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BOARD MEETING DATE: October 5, 2007


Administrative Committee


The Administrative Committee met on Friday, September 14, 2007, and reviewed the proposed agenda for the October 5, 2007, Board meeting. The Committee also discussed various issues detailed in the Committee report. The next Administrative Committee meeting is scheduled on Friday, October 12, 2007, at 9:00 a.m. in Conference Room CC-8.


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Dr. William A. Burke, Chair
Administrative Committee

Attendance: Present at AQMD were Vice Chair Roy Wilson, Committee members Jane Carney, Ronald Loveridge and Dennis Yates. Chair William A. Burke attended by videoconference.


  1. Board Members’ Concerns: None.
  2. Chairman’s Report of Approved Travel: Dr. Wallerstein stated that Supervisor Wilson attended the Senate Public Works hearing in Long Beach, CA on August 9, 2007, and various meetings in Diamond Bar, CA on September 13-14, 2007; Councilmember Reyes Uranga will attend the 2007 WSPA Annual Issues Conference scheduled in Rancho Bernardo, CA on October 2-4, 2007; Mayor Loveridge will attend the UCLA Symposium in Lake Arrowhead, CA on October 14-16, 2007; and Mayor Pulido will be speaking at the U.S. Conference of Mayors National Climate Protection Summit in Seattle, WA on October 31-November 3, 2007.
  3. Approval of Compensation for Board Member Assistant(s): Three Board Assistant proposals were submitted for approval (Celina Vasquez for Councilwoman Reyes Uranga and Angela Johnson Meszaros and Nicole Nishimura for Dr. Joseph Lyou). District Counsel Kurt Wiese announced that Dr. Burke had requested that Jane Carney and Dennis Yates constitute an ad hoc advisory committee to review the policy for Board Assistants and Board Consultants and present their recommendations at the October Board meeting. Chairman Burke suggested that approval of compensation for Board Member Assistants be continued to the October Board meeting. Moved by Wilson, seconded by Carney, and unanimously approved.
  4. Report of Approved Out-of-Country Travel: Dr. Wallerstein stated that Supervisor Antonovich spoke at the World Economic Forum in Dalian, China on September 4-8, 2007; and Mayor Pulido made a presentation at the National Seminar for the Operation, Administration, Management, and Financing of Urban and Metropolitan Transportation Companies in Cancun, Mexico on September 12-13, 2007.
  5. Discussion on Hearing Board Term Limits: Peter Mieras, District Prosecutor, explained that it is difficult to recruit and retain Hearing Board members due to the compensation level and the type of service they perform even though staff performs an extensive outreach effort. Dr. Wallerstein continued, recruitment is based on Health & Safety Code Section 40501.1, Appointment of Hearing Board Members, and that challenges include: the compensation level provided; understanding agency policy, appeals on permits, and implementing regulations; and significant time to acquire knowledge to hear these caseloads with an informed mind and make determinations. An outside advisory committee reviews the applications for the hiring process. Salary levels and trends were discussed. Ms. Carney stated that the Personnel Committee previously reviewed the salaries and provided raises. Mayor Loveridge asked who the advisory committee members are and how they were appointed. Mr. Mieras stated that they are appointed by the Governing Board Members of each county and the City of Los Angeles. Dr. Wallerstein mentioned that when appointments are made they are included in the form of a Board agenda item to be considered and approved by the Board.

There was discussion on what action was taken if a Hearing Board member was found to have committed misconduct. The action would be to remove them from office by the Governing Board for cause. In order to introduce the candidates for the Hearing Board, Dr. Wallerstein suggested inviting them to a breakfast prior to a Board meeting. Mr. Camarena suggested the requirements for physician candidates be broadened to possibly include PhD in health effects, but Committee members agreed that a medical physician brings more insight and contributions to the Hearing Board and that additional resources should be used to search for retired physicians. It was decided that term limits for Hearing Board Members would not be appropriate.


