correspond to the staff's view.  This is
          9    just par for the course, I think.
         10              So the question is, how should the staff balance
         11    the cost in terms of the analysis and the results of the
         12    conservatisms against public safety and the confidence in
         13    the decisions?
         14              I would like to now go to the next slide and see
         15    how it comes out.
         16              [Slide.]
         17              MR. EISENBERG:  Unfortunately, I chose to draw two
         18    of these lines.  One is green and one is blue, but I can't
         19    tell the difference looking at the monitor.
         20              There are at least two points to be made from
         21    these figures.
         22              Number one, these analyses involved quantified an
         23    unquantified uncertainties.  Both should be considered in
         24    the decision making.
         25              Secondly, the manner in which the decisions
          1    incorporate the various kinds of uncertainties can have a
          2    substantial effect on the cost of regulation both to the
          3    licensee community and also to the staff.
          4              Those are the two points I'm trying to get across. 
          5    I have to state a couple of caveats.  Number one, this is a
          6    schematic drawing which is not based on an actual analysis. 
          7    This is just one portrayal of what might occur.  The
          8    relationship between the screening analysis and the
          9    site-specific analysis could be completely different in a
         10    specific case.
         11              The upper graph represents the dose distribution
         12    obtained from a screening analysis in which less data are
         13    available.  So you will see the spread in the dose
         14    calculated is much broader than in the lower figure.
         15              The dose limit is in red.
         16              If the decision is made on the mean dose, which is
         17    the green line, the decision on this particular site would
         18    be to release the site.  If the decision were made on the
         19    95th percentile dose, it would exceed the dose limit, and
         20    the decision would be to do more analysis or perhaps go
         21    ahead and take out some of the contamination or take
         22    contaminated concrete away, to actually move material.
         23              The lower graph represents the dose distribution
         24    obtained from a site-specific analysis in which more data
         25    presumably are available.  So the spread in the calculated
          1    dose is narrow.
          2              Note that for this hypothetical example both the
          3    mean dose and the 95th percentile dose are both below the
          4    dose limit.  So in this case we would definitely release the
          5    site.
          6              Also note that the mean dose is put on as being
          7    smaller than in the screening case.  This is because we
          8    presume that because you have site-specific data you can
          9    reduce some of your modeling conservatisms and have a more
         10    realistic, less conservative model.  So the whole analysis
         11    shifts downward.
         12              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner.
         13              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  This isn't quite as
         14    theoretical as you lay out.  I think it probably describes
         15    some of the discussion that we've had in recent months about
         16    the D&D; code with the staff.  The D&D; code, which is this
         17    new Sandia code that has been developed for decommissioning
         18    purposes, as I understand it, it builds in sort of 95th
         19    percentile parameter values.  You plug in and you get a
         20    number.  You don't get a range under D&D;, right?  You get a
         21    number.  Not quite 95th percentile.
         22              MR. EISENBERG:  The code as currently configured
         23    operates with some default parameters.  For a full range of
         24    parameter distributions characteristic of the U.S. it will
         25    yield a 90th percentile of dose.  Let me hastily add that
          1    you could --
          2              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Do a site specific.
          3              MR. EISENBERG:  You could change any or all of the
          4    parameters, number one.  This would be the case only if you
          5    chose to use the default parameters.  Or, as the staff is
          6    planning to investigate, we could put a Monte Carlo driver
          7    ahead of the code and do the full distributions on whatever
          8    parameters we wanted to explore.
          9              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.
         10              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  This is something that
         11    is going to have to happen over a period of time.  At the
         12    moment D&D; produces a 90th percentile result with the
         13    default parameters on what is probably a fairly broad
         14    distribution.  If you then do a site-specific analysis, and
         15    in many cases you will want to, you can narrow the
         16    parameters.
