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Policy and Program Services
2009 Water Management Workshop

Scope:  The water management workshop is a seminar for supervisors, managers, water masters, and others responsible for or associated with the operation and maintenance of water systems.  It is held when field activities are generally at a minimum for the convenience of operating personnel.  The workshop, sponsored by the Bureau of Reclamation, has been held since 1961.  Participants will spend a day during the week attending sessions at Reclamation's research laboratories at the Denver Federal Center.

Objective:  The objective of the workshop is the self-improvement of personnel who are directly responsible for the technical details of operating and maintaining water systems.  The focus of the workshop has changed along with the evolving focus of the Bureau of Reclamation to include increased emphasis on water conservation and efficient water management activities.  Many of the sessions during the week will address these topics as well as current issues related to other Reclamation programs."

February 23-26, 2009

Sheraton Denver West Hotel and the Denver Federal Center in Lakewood Colorado

Cost:  Five hundred dollars ($500) payable upon registration

Participant Break Out Session Topics Include:

Topics Presented in General Session Format:

Managers/Board of Directors Session - A special breakout session will be directed specifically towards water district managers and members of Boards of Directors.  An informal discussion will focus on the various current issues facing districts as well as the Managing for Excellence Initiative.

Assembly of General Interest - There will also be a tour of the Bureau of Reclamation's research laboratory at the Denver Federal Center.

Please Note:  All participants will be provided with a set of session notes (hard copy and CD) at the beginning of the workshop.

For more information on registration, transportation, and lodging please click here.


Policy and Program Services

Publication of Rulemakings - Loan Guarantees and Rural Water

The proposed rule for loan guarantees authorized by the Twenty-First Century Water Works Act was published in the Federal Register on October 6, 2008, for a 30-day public comment period.

Reclamation's interim final rule for the Rural Water Program will be posted on Regulations.gov for public comment in November 2008. Check the following website for easy access to pending rules affecting Reclamation http://www.usbr.gov/cio/im/rules/rules.html

Contacts: Avra Morgan and Randy Christopherson


Water for America Funding Opportunity Announcements

Water for America's first funding opportunity is now available online at www.grants.gov. Water Marketing and Efficiency grants are for cooperative projects that create water banks and markets or improve the water delivery efficiency of a system through conservation or operational improvements.

Contact:: Amy Rober


Recreation Coordinators Meeting

Lower Colorado Region - Las Vegas, NV
January 6-8, 2009
Meeting Minutes



Last revised: January 12, 2009