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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

IV. Consistency Check Groups - Foster Care


01 Checks the logical order among related date Elements.
02 Checks the logical relationship among Elements reporting information on child's disabilities.
03 Checks the logical relationship among Elements reporting information on child's adoption history.
04 Checks the logical relationship among Elements reporting information on child's removal and discharge from home.
05 Checks the logical relationship among Elements reporting information on child's latest removal date, date of placement in current setting and number of placements.
06 Checks the logical relationship among Elements reporting information on manner of removal and case plan goal with dates of latest removal, most recent periodic review and discharge.
07 Checks the logical relationship among Elements reporting information on condition associated with removal.
08 Checks the logical relationship among Elements reporting information on caretakers family structure and 1st & 2nd principal caretakers.
09 Checks the logical relationship among Elements reporting information on current placement setting, caretaker family structure and 1st & 2nd foster caretakers.
10 Checks the logical relationship among Elements reporting information on dates of termination of mother's/father's parental rights, reason of discharge and most recent case plan goal.
11 Checks the logical relationship among Elements reporting information on dates of discharge, transaction date and reason of discharge.
12 Checks the logical relationship among Elements reporting information on sources of Federal support and monthly amount.
13 Checks the logical relationship among Elements reporting race information for the child and foster caretakers.

Consistency checks are done by evaluating the data in a group of related elements, or in the case of race elements, among the race categories of a given race element. If there is an inconsistency among them, it determines which element is the most likely cause of the inconsistency. In general, the one element that could be changed to make the relationship among the elements in the group consistent is determined to be the most likely error. However, this rule has several exceptions based on experience and input from several sources.

Each of the consistency check groups are given below with the principle of the check, the conditions under which the check is not done, and a table of the possible relationships between the elements and which element(s), if any, will be marked as errors. If the element in this last column appears in bold-italics with asterisks around it (e.g., ** #19 **), this means that the data in the element would be deleted from that record by the Federal system if the file were to be submitted to AFCARS.

Note: if the "Element(s) to be marked" column says need more information, the DQU checks to see if any of the elements in the group have already been marked as the most likely error in an earlier check. If this is the case, it is assumed that the element is the likely error for the current check and no further action is taken. However, if none of the elements have failed an earlier check, the DQU cannot determine the most likely error and all elements in the group will be marked.

It is also important to note that while the DQU may continue to use the data in an element even if it has already been marked as incorrect, the DQU never overwrites one error with another. For example, if an element is marked as out of range it may still be used in certain consistency checks. However, if it is determined to be the most likely cause of the inconsistency, it will remain marked as out of range. The same would hold true for an element that is involved in more than one consistency check group. An element identified as the most likely cause of more than one inconsistency will always be marked as the most likely error in the first group it failed.

Foster Care Group #1 (marked as "a" or "A" in the Detailed Data Quality report)

Elements Involved:

#02 Report Period End Date
#05 Date of Most Recent Periodic Review
#06 Child's Birth Date
#18 Date of First Removal from Home
#20 Date of Discharge from Previous Episode
#21 Date of Latest Removal from Home
#22 Transaction Date of Latest Removal from Home
#23 Date of Placement in Current Setting
#45 1st Primary Caretaker's Birth Year
#46 2nd Primary Caretaker's Birth Year
#47 Date of Termination of Mother's Parental Rights
#48 Date of Termination of Father's Parental Rights
#50 1st Foster Caretaker's Birth Year
#51 2nd Foster Caretaker's Birth Year
#56 Date of Discharge
#57 Transaction Date of Discharge

Conditions under Which Check is Not Performed:

Consistency checks between two date elements are not performed if either element is blank or out of range.

Principle of Check:

All dates should be logically ordered. For example, the Discharge Date must come after the Latest Removal Date. Also, the length of time between dates should be within a reasonable range. For example, the Child's Birth Year should not be more than 21 years before his or her latest removal date. This check identifies the date(s) that appear to be "out of place."

Special Notes:

Group #1 is performed differently than the other groups. In order to determine which element(s) is out of place, the DQU compares every pair of date elements (there are sixteen foster care date elements, thus there are 120 pairs of elements checked). If a pair of elements is inconsistent according to a given standard, it is difficult to tell which one is wrong. To address this problem, the DQU maintains two tables. One table maintains information on which check failed (i.e., pairs of date elements were inconsistent); the other table maintains information on the number of times each date element was involved in a check that failed.

After all pairs of date elements have been evaluated, the DQU looks at the table that maintains the information on which checks failed. If a check failed between two elements, the DQU looks at the other table to see which of the two elements had the most errors. The one with the most errors is marked with an "a." If both elements had an equivalent number of errors, both of them are marked with an "a."

The tables below indicate every pair of date elements and the relationship that is checked for them. If a relationship exists and the Error Status column says "Error," then the table that maintains the information on which checks failed will be updated for that pair of elements and the table that maintains the number of errors for each element will be increased by one for each element in the "Involved Elements" column.

