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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
National Human Services IT Resource Center Resources For State IT Professionals

State System Profile

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General Information
Application Name AFCARS 
Application Acronym AFCARS 
ACF Region Region II 
Federal Program Child Welfare Program 
Profile Last Updated 3/31/2000 9:41:0 

State Information
Additional State Programs   
Responsible Program Agency Administracion De Families Y Ninos (ADFAN), which falls under the Departamento De La Familia (DF) umbrella 
Responsible System Agency   
Other Contributing Agencies The DF has hired Family Support and Health Preservation Services, Inc. (FASE) a private contractor, to maintain a child abuse hotline seven days a weeks, 24 hours a day. The contractor assesses each call and removes children from potential dangerous situations. Once the child is placed in a foster care home the private contractor personally delivers the information to the ADFAN, ending the private contractor?s responsibilities. 

Application Information
Maintained By   
Development Source   
If Transfered, from which State   
Application Status Operational 
Planned/Actual Date Fully Operational   
Functional Description   
No. of System Users   
No. of Clients Served   
Application Future Plans   
Other Relevant Information The DF has hired Family Support and Health Preservation Services, Inc. (FASE) a private contractor, to maintain a child abuse hotline seven days a weeks, 24 hours a day. The contractor assesses each call and removes children from potential dangerous situations. Once the child is placed in a foster care home the private contractor personally delivers the information to the ADFAN, ending the private contractor?s responsibilities. A case worker at ADFAN is assigned the child and the provides all case maintenance functions. If ADFAN receives a referral for child abuse then ADFAN must complete the assessment. In June, FASE, Inc. placed an average of 167 children in foster care and ADFAN placed an average of 266 children during March, 1999 

Contractor Usage
Other replacement system scheduled for Aug. 1999 implementation by a contractor 

Hardware and Software Environment
Type of Application Not Available 
Type of Platform Not Available 
Hardware Platform Mainframe system 
Operating System   
Languages statistical reporting only 

Programs and Services Information
Other Programs and Services Supported (Note: Check boxes below are images that are for information purposes and not real controls)
unchecked boxAdoption unchecked boxAdult Protective Services unchecked boxChild Care
unchecked boxChild Care Licensing unchecked boxChild Care Resource Referral unchecked boxChild Care Subsidy
unchecked boxChild Family Services unchecked boxChild Protective Services unchecked boxChild Support Enforcement
unchecked boxChild Welfare unchecked boxEmployment Services unchecked boxFamily Preservation Support
unchecked boxFood Stamp unchecked boxFoster Care unchecked boxIndependent Living
unchecked boxInterstate Compact unchecked boxJuvenile Justice unchecked boxLIHEAP
unchecked boxMedicaid unchecked boxProvider Services unchecked boxTANF
Additional Program or Services Information    

Contact Information
Program Contact
Name Blanca Perez, MIS ADFAN 
IT Contact
Name Blanca Perez, MIS ADFAN 

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