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1.2B.1  AFCARS, Data Elements and Definitions, Foster Care Specific Elements, Case plan goal

1. Some States require that parental rights must be terminated before a child's case plan can reflect a goal of adoption. What should be indicated as a goal, if this is a State's policy?

2. If a child's case plan goal is Independent Living how is it indicated on the AFCARS questionnaire?

1. Question: Some States require that parental rights must be terminated before a child's case plan can reflect a goal of adoption. What should be indicated as a goal, if this is a State's policy?

Answer: The child's goal should be reflective of the "actual" goal; adoption. (See: 45 CFR 1355, Appendix A, Section I, Roman Numeral VI. Also see: Appendix D, Detailed Foster Care, Element Number 43.)

  • Source/Date: ACYF-CB-PIQ-94-01 (7/8/94)
  • Legal and Related References: Social Security Act - section 479; 45 CFR Parts 1355, 1356 and 1357

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2. Question: If a child's case plan goal is Independent Living how is it indicated on the AFCARS questionnaire?

Answer: Any child with a case plan goal of independent living should be indicated as having a goal of emancipation. (See: 45 CFR 1355, Appendix A, Section I, Roman Numeral VI. Also see: Appendix D, Detailed Foster Care, Element Number 43.)

  • Source/Date: ACYF-CB-PIQ-94-01 (7/8/94)
  • Legal and Related References: Social Security Act - section 479; 45 CFR Parts 1355, 1356 and 1357

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