         17              As I understand it, the staff is saying a
         18    screening tool should be more conservative than a tool that
         19    is used for a final regulatory decision.  If the screening
         20    tool produces a curve that is way over on the left with 95th
         21    percentile and indeed the 99th percentile way below the dose
         22    limit, then okay, not to bother.  That one is
         23    decommissioned.  But if it is producing a curve like the one
         24    you show at the top, you are saying you want to have the
         25    licensee do a more detailed analysis with more information.
          1              You'll have a lot of dialogue the next couple of
          2    years.  I'm not trying to do it today.  The question is how
          3    expensive that is and how frequently it has to be done and
          4    are we overdoing it.  I think that's a dialogue that is
          5    occurring.  I am just highlighting that it is occurring.
          6              MR. EISENBERG:  That's correct.  That in fact was
          7    my punch line for this slide.  The staff is currently
          8    grappling with how to balance these factors and how to make
          9    the appropriate decisions, for example, for choosing default
         10    parameter sets when you are considering only a parameter
         11    uncertainty, when in fact we know that we have other kinds
         12    of uncertainties involved in making the regulatory decision.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  How would the Monte Carlo
         14    driver help you here?
         15              MR. EISENBERG:  For example, if we replaced a few
         16    variables on a site-specific basis, we could then do a Monte
         17    Carlo analysis and generate a distribution such as here and
         18    compare it with the dose standard rather than relying on a
         19    predetermined limit, that is, a 90th percentile type dose
         20    limit.  Actually those parameters don't any longer guarantee
         21    you that the resulting distribution will give you the 90th
         22    percentile if you did a full Monte Carlo analysis.
         23              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  That's right.
         24              MR. EISENBERG:  It's really a tool that would
         25    enable us to understand more about how the system worked at
          1    a particular site.
          2              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  In practicality, if you ever
          3    get your 95th percentile below the dose limit in any case,
          4    whatever the distribution is, you will then have reason to
          5    say we don't need to do any further analysis; is that
          6    correct?
          7              MR. EISENBERG:  Right.
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  You were going to say
          9    something, Dr. Knapp?
         10              MR. KNAPP:  I was just going to note that as we
         11    move towards more site-specific information on the Dandy
         12    code, some of these could be very inexpensive, because some
         13    of these things, for example, are variables such as distance
         14    to water table or soil type, which can be determined by a
         15    call to your local county agent or by a quick measurement of
         16    the depth to groundwater.  There could be, if you like,
         17    pencil sharpening that could be very inexpensive.  So it
         18    does not imply a great deal of resources would be needed if
         19    in fact it did not necessarily meet the standard at the
         20    first screening evaluation.  But it's quite correct to say
         21    that these are things we will wrestle with over the next two
         22    years.
         23              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Is it feasible to expect the
         24    licensees to be capable of utilizing these performance
         25    assessment codes in decommissioning of sites given the site
          1    complexities and the complexity of the codes?
          2              MR. KNAPP:  I'll offer an answer and then perhaps
          3    Norm may wish to correct me.
          4              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Mr. Greeves wants to answer
          5    also.
          6              MR. KNAPP:  Okay.
          7              MR. GREEVES:  There's a lot of meat on this slide. 
          8    I will point out that there is a range of licensees out
          9    there; there is a set of licensees.  We are talking to the
         10    regions in terms of the payoff in this because they have the
         11    large majority of cases to deal with.
         12              There is a set out there that want the simple
         13    number.  They want the 5 picocurie per gram number.  They
         14    don't want to fool with this code business.  So that set of
         15    licensees would like that criteria.  For that nuclide they
         16    want to know how many picocuries per gram I can leave on
         17    this site; I want to be out of here.
         18              By the way, if they are little bit above that
         19    number, they aren't going to want to run this code.  They
         20    are going to say get another shovel out; let me get out of
         21    here; I don't want to argue with the NRC over 5 versus 10
         22    picocuries per gram; I'll take another 100 cubic feet out of
         23    here and be done with this.
         24              There is that set of licensees.  Then there is
         25    another set who want to take advantage of this because they
          1    aren't talking about a few cubic yards; they are talking
          2    about large amounts of material or large buildings to
          3    decontaminate.  They're going to want to come in and have
          4    this conversation with Norm, the staff you see here behind
          5    the table about, okay, I didn't pass the screening criteria,
          6    but I'm going to use D&D; or I'm going to use RESRAD, and
          7    here is what I did; will you accept that?
