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State Systems Profile Map-based Search

Your search yielded 78 profiles.

State Federal Program Application Acronym Application Name
ALABAMA  Child Support Enforcement Program  ALECS  Alabama Locate, Enforcement, & Collection System  
ALABAMA  Child Welfare Program  ACWIS  Alabama Child Welfare Information System  
ALABAMA  Child Welfare Program  ASSIST  Alabama Social Services Information System  
ALABAMA  TANF Program  IEVS  Income Eligibility and Verification System  
ALABAMA  Food Stamp Program  SCI-II  State County Integrated System for Certification and Issuance  
ALABAMA  TANF Program  FACETS  Family Assistance and Comprehensive Employment and Training System  
ALABAMA  Child Care Program  CDC  Child Day Care Database  
ALABAMA  Child Care Program  CCMS 2000  Child Care Management Agencies Systems  
ALABAMA  Food Stamp Program  FACETS  Family Assistance and Comprehensive Employment and Training System  
ALABAMA  TANF Program  CCS  Comprehensive Claims Systems  
FLORIDA  Child Support Enforcement Program  Florida  Florida On_Line Recipient Integrated Data Access  
FLORIDA  Child Welfare Program  FAHIS  Florida Abuse Hotline Information System  
FLORIDA  Child Welfare Program  CIS_FS  Client Information System_Family Safety  
FLORIDA  Child Welfare Program  ICWSIS  Interim Child Welfare Services Information System  
FLORIDA  Child Welfare Program  CWVS  Child Welfare Vouchering System  
FLORIDA  Child Welfare Program  SACWIS  HomeSafenet  
FLORIDA  TANF Program  Florida  Florida On-Line Recipient Integrated Data Access system  
FLORIDA  TANF Program  Florida  Florida On_Line Recipient Integrated Data Access  
FLORIDA  TANF Program  WAGES  Work and Gain Economic Self-Sufficiency  
FLORIDA  Child Care Program  SRS  Statewide Reporting System  
FLORIDA  Child Care Program  CCMS-EFS  Child Care Management System Enhanced Field System  
FLORIDA  Child Care Program  CCLIS  Child Care Information System  
GEORGIA  Child Care Program  CCRS  Child Care Reporting System  
GEORGIA  Child Support Enforcement Program  STARS  Support Tracking, Accounting, and Reporting System  
GEORGIA  Food Stamp Program  SUCCESS  System for Uniform Calculation and Consolidation of Economic Support Services  
GEORGIA  Child Welfare Program     Child and Adult Protective Services  
GEORGIA  TANF Program  CRS  Client Registration System  
GEORGIA  TANF Program  SUCCESS  System for Uniform Calculation and Consolidation of Economic Support Services  
GEORGIA  Child Welfare Program  IDS  Input Data System  
GEORGIA  Child Welfare Program  PSDS  Protective Services Data System  
GEORGIA  Child Welfare Program  ADMS  Adoption Data and Matching System  
GEORGIA  Child Support Enforcement Program  CRS  Client Registration System  
GEORGIA  Food Stamp Program  CRS  Client Registration System  
KENTUCKY  Child Care Program  KCCMS  Kentucky Child Care Management System  
KENTUCKY  Child Welfare Program  TWIST  The Worker’s Information System  
KENTUCKY  Food Stamp Program  KAMES  Kentucky Automated Management and Eligibility System  
KENTUCKY  TANF Program  KAMES  Kentucky Automated Management and Eligibility System  
KENTUCKY  TANF Program  STEP  System Tracking for Employability Programs  
KENTUCKY  Child Support Enforcement Program  KASES  Kentucky Automated Support and Enforcement System  
MISSISSIPPI  TANF Program  MAVERICS  Mississippi Application Verification Eligibility Reporting and Information Control System  
MISSISSIPPI  Food Stamp Program  MAVERICS  Mississippi Application Verification Eligibility Reporting and Information Control System  
MISSISSIPPI  Child Welfare Program  MACWIS  Mississippi Automated Child Welfare Information System  
MISSISSIPPI  Child Care Program  CCIS  Child Care Information System  
MISSISSIPPI  Child Support Enforcement Program  METSS  Mississippi Enforcement and Tracking of Support System  
NORTH CAROLINA  TANF Program  EPIS  Employment Programs Information System  
NORTH CAROLINA  TANF Program  EIS  Eligibility Information System  
NORTH CAROLINA  Child Welfare Program  CYA-FAT  Central Registry Child Abuse and Neglect - Fatalities  
NORTH CAROLINA  Child Welfare Program  FCFLS  Foster Care Facility Licensing  
NORTH CAROLINA  Child Welfare Program  SIS  Services Information System  
NORTH CAROLINA  Child Welfare Program  RMS  Records Management System  
NORTH CAROLINA  Child Welfare Program  Child Plac  Child Placement and Payment System  
NORTH CAROLINA  Child Welfare Program  AIMS  Adoption Indexing Management System  
NORTH CAROLINA  Child Support Enforcement Program  ACTS  Automated Collections and Tracking System  
NORTH CAROLINA  TANF Program  TDC  TANF Data Collection System  
NORTH CAROLINA  Food Stamp Program  FSIS  Food Stamp Information System  
NORTH CAROLINA  Child Care Program  SCC  DCD Subsidized Child Care  
NORTH CAROLINA  Child Care Program  ECW  Early Childhood Workforce System  
NORTH CAROLINA  Child Care Program  CBC  Criminal Record Background Check System  
NORTH CAROLINA  Child Care Program  DCR  Day Care Regulatory System  
SOUTH CAROLINA  Child Welfare Program  MTS  Managed Treatment Services System  
SOUTH CAROLINA  TANF Program  CHIP  Client History Information Profile  
SOUTH CAROLINA  Child Care Program  ABC  Advocates for Better Care  
SOUTH CAROLINA  Food Stamp Program  CHIP  Client History Information Profile  
SOUTH CAROLINA  Child Welfare Program  CAPSS  State Automated Child Welfare Information System  
SOUTH CAROLINA  Child Support Enforcement Program     Child Support Case Tracking System  
SOUTH CAROLINA  Food Stamp Program  FIFN  Family Independence Financial System  
SOUTH CAROLINA  Child Support Enforcement Program  unknown  Child Support Financial System  
TENNESSEE  TANF Program  ACCENT  Automated Client Certification Eligibility Network for Tennessee  
TENNESSEE  Child Welfare Program     MS Project.  
TENNESSEE  TANF Program  STARS  Ms Project. State Accounting and Reporting System  
TENNESSEE  Child Support Enforcement Program  TCSES  Tennessee Child Support and Enforcement System  
TENNESSEE  Child Care Program  CCDF  Child Care and Development Fund  
TENNESSEE  Child Care Program  TCCMS  Tennessee Child Care Management System  
TENNESSEE  Child Welfare Program  STARS  Ms Project. State Accounting and Reporting System  
TENNESSEE  Child Welfare Program     TennCARE Systems  
TENNESSEE  Food Stamp Program  ACCENT  Automated Client Certification Eligibility Network for Tennessee  
TENNESSEE  Child Welfare Program  TN KIDS  Tennessee Kids Information Delivery System  
TENNESSEE  Child Care Program  STARS  Ms Project. State Accounting and Reporting System  

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