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Sep 23, 2003


Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee on


(in alphabetical order)

Andrews #7
Authorizes the Army Corps of Engineers to provide assistance for planning and implementation of the Tide Gate and Dike Restoration Project on Repaupo Creek in Greenwich and Logan Townships, New Jersey. LATE

Andrews #8
Authorizes the Army Corps of Engineers to provide assistance in cleaning debris from the Delaware River, downstream from Trenton, New Jersey. LATE

Andrews #9
Requires, that in the case of a Superfund remediation, where the remediation calls for the discharge to a secondary sewage treatment facility, the Army Corps of Engineers must certify that no action taken as part of the remediation will negatively impact a waterway that is under the jurisdiction of the Army Corps of Engineers. LATE

Kind #3
Requires the Corps to (1) fully mitigate habitat lost from the construction of Corps projects by replacing at a minimum, each acre of damaged habitat with an equivalent or superior acre of habitat; (2) complete at least 50 percent of mitigation before construction begins, with the remainder to be completed when project construction is complete (except for those limited instances where that is not physically possible); and (3) prepare detailed mitigation plans that have a high likelihood of successfully replacing lost values and that require monitoring to ensure success.

King (IA) #10
Establishes a comprehensive plan to conduct activities to recover the Missouri River Endangered Species and the ecosystem on which they depend while allowing the Army Corps of Engineer to carry out all projects purposes authorized by Congress for the Missouri River projects ensuring that the water related need for the region are met. LATE

Miller, Candice (MI) #2
Adds new language amending the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990 to direct the Secretary to issue a regulation to prohibit a vessel with a ballast water tank from entering the Great Lakes if more then 5 percent of the tank contains ballast water. Requires that the master of the vessels certify with the Secretary before they depart the first lock in the St. Lawrence Seaway that the vessel has complied with the requirements.

Rodriguez #5
Allows the San Antonio River Authority to receive credit on design work done on the San Antonio Channel Improvement Project as part of the local cost-share portion of the project. Strikes language regarding the project agreement date to provide the Corps the ability to credit the local sponsor for construction work accomplished anytime during project implementation. The San Antonio Channel Improvement Project was authorized back in 1954 and due to its longstanding status as an active project, the Corps has already credited the San Antonio Channel project to the maximum limit under the Section 215 authority. The only remaining option for providing work-in-kind credit for construction would be through a specific authority for the project. The current language would limit the credit to work accomplished by the local sponsor prior to execution of the partnership agreement. LATE

Rohrabacher #1
Amends language which permits ports to collect tonnage fees for local harbor purposes, by permitting such fees to be collected on a per container basis and permitting the funds collected to be used for security purposes or for infrastructure projects within or outside the harbor that are for transportation to, from, or through the harbor.

Ryan,Tim (OH) #4
Requires that water resources development projects authorized after the date of enactment of HR 2557 and subject to the Buy American Act be at least 65 percent domestic content, instead of the current 50 percent. LATE

Young #6
Manager?s Amendment. Makes technical and conforming changes to project-related provisions, and authorizes or modifies additional projects brought to the Committee's attention following Committee action, including: Nine projects based on Reports of the Chief of Engineers: Tanque Verde Creek, Arizona, project for environmental restoration; Peroria Riverfront, Illinois, project for environmental restoration; South River, New Jersey, project for hurricane and storm damage reduction; Jacksonville Harbor, Florida, project for navigation; Manasquan to Barneget Inlets, New Jersey, project for hurricane and storm damage reduction; Bel Marin Keys Unit V, California, project for environmental restoration; Imperial Beach, California, project for storm damage reduction; Centralia, Chehalis River, Washington, project for flood damage reduction; Gwynns Falls, Maryland, project for ecosystem restoration. Authorizes 5 small projects and modifies 10 existing projects. Authorizes 3 small projects for navigation. Authorizes 1 and modifies 1 small project for improving the quality of the environment. Authorizes 1 and modification of 1 small project for emergency streambank protection. Modifies 2 navigation projects. Modifies 1 small project for flood damage reduction. Modifies 3 flood control projects. Deauthorizes portions of 2 navigation projects. Authorizes 4 Corps of Engineers studies. LATE- REVISED

* Summaries derived from information submitted by the amendment sponsors.