          8              So there is a set of licensees that can do that.
          9              Then there is probably another set that are much
         10    more complex, and there are a handful of entities out there
         11    that can do that.  So it's a spectrum of activities out
         12    there.
         13              I think over the next two years, working with the
         14    licensee community, Research and the Decommissioning Board
         15    that I think you have either seen in one of our papers or
         16    you will hear about, we want to set that process up.  This
         17    was the paper that was sent up to you in March, I believe. 
         18    That's what we want to achieve over the next couple of
         19    years.  And it's needed.  The full range of these licensees
         20    need an answer, and that is what the staff you see in front
         21    of you are working towards.
         22              I hope I have answered part of your question.
         23              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Thank you.
         24              MR. EISENBERG:  I think we can move on to slide
         25    10.
          1              [Slide.]
          2              MR. EISENBERG:  The third issue is, how can the
          3    staff employ a risk-informed, performance-based approach in
          4    framing regulations, guidance and procedures so that
          5    flexibility is provided to the licensee?
          6              In general we will follow a three-step process.
          7              One, we will reduce or eliminate prescriptive
          8    requirements.
          9              Second, we will use the results of PA to provide
         10    risk information.
         11              Third, and quite specifically, we will use PA to
         12    compare calculated system performance to the objective
         13    regulatory criteria.
         14              [Slide.]
         15              MR. EISENBERG:  As an example, we look to the
         16    high-level waste arena and our approach to drafting a new
         17    regulation for high-level waste.
         18              First, we are removing the quantitative subsystem
         19    performance requirements.
         20              Second, we are evaluating various quantitative
         21    methods to demonstrate implementation of a multiple barrier
         22    concept.
         23              We have developed and proposed importance measures
         24    for the repository system pursuant to a recommendation of
         25    the ACNW.
          1              A measure of importance is indicated by the change
          2    in system performance if the functions of a barrier are
          3    neutralized.
          4              Finally, we intend to be flexible and allow DOE to
          5    propose its own quantitative measures for demonstrating an
          6    effective implementation of multiple barriers.
          7              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Can you give us a qualitative
          8    statement about how many differences there are between NRC
          9    codes and DOE and with EPA?  Are we all on different planets
         10    in terms of how these computations are done?
         11              MR. EISENBERG:  Are you speaking strictly in terms
         12    of high-level waste?
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  With high-level waste I'm
         14    interested in DOE; in the others I'm interested in EPA.
         15              MR. EISENBERG:  No, I don't think we are on
         16    different planes at all.  Certainly DOE and we are taking a
         17    very similar approaches to modeling repository performance. 
         18    We generally model the same components.  We may have
         19    differences about their capability to perform.  An example
         20    might be DOE wants to take credit for the cladding of the
         21    spent fuel.  We have incorporated that into our modeling in
         22    a very limited way because we have more doubts about its
         23    survivability.
         24              Similarly, DOE has been taking credit, as you will
         25    see later, for something called matrix diffusion, which is
          1    the communication between flow in fractures and flow in the
          2    matrix of the rock.  We think this is a process that maybe
          3    won't buy them very much.  So we are not modeling things
          4    quite the same way.
          5              So there are differences, but I think there are
          6    more differences in the treatment of topics rather than in
          7    the overall approach.
          8              In decommissioning of low-level waste I think
          9    everybody is pretty much looking at things the same way. 
         10    The bottom line is dose.  The question is which pathways do
         11    you include in a particular code and analysis and how do you
         12    treat various processes, but they are very similar.
         13              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner.
         14              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  The performance
         15    assessment you have been developing for purposes of looking
         16    at Yucca Mountain and what DOE did with WIPP, is WIPP easier
         17    to model than Yucca Mountain because it's salt?  Are there
         18    differences?  I know you have been following it, but you
         19    haven't done it.  Is a large salt formation easier to model
         20    and does it reduce uncertainties compared to rock
         21    formations?
