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Caption for Image 1:
The Community Climate System Model-2 (CCSM-2) couples land, atmosphere, ocean, and sea ice models. This visualization shows precipitable water as modeled by CCSM-2 run at T170 resolution.
High resolution

Caption for Image 2:
The MIT ocean circulation model simulated the mean air-sea carbon flux in the Pacific Ocean. Red indicates outgassing of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere; blue indicates flux from the atmosphere into the ocean. The signature of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation is clearly visible in the Pacific.
High resolution

Caption for Image 3:
NASA's Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction Project (NSIPP) explores how a global coupled atmosphere/land system responds when forced by the ocean temperature changes observed during the 1997-98 El Niño. The highest-resolution simulations ever run by NSIPP use a 1/2 degree grid with 34 vertical layers and sample data every hour. The visualizations show the total precipitable water in the atmosphere, indicated by the gray to white cloud-like structures, and predicted precipitation, indicated by gold.
High resolution

Caption for Image 4:
Pattern recognition techniques show promise for earthquake forecasting. Red regions indicate anomalies detected through principal component analysis. Blue triangles are earthquakes. Recent earthquakes have occurred in anomalous regions.
High resolution

Caption for Image 5:
The image shows surface, snow, and precipitation data inputs (top row); the regional land model results of modeled surface, root zone, and an entire profile of soil moisture (middle row); and the effects from the assimilation of soil moisture in the top row on the same three quantities in the model (bottom row).

Caption for Image 6:
The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in southern Utah is one of the study sites for applying geospatial models to predicting how invasive plant species spread.

Caption for Image 7:
The UCLA Earth System Model predicted climate impacts of the 1997-98 El Niño. Colors show deviations from normal precipitation in millimeters per day, with the dark blue colors representing the largest decreases in precipitation and the reds representing the largest increases.
High resolution

Caption for Image 8:
A view of the Earth's magnetosphere for southward interplanetary magnetic field conditions. White lines represent magnetic field lines. Colors represent pressure contours (red = high, blue = low).

Caption for Image 9:
Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) simulation of two co-rotating vortex rings (indicated by the yellow rings). The green lines show streamlines of the flow, while the white boxes show where finer resolution is used to better capture details of the flow. Coherent vortices such as those shown here are the principal means for mixing fluids in microgravity environments.
High resolution

Caption for Image 10:
This illustration envisions a gamma-ray burst simulation based on coupling of fluid dynamics techniques with adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). The team is developing a generalized software framework for astrophysics that will enable the addition of more physical processes. Applications will include modeling some of the observational consequences of gamma-ray bursts.
High resolution

Caption for Image 11:
This Atlas image mosaic was obtained as part of the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology.

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May 8, 2002 - (date of web publication)


Community Climate System Model


Image 1



NASA is joining with leading university and government researchers to develop software frameworks that will enable more realistic simulations of natural phenomena and interpretation of vast quantities of observational data on high-end computers.

Over the next three years, the agency will pay out $22.8 million to 11 investigation teams attacking challenges as diverse as:

  • making it possible for many climate and weather modeling groups to share and reuse each other's software,
  • creating multi-year earthquake forecasts,
  • predicting space weather using real-time observations, and
  • uncovering the workings of gamma-ray bursts.

MIT ocean circulation model


Image 2


"These agreements represent a major investment in development of the software infrastructure that is needed to support high-end computing applications in the Earth and space sciences," said Dr. Richard Rood, Acting Chief, Earth and Space Data Computing Division, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. "The applications are at the forefront of scientific discovery through computational experimentation and also sit at the foundation of the software codes used to assess climate change."

NASA's Seasonal to Internanual Prediction Project


Image 3


For instance, teams led by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center will be building a prototype software infrastructure that will make it possible for the nation's most widely used climate and weather models and systems for assimilating the latest observational data to readily operate together.

The partners expect this "Earth System Modeling Framework" to reshape the national modeling community by vastly reducing the effort researchers must expend on developing software and by initiating an unprecedented level of cooperation among leading Earth scientists.

pattern recognition techniques for earthquake forecasting


Image 4


The Earth System Modeling Framework will handle all communications among atmosphere, land, ocean and other models and will enable them to run on a variety of supercomputer architectures without time-consuming reprogramming. The framework will improve the fidelity and predictive capability of the models by making it much simpler for researchers to swap and compare alternative scientific approaches from many different sources.

