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Mine Accident, Injury and Illness Report
Used to establish files of injury and employment data in order to measure the levels of injury experience and identify those areas most in need of improvement. The number of employees, employee hours, and coal mine production (along with injury data) are used for computation of injury rates as well as for analyses of mine industry activity and distribution. Coal production data are used in various analyses from comparative studies to complex modeling.
Form #:  MSHA 7000 1
Agency:  Department of Labor
Bureau:  Mine Safety and Health Administration
Common Name:   Mine Accident, Injury & Illness Report and Quarterly Mine Employment and Coal Production Report (30 CFR 50.10; 50.11; 50.20; and 50.30)
asp Form Only 0   [5] Fillable + Fileable + Signable Internet Explorer  
pdf Form Only 1 586 [3] Fillable + Printable Adobe Reader Download  
html Form Only 0 721 [4] Fillable + Fileable Internet Explorer  

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