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Joint Hearing of the House and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committees to Receive the Legislative Presentation of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
March 2, 1999

Witness List and Statements

Ranking Democratic Member Lane Evans

The Veterans of Foreign Wars Testifying Before the Joint Hearing

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House Veterans' Committee Chairman Bob Stump of Arizona welcomed the Veterans of Foreign Wars to Washington for their legislative presentation.

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Before the presentation Chairman Stump met with VFW Commander-in-Chief Thomas Pouliot

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Mr. Pouliot was introduced by his congressman, Rep. Rick Hill of Montana.

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Jim Gibbons (left), Republican from Nevada, discusses veterans' legislation, while Reps. Helen Chenoweth of Idaho and Howard "Buck" McKeon listen.

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Commander-in-Chief Pouliot was then joined other VFW officials in outlining legislative priorities for the year.

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VFW members listen intently to their national commander's remarks.