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BOARD MEETING DATE: January 4, 2008


Set Public Hearings February 1, 2008 to:

  1. Receive Public Input on Executive Officer’s Priority Goals for FY 2008-09. A set of priority goals for the FY 2008-09 Budget has been developed. The Executive Officer wishes to receive public and Board Member input on these priority goals as they serve as the foundation of AQMD’s Work Program.
  2. Amend Rule 1171 - Solvent Cleaning Operations. The proposed amendment will delay by one year the compliance date for the use of low-VOC solvents for cleaning of ultraviolet or electron beam inks from lithographic printing ink application equipment, for the clean up of on-press screens and screen reclamation using automatic cleaning equipment in screen printing. Additional time is needed for industry to develop more compliant materials and conduct further tests in the production environment. PAR 1171 expands the rule's applicability and proposes new requirements for solvent suppliers. Clarifying rule language and removal of outdated rule provisions are also being proposed. (Review: Stationary Source Committee, November 16, 2007)
  3. Amend Rule 1401 - New Source Review of Toxic Air Contaminants and Adopt Proposed Rule 1472 - Requirements for Facilities with Multiple Stationary Emergency Standby Diesel-fueled Internal Combustion Engines. Rule 1401 establishes cancer and non-cancer risk requirements for new, relocated, or modified sources of toxic air contaminants. PAR 1401 would add diesel particulate emissions from internal combustion engines (diesel PM) to the list of toxic air contaminants (TACs) in the rule. The Rule 1401 TAC list is also used for Rule 1402 - Control of Toxic Air Contaminants from Existing Sources. Therefore, in addition to impacts to new sources, the staff report assesses impacts for existing facilities. PR 1472 applies to facilities with three or more diesel emergency engines in close proximity to one another. The proposed rule reduces diesel PM emissions from these engine groups. (Review: Stationary Source, November 16, 2007)
  4. Opt-In to State Surplus Off-Road Opt-In for NOx Program and Adopt Proposed Rule 2449 - Control of Oxides of Nitrogen from Off-Road Diesel Vehicles. Under the CARB recently adopted Section 2449.3, Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), air districts must opt-in to the program to further reduce oxides of nitrogen emissions from off-road diesel vehicles. This action is for the Board to consider opting in to the program known as “Surplus Off-Road Opt-In for NOx (SOON)” and adopt Proposed Rule 2449 to implement Section 2449.3, Title 13 of the CCR. Under the SOON Program affected fleets must apply for public funding assistance and if awarded, must complete the proposed project. Proposed Rule 2449 incorporates Section 2449.3 by reference and contains additional provisions for AQMD to implement the SOON Program including additional administrative funding guidelines. (Review: Mobile Source Committee,
    November 16, 2007)

The complete text of the proposed amendments, staff reports and other supporting documents will be available from the District’s Public Information Center,
(909) 396-2550 and on the Internet ( on January 2, 2008.


Set Public Hearings February 1, 2008 to receive public input on Executive Officer’s Priority Goals for FY 2008-09, amend Rules 1171 and 1401, adopt Proposed Rule 1472, and opt-in to SOON Program and adopt Proposed Rule 2449.

Barry R. Wallerstein, D.Env.
Executive Officer

Receive Public Input on Executive Officer’s Priority Goals for FY 2008-09 (EXE 48kb)

Amend Rule 1171 - Solvent Cleaning Operations (EXE 199kb)

Amend Rule 1401 - New Source Review of Toxic Air Contaminants and Adopt Proposed Rule 1472 - Requirements for Facilities with Multiple Stationary Emergency Standby Diesel-fueled Internal Combustion Engines

Opt-In to State Surplus Off-Road Opt-In for NOx Program and Adopt Proposed Rule 2449 - Control of Oxides of Nitrogen from Off-Road Diesel Vehicles (EXE 118kb)

This page updated: January 03, 2008