Mendocino National Forest

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Genetic Resource & Conservation Center

[Photograph]: Plant nursery at the Center.The Chico Genetic Resource and Conservation Center is located on 209 acres, in Chico, CA. Development started in 1904 when the site was assigned to the Agricultural Research Service for the purpose of plant breeding research and plant introduction from all over the world. The facility was originally named the Plant Introduction Station. Two of the station's early accomplishments included introducing the pistachio in 1917 and the kiwi in 1934. The "mother" and "father" kiwi are still at the Center and are the oldest producing kiwi in the country.

The Forest Service acquired the station in 1974. The Center's program gradually changed to developing and producing genetically improved plant material for the reforestation program of the Pacific Southwest Region.

In 1992, the Center's name changed to Genetic Resource and Conservation Center which reflects the broader scope and role of genetics in the management of forest ecosystems. The propagation function has evolved including over 130 species of trees, shrubs, grasses, and other native species which are of great importance for the productivity, health, diversity and sustainable use of our forest ecosystems.

Today, the Genetic Resource and Conservation Center produces plants for projects such as reforestation, wildfire recovery, watershed restoration, fisheries, riparian habitat for threatened and endangered species, Native American culture values, oak woodland restoration, mine reclamation, campgrounds and interpretive areas, forest health including research and disease resistence, in additon to biological, chemical, and clinical research on anti-cancer drugs derived from plants.

The Comanche Trail

Self-guiding nature trail: (1 mile loop) meanders through a unique botanical area in Edgar Slough which has remnants of exotic species that were planted when this was a Plant Introduction Center. During normal work hours employees are available to answer questions. The Center is generally open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

About the trail
[Photograph]: Flowering shrubs along the Comanche Trail.The major portion of the trail is located west of the Center's main office. The trail can be entered near the main office or from the west end of the trail. There is also a small section of paved trail just north of the main office which extends the trail eastward to the main road. Signs have been placed to identify many of the trees on the trail. These signs include the botanical name and common name if known. The signs are numbered to correspond with the numbers in the free trail guide. Plants on the trail which have not been identified are either native plants common to this area, plants for which identification can no longer be verified by available records, or duplicates of plants already identified in the trail guide.

Other features of the Trail
The trail area supports an abundance of wildlife including: birds, snakes, rabbits, squirrels, rodents, insects, and many other species. These are listed in the trail guide. California Wild Grape vines adorn many areas along the trail and the wide variety of other vegetation enhances the wildlife habitat. Small wood box-like structures attached to trees along the trail were constructed to provide housing for wood ducks (side entrance) and for bats (bottom entrance). For your safety and theirs, please observe our wildlife inhabitants from a distance.

Picnic tables and benches are located along the trail for lunch or for you to just sit, rest, and enjoy the sounds, smells, and view.

Each season offers a different perspective of the nature trail. In spring you'll find flowers in blooms; in summer a cool place to relax; in fall leaf colors to rival those in New England; and in winter, bare branches revealing migratory birds and nests perched high above the ground.

Additionally arboretums identified in the trail guide are filled with a variety of trees planted during the Plant Introduction days of the Center. On the eastern side of the arboretums are the "Ma" and "Pa" kiwi plants, the oldest producing kiwis in the United States. A Camptotheca tree and a cork oak, also planted during the Plant Introduction era, are located in the parking lot area between the arboretums.

(Page Reviewed 1/22/07)
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[Link]: United States Department of Agriculture national web site. [Link]: Forest Service national web site.