FDA Logo Link U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationNational Center for Toxicological Research
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Image of NCTR Biochemical Toxicology page banner

Director: Frederick A. Beland, Ph.D.

The Division of Biochemical Toxicology conducts fundamental and applied research specifically designed to define the biological mechanisms of action underlying the toxicity of products either regulated by, or of interest to, the product centers of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This research centers on assessing the toxicities and carcinogenic risks associated with specific chemicals and gene-nutrient interactions, and the introduction of new techniques to assess toxicities and carcinogenic risk. The risk-assessment research is firmly rooted in mechanistic studies focused on the understanding of toxicological endpoints, an approach that allows greater confidence in the subsequent carcinogenic risk assessments. Research within the Division capitalizes on scientific knowledge in the areas of biochemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, cellular and molecular biology, immunology, nutritional biochemistry, toxicology and pharmacology.

The NCTR Research Plans and Accomplishments Document contains information on the latest accomplishments and plans for the Division of Biochemical Toxicology as well as project and publication listings.

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