Mobile Spiromety Unit (MSU)

Image of a national mobile lung function screening
Image of spirometry testing
Spirometry is a simple breathing test that takes just minutes. It is one of the best and most effective ways to diagnose COPD. Now, in partnership with NHLBI, the American Association for Respiratory Care, and the National Lung Health Education Program, the COPD Foundation is taking spirometry on the road with their mobile spirometry unit (MSU).

This 12-foot trailer featuring the COPD Learn More Breathe Better® logo is touring the country, offering free spirometry testing and COPD information at health fairs and other venues nationwide. Since the beginning of the year, the mobile spirometry unit has already traveled to 16 cities issuing over 8,100 spirometry tests.

For MSU tour dates and locations, visit the COPD Foundation's Web site,

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