         22              MR. EISENBERG:  I would say just off the top of my
         23    head that salt is probably easier to model.  I turns out
         24    that unsaturated flow is a very complicated flow system and
         25    it is difficult to model all the processes that can occur. 
          1    Salt by comparison, I think, is relatively simple.
          2              MR. KNAPP:  I can throw in some very old
          3    information.  When we started in this business nearly 20
          4    years ago we did a lot of work in salt.  By comparison to
          5    unsaturated flow in fractured media salt was much simpler.
          6              MR. EISENBERG:  Let me add one more thing on page
          7    11.  One of the things that the Nuclear Waste Technical
          8    Review Board is urging DOE to consider is alternative design
          9    features.  An approach such as outlined here would allow
         10    evaluation of the merit of these different design features.
         11              [Slide.]
         12              MR. EISENBERG:  Now begins the status update of
         13    performance assessment in the three Division of Waste
         14    Management program areas.  For each area I will describe the
         15    progress and plans that have occurred over the past year.
         16              The first one is for decommissioning.  We have a
         17    framework and methodology that has been developed.  It is
         18    being tested and enhanced by the Office of Research.
         19              We are developing a standard review plan to
         20    implement the licence termination rule.  This is where we
         21    are working out the details of what codes to use and how to
         22    use them and what distributions and what the appropriate
         23    approach to screening is.
         24              Dose modeling is obviously a key aspect of that
         25    particular activity.
          1              We are coordinating the guidance with the ongoing
          2    casework to minimize any changes in the future.
          3              The casework is another thing that we are involved
          4    in.  It is either proceeding or awaiting submittals by
          5    licensees.
          6              A Decommissioning Management Board has been formed
          7    which provides oversight and coordination for activities in
          8    a decommissioning area, and it involves membership from
          9    NMSS, the Office of Research, NRR, and the regions also are
         10    participating.
         11              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner McGaffigan has a
         12    question.
         13              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  How is this all coming
         14    together?  You have the casework.  In individual cases that
         15    were previously working in the SDMP, which uses these
         16    figures that John Greeves talked about, 5 picocuries per
         17    gram, or whatever, are we looking at that from the point of
         18    view -- even if they are in SDMP as is allowed by our rule,
         19    using SDMP criteria, how would it work under the Subpart E
         20    criteria?  We probably can't require it of licensees if it's
         21    not a regulatory requirement.
         22              MR. EISENBERG:  You mean ones that have already
         23    been --
         24              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Ones that are casework
         25    that is ongoing, that are going to be cleaned up to SDMP
          1    criteria, as is allowed if they submit their plan by October
          2    of this year.  How do you learn from those sites so that's a
          3    benefit to the longer term program which is going to be all
          4    done under Subpart E and yet devote the resources honorably
          5    to get them to decommission?
          6              MR. EISENBERG:  One of the approaches is to have
          7    the project managers for these areas come in and brief this
          8    dose modeling group on the kind of activities that are
          9    ongoing and the decisions that are being made so that there
         10    will be a two-way communication; they can be warned if it
         11    looks like there is going to be something that would be in
         12    gross disagreement with a decommissioning under the new rule
         13    and at the same time, so that the guidance for implementing
         14    the new rule can be crafted, taking advantage of the lessons
         15    learned, if you will, from the ongoing cases.
         16              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  One of the later
         17    documents says you are going to have this standard review
         18    plan by FY-2000, which is about the time they will have two
         19    years experience with the document we are about to put out. 
         20    I think it's already out there on the Web, the various
         21    guidance, the reg guides.
         22              You are also talking about interim guidance
         23    sooner.  How soon will that interim guidance be available?
         24              MR. EISENBERG:  For example, one piece of guidance
         25    that we expect to get out is for building contamination, to
          1    come out with, if you will, very simple surface
          2    contamination criteria for release of buildings.  We expect
          3    to come out with that in the late summer or early fall.  As
          4    pieces are completed by the dose modeling group or other
          5    parts of the standard review plan development, we expect to
          6    put out those pieces.
