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NEWS from Follow-up hearing on

VA’s information technology program


Witness List and Statements


Chairman Terry Everett Opening Statement

Chairman Terry Everett Closing Statement

VA Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chairman Terry Everett (R-AL) expresses his anger at reports that VA computers are susceptible to hacking.   Also pictured are, from left, Minority Subcommittee Staff Director Bill Crandell,  Ranking Democratic Member Corinne Brown (D-FL), and Majority Staff Director Kingston Smith.
At left, Michael Slachta, Jr., VA's Assistant Inspector General for Auditing, talks about his study of VA Information Techology security measures.   He was accompanied by Stephen L. Gaskell, left, Director of the Central Office Operations Division, VA's Office of Inspector General; and Thomas Phelps, the Division's Audit Manager.   In the center photo, witness Joel C. Willemssen, Director of Civil Agencies Information Systems, Accounting and Information Management Division of the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO), center, was accompanied by Helen Lew, his Assistant Director; and Nabajyoti Barkakati, Technical Assistant Director of GAO's Office of Computer and Information Technology.   At far right, Dr. Howard H. Green, M.D., shares his experiences with the Subcommittee.
Heading the final panel was Robert Bubniak, center, VA's Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Information Technology.  He was accompanied by Adair Martinez, left, Chief Information Officer for the VA's Veterans Benefits Administration; and Gary Christopherson, Chief Information Officer for the VA's Veterans Health Administration.