Table 3. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.2

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
Report End Date (#2),
Review Date (#5) #2 - #5 < 9 mos (275 days) No Error #2 - #5 > 9 mos (275 days) Error
Report End Date (#2),
Birth Date (#6) #2 - #6 < 22 yrs No Error #2 - #6 > 22 yrs Error
Report End Date (#2),
First Removal (#18) #2 - #18 < 22 yrs No Error #2 - #18 > 22 yrs Error
Report End Date (#2),
Previous Discharge (#20) #2 - #20 < 22 yrs No Error #2 - #20 > 22 yrs Error
Report End Date (#2),
Latest Removal (#21) #2 - #21 < 22 yrs No Error #2 - #21 > 22 yrs Error
Report End Date (#2),
Latest Removal Transaction (#22) #2 - #22 < 22 yrs No Error #2 - #22 > 22 yrs Error
Report End Date (#2),
Placement Date (#23) #2 - #23 < 22 yrs No Error #2 - #23 > 22 yrs Error
Report End Date (#2),
1st Caretaker's Birth Yr (#45) 10 yrs < #2 - #45 < 96 yrs No Error #2 - #45 > 96 yrs Error #2 - #45 < 10 yrs Error
Report End Date (#2),
2nd Caretaker's Birth Yr (#46) 10 yrs < #2 - #46 < 96 yrs No Error #2 - #46 > 96 yrs Error #2 - #46 < 10 yrs Error
Report End Date (#2),
Mother's TPR (#47) #2 - #47 < 18 yrs No Error #2 - #47 > 18 yrs Error
Report End Date (#2),
Father's TPR (#48) #2 - #48 < 18 yrs No Error #2 - #48 > 18 yrs Error
Report Date (#2),
1st Foster Caretaker Birth Yr (#50) 18 yrs < #2 - #50 < 96 yrs No Error #2 - #50 < 18 yrs Error #2 - #51 > 96 yrs Error
Report Date (#2),
2nd Foster Caretaker Birth Yr (#51) 18 yrs < #2 - #51 < 96 yrs No Error #2 - #51 < 18 yrs Error #2 - #51 > 96 yrs Error

Table 4. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.5

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
Review Date (#5),
Birth Date (#6) 0 < #5 - #6 < 22 yrs No Error #5 < #6 Error #5 - #6 > 22 yrs Error
Review Date (#5),
First Removal (#18) 0 < #5 - #18 < 22 yrs No Error #5 < #18 Error #5 - #18 > 22 yrs Error
Review Date (#5),
Previous Discharge (#20) 0 < #5 - #20 < 22 yrs No Error #5 < #20 Error #5 - #20 > 22 yrs Error
Review Date (#5),
Latest Removal (#21) 0 < #5 - #21 < 22 yrs No Error #5 < #21 Error #5 - #21 > 22 yrs Error
Review Date (#5),
Removal Transaction (#22) #5 - #22 < 22 yrs No Error #5 - #22 > 22 yrs Error
Review Date (#5),
Placement (#23) #5 - #23 < 22 yrs No Error #5 - #23 > 22 yrs Error
Review Date (#5),
1st Caretaker's Birth Date (#45) #5 - #45 > 10 yrs No Error #5 - #45 < 10 yrs Error
Review Date (#5),
2nd Caretaker's Birth Date (#46) #5 - #46 > 10 yrs No Error #5 - #46 < 10 yrs Error
Review Date (#5),
Mother's TPR (#47) -9 mos < #5 - #47 < 18 yrs No Error #47 - #5 > 9 mos (275 days) Error #5 - #47 > 18 yrs Error
Review Date (#5),
Father's TPR (#48) -9 mos < #5 - #48 < 18 yrs No Error #48 - #5 > 9 mos Error #5 - #48 > 18 yrs Error
Review Date (#5),
1st Foster Caretaker Birth Yr (#50) #5 > #50 No Error #5 < #50 Error
Review Date (#5),
2nd Foster Caretaker Birth Yr (#51) #5 > #51 No Error #5 < #51 Error
Review Date (#5),
Discharge Date (#56) 0 < #56 - #5 < 9 mos No Error #5 > #56 Error #56 - #5 > 9 mos Error
Review Date (#5),
Transaction Discharge Date (#57) #5 < #57 No Error #5 > #57 Error

Table 5. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.6

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
Birth Date (#6),
First Removal (#18) 0 < #18 - #6 < 18 yrs No Error #6 > #18 Error #18 - #6 > 18 yrs Error
Birth Date (#6),
Previous Discharge (#20) 0 < #20 - #6 < 18 yrs No Error #6 > #20 Error #20 - #6 > 18 yrs Error
Birth Date (#6),
Latest Removal (#21) 0 < #21 - #6 < 18 yrs No Error #6 > #21 Error #21 - #6 > 18 yrs Error
Birth Date (#6),
Latest Removal Transaction (#22) 0 < #22 - #6 < 18 yrs No Error #6 > #22 Error #22 - #6 > 18 yrs Error
Birth Date (#6),
Placement (#23) 0 < #23 - #6 < 22 yrs No Error #6 > #23 Error #23 - #6 > 22 yrs Error
Birth Date (#6),
1st Caretaker's Birth Yr (#45) 10 yrs < #6 - #45 < 96 yrs No Error #6 - #45 < 10 yrs Error #6 - #45 > 96 yrs Error
Birth Date (#6),
2nd Caretaker's Birth Yr (#46) 10 yrs < #6 - #46 < 96 yrs No Error #6 - #46 < 10 yrs Error #6 - #46 > 96 yrs Error
Birth Date (#6),
Mother's TPR (#47) #6 < #47 No Error #6 > #47 Error
Birth Date (#6),
Father's TPR (#48) #6 < #48 No Error #6 > #48 Error
Birth Date (#6),
1st Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#50) #6 - #50 > 1 yr No Error #6 - #50 < 1 yr Error
Birth Date (#6),
2nd Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#51) #6 - #51 > 1 yr No Error #6 - #51 < 1 yr Error
Birth Date (#6),
Discharge Date (#56) 0 < #56 - #6 < 22 yrs No Error #6 > #56 Error #56 - #6 > 22 yrs Error
Birth Date (#6),
Discharge Transaction (#57) 0 < #57 - #6 < 22 yrs No Error #6 > #57 Error #57 - #6 > 22 yrs Error