          7              There is a whole suite of guidance that is kind of
          8    out there.  There are pieces of the manual chapter; there
          9    are handbooks; there are NUREG BRs; there are NUREGs; there
         10    are branch technical positions.  Many of these will have to
         11    be updated, revised or discarded.  I believe there is a
         12    Commission paper that you've asked for that is in the works. 
         13    It is coming to you soon.  I can't answer all the questions
         14    right now, but I'm sure that will answer a lot of them.
         15              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner.
         16              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  I guess in this slide you are
         17    referring to SDMPs practically exclusively, right?  This
         18    refers to site decommissioning?
         19              MR. EISENBERG:  That's correct, site
         20    decommissioning; materials licensees.
         21              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Have you considered the issue
         22    of clearance of materials and how it would impact site
         23    decommissioning at all?
         24              MR. GREEVES:  I think you have a paper on
         25    clearance of materials.
          1              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Right.
          2              MR. GREEVES:  You have that paper separately. 
          3    They are related.  I think a lot more energy needs to go
          4    into the clearance paper.  These are mostly focused on the
          5    license termination rule issues, which actually in some ways
          6    is a little simpler to deal with.  It gives us a cleaner
          7    target to look at.
          8              Let me add.  You asked the question, is it only
          9    SDMP?  First, we owe you a paper.  You are going to get it
         10    shortly.  I would say what you see in front of you is the
         11    SDMP-like sites, and there are a few more complicated sites
         12    that this apply to other than the SDMP.  So it's basically
         13    the complicated site.
         14              Norm mentioned to you that we are trying to
         15    consolidate the guidance.  One of the things that we need
         16    are these screening tables that the regions could use to
         17    release sites.  If you come up with a 5 picocurie per gram
         18    table, the licensee can see that number, the regional staff
         19    can see that number, and they can disposition sites quickly. 
         20    So it's the full set of those issues.
         21              [Slide.]
         22              MR. EISENBERG:  Slide 13 talks about low-level
         23    waste.  We had few resources in this area this year.
         24              We did participate in an IMPEP review.
         25              Also we were able to respond to specific requests
          1    from Illinois and Nebraska.  Not mentioned on the slide is
          2    that we commented to the Department of Interior on a
          3    sampling protocol for Ward Valley.
          4              The main operation for the future is to revise the
          5    draft technical position on low-level waste performance
          6    assessment based on the input from Agreement States and the
          7    public in FY99.
          8              [Slide.]
          9              MR. EISENBERG:  Next is high-level waste.
         10              A major focus of activity and achievement this
         11    year has been the development and use of a total system
         12    performance assessment code which we call a TPA code.  We
         13    have performed sensitivity analyses at a total system and
         14    subsystem level, which has helped to reprioritize KTIs and
         15    sub-issues.  It has been a major factor in integrating
         16    performance assessment with other high-level waste
         17    activities.  For example, a PA staffer was assigned to each
         18    KTI team to work with them and integrate their other
         19    activities with the involvement with the code.
         20              It has proved to be a basis for interactions with
         21    DOE on their total system performance assessment code and
         22    results that they are using for the viability assessment.
         23              This is a user friendly code with a large
         24    interdisciplinary users group, ten to 15 NRC staff members
         25    and about the equivalent number at the Center for Nuclear
          1    Waste Regulatory Analysis.
          2              We are currently revising the code for the TSPA-VA
          3    review.  Some of the things that we are looking at are some
          4    design features that DOE has thrown into the mix.  We are
          5    always in an ongoing evaluation to reduce excess
          6    conservatism.
          7              In the future we plan to improve the code for the
          8    license application review.
          9              [Slide.]
         10              MR. EISENBERG:  Another major activity this year
         11    has been development towards a draft rule for high-level
         12    waste disposal at Yucca Mountain, the site-specific rule.