  1. Establish List of Pre-qualified Legal Counsel to Represent AQMD in General Liability Matters: Kurt Wiese, District Counsel, stated this item will be postponed to the October 12, 2007 Administrative Committee meeting.
  2. Appropriate Funds Designated for Enhanced Compliance Activities to the FY 2007-08 AQMD Budget and Issue Purchase Order for CNG Van: Carol Coy, DEO/Engineering & Compliance, stated that last year the Board authorized the purchase of a CNG van to house new vapor recovery equipment for enforcement staff, but there was a technical problem and the money was returned to the general fund. Staff is requesting to purchase a van from Lake Chevrolet in Lake Elsinore for $10,000 less than another dealer, using money from the current budget. Moved by Carney; seconded by Yates, and unanimously approved.
  3. Recognize Revenue, Appropriate, and Reallocate Funds for PAMS, Appropriate funds for NATTS Program; Recognize Revenue and Appropriate Funds for PM2.5 and Enhanced Particulate Monitoring Program; Transfer and Appropriate Funds for Port Community Air Monitoring Program; Issue Purchase Orders and RFQ: Henry Hogo, Asst. DEO/Science & Technology Advancement, stated that staff is requesting to recognize $5 million in federal funds to support AQMD's air monitoring program this year, which includes the PAMS air toxics station along with the bio-hazard station funded by the Department of Homeland Security. Staff is also requesting the Board to transfer approximately $30,000 in BP Settlement funds to complete the Port Air Monitoring Program for real-time monitoring data to be reported to the public. Mayor Loveridge asked whether U.S. EPA funds have increased or decreased for our programs, and Mr. Hogo answered that the total amount remains the same even though various programs receive different amounts. Moved by Yates; seconded by Carney, and unanimously approved.

Dr. Burke stated that while attending the Coastal Commission meeting in Eureka last month, he was following AQMD's Board meeting, but the web cast was not clear and requested staff to pursue improvements because it is a great mechanism for outreach to the public.

  1. Authorize Purchase of Desktop Computer Hardware Upgrades: Chris Marlia, Asst. DEO/Information Management, stated this is a standard item to upgrade one-quarter of AQMD's PCs each year by using the vendor's list. Moved by Wilson; seconded by Yates, and unanimously approved.
  2. Execute Contract to Purchase Meridian SL-1 Phone Switch Upgrade: Moved by Carney; seconded by Yates, and unanimously approved.
  3. Issue RFP for Deferred Compensation Plan Consultant Services: Rick Pearce, Chief Financial Officer, stated that staff is proposing to issue an RFP for the 457 Plan consultant services. There are approximately 748 participants with $80 million in the plan spanning 20 years. The 3rd party administrator services will be paid for by Hartford. Moved by Yates; seconded by Carney, and unanimously approved.
  4. Revise Procurement Policy and Procedure: Mr. Pearce stated that this request is to revise the procurement policy to increase the bid limit from $10,000 to $25,000, which will streamline the process and save on advertising costs. Moved by Yates; seconded by Carney, and unanimously approved.
  5. Report of RFPs and RFQs Scheduled for Release in October: Mr. Pearce stated that the following RFP/Qs—Prequalify Vendors for Computer, Network, Printer, Hardware and Software; and Desktop Hardware Upgrades—is being requested for approval. Moved by Yates; seconded by Carney; and unanimously approved.
  6. Revise Class and Add and Delete Positions in FY 2007-08 Budget: Eudora Tharp, Asst. DEO/Administrative & Human Resources, stated this item is to revise the Sr. Meteorologist classification to meet job needs. Moved by Loveridge; seconded by Yates, and unanimously approved.
  7. Execute Contract for Health Insurance Brokerage and Consultant Services: Ms. Tharp stated that at the May Board meeting an RFP was approved for brokerage services to assure a cost effective employee health insurance program. The panel that reviewed proposals, which included union representatives, recommended selection of Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. This e-year contract is at a no-cost to AQMD as costs for these services will be paid as commissions from insurance carriers. Moved by Yates; seconded by Wilson, and unanimously approved.
  8. Execute Contract for Janitorial Services at Diamond Bar Headquarters: Ms. Tharp stated that at the May Board meeting the contracting policy was revised to award additional points for janitorial, security guard, and landscaping services contractors if they provided medical benefits for their full-time employees. None of the seven responsive proposals for janitorial services included medical benefits. The evaluation panel's highest rating was given to Diamond Janitorial Services and this action is to execute a 3-year contract in the amount of $1,012,418. Funding in the amount of $216,994 for this fiscal year has been included in the budget. Dr. Burke asked whether cleaning supplies used would be those certified by AQMD as "Clean Air Choice" products, and Dr. Wallerstein indicated they would. Dr. Wallerstein requested item #17 be discussed prior to taking a motion for this item. Mayor Loveridge stated that he heard costs of $12,000 on average for an individual to purchase health insurance, which is a very large number for employers. Dr. Wallerstein noted that there is currently proposed legislation to address the issue of medical insurance coverage. Following discussion of item #17, this item was moved by Yates; seconded by Wilson, and opposed by Carney and Loveridge; motion passed.
  9. Execute Contract for Security Guard Services at Diamond Bar Headquarters Ms. Tharp stated that and RFP for security guard services was also approved for release in May. Eight responsive proposals were received, with the current contractor submitting the only proposal, as one of four options presented, that included medical benefits at the level required for receiving additional points in the evaluation process. However, because this contractor had already received the maximum number of additional points permitted as both a small business and a local business, no added points could be awarded for that option. Based on the panel's evaluation in accordance with contracting policy, a lower-cost option that provided pay increases of 25¢ per hour every six months, received the highest rating.

