Appendix C.   Digital Certificates

A digital certificate is an electronic document which conforms to the International Telecommunications Union’s X.509 specification. It is a document which typically contains the owner’s name and public key, the expiration date of the public key, the serial number of the certificate, and the name and digital signature of the organization which issued the certificate. The digital certificate binds together the owner’s name and a pair of electronic keys (a public key and a private key) that can be used to encrypt and sign documents.

Encrypting and digitally signing documents using certificates provides the following assurances about document transmissions:

Using the certification

The public key in the FDA’s certificate is used to encrypt a document for transmission. The FDA ESG uses the public key to verify the digital signature of a document received from a specified source.

Before encrypted and signed documents (sent submissions) are exchanged with the FDA ESG, there must be a certificate exchange to obtain the other’s certificate and public key. Each party obtains a certificate with a public-private key pair, either by generating a self-signed certificate or by obtaining a certificate from a Certificate Authority. The private half of the key pair always remains on the party’s computer. The public half is provided to the FDA ESG during the registration process and includes the certificate and public key, or the certificate alone.

Certificates not accepted by the registration module

There are situations when a valid certificate is not accepted by the registration module and is identified as invalid. If this occurs, zip the certificate file and email it to the FDA ESG administrator at Once received, FDA will assess the certificate and send a response.

Certificates not accepted by the FDA ESG

The FDA ESG cannot accept certificates with blank data elements in the Issuer or Subject fields.  These certificates will cause the FDA ESG to fail due to a defect in the Gateway software.  The certificates provided should be valid for at least one year and no more than two years.  Note, this requirement applies to both Pre-production (Test) and Production ESG systems.


Where to obtain a certificate

The FDA ESG supports Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to securely trade submissions over the Internet. PKI is a system of components that use digital certificates and public key cryptography to secure transactions and communications.

PKI uses certificates issued by certificate authorities (CAs) to provide authentication, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation of data.


There are two PKI options supported–commercial in-house, and outsourced PKIs. The option chosen can depend on a number of factors, such as cost, human and system resources, and the degree or sophistication of security desired. PKI establishes digital identities that can be trusted. The CA is the party in a PKI that is responsible for certifying identities. In addition to generating a certificate, this entails verifying the identity of a subscriber according to established policies and procedures. This is the case for in-house and outsourced PKIs.

In an organization that generates and uses its own self-signed certificates, the trading parties must verify the certificates and establish a direct trust. Once established that an identity or issuer of an identity can be trusted, the trust anchor’s certificate is stored in a local trust list. The FDA ESG has a local trust list for storing and managing established trust relationships. The application maintains a list of common public CA certificates similar to those kept in web browsers. Although convenient, this predetermination of trust might not complement every organization’s security policy. The decision of who to trust rests with the individual organization.


An in-house PKI makes it possible to achieve complete control of security policies and procedures. It also carries the burden of management and cost to set up and maintain the system.


Third-party certificate authorities can be leveraged to purchase keys and X.509 certificates for general use in trading and let the CA manage security policies and details such as certificate revocation. The level of outsourcing can range from purchasing an end-entity public key certificate of a certain validity period from a commercial PKI to outsourcing all of the PKI services that the organization requires.

If you are trying to use an outsourced certificate, the following are just a few of the many companies that sell the X.509 certificates (Displayed in alphabetical order).

Note:  References to commercial products are for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute an official FDA endorsement.

CA will send you an email with PIN number and a link to a website where you can import/install the certificate. Accept all defaults and say "yes” to all pop-ups, your certificate will be installed in your browser. Note, if you are using WebTrader, you do not have to install the certificate on the same machine that you will be using. Once the certificate is installed in the browser you can export the public and private keys out and use them where ever you want. AS1/AS2 users will need to install the certificates in their system. Configuring the certificates may defer from sponsor to sponsor depending on what gateway software being used.

  1. From Internet Explorer go to Tools àInternet Options à Content tab àCertificates
  2. Select your certificate in the Personal tab.
  3. Click on the Export button to create public and private keys, which can be used for the Gateway.
  4. To export public key (.cer or .p7b) select Next on the next screen
  5. Select ¤ No, do not export the private key option and click on the Next button.
  6. Select the options as shown on the screen below. Click on the Next button. Or if you want to export the certificate with .P7B extension/format or to export .CER extension/format follow the next step.
  7. Select ¤ Cryptographic Message syntax Standard – PKCS #7 Certificates (.P7B), check R Include all certificate in the certification path if possible.
  8. Select ¤DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) and click on the Next button.
  9. Give a file name and select the location where you want to save the file. Click on the Next button.  Then click on Finish.

You public key is ready. This is the key that you should use when registering.

To export private key (.PFX or .P12)

  1. Select the certificate and click on Export, Click on net on the next screen
  2. Select ¤ Yes, export the private key and click on the Next button.
  3. Select the options as shown below and click on the Next button.
  4. Create a password for your private key. Confirm the password and click on the Next button.  If you forget the password you can export the private key again and create a password.
  5. Create a file name and select the location where you want to save the file and click on the Next button. On the next screen, click on Finish and then click on OK.