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Navajo Reservoir Operations
Final Environmental Impact Statement

The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) proposes to operate Navajo Dam and Reservoir to meet Endangered Species Act (ESA)-related flow recommendations for the San Juan River, or a reasonable alternative to those recommendations, in a manner which enables both current and future water depletions to proceed in compliance with the ESA.

This change in reservoir operations would assist in conserving endangered fish in the San Juan River downstream from Farmington, New Mexico, and enabling water development to proceed in the San Juan River Basin in compliance with applicable laws, compacts, court decrees, and American Indian trust responsibilities. To accomplish this action, Reclamation would continue to operate Navajo Dam to meet the authorized project purposes while modifying reservoir release patterns to meet flow recommendations designed, in concert with other authorized recovery actions, to maintain or improve habitat for the razorback sucker and Colorado pikeminnow.

The Navajo Reservoir Operations Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) describes and analyzes potential environmental effects resulting from the proposed operational changes to Navajo Dam and Reservoir. The FEIS has been prepared according to provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and other laws and mandates.

Final Environmental Impact Statement
Navajo Reservoir Operations
 Cover Pages   (PDF)
2.2 MB
 Executive Summary   (PDF)
2.6 MB
 Glossary   (PDF)
3 MB
 Acronyms   (PDF)
373 KB
 Table of Contents    (PDF)
1.7 MB
 Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need for the Action    (PDF)
4 MB
 Chapter 2 - Proposed Action and Alternatives    (PDF)
6 MB
 Chapter 3 - Affected Environment/Environmental Consequences    (PDF)


648 KB
5 MB
7.6 MB
6 MB
173 KB

 Chapter 4 - Environmental Commitments and Mitigation Measures   (PDF)
190 KB
 Chapter 5 - Consultation and Coordination    (PDF)
2.2 MB
 List of Preparers   (PDF)
377 KB
 Bibliography    (PDF)
1.5 MB
1.1 MB
 Appendix A - Executive Summary, Flow Recommendations for the San Juan River    (PDF)
1.8 MB
 Appendix B - Flexibility in Near-Term Operations and General Hydrologic Data    (PDF)
1.8 MB
 Appendix C - Hydrologic Modeling Analysis    (PDF)
5 MB
 Appendix D - Modeled Output for Navajo Reservoir, San Juan River, Ridges Basin Reservoir, and Animas River    (PDF)
9 MB
 Appendix E - Hydropower Replacement Power Cost Analysis    (PDF)
842 KB
 Appendix F - Water Quality Resource Report    (PDF)
66 KB
 Appendix G - San Juan River Water Quality Exceedences Tables    (PDF)
1.3 MB
 Appendix H - Limnology, Water Quality Parameters, and Conditions and Ecoregions    (PDF)
826 KB
 Appendix I - Socioeconomic Data - Change in Expenditure Impacts (IMPLAN Model Runs)    (PDF)
7.7 MB
 Appendix J - Biological Assessment    (PDF)
9.3 MB
 Appendix K - Biological Opinion    (PDF)
9.2 MB
 Appendix L - Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report    (PDF)
7 MB
 Appendix M - San Juan River Trout Fishery Monitoring Plan: Fish Health Assessment   (PDF)
7.3 MB
 Appendix N - Memorandum From the San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation  Program Biology Committee (Feb. 21, 2002)    (PDF)
282 KB
 Appendix O - San Juan River Trout Habitat Suitability Assessment    (PDF)
1.7 MB
 Water Quality Resource Report    (PDF)
6.8 MB
 Cover Pages    (PDF)
1.2 MB
 Contents   (PDF)
336 KB
 Introduction / General Comments    (PDF)
317 KB
 Cooperating Agencies    (PDF)
6.5 MB
 State Agencies    (PDF)
1.8 MB
 Local Government    (PDF)
683 KB
 Water / Irrigation Districts    (PDF)
2 MB
 Industry / Business   (PDF)
5.2 MB
 Environmental Organizations    (PDF)
4 MB
 Other Organizations    (PDF)
3.7 MB
 Individuals    (PDF)
4.1 MB
 Anglers   (PDF)
6 MB
 Transcripts    (PDF)
4.4 MB
 Form Letters    (PDF)
467 KB
 Record of Decision
1.1 MB



Last updated: February 13, 2008