         13              The strategy was formulated and it was accepted by
         14    the Commission.
         15              The staff is employing a risk-informed,
         16    performance-based approach.
         17              ACNW has endorsed the approach for multiple
         18    barriers.
         19              Currently we are preparing a draft rule package as
         20    directed in the Commission's SRM.
         21              [Slide.]
         22              MR. EISENBERG:  The main purpose of this next
         23    slide is to show the hierarchical nature of the rule and
         24    other guidance planned for development in high-level waste.
         25              At the top you have the total system performance
          1    standard.
          2              Then you have in a tier below that the subsystems
          3    and a tier below that components of the subsystems, and
          4    below that very detailed phenomenon processes and related
          5    technical issues.
          6              Guidance could be developed up and down the
          7    diagram.  The main point here is that the main and central
          8    feature of the rule is the use of overall risk criteria. 
          9    The other requirements would be treated in subsidiary
         10    guidance, not in the main rule.
         11              [Slide.]
         12              MR. EISENBERG:  Another important area of
         13    accomplishment in the past year in high-level waste has been
         14    our interactions with DOE on their performance assessment
         15    for the viability assessment.
         16              We have had three technical exchanges on the dates
         17    that are indicated.
         18              There are several positive aspects of DOE's
         19    approach.
         20              If I could just point out a couple.  One was the
         21    increased use of performance assessment to focus site
         22    characterization activities.  NRC has long advocated that
         23    DOE adopt such an approach, and it looks like they are
         24    moving strongly in that direction.
         25              Another positive aspect is that they have
          1    recognized as a key issue the support they can muster for
          2    claims of longevity for the C-22 material proposed as the
          3    corrosion resistant material in their waste package.
          4              There are a few questions that remain:
          5              There is consistency in transparency of the
          6    analysis.
          7              Credit for new and enhanced engineering features,
          8    and as I mentioned before, credit for matrix diffusion.
          9              And a longstanding issue has been the weighting of
         10    alternative conceptual models.
         11              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Last year I asked you about the
         12    use of site-specific data from Yucca Mountain in your
         13    performance assessment models.  Are you able to have that
         14    data for the development of your own models?
         15              MR. EISENBERG:  We are using the data that DOE has
         16    published.  They have a whole protocol where they gather the
         17    data and compile in QA and they don't let us have that much
         18    access to it until they have gone through part of the
         19    process.  But by and large I believe we are getting good
         20    access to their data and we are using it.
         21              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Going back to the issue of the
         22    difference between NRC and DOE, I remember that we had some
         23    numbers last year in the dose assessment that were two
         24    orders of magnitude higher than DOE.  We got 23 millirems
         25    and DOE had .4.  That seems to be a significant difference. 
          1    Are those being reconciled?  You said we are in the same
          2    plane.  The same plane is the same order of magnitude, a
          3    factor of two difference?
          4              MR. EISENBERG:  I think you are still likely to
          5    see some significant differences because of the extremely
          6    long lifetime that DOE is presuming that their waste
          7    packages will survive.  In our analysis we are not as
          8    optimistic.
          9              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Two orders of magnitude
         10    different?
         11              MR. EISENBERG:  I wouldn't want to say right now. 
         12    Their results are in flux and our results are in flux. 
         13    Rather than trying to guess the difference between two
         14    moving targets, I'd rather pass.
         15              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Commissioner McGaffigan.
         16              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  When will the targets
         17    quit moving?  Is the viability assessment going to be
         18    submitted later this year, on schedule?
         19              MR. EISENBERG:  Sometime this fall as far as we
         20    know.
         21              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  It will be submitted to
         22    the Congress or to the President?  Remind me how the process
         23    works.
         24              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  The viability assessment is a
         25    congressional request.
          1              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Will we have seen it in
          2    advance or will we see it only as it goes to the Congress,
          3    and if we are asked to comment on it, how quickly would we
          4    be able to comment on it?
