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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
National Human Services IT Resource Center Resources For State IT Professionals

State System Profile

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General Information
Application Name Child Care Assistance Program 
Application Acronym CCAP 
ACF Region Region I 
Federal Program Child Care Program 
Profile Last Updated 7/22/2004 15:28:31 

State Information
Administration State Administered 
Additional State Programs Care 4 Kids Child Care Subsidy Program 
Responsible Program Agency Connecticut Department of Social Services 
Responsible System Agency Outsourced 
Other Contributing Agencies   

Application Information
Maintained By Contractor Maintained 
Development Source Hybrid 
If Transfered, from which State   
Application Status Development 
Planned/Actual Date Fully Operational 12/31/03 
Functional Description This program offers subsidy payments for child care to those parents that meet the eligibility requirements. The state contractor accepts applications, determines eligibility, authorizes and disperses childcare subsidy payments. The case is entered into CCMIS by caseworkers. CCMIS determines ongoing eligibility and benefit amount, processes parent provider agreement forms to initiate child care arrangement and benefit amount, and generates invoices and payments to the providers. 
Interfaces ? Access to the State of CT eligibility management system (EMS). ? Background checks with the Dept. of Corrections. ? Access to the States` Dept. of Labor on-line inquiry system. ? Child abuse/Neglect background check with the Dept. of Children and Families. ? Foster Care children reporting with the Dept of Children and Families. ? Licensed provider monthly verification with Dept. of Public Health. ? Federal ACF reporting. ? Federal 1099 reporting. ? TANF reporting with DSS information services. ? Access to CT Child Care Support Enforcement System (CCSES) ? Monthly employment services activity status match with the Dept of Labor. ? Daily employment activity file transfer with the Dept of Labor. ? Monthly discontinuance of TFA match process. ? Monthly data match with DSS EMS system. ? Monthly billing and QA extract files. 
No. of System Users Approximately 120 users at the contractor site and access for the States? 3000+ authorized users. 
No. of Clients Served Approximately 18,000 families. 
Application Future Plans Phase II to be completed by 12/31/03 include Benefit Error, Program Wait listing, additional interfaces, expanded reporting and notices, and enhanced CCMIS functionality. 
Other Relevant Information   

Contractor Usage
Planning ACS Inc. 
Implementation ACS Inc. 
Operations ACS Inc. 
Monitoring ACS Inc. 
Other ACS Inc. 

Hardware and Software Environment
Type of Application Multiple Database 
Type of Platform   
Hardware Platform   
Operating System Windows 2000, Windows 95 
Languages Oracle Developer 
DBMS Oracle 

Programs and Services Information
Other Programs and Services Supported (Note: Check boxes below are images that are for information purposes and not real controls)
unchecked boxAdoption unchecked boxAdult Protective Services unchecked boxChild Care
unchecked boxChild Care Licensing unchecked boxChild Care Resource Referral unchecked boxChild Care Subsidy
unchecked boxChild Family Services unchecked boxChild Protective Services unchecked boxChild Support Enforcement
unchecked boxChild Welfare unchecked boxEmployment Services unchecked boxFamily Preservation Support
unchecked boxFood Stamp unchecked boxFoster Care unchecked boxIndependent Living
unchecked boxInterstate Compact unchecked boxJuvenile Justice unchecked boxLIHEAP
unchecked boxMedicaid unchecked boxProvider Services unchecked boxTANF
Additional Program or Services Information    

Contact Information
Program Contact
Name Peter Palermino 
Address 25 Sigourney St
Child Care 10th Floor
Hartford    CT    06106  
Telephone (860)424-5391  
Fax (860)424-5335  
IT Contact
Name Outsourced 

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