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    There are a total of 69775 record(s) matching your query.
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    Single-Particle Measurements of Midlatitude Black Carbon and Light-Scattering Aerosols from the Boundary Layer to the Lower Stratosphere

    Author(s): Schwartz, J. P.; Gao, R. S.; Fahey, D. W.; Thomson, D. S.; Watts, L. A.; Wilson, J. C.; Reeves, J. M.; Darbeheshti, M.; Baumgardner, D. G.; Kok, G. L.; Chung, S. H.; Schulz, M.; Hendricks, J.; Lauer, A.; Kaercher, B.; ...
    Abstract: A single-particle soot photometer (SP2) was flown on a NASA WB-57F high-altitude research aircraft in November 2004 from Houston, Texas. The SP2 uses laser-induced incandescence to detect individual black carbon (BC) ...
    NASA Center: Ames Research Center
    Publication Year: 2006
    Added to NTRS: 2009-01-15
    Document ID: 20090001329

    Human Systems Integration (HSI) Case Studies from the NASA Constellation Program

    Author(s): Baggerman, Susan; Berdich, Debbie; Whitmore, Mihriban
    Abstract: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Constellation Program is responsible for planning and implementing those programs necessary to send human explorers back to the moon, onward to Mars and other ...
    NASA Center: Johnson Space Center
    Publication Year: 2009
    Added to NTRS: 2009-01-15
    Document ID: 20090001318

    Shear Modulus for Nonisotropic, Open-Celled Foams Using a General Elongated Kelvin Foam Model

    Author(s): Sullivan, Roy M.; Ghosn, Louis J.
    Abstract: An equation for the shear modulus for nonisotropic, open-celled foams in the plane transverse to the elongation (rise) direction is derived using an elongated Kelvin foam model with the most general geometric description. ...
    NASA Center: Glenn Research Center
    Publication Year: 2008
    Added to NTRS: 2009-01-15
    Document ID: 20090001310; Report Number: E-16613, NASA/TM-2008-215430

    The Climate Signal in Regional Moisture Fluxes: A Comparison of Three Global Data Assimilation Products

    Author(s): Min, Wei; Schubert, Siegfried D.
    Abstract: This study assesses the quality of estimates of climate variability in moisture flux and convergence from three assimilated data sets: two are reanalysis products generated at the Goddard Data Assimilation Office (DAO) and ...
    NASA Center: Goddard Space Flight Center
    Publication Year: 1997
    Added to NTRS: 2009-01-15
    Document ID: 20090001333; Report Number: DAO Office Note 97-10

    Measurements of Trace Gases in the Tropical Tropopause Layer

    Author(s): Marcy, T. P.; Popp, P. J.; Gao, R. S.; Fahey, D. W.; Ray, E. A.; Richard, E. C.; Thompson, T. L.; Atlas, E. L.; Lowenstein, M.; Wofsy, S. C.; Park, S.; Weinstock, E. M.; Swartz, W. H.; Mahoney, M. J.
    Abstract: A unique dataset of airborne in situ observations of HCl, O3, HNO3, H2O, CO, CO2 and CH3Cl has been made in and near the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). A total of 16 profiles across the tropopause were obtained at ...
    NASA Center: Ames Research Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
    Publication Year: 2008
    Added to NTRS: 2009-01-15
    Document ID: 20090001328

    Quantifying the Impact of the North American Monsoon and Deep Midlatitude Convection on the Subtropical Lowermost Stratosphere using in Situ Measurements

    Author(s): Weinstock, E. M.; Pittman, J. V.; Sayres, D. S.; Smith, J. B.; Anderson, J. G.; Wofsy, S. C.; Xueref, I.; Gerbig, C.; Daube, B. C.; Pfister, L.; Richard, E. C.; Ridley, B. A.; Weinheimer, A. J.; Jost, H.-J.; Lopez, J. P.; ...
    Abstract: The chemical composition of the lowermost stratosphere exhibits both spatial and temporal variability depending upon the relative strength of (1) isentropic transport from the tropical tropopause layer (TTL), (2) diabatic ...
    NASA Center: Ames Research Center
    Publication Year: 2007
    Added to NTRS: 2009-01-15
    Document ID: 20090001327

    Advanced Stirling Convertor Heater Head Durability and Reliability Quantification

    Author(s): Krause, David L.; Shah, Ashwin R.; Korovaichuk, Igor; Kalluri, Sreeramesh
    Abstract: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has identified the high efficiency Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) as a candidate power source for long duration Science missions, such as lunar ...
    NASA Center: Glenn Research Center
    Publication Year: 2008
    Added to NTRS: 2009-01-15
    Document ID: 20090001312; Report Number: AIAA Paper-2008-5772, E-16652, NASA/TM-2008-215449

    ISS Expeditions 16 & 17: Chemical Analysis Results for Potable Water

    Author(s): Straub, John E., II; Plumlee, Debrah K.; Schultz, John R.
    Abstract: During the twelve month span of Expeditions 16 and 17 beginning October of 2007, the chemical quality of the potable water onboard the International Space Station (ISS) was verified safe for crew consumption through the ...
    NASA Center: Johnson Space Center
    Publication Year: 2009
    Added to NTRS: 2009-01-14
    Document ID: 20090001285

    The First Development of Human Factors Engineering Requirements for Application to Ground Task Design for a NASA Flight Program

    Author(s): Dischinger, H. Charles, Jr.; Stambolian, Damon B.; Miller, Darcy H.
    Abstract: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has long applied standards-derived human engineering requirements to the development of hardware and software for use by astronauts while in flight. The most important source ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center, Marshall Space Flight Center
    Publication Year: 2008
    Added to NTRS: 2009-01-14
    Document ID: 20090001286; Report Number: 08ICES-0279

    Direct Multiple Shooting Optimization with Variable Problem Parameters

    Author(s): Whitley, Ryan J.; Ocampo, Cesar A.
    Abstract: Taking advantage of a novel approach to the design of the orbital transfer optimization problem and advanced non-linear programming algorithms, several optimal transfer trajectories are found for problems with and without ...
    NASA Center: Johnson Space Center
    Publication Year: 2009
    Added to NTRS: 2009-01-14
    Document ID: 20090001234

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    Last Updated: July 5, 2007