Table 6. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.18

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
First Removal (#18),
Previous Discharge (#20) 0 < #20 - #18 < 18 yrs No Error #18 > #20 Error #20 - #18 > 18 yrs Error
First Removal (#18),
Latest Removal (#21) 0 < #21 - #18 < 18 yrs No Error #18 > #21 Error #21 - #18 > 18 yrs Error
First Removal (#18),
Latest Removal Transaction (#22) 0 < #22 - #18 < 18 yrs No Error #18 > #22 Error #22 - #18 > 18 yrs Error
First Removal (#18),
Placement (#23) 0 < #23 - #18 < 22 yrs No Error #18 > #23 Error #23 - #18 > 22 yrs Error
First Removal (#18),
1st Caretaker's Birth (#45) #18 - #45 > 10 yrs No Error #18 - #45 < 10 yrs Error
First Removal (#18),
2nd Caretaker's Birth (#46) #18 - #46 > 10 yrs No Error #18 - #46 < 10 yrs Error
First Removal (#18),
Mother's TPR (#47) -18 yrs < #18 - #47 < 18 yrs No Error #47 - #18 > 18 yrs Error #18 - #47 > 18 yrs Error
First Removal (#18),
Father's TPR (#48) -18 yrs < #18 - #48 < 18 yrs No Error #48 - #18 > 18 yrs Error #18 - #48 > 18 yrs Error
First Removal (#18),
1st Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#50) #18 - #50 > 1 yr No Error #18 - #50 < 1 yr Error
First Removal (#18),
2nd Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#51) #18 - #51 > 1 yr No Error #18 - #51 < 1 yr Error
First Removal (#18),
Discharge Date (#56) 0 < #56 - #18 < 22 yrs No Error #18 > #56 Error #56 - #18 > 22 yrs Error
First Removal (#18),
Discharge Date Transaction (#57) #18 < #57 No Error #18 > #57 Error

Table 7. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.20

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
Previous Discharge (#20),
Latest Removal (#21) 0 < #21 - #20 < 18 yrs No Error #20 > #21 Error #21 - #20 > 18 yrs Error
Previous Discharge (#20),
Latest Removal Transaction (#22) #20 < #22 No Error #20 > #22 Error
Previous Discharge (#20),
Placement (#23) 0 < #23 - #20 < 22 yrs No Error #20 > #23 Error #23 - #20 > 22 years Error
Previous Discharge (#20),
1st Caretaker's Birth (#45) #20 - #45 > 10 yrs No Error #20 - #45 < 10 yrs Error
Previous Discharge (#20),
2nd Caretaker's Birth (#46) #20 - #46 > 10 yrs No Error #20 - #46 < 10 yrs Error
Previous Discharge (#20),
Mother's TPR (#47) -18 yrs < #20 - #47 < 18 yrs No Error #47 - #20 > 18 yrs Error #20 - #47 > 18 yrs Error
Previous Discharge (#20),
Father's TPR (#48) -18 yrs < #20 - #48 < 18 yrs No Error #48 - #20 > 18 yrs Error #20 - #48 > 18 yrs Error
Previous Discharge (#20),
1st Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#50) #20 - #50 > 1 yr No Error #20 - #50 < 1 yr Error
Previous Discharge (#20),
2nd Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#51) #20 - #51 > 1 yr No Error #20 - #51 < 1 yr Error
Previous Discharge (#20),
Discharge Date (#56) 0 < #56 - #20 < 22 yrs No Error #20 > #56 Error #56 - #20 > 22 yrs Error
Previous Discharge (#20),
Discharge Date Transaction (#57) #20 < #57 No Error #20 > #57 Error

Table 8. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.21

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
Latest Removal (#21),
Latest Removal Transaction (#22) #21 < #22 No Error #21 > #22 Error
Latest Removal (#21),
Placement (#23) 0 < #23 - #21 < 22 yrs No Error #21 > #23 Error #23 - #21 > 22 yrs Error
Latest Removal (#21),
1st Caretaker's Birth (#45) #21 - #45 > 10 yrs No Error #21 - #45 < 10 yrs Error
Latest Removal (#21),
2nd Caretaker's Birth (#46) #21 - #46 > 10 yrs No Error #21 - #46 < 10 yrs Error
Latest Removal (#21),
Mother's TPR (#47) -18 yrs < #21 - #47 < 18 yrs No Error #47 - #21 > 18 yrs Error #21 - #47 > 18 yrs Error
Latest Removal (#21),
Father's TPR (#48) -18 yrs < #21 - #48 < 18 yrs No Error #48 - #21 > 18 yrs Error #21 - #48 > 18 yrs Error
Latest Removal (#21),
1st Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#50) #21 - #50 > 1 yr No Error #21 - #50 < 1 yr Error
Latest Removal (#21),
2nd Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#51) #21 - #51 > 1 yr No Error #21 - #51 < 1 yr Error
Latest Removal (#21),
Discharge Date (#56) 0 < #56 - #21 < 22 yrs No Error #21 > #56 Error #56 - #21 > 22 yrs Error
Latest Removal (#21),
Discharge Date Transaction (#57) 0 < #57 - #21 < 22 yrs No Error #21 > #57 Error #57 - #21 > 22 yrs Error

