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CCDF Plan Preprint Amendment

Index: "Dear Colleague" Letter | ACYF-PI-CC-99-01 | ACF RAs | (Collection available in Word and PDF)
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"Dear Colleague" Letter


Administration on Children, Youth and Families
330 C Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
February 12, 1999

Dear CCDF 102-477 Grantee:

Enclosed for your information is Program Instruction (PI) ACYF-PI-CC-99-01, dated January 19, 1999. This PI provides guidance to CCDF Tribal Lead Agencies regarding the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Final Rule, dated July 24, 1998. Section I of this PI was written specifically for tribal grantees that apply directly to the Administration for Children and Families/Child Care Bureau for CCDF funds. Therefore, Section I does not apply to 102-477 grantees.

Since 102-477 CCDF grantees follow a different application and plan process, I wanted to highlight a new regulatory item that will be required in 102-477 plans. In accordance with the CCDF Final Rule, current 102-477 grantees with plans approved beyond FY 2000 will be required to submit plan amendments by July 1, 1999 to demonstrate how they are addressing the requirement for Coordination of Services at Section 98.14(a).

Section II of the enclosed PI discusses the new regulatory requirement for coordination of services. Please note, this new requirement will not be waived under a 102-477 plan. This Spring, ACF will issue a Program Instruction on the application and plan process to consolidate CCDF funds under a 102-477 plan. In this Program Instruction, coordination of services will be included as a new requirement under the section "General Plan Requirements."

In addition to a discussion of coordination of services, Section II of the enclosed PI also provides new information regarding: public hearings; child counts; market rate surveys; exempt/non-exempt status; Temporary Assistance to Needy Families definitions; and affordable copayments. This information pertains to

102-477 grantees, as follows:

  • Public Hearings - public hearings must be held prior to a new plan period for 102-477 grantees. Thus, current 102-477 grantees with approved plan periods beyond FY 2000 are not required to conduct public hearings at this point.
  • Child Counts - all Tribes receiving CCDF funds, including 102-477 grantees, must provide updated child counts, for children under age 13, with each annual funding application.
  • Market Rate Surveys - Non-102-477 grantees must comply with the market rate survey requirement at Section 98.43(b)(2). 102-477 grantees may meet the statutory requirement at Section 98.43(a) by certifying that the payment rates for the provision of child care services are sufficient to ensure equal access, for eligible families in the area served by the Lead Agency, to child care services comparable to those provided to families not eligible to receive CCDF assistance or child care assistance under any other Federal, State, or tribal program.
  • Exempt/Non-Exempt Status - all Tribes receiving CCDF funds, including 102-477 grantees, must observe the exempt/non-exempt rules.
  • Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Definitions - all Tribes receiving CCDF funds must comply with Section 98.33(b). However, 102-477 grantees are not required to include this information in their 102-477 plan.
  • Affordable Copayments - Non-102-477 grantees must comply with the affordable copayments requirement at Section 98.43(b)(3). While 102-477 grantees are not required to include information on affordable copayments in their 102-477 plan, they should note that the preamble to the CCDF Final Rule suggests that copayments that are no more than 10 percent of the family income would be considered "affordable."
As a reminder, Tribes that elect to consolidate their CCDF funds under a 102-477 plan are still required to operate comprehensive CCDF programs. By applying for CCDF funds, a Tribe agrees to follow the provisions of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990, as amended, and applicable regulations at 45 CFR 98 and 99. However, in contrast to the required CCDF application and plan process, Tribes that consolidate CCDF funds under a 102-477 plan are permitted to submit abbreviated applications and plans for CCDF funding.

If you have any questions about this information, please contact Ginny Gorman at (202) 401-7260.

Carmen R. Nazario
Associate Commissioner , ACYF for Child Care

Lynn Forcia,
Bureau of Indian Affairs

Index: "Dear Colleague" Letter | ACYF-PI-CC-99-01 | ACF RAs | (Collection available in Word and PDF)
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