Title 11--Federal Elections


PART 109--COORDINATED AND INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES (2 U.S.C. 431(17), 441a(a) and (d), AND PUB. L. 107-155 SEC. 214(c))

TEXT PDF109.1 When will this part apply?
TEXT PDF109.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF109.10 How do political committees and other persons report independent expenditures?
TEXT PDF109.11 When is a ``non-authorization notice'' (disclaimer) required?
TEXT PDF109.20 What does ``coordinated'' mean?
TEXT PDF109.21 What is a ``coordinated communication''?
TEXT PDF109.22 Who is prohibited from making coordinated communications?
TEXT PDF109.23 Dissemination, distribution, or republication of candidate campaign materials.
TEXT PDF109.30 How are political party committees treated for purposes of coordinated and independent expenditures?
TEXT PDF109.32 What are the coordinated party expenditure limits?
TEXT PDF109.33 May a political party committee assign its coordinated party expenditure authority to another political party committee?
TEXT PDF109.34 When may a political party committee make coordinated party expenditures?
TEXT PDF109.36 Are there circumstances under which a political party committee is prohibited from making independent expenditures?
TEXT PDF109.37 What is a ``party coordinated communication''?