Table 9. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.22

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
Latest Removal Transaction (#22),
Placement (#23) #23 - #22 < 22 yrs No Error #23 - #22 > 22 yrs Error
Latest Removal Transaction (#22),
1st Caretaker's Birth (#45) #22 - #45 > 10 yrs No Error #22 - #45 < 10 yrs Error
Latest Removal Transaction (#22),
2nd Caretaker's Birth (#46) #22 - #46 > 10 yrs No Error #22 - #46 < 10 yrs Error
Latest Removal Transaction (#22),
Mother's TPR (#47) -18 yrs < #22 - #47 < 18 yrs No Error #47 - #22 > 18 yrs Error #22 - #47 > 18 yrs Error
Latest Removal Transaction (#22),
Father's TPR (#48) -18 yrs < #22 - #48 < 18 yrs No Error #48 - #22 > 18 yrs Error #22 - #48 > 18 yrs Error
Latest Removal Transaction (#22),
1st Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#50) #22 - #50 > 1 yr No Error #22 - #50 < 1 yr Error
Latest Removal Transaction (#22),
2nd Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#51) #22 - #51 > 1 yr No Error #22 - #51 < 1 yr Error
Latest Removal Transaction (#22),
Discharge Date (#56) #56 - #22 < 22 yrs No Error #56 - #22 > 22 yrs Error
Latest Removal Transaction (#22),
Discharge Date Transaction (#57) -22 yrs < #57 - #22 < 22 yrs No Error #22 - #57 > 22 yrs Error #57 - #22 > 22 yrs Error

Table 10. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.23

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
Placement (#23),
1st Caretaker's Birth (#45) #23 - #45 > 10 yrs No Error #23 - #45 < 10 yrs Error
Placement (#23),
2nd Caretaker's Birth (#46) #23 - #46 > 10 yrs No Error #23 - #46 < 10 yrs Error
Placement (#23),
Mother's TPR (#47) -22 yrs < #23 - #47 < 22 yrs No Error #47 - #23 > 22 yrs Error #23 - #47 > 22 yrs Error
Placement (#23),
Father's TPR (#48) -22 yrs < #23 - #48 < 22 yrs No Error #48 - #23 > 22 yrs Error #23 - #48 > 22 yrs Error
Placement (#23),
1st Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#50) 22 yrs < #23 - #50 < 96 yrs No Error #23 - #50 < 22 yrs Error #23 - #50 > 96 yrs Error
Placement (#23),
2nd Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#51) 22 yrs < #23 - #51 < 96 yrs No Error #23 - #51 < 22 yrs Error #23 - #51 > 96 yrs Error
Placement (#23),
Discharge Date (#56) 0 < #56 - #23 < 22 yrs No Error #23 > #56 Error #56 - #23 > 22 yrs Error
Placement (#23),
Discharge Date Transaction (#57) #23 < #57 No Error #23 > #57 Error

Table 11. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.45

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
1st Caretaker's Birth Yr (#45),
2nd Caretaker's Birth Yr (#46) -86 yrs < #45 - #46 < 86 yrs No Error #46 - #45 > 86 yrs Error #45 - #46 > 86 yrs Error
1st Caretaker's Birth Yr (#45),
Mother's TPR (#47) #47 - #45 > 10 yrs No Error #47 - #45 < 10 yrs Error
1st Caretaker's Birth Yr (#45),
Father's TPR (#48) #48 - #45 > 10 yrs No Error #48 - #45 < 10 yrs Error
1st Caretaker's Birth Yr (#45),
Discharge Date (#56) #56 - #45 > 10 yrs No Error #56 - #45 < 10 yrs Error
1st Caretaker's Birth Yr (#45),
Discharge Date Transaction (#57) #57 - #45 > 10 yrs No Error #57 - #45 < 10 yrs Error

Table 12. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.46

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
2nd Caretaker's Birth Yr (#46),
Mother's TPR (#47) #47 - #46 > 10 yrs No Error #47 - #46 < 10 yrs Error
2nd Caretaker's Birth Yr (#46),
Father's TPR (#48) #48 - #46 > 10 yrs No Error #48 - #46 < 10 yrs Error
2nd Caretaker's Birth Yr (#46),
Discharge Date (#56) #56 - #46 > 10 yrs No Error #56 - #46 < 10 yrs Error
2nd Caretaker's Birth Yr (#46),
Discharge Date Transaction (#57) #57 - #46 > 10 yrs No Error #57 - #46 < 10 yrs Error

Table 13. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.47

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
Mother's TPR (#47),
Father's TPR (#48) -18 yrs < #47 - #48 < 18 yrs No Error #48 - #47 > 18 yrs Error #47 - #48 > 18 yrs Error
Mother's TPR (#47),
1st Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#50) #47 - #50 > 1 yr No Error #47 - #50 < 1 yr Error
Mother's TPR (#47),
2nd Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#51) #47 - #51 > 1 yr No Error #47 - #51 < 1 yr Error
Mother's TPR (#47),
Discharge Date (#56) 0 < #56 - #47 < 22 yrs No Error #47 > #56 Error #56 - #47 > 22 yrs Error
Mother's TPR (#47),
Discharge Date Transaction (#57) #47 < #57 No Error #47 > #57 Error

Table 14. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.48

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
Father's TPR (#48),
1st Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#50) #48 - #50 > 1 yr No Error #48 - #50 < 1 yr Error
Father's TPR (#48),
2nd Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#51) #48 - #51 > 1 yr No Error #48 - #51 < 1 yr Error
Father's TPR (#48),
Discharge Date (#56) 0 < #56 - #48 < 22 yrs No Error #48 > #56 Error #56 - #48 > 22 yrs Error
Father's TPR (#48),
Discharge Date Transaction (#57) #48 < #57 No Error #48 > #57 Error

Table 15. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.50

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
1st Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#50),
2nd Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#51) -78 yrs < #50 - #51 < 78 yrs No Error #51 - #50 > 78 yrs Error #50 - #51 > 78 yrs Error
1st Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#50),
Discharge Date (#56) #56 - #50 > 18 yrs No Error #56 - #50 < 18 yrs Error
1st Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#50),
Discharge Date Transaction (#57) #57 - #50 > 18 yrs No Error #57 - #50 < 18 yrs Error

