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Reissue Application Declaration by the Inventor
The USPTO is required by 35 U.S.C. 131 and 151 to examine applications and issue them as patents when appropriate. The applicant must then pay the required issue fee to receive the patent and avoid abandonment of the application. The USPTO can also correct errors in patents and reissue patents as appropriate. The USPTO may grant requests for ex parte and inter partes reexamination proceedings, in which third parties may also participate. The public uses this collection to request corrections of errors in issued patents, to request reissue patents, to request reexamination proceedings, and to ensure that the necessary fees and documentation are submitted to the USPTO. The USPTO is adding two items to this information collection, an electronic version of the Issue Fee Transmittal (Form PTOL-85B) and a petition to request an extension of time in ex parte or inter partes reexamination proceedings. This petition is an existing requirement that was not previously covered in this collection.
Form #:  PTO/SB/ 51
Agency:  Department of Commerce
Bureau:  Patent and Trademark Office
Common Name:   Reissue Application Declaration by the Inventor or the Assignee
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