Flaming Gorge Dam

Picture of Flaming Gorge Dam



  • Vicinity Map
  • Region (Map) ............... Upper Colorado
  • State (Map) ....................................... Utah
  • County ......................................... Daggett
  • Project ............... Colorado River Storage
  • Dam type ... Concrete medium thick arch
  • Location .......... 43 miles from Vernal, UT
  • Watercourse ......................... Green River
  • Reservoir .......................... Flaming Gorge
  • Original construction .............. 1958-1964
  • Modified in .............................. 1978, 1984
  • National ID Number .................. UT10121
  • Hydrologic Unit Code ...........................


  • Total storage to
  •   El. 6040 ......................... 3,788,900 acre-ft
  • Service spillway
      Capacity at El. 6048.5 ............ 33,121 cfs
  • Outlet works
      Capacity at El. 6048.5 .............. 4,620 cfs
  • One powerplant unit
      Capacity at El. 6048.5 .............. 1,100 cfs




  • Foundation: Steep-sided narrow canyon composed of siliceous sandstone and hard quartzites inter-bedded with softer shales, siltstones, and argillates




 | Recreation |

 | Dams Located by State | USBR Utah Dams | Upper Colorado Region Dams |

 | Owner:  Bureau of Reclamation, Power Office,
                   125 South State Street, Room 6107, Salt Lake City, UT 84138-1102, (801) 524-3612

 | Operator:  Bureau of Reclamation, Power Office,
                       125 South State Street, Room 6107, Salt Lake City, UT 84138-1102, (801) 524-3612


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