"This multi-agency activity is a key part of NASA's contribution to focusing the country's climate and weather modeling activities on problems of national priority," Rood said.

precipitation data


Image 5


Applications designed for early adoption of the Earth System Modeling Framework will come from two additional investigations. A team headed by the University of California, Los Angeles will enhance coupled model simulations of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and its far-flung effects on climate. Another team led by Goddard researchers will increase climate simulation accuracy by creating and coupling a land surface model/data assimilation system that captures the Earth's water and energy cycles in near real-time.

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument


Image 6


NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory leads the earthquake forecasting team, whose software will ingest data from Global Positioning System and Synthetic Aperture Radar satellites into simulations of Southern California's crustal fault interactions.

Goddard directs a second investigation focused on the western United States. The group will heighten the realism of models predicting how invasive plant species spread in national parks and wilderness areas.

UCLA Earth System Model


Image 7


The University of Michigan heads an investigation constructing a Space Weather Modeling Framework. Solar and interplanetary satellite observations will drive predictions from linked models that span the distance from the sun's outer atmosphere to the Earth's upper atmosphere.

Frameworks for simulating astrophysical phenomena will come from teams based at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, who will study star formation and the behavior of matter in microgravity environments, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, who will grapple with understanding observational data from gamma-ray bursts, phenomena believed to be the most powerful explosions in the universe.

Earth's magnetosphere


Image 8


Encompassing the entire cosmos, a team led by the California Institute of Technology will deploy an on-demand image mosaic service for the National Virtual Observatory, an effort to meld astronomical observations stored in databases across the United States.

All payments to the teams are tied to successful achievement of negotiated milestones. Funding for the partnerships comes from the Earth Science Technology Office's Computational Technologies Project, which is dedicated to helping solve agency mission problems across the Earth, space, and life sciences. The 11 investigations will transfer the new capabilities to customers at NASA centers and in the wider science community.


adaptive mesh refinement simulation


Image 9


Encompassing 143 researchers at NASA field centers, government laboratories, universities, corporations, and non-profit organizations, the investigations are as follows:

The Earth System Modeling Framework

*Part I: Core Development, led by Timothy Killeen, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colo., $3,781,000

Expected outcome: Software infrastructure to enable the interoperability and reuse of Earth System Model components on high-end computing platforms across the Earth modeling community.

*Part II: Modeling Applications, led by John Marshall, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, $1,772,000

Expected outcome: Integration of major U.S. climate and numerical weather prediction models into the Earth System Modeling Framework.

gamma-ray burst simulation


Image 10


*Part III: Data Assimilation Applications, led by Arlindo da Silva, Goddard Space Flight Center, $4,251,000

Expected outcome: Atmospheric and oceanic data assimilation systems integrated into the Earth System Modeling Framework.

Numerical Simulations for Active Tectonic Processes, led by Andrea Donnellan, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., $2,208,000

Expected outcome: Multi-year Southern California earthquake forecast using realistic modeling of crustal fault interactions based on observational data.

Atlas image mosaic


Image 11


Land Information Systems, led by Paul Houser and Christa Peters-Lidard, Goddard Space Flight Center, $1,471,000

Expected outcome: Enable near-real-time, observation-driven modeling of regional and global terrestrial water and energy cycles for coupled Earth System Models.

Biotic Prediction: Building the Computational Technology Infrastructure for Public Health and Environmental Forecasting, led by John L. Schnase, Goddard Space Flight Center, $1,075,000

Expected outcome: High-performance, landscape-scale modeling of the changing geospatial distribution of the Earth's living components.

Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics and Tracer Transport, led by C. Roberto Mechoso, University of California, Los Angeles, $1,200,000

Expected outcome: Earth System Modeling Framework components for better understanding of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation.

A High-Performance Adaptive Simulation Framework for Space Weather Modeling, led by Tamas Gombosi, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, $1,800,000

Expected outcome: Real-time space weather prediction capability using coupled models driven by solar and interplanetary observations.

A C++ Framework for Block-Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Models, led by Phillip Colella, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, Calif., $1,851,000

Expected outcome: Computational technologies for multi-scale modeling of astrophysical and microgravity phenomena.

Development of an Interoperability Based Environment for Adaptive Meshes (IBEAM) with Applications to Radiation-Hydrodynamic Models of Gamma-Ray Bursts, led by Paul Saylor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, $1,800,000

Expected outcome: Understanding of observational data from gamma-ray bursts through development of a component-based parallel framework for astrophysical simulation.

High-Performance Cornerstone Technologies for the National Virtual Observatory (NVO), led by Thomas Prince, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, $1,500,000

Expected outcome: Deploying an on-demand astronomical image mosaic service for the NVO.

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