          5              MR. BELL:  We have arrangements with the
          6    Department of Energy that we will be able to review drafts
          7    as it is being prepared.  As a matter of fact, the whole
          8    chapter on their TSPA they have committed to provide us in
          9    draft form at the same time they provide it to their peer
         10    review panel, which actually should happen next month.  We
         11    think we are getting good visibility.
         12              On the schedule, they continue to tell us that the
         13    DOE staff will get it to whoever is acting as secretary of
         14    energy on schedule at the end of the fiscal year but that
         15    it's essentially a political decision by that person as to
         16    whether it will be released immediately or whether some
         17    other process will take place.
         18              One of the department's concerns is they have
         19    received a letter from the state requesting that the
         20    department go through some sort of a public process before
         21    they transmit it to Congress.
         22              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Okay.
         23              [Slide.]
         24              MR. EISENBERG:  On the next slide there are just
         25    two smaller items.
          1              We have completed the first version of the issue
          2    resolution status report for the performance assessment
          3    methodology.  This brings together performance assessment
          4    considerations from a wide variety of disciplines.
          5              We have also developed some proposed importance
          6    measures for the geologic repository system.  There are
          7    several that have been proposed.  They are undergoing peer
          8    review and we are evaluating how to use them in a regulatory
          9    context, especially for evaluating the implementation of a
         10    multiple barrier approach.
         11              [Slide.]
         12              MR. EISENBERG:  Research support for performance
         13    assessment.  One of the great contributions that the Office
         14    of Research made was to develop the high-level waste
         15    performance methodology.  If I could say, I was involved in
         16    that work when I worked in the Office of Research.
         17              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  You can say that.
         18              [Laughter.]
         19              MR. EISENBERG:  Their current focus is on generic
         20    radionuclide transport which has a focus on decommissioning
         21    of material sites.  They are developing a flexible user
         22    friendly framework to implement a performance assessment
         23    methodology and they are trying to insert in that some
         24    enhanced process models.
         25              If I could speak to two of the enhancements.  One
          1    is to add a mechanistic treatment of sorption and the other
          2    is to look specifically at radioactive slag as a source term
          3    in decommissioning.  It is a not infrequent source term
          4    which is not that easy to treat.
          5              [Slide.]
          6              MR. EISENBERG:  To close things up, a few generic
          7    points.
          8              The applications of performance assessment are
          9    tailored to fit the problem.  This includes the magnitude of
         10    the hazard, the complexity of the safety issues, the
         11    availability of data, and the capabilities of the licensees.
         12              We want to allow appropriate flexibility while
         13    ensuring safety through a risk-informed, performance-based
         14    regulation.  Again, PA is the waste program's equivalent of
         15    PRA.
         16              Declining resources is a continuing challenge and
         17    it is being addressed by the use of more advanced computing
         18    tools, both hardware and software, enhanced staff training,
         19    and a focus on what we consider to be the most important
         20    issues.
         21              [Slide.]
         22              MR. EISENBERG:  To summarize what is coming up in
         23    the three program areas.
         24              For decommissioning, development of the standard
         25    review plan as guidance for implementing the license
          1    termination rule is a key item expected by fiscal year 2000. 
          2    As I mentioned before, interim guidance would be issued
          3    sooner, as available, and we are coordinating that with the
          4    ongoing casework.
          5              For low-level, as I said before, we will revise
          6    the draft BTP on the low-level waste performance assessment
          7    methodology.
          8              [Slide.]
          9              MR. EISENBERG:  High-level waste is likely to be a
         10    large focus for our activities.  In the performance
         11    assessment in high-level waste we are using it to identify
         12    vulnerabilities of the repository.  It helps us structure
         13    the flow of information into our decision making; it helps
         14    to prioritize the key technical issues and therefore
         15    provides assistance to management; and it provides insights
         16    into the development of the site-specific Yucca Mountain
         17    rule.
         18              We are striving for appropriate improvements in
         19    the capability.
         20              The near-term focus will be to use technical
         21    insights for the rule, to provide timely feedback to DOE,
         22    and to prepare for the TSPA-VA review.  If we get it, we
         23    understand we have two months after the formal receipt to
         24    give our comments to the Commission.  So we are trying very
         25    hard to get in a state of readiness for that endeavor.
