SPECIES NAME: Gadus macrocephalus Tilesius, 1810

Photo of Pacific Cod head

Summary: Head large, relatively broad, narrowed anteriorly, fitting about 3 times into body length. Interorbital wide, 1½ times wider than diameter of eye, very slightly convex; interorbital space 18 to 25% of head length. Snout blunt, projecting beyond mouth. Mouth moderately large, terminal; lower jaw shorter than upper. Chin with a well developed barbel about equal to eye diameter in length. Eye moderate, about ½ snout length in adult, fitting approximately 6 times into head length. Gill openings very wide, extending upward to at least the level of the pectoral fins. Gills 4 in number, with a slit behind the fourth; no pseudobranchiae present. Gill rakers of moderate size, about equal to pupil in length, 3+17 in number. Edge of preopercle usually covered by skin. Lateral line pores present on head.


Full description for Pacific Cod (Gadus macrocephalus)
Last updated on 2003-APR-02 by wss/frf