Table 16. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.51

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
2nd Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#51),
Discharge Date (#56) #56 - #51 > 18 yrs No Error #56 - #51 < 18 yrs Error
2nd Foster Caretaker's Birth Yr (#51),
Discharge Date Transaction (#57) #57 - #51 > 18 yrs No Error #57 - #51 < 18 yrs Error

Table 17. Foster Care Consistency Group #1.56

Involved Elements Code Relationship Error
Discharge Date (#56),
Discharge Date Transaction (#57) #56 < #57 No Error #56 > #57 Error

Foster Care Group #2: (marked as "b" or "B" in the Detailed Data Quality report)

Elements Involved:

#10 Has the Child Been Clinically Diagnosed with a Disability
#11 Mental Retardation
#12 Visually/Hearing Impaired
#13 Physically Disabled
#14 Emotionally Disturbed
#15 Other Medically Diagnosed Condition
#33 Condition Associated with Removal - Child Disability

Conditions under Which Check is Not Performed:

1) if #10 is blank or out of range
2) if #11 is out of range
3) if #12 is out of range
4) if #13 is out of range
5) if #14 is out of range
6) if #15 is out of range

Principle of Check:

If one of the conditions associated with the removal of the child was that he/she has a medically diagnosed disability, then the answer to the question "Has the child been clinically diagnosed with a disability?" should be "yes" and at least one of the disabilities (#11-15) should be identified. Likewise, if a child is indicated as having a type of disability (such as visual or hearing impairment) the answer to "Has the child been clinically diagnosed with a disability" should be "yes". However, even though a child has been clinically diagnosed with a disability does not mean that it was a condition associated with removal.

Table 18. Foster Care Consistency Group #2

Condition Code Condition Associated with Removal - Child Disability (#33)

does not apply,
Has Child Been Clinically Diagnosed with a Disability (#10)
not yet determined
Types of Disability (#11 - 15)
none apply,
at least one applies
Element(s) to be marked
2.1 Applies yes none apply #11 - 15
2.2 Applies yes at least one applies no error
2.3 Applies no none apply #33
2.4 Applies no at least one applies #10
2.5 Applies not yet determined none apply #33
2.6 Applies not yet determined at least one applies #10
2.7 Does not apply yes none apply #10
2.8 Does not apply yes at least one applies no error
2.9 Does not apply no none apply no error
2.10 Does not apply no at least one applies #10, #11-15, and #33
2.11 Does not apply not yet determined none apply no error
2.12 Does not apply not yet determined at least one applies #10, #11-15, and #33
2.13 Invalid yes none apply #10
2.14 Invalid yes at least one applies no error
2.15 Invalid no none apply no error
2.16 Invalid no at least one applies #10
2.17 Invalid not yet determined none apply no error
2.18 Invalid not yet determined at least one applies #10

Foster Care Group #3: (marked as "c" or "C" in the Detailed Data Quality report)

Elements Involved:

#16 Has the Child Been Previously Adopted
#17 Age at that Adoption

Conditions under Which Check is Not Performed:

1) if #16 is out of range
2)if #17 is out of range

Principle of Check:

If a child is known to have been adopted before, then the child's age at that adoption should be reported. Likewise, if a child's age at a previous adoption is known, the answer to the question "Has the child been previously adopted?" should be "yes".

Table 19. Foster Care Consistency Group #3

Condition Code Has Child Ever Been Adopted (#16)
unable to determine,
Age at Adoption (#17)
not applicable,
some age group,
unable to determine
Error(s) to be marked
3.1 Yes blank #17
3.2 Yes not applicable #16 and #17
3.3 Yes some age group no error
3.4 Yes unable to determine no error
3.5 No blank no error
3.6 No not applicable no error
3.7 No some age group #16 and #17
3.8 No unable to determine #16 and #17
3.9 Unable to determine blank no error
3.10 Unable to determine not applicable no error
3.11 Unable to determine some age group #16 and #17
3.12 Unable to determine unable to determine no error
3.13 Blank blank #16
3.14 Blank not applicable #17
3.15 Blank some age group #16 and #17
3.16 Blank unable to determine #16 and #17

Foster Care Group #4: (marked as "d" or "D" in the Detailed Data Quality report)

Elements Involved:

#18 Date of First Removal from Home
#19 Total Number of Removals from Home
#20 Date of Discharge from Previous Episode
#21 Date of Latest Removal from Home

Conditions under Which Check is Not Performed:

1) if #19 is blank or out of range
2) if any two of #18, 20, and 21 are blank or out of range

Principle of Check:

If a child is in his or her first episode, the first removal date and the latest removal date should be the same and there should be no previous discharge date. If the child is in his or her second or more episode, the first removal date should be equal or prior to the previous discharge date which, in turn, should be equal or prior to the date of latest removal.

