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The Public Services Division is committed to provide timely access to public records. These filings are published in the Arizona Administrative Register and the Volume, Issue and page number are noted on the log. Weekly issues of the Register are posted online for your convenience.

Rules & Related Rule Filings

Docket Openings - Proposed Rules - Final Rules - Exempt Rules - Emergency Rules- Summary Rules -Notices of Public Information- Oral Proceedings (public meetings) on Proposed Rulemakings

Agency Policy Statements Filed


The Administrative Procedure Act requires the publication of substantive policy statements issued by agencies (A.R.S. § 41-1013(B)(14)).
Substantive policy statements are written expressions which inform the general public of an agency’s current approach to rule or regulation practice.
Substantive policy statements are advisory only.
A substantive policy statement does not include internal procedural documents that only affect the internal procedures of the agency and does not impose additional requirements or penalties on regulated parties or include confidential information or rules made in accordance with the Arizona Administrative Procedure Act.
Anyone may petition an agency under A.R.S. § 41-1033 for a review of the substantive policy statement if they believe that a statement imposes additional requirements or penalties on regulated parties.

County Notices Filed


County notices pursuant to A.R.S. § 49-112(D)(1)


Copies of the original filed material are available at 10¢ per page. See A.R.S. § 41-126 . Fees; expedited services

Paper copies of the Arizona Administrative Register are available at $7 per copy. You can print the order form located on this web page to request a Register; or contact the editors of the Public Services Division at 602-542-4751 for pricing of original filed material.


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