Mendocino National Forest

Home > Recreational Activities > Fishing > Plaskett Lakes

Plaskett Lakes

Fish Species Present:

Rainbow trout. The California Department of Fish and Game and the Glenn County Fish and Game Commission plant the upper lake with catchables most years. The fish are planted in the spring and most are caught out by late summer. Some rainbows will always be in the lake, but fishing will generally slow as the summer progresses. Anglers may want to consider fishing the lower lake. The aquatic vegetation is dense, but sunfish and bass can be found lurking in that vegetation. Nearby Cold Creek holds wild rainbow trout.


[Photograph]: Plaskett Lake.Generally closed due to snow in the winter, facilities are open mid June through October.


Located 36 miles northwest of Elk Creek, these lakes are accessed from County Road FH 7. They are about a 1.5 hour drive west of Willows.


The campground is located at 6000' elevation in the fir and pines. There are two small lakes, 3 and 4 acres in size. No motorized boats allowed on the lake and not recommended for swimming.

Other Information:

The Colusa County 4H completed a depth survey of upper Plaskett Lake in the summer of 2000.

Printable depth maps.

Upper Plaskett

[Map]: A depth map of Upper Plaskett Lake prepared by the Colusa County 4H.

Lower Plaskett

[Map}: A depth map of Lower Plaskett Lake prepared by the Colusa County 4H.

[Printer] Printable Version
[Link]: United States Department of Agriculture national web site. [Link]: Forest Service national web site.