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Compliance Notices:
Notice to Comply and Notice of Violation

AQMD compliance staff conduct regular inspections of businesses to ensure that equipment and processes are operating in compliance with applicable clean air rules and regulations. During the inspection process, it may become necessary to issued a compliance notice to a business to either provide information necessary to make the compliance determination or to document non-compliant items found during the inspection. Compliance notices issued by AQMD inspectors are available for viewing via the Public Inquiry System.

Notice to Comply
A Notice to Comply (NTC) may be issued during the inspection process to a business either:

  • to request additional information needed to determine compliance with clean air requirements; or

  • as a notice to correct a minor violation found during the inspection.  Failure to take take corrective action can lead to the issuance of a Notice of Violation.

Notice of Violation
Receiving a Notice of Violation (NOV) means that a business or person is operating in violation of the law. Under the law, each day or part of a day that the violation continues is a separate violation and subject to daily penalties. Businesses that cannot achieve compliance immediately may seek a variance from the AQMD Hearing Board

This page updated: October 18, 2006