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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
National Human Services IT Resource Center Resources For State IT Professionals

State System Profile

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General Information
Application Name New HEIGHTS 
Application Acronym HEIGHTS 
ACF Region Region I 
Federal Program Food Stamp Program 
Profile Last Updated 1/14/2002 10:16:0 

State Information
Administration State Administered 
Additional State Programs   
Responsible Program Agency State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Family Assistance (DFA) 
Responsible System Agency DHHS - Division of Family Assistance (DFA), Department of Administrative Services - Data Center (ASDC); DHHS - Office of Information Systems (OIS) 
Other Contributing Agencies New Hampshire Department of Employment Security (DES) 

Application Information
Maintained By Contractor Maintained 
Development Source Transferred 
If Transfered, from which State WISCONSIN
Application Status Operational 
Planned/Actual Date Fully Operational December 1998 
Functional Description New HEIGHTS is a large-scale, client/server, interactive eligibility determination and benefit issuance system. New HEIGHTS automates: client registration, application entry, eligibility determination, benefit calculation, benefit issuance and work programs for more than 100 variations of programs. These programs include: Cash Assistance including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Old Age Assistance (OAA), Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled (APTD), and Aid to the Needy Blind (ANB); Medical Assistance – more than 60 different varieties of Medicaid programs; Food Stamps (FS); Child Care; Social Services Child Welfare requirements (Title IV-E) programs including Foster Care and Adoption Subsidy; Emergency Assistance; Work Programs – the work requirement for the TANF program that is administered off site in 12 One Stop Centers. New HEIGHTS provides automated program support and supports the information needs at the State and local office level. 
Interfaces New HEIGHTS is the first point of entry from most clients served by DHHS. The other major systems within DHHS (MMIS, NH Bridges, and NECSES) all receive their base information including eligibility information via an interface with New HEIGHTS. New HEIGHTS/MMIS Interface: There is a major interface between New HEIGHTS and MMIS that is currently used to pass eligibility information to the Medicaid system. In the year 2000, this same interface will pass information needed by the MCSys Managed Care system. The interface file is passed from New HEIGHTS to another region on the mainframe where a SAS application adds some intelligence and subsequently passes the file to a Sun workstation at the EDS location. NECSES Interface: Each evening New HEIGHTS sends information regarding benefit payments to individuals to NECSES. NECSES in turn can use this information to (1) help track absent parents and (2) determine the proper level of support payments. NECSES currently has the ability to pass back employment information to New HEIGHTS, but this ability isn’t being utilized at this time. The file is transferred via a shared disk between the mainframe systems that run the two applications. NH BRIDGES Interface: There is also a two-way interface with NH BRIDGES. New HEIGHTS sends a form of eligibility information to BRIDGES, which covers childcare, training, etc. The eligibility information is more specific than the MMIS eligibility, since it is for specific periods, specific providers, and for specific amounts. BRIDGES also sends information to HEIGHTS to register providers on the HEIGHTS system. The transfers take place via electronic fund transfer. Healthy Kids Interface: There is a two-way interface between New HEIGHTS and the Healthy Kids Corporation. HEIGHTS sends an initiation request to Healthy Kids. If approved, Healthy Kids sends back an enrollment, which establishes their eligibility on New HEIGHTS. Managed Care Interface: MCSys interfaces with New HEIGHTS via the existing MMIS interface. Transactions specific to managed care are included in the daily feed along with MMIS eligibility transactions. Managed care will process those transactions that are appropriate to it, while MMIS does the same.In addition to these interfaces, New HEIGHTS supports 13 data exchanges with partners outside the Department, including Social Security Administration (SSA), New Hampshire Employment Security (NHES), Health Care Facilities Administration (HCFA), etc. 
No. of System Users 1,200 
No. of Clients Served 70,000 
Application Future Plans Upgrade to PowerBuilder, continued upgrades to OS/390 and DB2 to keep current with the latest versions. 
Other Relevant Information The district office file servers use Novell Netware and the 700 Pentium P5-200 desktop workstations use Windows 95. The desktop workstations access local and central office Novell Netware servers on an Ethernet linear topology and access the IBM mainframe using TCP/IP. The system is comprised of 23 subsystems, over 675 screens, 1600 computer modules, 1000 common objects, and about 400 DB2 tables. New HEIGHTS processes between 130,000 and 140,000 transactions per day. 

Contractor Usage
Planning Deloitte Consulting 
Implementation Deloitte Consulting 
Operations Deloitte Consulting; Systems and Communications Sciences, Inc. (S&CSI) 
Monitoring Deloitte Consulting; Systems and Communications Sciences, Inc. (S&CSI) 
Other Maximus 

Hardware and Software Environment
Type of Application Single Database 
Type of Platform Client Server 
Hardware Platform IBM 9672-R34 
Operating System OS/390 under VM/ESA 
Languages PowerBuilder; VS/COBOL II; SQL; REXX 

Programs and Services Information
Other Programs and Services Supported (Note: Check boxes below are images that are for information purposes and not real controls)
checked boxAdoption unchecked boxAdult Protective Services checked boxChild Care
unchecked boxChild Care Licensing unchecked boxChild Care Resource Referral unchecked boxChild Care Subsidy
unchecked boxChild Family Services unchecked boxChild Protective Services unchecked boxChild Support Enforcement
unchecked boxChild Welfare checked boxEmployment Services unchecked boxFamily Preservation Support
unchecked boxFood Stamp checked boxFoster Care unchecked boxIndependent Living
unchecked boxInterstate Compact unchecked boxJuvenile Justice unchecked boxLIHEAP
checked boxMedicaid unchecked boxProvider Services checked boxTANF
Additional Program or Services Information    

Contact Information
Program Contact
Name Laurie Snow, New HEIGHTS Project Manager 
Address Department of Health and Human Services, Division
7 Eagle Square, Suite 101
Concord    NH    03301-3857 
Telephone 603-227-0326  
Fax 603-226-2154  
Email LSnow@DHHS.State.NH.US
IT Contact
Name Melinda Cox, New HEIGHTS Deputy Project Manager 
Address Department of Health and Human Services, Division
7 Eagle Square, Suite 101
Concord    NH    03301-3857 
Telephone 603-227-0319  
Fax 603-226-2154  
Email MCox@DHHS.State.NH.US

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