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          1                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
          2                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
          3                                 ***
          4                         AFFIRMATION SESSION
          5                                 ***
          6                           PUBLIC MEETING
          7                                 ***
          9                             Nuclear Regulatory Commission
         10                             Room 1F-16
         11                             One White Flint North
         12                             11555 Rockville Pike
         13                             Rockville, Maryland
         15                             Friday, June 6, 1998
         17              The Commission met in open session, pursuant to
         18    notice, at 11:29 a.m., the Honorable SHIRLEY A. JACKSON,
         19    Chairman of the Commission, presiding.
         21              COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:
         22              SHIRLEY A. JACKSON,  Chairman of the Commission
         23              NILS J. DIAZ, Member of the Commission
         24              EDWARD McGAFFIGAN, JR., Member of the Commission
          2              STEVE BURNS
          3              JOE COLVIN, CEO and President of the Nuclear
          4                   Energy Institute
          5              GEORGE HAIRSTON, CEO and President of the Southern
          6                   Company
          7              ROBIN JONES, Vice President for Nuclear Power,
          8                   EPRI
          9              PAT McDONALD, Executive Director, Advanced Reactor
         10                   Corp.
         11              JOHN TAYLOR, Vice President Emeritus for Nuclear
         12                   Power, EPRI
         13              ANNETTE VIETTI-COOK, Assistant Secretary
          1                        P R O C E E D I N G S
          2                                                    [11:29 a.m.]
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  All right.  May we come to
          4    order?
          5              Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, this is an
          6    affirmation session.  We have four items to come before us
          7    this morning.  Before I ask the Assistant Secretary to lead
          8    us through the items for affirmation, do any of my
          9    colleagues have any opening comments they wish to make?
         10              [No response.]
         11              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  If not, Madame Assistant
         12    Secretary, please proceed.
         13              MR. VIETTI-COOK:  The first item is SECY-98-118,
         14    Private Fuel Storage, ruling by Chief Judge of the Atomic
         15    Safety and Licensing Board Panel to establish a second
         16    board.  The Commission is being asked to act on an order
         17    responding to a petition by the Applicant, Private Fuel
         18    Storage for interlocutory review of a ruling by the Chief
         19    Judge of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel to
         20    establish a second panel to consider all matters concerning
         21    the physical security plan for Private Fuel Storage's
         22    proposed independent fuel storage installation at Skull
         23    Valley, Utah.
         24              The Commission has voted to approve the order with
         25    the attached edits which grants interlocutory review and
          1    reverses the Chief Judge's decision to reassign jurisdiction
          2    over the security plan contingence to a newly established
          3    second board.
          4              I ask that you affirm your votes.
          5              [A chorus of ayes.]
          6              MR. VIETTI-COOK:  Commissioner Dicus previously
          7    gave approval to this item and if present, she would have
          8    affirmed her vote as well.
          9              The second item is SECY-98-112, proposed license
         10    to export high enriched uranium for production of medical
         11    isotopes at the Canadian NRU and Maple Reactors.  The
         12    Commission is being asked to act on an order responding to a
         13    request by the Nuclear Control Institute for leave to
         14    intervene in a hearing on two separate applications for
         15    licenses to export highly enriched uranium to Canada.
         16              The Commission has voted to approve the order with
         17    the attached changes denying the request for a hearing and
         18    authorizing issuance of the two export licenses.
         19              I ask that you affirm your votes.
         20              [A chorus of ayes.]
         21              MR. VIETTI-COOK:  Again, Commissioner Dicus
         22    approved the order.
         23              The third item is SECY-98-109, Hydro Resources,
         24    Incorporated, memorandum and order denying motion for stay
         25    and request for prior hearing, lifting temporary stay
          1    denying motions to strike and for leave to reply.
          2              The Commission is being asked to issue an order
          3    responding to both a petition for review of LBP 98-05 and
          4    separate motion for stay which was filed directly with the
          5    Commission in April.  In LBP 98-05, the presiding officer
          6    denied an earlier motion filed with him in January to stay
          7    the staff's grant of Hydro Resources, Incorporated materials
          8    license application until the completion of a hearing in
          9    this proceeding.
         10              Petitioners now seek Commission review of LBP
         11    98-05 and also request the Commission to stay the
         12    effectiveness of staff's grant of the materials license
         13    until the Commission has ruled upon their petition for
         14    review of LBP 98-05.
         15              On April 16th, 1998, the Commission, in CLI 98-04
         16    granted a temporary stay of LBP 98-05.  The Commission has
         17    voted to approve an order with the attached editorial
         18    changes denying the petition for review, dismissing the stay
         19    motion as moot and lifting the temporary stay granted in CLI
         20    98-04.
         21              I ask that you affirm your votes.
         22              [A chorus of ayes.]
         23              MR. VIETTI-COOK:  Commissioner Dicus approved this
         24    order as well.
         25              The fourth item is SECY-98-124, Hydro Resources,
          1    Incorporated, memorandum and order, denial of motion to
          2    disqualify presiding officer.  The Commission is being asked
          3    to act on an order responding to a motion by the Eastern
          4    Navajo Dine against uranium mining in the Southwest Research
          5    and Information Center to disqualify the presiding officer
          6    from sitting in its subpart (l) proceeding.  The presiding
          7    officer referred the disqualification motion in LBP 98-11 to
          8    the Commission pursuant to 10 CFR Section 2.703(c).
          9              The Commission has voted to approve the order
         10    denying the Petitioner's motion to disqualify the presiding
         11    officer.
         12              I ask that you affirm your votes.
         13              [A chorus of ayes.]
         14              MR. VIETTI-COOK:  Commission Dicus approved this
         15    order as well.
         16              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Is there anything else to come
         17    before us today?
         18              MR. VIETTI-COOK:  No.
         19              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  If not, we are adjourned. 
         20    Thank you.
         21              [Whereupon, at 11:34 a.m., the affirmation session
         22    was concluded.]
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