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In some cases, the Chairman of the Rules Committee will announce special procedures or deadlines for the submission of amendments. The announcement usually requires 55 copies of the amendment and one copy of a brief explanation be delivered to the Rules Committee in H-312 of the Capitol no later than the deadline indicated in the announcement. Those special procedures always take precedence. They will usually be announced on the House Floor and will be followed-up by a “Dear Colleague” letter. Additionally, the party Whip Offices should provide notice to the Members.

In order to have the amendment considered in the Rules Committee, take the following steps, unless otherwise specified by the Chairman’s announcement:

  1. If a Member wishes to testify before the Rules Committee on an amendment, call the Committee at 225-9191 (Majority) or 225-9091 or 225-9486 (Minority) to have the Member placed on the witness list.
  1. The assistance of the Legislative Counsel’s office (225-6060) should be sought in drafting the amendment. It is very important that the amendment be drafted by Legislative Counsel to ensure that it is tailored to the most up-to-date version of the base bill and that it is accurate. This also helps to ensure the expeditious printing by the Government Printing Office of any amendments made in order by the Rules Committee.


  2. The text of the amendment should be checked with the House Parliamentarian (225-7373) to determine if it violates any rule of the House. If so, the amendment could possibly be redrafted to correct the problem. If not, the Rules Committee should be notified that the Member will need a waiver of certain points of order in order to have the amendment considered.


  3. While it is not required, it is suggested that prior to the meeting, the Member requesting an amendment ask a Rules Committee Member to offer a motion to have the amendment made in order. However, a request for a motion is not a guarantee that the Member’s amendment will be made in order.


  4. In the absence of a special procedure announced by the Chairman of the Committee on Rules, the Committee requires 55 copies of the amendment and one copy of a brief explanation in advance of the meeting. Also, if the Member wants the text of a written statement before the committee members while they testify, 55 copies are required in advance of the meeting, preferably by the close of business the day before the meeting.


  5. It is always helpful to call the Rules Committee well in advance of the Rules Committee meeting and to speak with the appropriate Committee staff regarding your Member’s amendment. Keep the Committee informed of the progress of the amendment with the Parliamentarian’s office and with the Legislative Counsel’s office.


  6. It is important to accomplish all of this well in advance of the Rules Committee meeting.
Note: The submission of an amendment to the Rules Committee does not guarantee that the amendment will be made in order or that it will be granted a waiver.