
Transitioning to Civilian Life


Transition Assistance Program (TAP)

Public Law 108-183, the Veterans Benefits Act of 2003, placed TAP instructors where their customers are by mandating that the Department of Labor place staff in veterans’ assistance offices at overseas military installations.  Currently, DOL job counselors are on the ground in Europe and Asia, and afloat on aircraft carriers around the world.

Public Law 107-103, the Veterans Education and Benefits Expansion Act of 2001, required the Departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, and Labor to furnish pre-separation assistance to servicemembers as early as 12 months prior to discharge (24 months for retirees).  This assistance generally covers military benefits, veterans’ benefits, and job-finding assistance.

Picture of soldier, courtesy of the T3 Coalition of South Carolina.

Picture courtesy of the T3 Coalition of South Carolina

Links You Can Use

DoD’s Operation Transition Website

You Can Find the Department of Labor’s TAP Manual on the VETS Website

Interested In Becoming a Teacher?  Visit the Troops-to-Teachers Website.

Interested in credentialing opportunities through the U.S. Army? Visit Army COOL.


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