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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
National Human Services IT Resource Center Resources For State IT Professionals

Search for Profile to Edit

See help below.


Select ACF Region, States and Territories, and Federal Program above.

Note: Multiple selections can be made in the search categories as supported by your browser.

Logically, the search is:
  • If you select a region, then the search will find profiles for all states in the selected region.
  • If you select a region and select a state (even if the state is not included in the region), then the search will find profiles for the selected state and all states in the selected region.
  • If you select none regions (which is the default) and select a state, then the search will find profiles for the selected state only.
  • If you select a federal program, then the search will be constrained to that federal program.
  • If you make no selections at all, then the search will return all profiles.

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