Ms. Tharp continued that, if the Board were to select the option that included medical benefits, an additional appropriation of $25,100 into this year's budget would be needed. Guards have not received a pay increase for a year. Under the option that includes medical benefits, pay increases of 50¢ per hour would be given in the 2nd and 3rd years of the contract. Ms. Carney suggested bringing these jobs in-house to provide these workers with benefits. Ms. Carney moved approval of the option that provided medical benefits, seconded by Loveridge; and opposed by Yates; motion passed.

  1. Transfer Funds and Authorize Extension of Financial Incentives Program to Assist Dry Cleaners Converting from Perc to Non-Perc, Non-Ozone Forming Alternative Technologies: Pom Pom Ganguli, Asst. DEO/Public Affairs, stated that this item is to add $1 million to extend the dry cleaning grant program to its 4th phase, but not to include hydrocarbon machines at this time. Dr. Wallerstein stated that water-based technology is cleaner and there are no VOCs. Dr. Ganguli stated that the Korean Dry Cleaning Association preferred the approach of wet cleaning relative to future grant funding. Dr. Wallerstein mentioned that the money was set aside for the low-interest loans program, but was not well subscribed to, so now it will be used for a good purpose. Dr. Ganguli stated that 530 grants have been provided to-date, toward a total of 2,000 grants to complete the program, with an option for the Board to continue this program at a future time. The total spent to date is $3.25 million with an average of $10,000 for water based systems and $20,000 for CO2 systems. Moved by Carney; seconded by Wilson, and unanimously approved.
  2. Review October 5, 2007 Governing Board Agenda: None.
  3. Other Business: Mayor Loveridge suggested that AQMD coordinate with the California Energy Commission to hold a Southern California summit on energy efficiency and energy conservation to diffuse information to the public about their choices related to this issue.

Dr. Burke asked whether AQMD is recognizing the use of co-generation to reduce power demand, and Dr. Wallerstein answered that AQMD has been a strong supporter of co-generation, especially with the microturbine program which boosts energy efficiency and minimizes air pollution. Dr. Burke stated that Cummins Power staff has been contacting Board Members regarding this issue. Mayor Yates explained that engine producers have technical concerns. Dr. Wallerstein stated Rule 1110.2 will be discussed at the September 28 Stationary Source Committee in detail.

Dr. Wallerstein introduced Mona Arteaga, who has just joined AQMD as a Community Relations Manager from the Department of Toxics Substance Control and has an extensive background in public outreach.

  1. Public Comment: None.

Meeting adjourned at 10:03 a.m.

This page updated: September 27, 2007