Table 20. Foster Care Consistency Group #4

Condition Code

Total Number of Removals (#19)

#19 > 1,
#19 = 1

Date of First Removal (#18),
Date of Latest Removal (#21),
Date of Discharge from Previous Episode (#20)

#18 < #20 < #21,
#18 < #20 = #21,
#18 > #20 = #21,
#18 = #20 = #21,
#18 < #21 < #20,
#20 < #18 < #21,
#20 < #18 = #21,
#20 < #21 < #18,
#20 > #18 = #21,
#21 < #18 < #20,
#21 < #18 = #20
#21 > #18 = #20,
#21 < #20 < #18,
#18 < #21 (#20 blank/out of range),
#18 = #21 (#20 blank/out of range),
#18 > #21 (#20 blank/out of range),
#18 < #20 (#21 blank/out of range),
#18 = #20 (#21 blank/out of range),
#18 > #20 (#21 blank/out of range),
#20 < #21 (#18 blank/out of range),
#20 = #21 (#18 blank/out of range),
#20 > #21 (#18 blank/out of range)
Error(s) to be Marked
4.1 #19 > 1 #18 < #20 < #21 no error
4.2 #19 > 1 #18 < #20 = #21 no error
4.3 #19 > 1 #18 > #20 = #21 #18
4.4 #19 > 1 #18 = #20 = #21 #19
4.5 #19 > 1 #18 < #21 < #20 #20
4.6 #19 > 1 #20 < #18 < #21 #20
4.7 #19 > 1 #20 < #18 = #21 #18
4.8 #19 > 1 #20 < #21 < #18 #18
4.9 #19 > 1 #20 > #18 = #21 need more info
4.10 #19 > 1 #21 < #18 < #20 #21
4.11 #19 > 1 #21 < #18 = #20 #21
4.12 #19 > 1 #21 > #18 = #20 no error
4.13 #19 > 1 #21 < #20 < #18 need more info
4.14 #19 > 1 #18 < #21 (#20 blank) #20
4.15 #19 > 1 #18 = #21 (#20 blank) ** #19 **
4.16 #19 > 1 #18 > #21 (#20 blank) need more info
4.17 #19 > 1 #18 < #20 (#21 blank) #21
4.18 #19 > 1 #18 = #20 (#21 blank) #21
4.19 #19 > 1 #18 > #20 (#21 blank)  
4.20 #19 > 1 #20 < #21 (#18 blank) #18
4.21 #19 > 1 #20 = #21 (#18 blank) #18
4.22 #19 > 1 #20 > #21 (#18 blank) need more info
4.23 #19 = 1 #18 < #20 < #21 ** #19 **
4.24 #19 = 1 #18 < #20 = #21 ** #19 **
4.25 #19 = 1 #18 > #20 = #21 need more info
4.26 #19 = 1 #18 = #20 = #21 need more info
4.27 #19 = 1 #18 < #21 < #20 need more info
4.28 #19 = 1 #20 < #18 < #21 need more info
4.29 #19 = 1 #20 < #18 = #21 #20
4.30 #19 = 1 #20 < #21 < #18 need more info
4.31 #19 = 1 #20 > #18 = #21 ** #20 **
4.32 #19 = 1 #21 < #18 < #20 need more info
4.33 #19 = 1 #21 < #18 = #20 need more info
4.34 #19 = 1 #21 > #18 = #20 #19
4.35 #19 = 1 #21 < #20 < #18 need more info
4.36 #19 = 1 #18 < #21 (#20 blank) #18
4.37 #19 = 1 #18 = #21 (#20 blank) no error
4.38 #19 = 1 #18 > #21 (#20 blank) #18
4.39 #19 = 1 #18 < #20 (#21 blank) need more info
4.40 #19 = 1 #18 = #20 (#21 blank) need more info
4.41 #19 = 1 #18 > #20 (#21 blank) need more info
4.42 #19 = 1 #20 < #21 (#18 blank) need more info
4.43 #19 = 1 #20 = #21 (#18 blank) need more info
4.44 #19 = 1 #20 > #21 (#18 blank) need more info

Foster Care Group #5: (marked as "e" or "E" in the Detailed Data Quality report)

Elements Involved:

#21 Date of Latest Removal from Home
#23 Date of Placement in Current Setting
#24 Total Number of Placements in the Current Episode

Conditions under Which Check is Not Performed:

1) if #21 is either blank or out of range
2) if #23 is either blank or out of range
3) if #24 is either blank or out of range

Principle of Check:

If the child is in his or her first placement, the date of placement will most likely be the same as the date of latest removal. If the child is in his or her second or more placement, the date of placement should most likely be after the date of latest removal.

Table 21. Foster Care Consistency Group #5

Condition Code Date of Placement (#23),
Date of Latest Removal (#21)
#23 = #21,
#23 < #21,
#23 > #21
Number of Placements (#24)
#24 > 1,
#24 = 1,
#24 = 0
Error(s) to be marked
5.1 #23 = #21 #24 > 1 #24
5.2 #23 = #21 #24 = 1 no error
5.3 #23 = #21 #24 = 0 #24
5.4 #23 < #21 #24 > 1 need more info
5.5 #23 < #21 #24 = 1 need more info
5.6 #23 < #21 #24 = 0 #24
5.7 #23 > #21 #24 > 1 no error
5.8 #23 > #21 #24 = 1 #24
5.9 #23 > #21 #24 = 0 #24

Foster Care Group #6: (marked as "f" or "F" in the Detailed Data Quality report)

Elements Involved:

#02 Report Period End Date
#05 Date of Most Recent Periodic Review
#21 Date of Latest Removal from Home
#25 Manner of Removal from Home
#43 Most Recent Case Plan Goal
#56 Date of Discharge

Conditions under Which Check is Not Performed:

1) if #21 is either blank or out of range
2) if #56 < #21

Principle of Check:

If the child has been in care for longer than 30 days or if there is a valid Date of Most Recent Periodic Review then the Manner of Removal cannot be "not yet determined" and the Case Plan Goal cannot be "not yet established."

A child is considered to be in care for longer than 30 days if the Discharge Date is more than 30 days after the Date of Latest Removal. If there is no Discharge Date, then the Report Period End Date is used.

A Review Date is considered to be valid if it occurred on or after the Date of Latest Removal and on or before the Discharge Date, if one is entered.

