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House Committee on Veterans' Affairs - Home Chairman Steve Buyer this is an invisible spacer image
Proudly Serving America's Veterans [Image] Chairman Steve Buyer this is an invisible spacer image
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 Hearings: Witness List this is an invisible spacer image
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Joint Hearing
Committee on Small Business
Subcommittee on Workforce, Empowerment,
and Government Programs
Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity

Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Cannon House Office Building
 Room 311
10:00 a.m.

Walter G. Blackwell
President and CEO
National Veterans Business Development Corporation 
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Arthur Salus
Duluth Travel, Inc. 
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

John K. Lopez
Association for Service Disabled Veterans 

Frank M. Ramos
Director, OSDBU
Department of Defense 
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Scott F. Denniston
Director, OSDBU
Department of Veterans Affairs 
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Rick Weidman
Director, Government Relations
Vietnam Veterans of America

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