Casework: Help with Federal Agencies

Have you ever felt like you have run into a brick wall in trying to resolve aproblem with a federal government agency? 

One Family's Story

My office was contacted by a family who had run into problems with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) because they had several years of tax returns that were inaccurate.  Because of these errors, a substantial amount of penalties and interest had been added to the taxes they owed, and their refunds were being intercepted and applied to those back taxes.  

My office contacted the IRS to determine what needed to be done to correct the family's situation.  As a result, the IRS did a complete review of all the family's tax returns for the years in question and recalculated the actual amounts due.  Because the amounts already intercepted exceeded the actual amounts owed for those tax years, it was found that this family owed no further back taxes and the problem was resolved.  The family was able to begin again with a clean slate.

Helping Wisconsin 7th District residents to cut through government red tape to solve their problems with federal agencies is an important part of my job as your federal representative. 

While I can't ask a federal agency to do anything they are not authorized to do under law or regulations, I can make sure that all of your rights are protected and that errors in procedure are corrected.  I and my staff will do everything we can to make sure that you receive fair treatment and will work together with you and the agency to review and, hopefully, resolve the matter.

Checklist to Determine if Your Inquiry is Casework- This checklist will help you to determine whether your difficulty is something that I have the authority and jurisdiction to assist you with.

Federal Resources Section- If you are looking for information from a federal agency and are not sure where to start, you may be able to find your solution in the Federal Resources section of my website.  Answers to some commonly asked questions may be found there.

Proceed to Open Your Case - If you have determined your difficulty is a casework matter, select this option for instructions on how to prepare and proceed in sending your request to my office.

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