Table 22. Foster Care Consistency Group #6

Condition Code Latest Removal Date (#21),
Valid Discharge Date (#56) or
Report Date (#2)
valid #56 - #21 > 30 days,
0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days
#2 - #21 > 30 days,
#2 - #21 > 30 days
Manner of Removal (#25)
court ordered,
not yet determined/ blank/out of range
Case Plan Goal (#43)
some plan,
not yet established/ blank/out of range
Periodic Review Date (#5)
blank/out of range,
within episode,
outside episode
Error(s) to be marked
6.1 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days voluntary some plan blank/out of range no error
6.2 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days voluntary some plan within episode
(#21 > #5 > #56)
no error
6.3 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days voluntary some plan outside episode
(#5 < #21 or #5 > #56)
6.4 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days voluntary not yet established/
blank/out of range
blank/out of range no error
6.5 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days voluntary not yet established/
blank/out of range
within episode
(#21 > #5 > #56)
6.6 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days voluntary not yet established/
blank/out of range
outside episode
(#5 < #21 or #5 > #56)
6.7 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days court ordered some plan blank/out of range no error
6.8 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days court ordered some plan within episode
(#21 > #5 > #56)
no error
6.9 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days court ordered some plan outside episode
(#5 < #21 or #5 > #56)
6.10 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days court ordered not yet established/
blank/out of range
blank/out of range no error
6.11 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days court ordered not yet established/
blank/out of range
within episode
(#21 > #5 > #56)
6.12 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days court ordered not yet established/
blank/out of range
outside episode
(#5 < #21 or #5 > #56)
6.13 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
some plan blank/out of range #25
6.14 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
some plan within episode
(#21 > #5 > #56)
6.15 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
some plan outside episode
(#5 < #21 or #5 > #56)
#25 and #5
6.16 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
not yet established/
blank/out of range
blank/out of range #25
6.17 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
not yet established/
blank/out of range
within episode
(#21 > #5 > #56)
#25 and #43
6.18 valid #56 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
not yet established/
blank/out of range
outside episode
(#5 < #21 or #5 > #56)
#5 and #25
6.19 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days voluntary some plan blank/out of range no error
6.20 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days voluntary some plan within episode
(#21 > #5 > #56)
no error
6.21 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days voluntary some plan outside episode
(#5 < #21 or #5 > #56)
6.22 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days voluntary not yet established/
blank/out of range
blank/out of range no error
6.23 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days voluntary not yet established/
blank/out of range
within episode
(#21 > #5 > #56)
6.24 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days voluntary not yet established/
blank/out of range
outside episode
(#5 < #21 or #5 > #56)
6.25 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days court ordered some plan blank/out of range no error
6.26 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days court ordered some plan within episode
(#21 > #5 > #56)
no error
6.27 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days court ordered some plan outside episode
(#5 < #21 or #5 > #56)
6.28 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days court ordered not yet established/
blank/out of range
blank/out of range no error
6.29 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days court ordered not yet established/
blank/out of range
within episode
(#21 > #5 > #56)
6.30 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days court ordered not yet established/
blank/out of range
outside episode
(#5 < #21 or #5 > #56)
6.31 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
some plan blank/out of range #25
6.32 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
some plan within episode
(#21 > #5 > #56)
6.33 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
some plan outside episode
(#5 < #21 or #5 > #56)
6.34 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
not yet established/
blank/out of range
blank/out of range no error
6.35 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
not yet established/
blank/out of range
within episode
(#21 > #5 > #56)
#25 and #43
6.36 0 days > valid #56 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
not yet established/
blank/out of range
outside episode
(#5 < #21 or #5 > #56)
6.37 #2 - #21 > 30 days voluntary some plan blank/out of range no error
6.38 #2 - #21 > 30 days voluntary some plan within episode
(#21 > #5)
no error
6.39 #2 - #21 > 30 days voluntary some plan outside episode
(#5 < #21)
6.40 #2 - #21 > 30 days voluntary not yet established/
blank/out of range
blank/out of range no error
6.41 #2 - #21 > 30 days voluntary not yet established/
blank/out of range
within episode
(#21 > #5)
6.42 #2 - #21 > 30 days voluntary not yet established/
blank/out of range
outside episode
(#5 < #21)
6.43 #2 - #21 > 30 days court ordered some plan blank/out of range no error
6.44 #2 - #21 > 30 days court ordered some plan within episode
(#21 > #5)
no error
6.45 #2 - #21 > 30 days court ordered some plan outside episode
(#5 < #21)
6.46 #2 - #21 > 30 days court ordered not yet established/
blank/out of range
blank/out of range no error
6.47 #2 - #21 > 30 days court ordered not yet established/
blank/out of range
within episode
(#21 > #5)
6.48 #2 - #21 > 30 days court ordered not yet established/
blank/out of range
outside episode
(#5 < #21)
6.49 #2 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
some plan blank/out of range #25
6.50 #2 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
some plan within episode
(#21 > #5)
6.51 #2 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
some plan outside episode
(#5 < #21)
#25 and #5
6.52 #2 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
not yet established/
blank/out of range
blank/out of range #25
6.53 #2 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
not yet established/
blank/out of range
within episode
(#21 > #5)
#25 and #43
6.54 #2 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
not yet established/
blank/out of range
outside episode
(#5 < #21)
#5 and #25
6.55 #2 - #21 > 30 days voluntary some plan blank/out of range no error
6.56 #2 - #21 > 30 days voluntary some plan within episode
(#21 > #5)
no error
6.57 #2 - #21 > 30 days voluntary some plan outside episode
(#5 < #21)
6.58 #2 - #21 > 30 days voluntary not yet established/
blank/out of range
blank/out of range no error
6.59 #2 - #21 > 30 days voluntary not yet established/
blank/out of range
within episode
(#21 > #5)
6.60 #2 - #21 > 30 days voluntary not yet established/
blank/out of range
outside episode
(#5 < #21)
6.61 #2 - #21 > 30 days court ordered some plan blank/out of range no error
6.62 #2 - #21 > 30 days court ordered some plan within episode
(#21 > #5)
no error
6.63 #2 - #21 > 30 days court ordered some plan outside episode
(#5 < #21)
6.64 #2 - #21 > 30 days court ordered not yet established/
blank/out of range
blank/out of range no error
6.65 #2 - #21 > 30 days court ordered not yet established/
blank/out of range
within episode
(#21 > #5)
6.66 #2 - #21 > 30 days court ordered not yet established/
blank/out of range
outside episode
(#5 < #21)
6.67 #2 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
some plan blank/out of range #25
6.68 #2 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
some plan within episode
(#21 > #5)
6.69 #2 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
some plan outside episode
(#5 < #21)
#43 and #5
6.70 #2 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
not yet established/
blank/out of range
blank/out of range no error
6.71 #2 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
not yet established/
blank/out of range
within episode
(#21 > #5)
#25 and #43
6.72 #2 - #21 > 30 days not yet determined/
blank/out of range
not yet established/
blank/out of range
outside episode
(#5 < #21)

