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Oversight Hearing on the Transition Assistance Program and Disabled Transition Assistance Program

Wednesday, June 29, 2005, 2:00 p.m.
334 Cannon House Office Building

Panel 1

Major General Ronald G. Young
National Guard Bureau Joint Staff 
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Mr. Craig W. Duehring
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs
Department of Defense 
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Ms. Judith Caden
Director, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service
Veterans Benefits Administration 
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Mr. John M. McWilliam
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations and Management
Veterans’ Employment and Training Service, Department of Labor 
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Panel 2

Ms. Cynthia Bascetta
Director of Veterans’ Health and Benefits Issues
U.S. Government Accountability Office 

Colonel Robert F. Norton, USA (Ret.)
Co-Chairman, Veterans’ Committee
The Military Coalition 
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

Mr. Brian E. Lawrence
Assistant National Legislative Director
Disabled American Veterans
(Prepared Testimony | PDF)

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