USDA Forest Service

Prescott National Forest

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Prescott National Forest
344 So. Cortez St.
Prescott, AZ 86303
(928) 443-8000
TTY (928) 443-8001

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Fire and Aviation

[PHOTOS: Sample Before and After Pictures of a Prescribe Burn]Prescribed Fire

After 100 years of actively suppressing fire in our national forests, the clinical report is in. Our forests are unhealthy and the prescription for getting them back to a healthy state is -- fire.

When the land now contained within the boundaries of the Prescott National Forest was in a natural state, fires swept through in a two to six year cycle. These fires were low intensity and effectively controlled the understory of the forest, eliminating fuels on a regular basis.

The Prescott National Forest is now endeavoring to replicate the natural process with prescribed burning and mechanical treatment. Burning will take place when various conditions such as humidity, wind direction, speed, and fuels moisture make it safe and effective to burn.

2008 & 2009 Planned Prescribed Burn Projects:

Although 8 prescribed burns totaling over 26,000 acres are prepared for this Fall 2008 burning season, approximately 15,000 acres will be accomplished. This includes 1,071 acres south of Prescott, 5,777 acres near Goodwin, 8,301 acres near Crown King, and 11,051 acres on Mingus Mountain.

These burns will be carefully implemented and monitored to assure that they minimize human health effects and meet resource objectives.

Public and fire fighter safety is our first priority in working though the burning season. Patience, understanding and flexibility will increase our community success.

Click on areas of the map or the links in the INDEX box to the right to learn more about each of the planned 2008 & 2009 Prescribed Burns.

[MAP:  2008 Planned Prescribed Burns] [LINK: More Information on Ash Creek Prescribed Burn] [LINK:  More Information on Bean Peaks Prescribed Burn] [LINK:  More Information on Crown King Wildland Urban Interface Prescribed Burn] [LINK:  More Information on Grapevine Prescribed Burn] [LINK:  More Information on Horsethief Basin Prescribed Burn] [LINK: More Information on Log Springs Prescribed Burn] [LINK:  More Information on the Minnehaha Prescribed Burn] [LINK:  More Information on the Powell Prescribed Burn]



USDA Forest Service - Prescott National Forest
Last Modified: Thursday, 28 August 2008 at 15:50:41 EDT

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