SPECIES NAME: Lutjanus purpureus Poey, 1867

Photo of Lutjanus purpureus, showing scalation Scalation

Small ctenoid scales cover most of the head and body, although the top of the head, snout and jaws are naked. A more-or-less isolated broad band of scales extends obliquely on each side of the nape, and each cheek bears 6 (rarely 5 or 7) scale rows. There are 49 to 53 lateral line scales, and these extend onto the caudal fin base, but not to the fin's edge. The longitudinal scale rows below lateral line on each side of the body are usually horizontal, and the number of scales in the rows along the midside are usually 50-51. The number of scales above the lateral line (between the lateral line and the dorsal fin base) ranges from 9 to 11, but is usually 10. The number of scales below the lateral line ranges from 16 to 19. The scales on the sides of the anterior part of the body, below the lateral line, are not conspicuously larger than those on the posterior part of the body; those above the lateral line on the anterior part of the body are smaller than those below. The scale rows above the lateral line rise obliquely. Scaly sheaths are present at the bases of the dorsal and anal fins, especially on the soft portions.

Full description for Caribbean Red Snapper (Lutjanus purpureus)
Last updated on 2004-JAN-22 by wss/frf