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Oversight Hearing on the Department of Department of Labor’s Vet
erans Employment and Training Service

Thursday, May 12, 2005, 2:00 p.m.
334 Cannon House Office Building

Panel 1

Mr. Richard Jones
National Legislative Director
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Mr. James N. Magill
Director, National Employment Policy
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Mr. Carl Blake
Associate Legislative Director
Paralyzed Veterans of America
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Mr. Brian E. Lawrence
Assistant National Legislative Director
Disabled American Veterans
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Mr. Peter Gaytan
Director, Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation
The American Legion 
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Mr. Richard Weidman
Director of Government Relations
Vietnam Veterans of America

Panel 2

Mr. Sigurd R. Nilsen
Director, Education, Workforce, and Income Security Issues
U.S. Government Accountability Office

Mr. Wesley Poriotis
Chief Executive Officer
The Center for Military and Private Sector Initiative, Inc.
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Ms. Maren Daley
Veterans Affairs Committee, Chair
National Association of State Workforce Agencies
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Panel 3

Mr. John M. McWilliam

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations and Management
Veterans’ Employment and Training Service, Department of Labor
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)


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