FEMA HAZUS-MH: FEMA's Gold Standard for Mitigation and Recovery Planning What is the cost-benefit ratio for each mitigation strategy identified in your mitigation plan? Which schools in your city would be safe from flood waters and available as shelters post disaster? How much debris will a magnitude 6.0 earthquake generate? HAZUS-MH has the answers! HAZUS-MH combines science, engineering and mathematical modeling with GIS technology to estimate losses of life and property. HAZUS-MH estimates impacts to the physical, social and economic vitality of a community from earthquakes, hurricane winds and floods. HAZUS-MH is the tool that state and local governments use in all phases of emergency management planning. HAZUS-MH is used to create customized maps showing hazard risks to decision makers, community leaders and project managers. HAZUS-MH is the application standard for mitigation and recovery planning. HAZUS-MH risk assessments are proven to be accurate. Applications Using HAZUS-MH for Mitigation and Recovery Planning. Professionals Using HAZUS-MH Key HAZUS-MH User Roles Mitigation and Recovery Planning Applications DPW, County Officials, Floodplain Managers, Building Code Officials, Tax Assessors Data Developer: Collect and contribute data on the project area Losses avoided analysis, building code effectiveness GIS Professionals and HAZUS-MH Software Users Data Manipulator: Run HAZUS-MH and compile and use the data collected by the data developers Prepare mitigation and recovery planning templates Engineers, Consultants, Floodplain Managers, Building Code Officials Data Interpreter: Analyze the results of a HAZUS-MH run Building performance in different scenarios Risk Managers, Mitigation Planners, Political Leaders, Building Code Officials Decision Makers: Use the results of a HAZUS-MH run to establish priorities for mitigation projects and response and recovery operations Mitigation project ranking Update Your Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan with HAZUS-MH. Use HAZUS-MH for detailed multi-hazard risk assessments, cost-benefit review of mitigation projects, and other planning update requirements for your mitigation plan. Nevada Maps Statewide Earthquake Scenarios The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology in conjunction with the Nevada Division of Emergency Management, has successfully used HAZUS since 1990 to develop earthquake scenarios and loss-estimation modeling throughout the state. A statewide earthquake risk assessment was conducted in 2006 for each county. HAZUS results showed map-based scenarios for each county that included population and infrastructure data. The results provided by HAZUS offered decision makers at the county and state level with valuable information to assist with mitigation and recovery planning. The New Madrid Earthquake Project Uses HAZUS-MH HAZUS-MH supports the New Madrid Earthquake Project in many ways, including the refinement of planning assumptions, scenario development, and loss estimates for key Emergency Support Functions. Wisconsin Analyzes Statewide Flood Risk The Wisconsin Emergency Management Department of Military Affairs (WEM) uses HAZUS-MH to analyze flood risk throughout the State of Wisconsin. Recognizing the value of HAZUS-MH, the WEM has sent several planners to FEMA's Emergency Management Institute for HAZUS-MH training. WEM is invested in HAZUS-MH modeling and they are working with HAZUS-MH software developers to identify ways to incorporate HAZUS-MH into both the local and state planning processes. Indiana, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Utah Use HAZUS-MH for Statewide Flood Analyses State and local officials throughout the United States are developing statewide HAZUS-MH flood analyses for mitigation and recovery planning and other emergency management needs. Maximize your HAZUS-MH results by working in collaboration with other professionals. Participate in a HAZUS User Group. HAZUS User Groups are partnerships between public and private sector organizations that collaborate on projects, combine resources and share information, data, and tips on using HAZUS-MH. Over twenty HAZUS User Groups operate throughout the United States. Find one in your area by visiting www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/hazus. Use HAZUS-MH before the next disaster strikes! Training is widely available at FEMA's Emergency Management Institute, on-line and in the regions. HAZUS-MH is Free! Order your copy from FEMA's Publication Warehouse (800) 480-2520 or visit www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/hazus to learn more.