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          1                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
          2                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
          3                                 ***
          4                         AFFIRMATION SESSION
          5                                 ***
          6                           PUBLIC MEETING
          7                                 ***
          8                             Nuclear Regulatory Commission
          9                             Room 1F-16
         10                             One White Flint, Bldg. 1
         11                             11555 Rockville Pike
         12                             Rockville, Maryland
         14                             Friday, April 3, 1998
         16              The Commission met in open session, pursuant to
         17    notice, at 10:30 a.m., the Honorable SHIRLEY A. JACKSON,
         18    Chairman of the Commission, presiding.
         20              SHIRLEY A. JACKSON, Chairman of the Commission
         21              GRETA J. DICUS, Member of the Commission
         22              NILS J. DIAZ, Member of the Commission
         23              EDWARD McGAFFIGAN, JR., Member of the Commission
          2    ANNETTE VIETTI-COOK, Assistant Secretary
          3    KAREN D. CYR, General Counsel
          1                        P R O C E E D I N G S
          2                                                    [10:30 a.m.]
          3              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Good morning, ladies and
          4    gentlemen.
          5              This is an Affirmation Session.  We have two items
          6    to come before us this morning.  Before I ask the Assistant
          7    Secretary to lead us through the items for affirmation, do
          8    any of my colleagues have any opening comments they would
          9    like to make?
         10              [No response.]
         11              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  If not, please proceed.
         12              MS. VIETTI-COOK:  The first item for affirmation
         13    is SECY-98-024, Final Amendments to 10 CFR Parts 60, 72, 73,
         14    74, and 75, "Physical Protection for Spent Nuclear Fuel and
         15    High-Level Radioactive Waste."
         16              This rulemaking provides amendments to 10 CFR
         17    Parts 60, 72, 73, 74, and 75 to clarify and make consistent
         18    physical protection requirements for independent storage of
         19    spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste.  All
         20    Commissioners have voted to approve the publication and
         21    implementation of these final amendments subject to the
         22    changes and clarifications attached.
         23              In addition, the staff should report when it will
         24    be able to proceed with physical protection rulemaking for
         25    Part 50 licensees who have ceased operations and are storing
          1    the spent fuel in the pool, and who remain under the
          2    physical protection requirements of 10 CFR 73.55 with
          3    exemptions on a case by case basis.  The staff should
          4    explain the criteria for granting exemptions to 10 CFR 73.55
          5    requirements in the interim period before the rulemaking is
          6    completed.
          7              Would you please affirm your votes?
          8              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Aye.
          9              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Aye.
         10              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Aye.
         11              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Aye.
         12              MS. VIETTI-COOK:  The second item to come before
         13    the Commission is SECY-98-021, Louisiana Energy Services,
         14    Review of LBP-96-25 (NEPA Issues); Review of LBP-97-8
         15    (Environmental Justice).
         16              The Commission is being asked to act on an order
         17    addressing the environmental questions raised in these two
         18    Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (Board) decisions
         19    regarding the proposed Claiborne Enrichment Center (CEC)
         20    that Louisiana Energy Services (LES) plans to build near
         21    Homer, Louisiana.  The Commission granted these petitions
         22    for review by LES and by the NRC staff to consider first the
         23    issue of whether the Final Environmental Impact Statement
         24    (FEIS) failed to discuss adequately the need for the CEC,
         25    the alternative of no action, and the CEC's secondary
          1    benefits, and second, whether the Final Environmental Impact
          2    Statement failed to address adequately the "environmental
          3    justice" issues.
          4              The Commission (with all Commissioners agreeing
          5    and one exception, as noted below) has voted to approve the
          6    attached order affirming in part, reversing in part, and
          7    remanding for further proceedings the Board's NEPA rulings
          8    in LBP-96-25 and LBP-97-8.  Specifically, the Memorandum and
          9    Order affirms the Board's findings regarding the likely
         10    price effects of the CEC but provides additional guidance to
         11    the Board that in performing ultimate cost-benefit balancing
         12    under NEPA, the Board must consider in addition to the price
         13    effects, the other benefits of the CEC.  It also affirms the
         14    Board's decision to require the NRC staff to revise the
         15    current FEIS "no action" discussion to reflect an evaluation
         16    of both the costs and the benefits of not building the CEC
         17    and to reconsider the Final Environmental Impact Statement's
         18    current discussion of resumed logging.  It reverses the
         19    Board's decision to invalidate the Final Environmental
         20    Impact Statement's reliance on the CEC's secondary benefits
         21    and reverses the Board's decision to require a thorough NRC
         22    inquiry into possible racial discrimination in the siting of
         23    the CEC.  It affirms the Board's decision that the NRC staff
         24    should revise the Final Environmental Impact Statement to
         25    provide more analysis of the CEC's effect on pedestrian
          1    traffic between the nearby communities and to analyze local
          2    property value effects more thoroughly.
          3              Chairman Jackson disapproved only section 5.a of
          4    the Commission order (with respect to LBP-97-8) titled,
          5    "Racial Discrimination in Siting."  She would have affirmed
          6    in part and reversed in part the Board's requirement of a
          7    further NRC staff investigation into the Claiborne
          8    Enrichment Center siting.  In light of the alleged
          9    irregularities, gaps, and inconsistencies in the siting
         10    process, it was her preference that the NRC staff should
         11    further investigate the siting process without focusing on
         12    LES's alleged intentional racial motives, to ensure that the
         13    siting criteria were reasonable and applied equitably.
         14              Would you please affirm your votes?
         15              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Aye.
         16              COMMISSIONER DIAZ:  Aye.
         17              COMMISSIONER DICUS:  Aye.
         18              COMMISSIONER McGAFFIGAN:  Aye.
         19              MS. VIETTI-COOK:  That's it.
         20              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  Is there anything else to come
         21    before us today?
         22              MS. VIETTI-COOK:  No.
         23              CHAIRMAN JACKSON:  If not, we are adjourned.
         24              [Whereupon, at 10:37 a.m., the meeting was
         25    concluded.]

[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]