          1              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Thank you.
          2              Commissioner McGaffigan.
          3              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  I want to go back to
          4    Commissioner Diaz' question about the two orders of
          5    magnitude.  You mentioned the difference in the lifetime of
          6    the waste packages.  You and DOE must have been talking
          7    about that issue for a couple of years now.  Is it that you
          8    think that the waste package lifetime distribution that they
          9    have is incredible or that a waste package might be able to
         10    be designed to that but it isn't designed yet?  Is it a
         11    matter of cost, how much they want to invest in the waste
         12    package, or do you think that any amount of cost they will
         13    not get as long a lifetime as they are projecting?
         14              MR. EISENBERG:  I guess there are two aspects of
         15    it as far as I'm concerned.  We have some of the other staff
         16    here.  They might want to contribute.
         17              One aspect is that we feel strongly that they have
         18    to consider all possible environments in the future
         19    appropriately weighted by their probability to evaluate the
         20    performance of the waste packages.
         21              We are not sure that they have taken enough
         22    account on these long-lived waste packages the effects of
         23    the ongoing seismicity in the Yucca Mountain region and the
         24    kinds of environments produced by rock fall or the casing
         25    for the tunnel falling in and how those might damage the
          1    waste packages.
          2              For a not so long-lived waste package this doesn't
          3    turn out to be a very important feature, but the longer the
          4    waste package is around the more subject it is to some of
          5    these destructive environments.
          6              That is one area where we think we would like to
          7    see a slightly different approach on the part of DOE.
          8              The other is, and this is a very difficult issue,
          9    we have very limited data on the performance of these
         10    materials when we are trying to project it.  In some cases
         11    DOE is claiming 60,000-year lifetimes, but even for the
         12    10,000-year performance period these are extraordinary
         13    periods of time for engineered materials.  I certainly would
         14    question the ability to project that far into the future and
         15    know that things will perform that way.
         16              I think there is a question about whether all the
         17    uncertainties have been incorporated into their projections
         18    of waste package performance.
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  The Commission would like to
         20    thank the staff for an excellent and very informative
         21    briefing.  Mr. Eisenberg, you do such a wonderful job, we
         22    will look for you same station, same time next year.
         23              [Laughter.]
         24              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  As I said earlier, the
         25    technical areas that this performance assessment program
          1    cover are of great importance to the Commission as you can
          2    tell by the degree of the discussion.
          3              The evaluation of the long-term performance of
          4    low-level waste disposal, high-level waste disposal, and
          5    site decommissioning is not simple.  Each time we hear from
          6    you we have a better sense of the complexities.
          7              It would appear that based on today's briefing the
          8    staff is making excellent progress on developing models that
          9    should allow us to characterize site performance in the long
         10    term.
         11              I am particularly struck by the synergy that now
         12    appears to be working between the low-level waste program
         13    and the SDMP program, and that is the kind of synergy we
         14    like to see, and that appears to be an excellent approach. 
         15    It's useful in both areas and one can play off of the other.
         16              I also was encouraged to hear about the
         17    involvement of Research in developing usable models.  I
         18    think that is very useful.
         19              So the Commission encourages you to continue to
         20    develop the performance assessment program, to interact, and
         21    to share the knowledge gained in this program with others in
         22    the NRC who are developing PRA models.  Maybe you could
         23    almost claim that you helped the people doing dynamic PRA to
         24    make it dynamic.  These types of interactions among our
         25    technical staff can only improve the final products for all
          1    that are involved.
          2              Commissioner Dicus didn't want me to say anything,
          3    but we are going to miss her for a short time.  I think we
          4    should thank her for the service she has given us to this
          5    point.
          6              [Applause.]
          7              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  But you better hurry up and
          8    come back.
          9              With that, we are adjourned.
         10              [Whereupon, at 3:10 p.m., the briefing was
         11    adjourned.]
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]