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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
National Human Services IT Resource Center Resources For State IT Professionals

State System Profile

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General Information
Application Name Best Enforcement Support Technology 
Application Acronym BEST 
ACF Region Region IX 
Federal Program Child Support Enforcement Program 
Profile Last Updated 9/4/2001 15:11:0 

State Information
Administration State Supervised, County Administered 
Additional State Programs Child Support Program 
Responsible Program Agency Department of Child Support Services 
Responsible System Agency Department of Child Support ServicesAlameda County Consortium Lead 
Other Contributing Agencies   

Application Information
Maintained By County Maintained 
Development Source   
If Transfered, from which State   
Application Status   
Planned/Actual Date Fully Operational   
Functional Description Although each of the counties administers and operates its CSE programs independently, each one provides services in basically the same way:Case Intake LocateEstablish Paternity Establish a Support OrderEnforce a Support Order Interstate Case ManagementFinancial Management 
Interfaces California Central Registry (CCR) California Parent Locator Service (CPLS). CCR was implemented in 1988 to comply with Federal regulation requiring each State to provide a single point for the submission of interstate child support enforcement cases. CCR analysts examine all incoming child support enforcement cases for legal sufficiency, request additional information where necessary, and forward the cases to the appropriate local FSD for services. CCR maintains an ongoing liaison between the 58 California FSDs and the various child support enforcement agencies of the initiating States. CPLS operates an automated system and has the authority to access State and Federal data files to locate absent nonsupporting parents and their assets. This information is used by the California District Attorneys’ FSDs to aid in the establishment of paternity and support and in the enforcement and collection of support. CPLS is also responsible for California’s participation in the Internal Revenue Service’s full collection program.The Franchise Tax Board which acts as a collection agency for delinquent child support.The Child Support program is also supported by the State’s Integrated Database (IDB). IDB is a system that accepts and consolidates county submitted records on noncustodial person owing back child support. The system transmits these records to the appropriate federal and state agencies to intercept IRS tax refunds, others federal payments, Franchise Tax Board (FTB) tax refunds, state lottery winnings, UI and disability insurance. DMV, Employment Development Department (EDD), SSA, DOJ, State Lottery, IRS, Medi-Cal Eligibility Data (MEDS), Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) 
No. of System Users   
No. of Clients Served   
Application Future Plans Major administrative and program changes for the California Child Support program were enacted at the end of the 1999 legislative session and will be rolled out over the next few years. These include the Child support administration being moved to the Department of Child Support and the child support collections being moved to the Franchise Tax Board. The procurement of a statewide child support system will be one of the most important IT decisions in 1999-2000 with the Franchise Tax Board in the critical procurement role. 
Other Relevant Information   

Contractor Usage

Hardware and Software Environment
Type of Application   
Type of Platform Client Server 
Hardware Platform IBM 
Operating System OS 390 
Languages COBOL II  

Programs and Services Information
Other Programs and Services Supported (Note: Check boxes below are images that are for information purposes and not real controls)
unchecked boxAdoption unchecked boxAdult Protective Services unchecked boxChild Care
unchecked boxChild Care Licensing unchecked boxChild Care Resource Referral unchecked boxChild Care Subsidy
unchecked boxChild Family Services unchecked boxChild Protective Services checked boxChild Support Enforcement
unchecked boxChild Welfare unchecked boxEmployment Services unchecked boxFamily Preservation Support
unchecked boxFood Stamp unchecked boxFoster Care unchecked boxIndependent Living
unchecked boxInterstate Compact unchecked boxJuvenile Justice unchecked boxLIHEAP
unchecked boxMedicaid unchecked boxProvider Services unchecked boxTANF
Additional Program or Services Information    

Contact Information
Program Contact
Name Curtis Howard, Assistant Deputy Director Child Support Services Division 
Address P. O. Box 419064
Rancho Cordova    CA    95741-9064 
Telephone 916-464-5386  
Fax 916-464-5337  
IT Contact
Name Joan Obert, Assistant Deputy DirectorTechnology Services Division 
Address P. O. Box 419064
Rancho Cordova    CA    95741-9064 
Telephone 916-464-5472  
Fax 916-464-5335  

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