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FFIEC's Consumer Help Center

Welcome to the FFIEC’s Consumer Help Center. The Consumer Help Center directs consumers with complaints and questions about their bank or financial institution to the appropriate federal bank regulatory agency that can help them with their concerns.

If your complaint or inquiry is in reference to a credit union, please visit the National Credit Union Administration's consumer complaint page.

Search Instructions:

Step 1. Enter the name of your bank or financial institution in the field provided below.

Step 2. Find your bank’s name. Once you have entered the bank's name, you will be taken to your specific bank's name or to a list of banks that have similar names. If you are taken to a list of banks with similar names, scroll down to your specific bank's name.

Step 3. Next to the bank name, you will find the name of the appropriate bank regulatory agency that can help you.

Step 4. Click on the regulator’s name located next to the bank's name and you will be taken to the website for that regulator where you may file a complaint and ask a question about your bank.

Helpful Hints: If you don't know the name of your bank, check your bank or credit card statement. The bank's name will be indicated on the statement. If you click on the search button without entering a bank's or financial institution’s name, an alphabetical listing of banks will be generated which also provides the name of the appropriate regulator.

Enter the bank name or institution below:


Can’t find your bank's name or have a banking question? Call any of the federal bank regulators noted below:
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency at (800) 613-6743
Federal Reserve Board at (888) 851-1920
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at (877) 275-3342
Office of Thrift Supervision at ( 800) 842-6929