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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
National Human Services IT Resource Center Resources For State IT Professionals

State System Profile

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General Information
Application Name Nebraska Family Online Client User System 
Application Acronym N-FOCUS 
ACF Region Region VII 
Federal Program Food Stamp Program 
Profile Last Updated 1/2/2002 10:48:0 

State Information
Administration State Administered 
Additional State Programs   
Responsible Program Agency Nebraska Health and Human Services System; Services Agency--Economic Assistance Division, Protection and Safety Division, Food Programs Division; Adult and Disabled Services Division 
Responsible System Agency Nebraska Health and Human Services System (Finance and Support Agency, Information Systems and Technology Division); Nebraska Department of Administrative Services (Information Management Services Division) 
Other Contributing Agencies   

Application Information
Maintained By State Maintained 
Development Source Custom 
If Transfered, from which State   
Application Status Operational 
Planned/Actual Date Fully Operational 12/01/1998 
Functional Description N-FOCUS supports an integrated service delivery platform (the capacity to determine a family’s eligibility for multiple programs and/or services from a single point of contact). It provides an interactive expert system with rule based processing. For eligibility programs it provides intake, eligibility determination, budgeting, case management, case configuration, service approval, service authorization, service catalog, service referral, automated narrative, notices, claims and payments, overpayment and recoupment tracking, and food stamp/EBT issuance. 
Interfaces MMIS (Medicaid Management Information System); CHARTS (Children Have a Right to Support IV-D); Managed Care; Bendex (Social Security); Forty Quarters; Prisoner Match; HCFA (Health Care Financing Administration); LTC (Long Term Care): IRS (1099 data); IUC (Unemployment Compensation); SDX (State Data Exchange); SVES (State Verification Eligibility System): TOP (Food Stamp Tax Offset); TPL (Third Party Liability); VA (Veteran’s Administration); SEW (State Employment Wages); NH (New Hire); HEA (Energy Assistance) 
No. of System Users 1450 is a daily average of staff using the system (approximately 2500 authorized users) 
No. of Clients Served There are over 635,000 persons registered in the system. This number includes clients and persons who act as providers of servi 
Certifications/Assessments Not FAMIS certified as this was developed after FAMIS criteria; Y2K compliant; SACWIS and AFCARS assessments completed but pend 
Application Future Plans None at present 
Other Relevant Information   

Contractor Usage
Planning MAXIMUS: 1991 - 1992 
Implementation Andersen Consulting (Accenture): 1993 - 1997 
Operations State of Nebraska maintained 
Monitoring State of Nebraska maintained 

Hardware and Software Environment
Type of Application Single Database 
Type of Platform Client Server 
Hardware Platform IBM 
Operating System OS390 CICS 
Languages COBOL; Assembler; C; Java (some online code generated by CA COOL:Gen and CA AION tools) 

Programs and Services Information
Other Programs and Services Supported (Note: Check boxes below are images that are for information purposes and not real controls)
checked boxAdoption checked boxAdult Protective Services checked boxChild Care
checked boxChild Care Licensing checked boxChild Care Resource Referral checked boxChild Care Subsidy
checked boxChild Family Services checked boxChild Protective Services unchecked boxChild Support Enforcement
checked boxChild Welfare checked boxEmployment Services checked boxFamily Preservation Support
unchecked boxFood Stamp checked boxFoster Care checked boxIndependent Living
checked boxInterstate Compact checked boxJuvenile Justice unchecked boxLIHEAP
checked boxMedicaid checked boxProvider Services checked boxTANF
Additional Program or Services Information    

Contact Information
IT Contact
Name Deborah Watson 
Address P.O. Box 95026
Lincoln    NE    68509-5026 
Telephone 402-471-9063  
Fax 402-471-9597  
Program Contact
Name Dian Carroll or Margot Gamet 
Address P.O. Box 95026
Lincoln    NE    68509-5026 
Telephone 402-471-9715  
Fax 402-471-9597  

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