*. At least one applies can be any combination of blanks, "0s", and "1s" in these five elements but there must be at least one "1".

Foster Care Group #7: (marked as "g" or "G" in the Detailed Data Quality report)

Elements Involved:

#26 Condition Associated with Removal - Physical Abuse
#27 Condition Associated with Removal - Sexual Abuse
#28 Condition Associated with Removal - Neglect
#29 Condition Associated with Removal - Alcohol Abuse (Parent)
#30 Condition Associated with Removal - Drug Abuse (Parent)
#31 Condition Associated with Removal - Alcohol Abuse (Child)
#32 Condition Associated with Removal - Drug Abuse (Child)
#33 Condition Associated with Removal - Child Disability
#34 Condition Associated with Removal - Child Behavior Problem
#35 Condition Associated with Removal - Death of Parent
#36 Condition Associated with Removal - Incarceration of Parent
#37 Condition Associated with Removal - Caretaker Inability to Cope
#38 Condition Associated with Removal - Abandonment
#39 Condition Associated with Removal - Relinquishment
#40 Condition Associated with Removal - Inadequate Housing

Conditions under Which Check is Not Performed:

1) if any of #26 - 40 are missing or out of range

Principle of Check:

At least one of the conditions associated with removal should apply.

Table 23. Foster Care Consistency Group #7

Condition Code Conditions Associated with Removal (#26-40)
at least one applies,
none apply
Error(s) to be marked
7.1 at least one applies no error
7.2 none apply #37

Foster Care Group #8: (marked as "h" or "H" in the Detailed Data Quality report)

Elements Involved:

#44 Caretaker Family Structure
#45 1st Principle Caretaker's Birth Year
#46 2nd Principle Caretaker's Birth Year

Conditions under Which Check is Not Performed:

1) if element #44 is blank or out of range

Principle of Check:

If the Caretaker Family Structure is either "married couple" or "unmarried couple", birth years should be entered for both caretakers. If the Caretaker Family Structure is either "single female" or "single male", only one birth year should be entered. If the Caretaker Family Structure is "unable to determine" there should most likely be no birth years entered.

Table 24. Foster Care Consistency Group #8

Condition Code Caretaker Family Structure (#44)
unable to determine
1st Caretaker Birth Year (#45)
blank/out of range,
2nd Caretaker Birth Year (#46)
blank/out of range,
Error(s) to be Marked
8.1 couple blank/out of range blank/out of range #45 and #46
8.2 couple blank/out of range valid #45
8.3 couple valid blank/out of range #46
8.4 couple valid valid no error
8.5 single blank/out of range blank/out of range #45
8.6 single blank/out of range valid no error
8.7 single valid blank/out of range no error
8.8 single valid valid #44
8.9 unable to determine blank/out of range blank/out of range no error
8.10 unable to determine blank/out of range valid #44
8.11 unable to determine valid blank/out of range #44
8.12 unable to determine valid valid #44

-Foster Care Group #9 : (marked as "i" or "I" in the Detailed Data Quality report)

Elements Involved:

#41 Current Placement Setting
#49 Foster Caretaker Family Structure
#50 1st Foster Caretaker's Birth Year
#51 2nd Foster Caretaker's Birth Year
#52a, b, c, d, e, f 1st Foster Caretaker's Race
#53 1st Foster Caretaker's Hispanic or Latino Origin
#54a, b, c, d, e, f 2nd Foster Caretaker's Race
#55 2nd Foster Caretaker's Hispanic or Latino Origin

Conditions under Which Check is Not Performed:

1) if both #41 and #49 are either blank or out of range

Principle of Check:

If the child is in a foster home type setting (pre-adoptive home, relative foster home, or non-relative foster home), there should be a family structure, and the information on the parents should be consistent with that structure (e.g., if the structure is "married couple" then all of the information should be filled out for both foster caretakers). If the child is not in a foster home (group home, institution, or supervised independent living), there should be no family structure and no information filled out for either of the caretakers.

Special Notes:

It is assumed that element #41 is more likely to be valid than the others so it is never marked as incorrect by this check.

If any information on an individual foster caretaker is marked as incorrect, it will all be marked as incorrect (e.g., if only the 1st foster caretaker's race and Hispanic or Latino origin information is completed and it is inconsistent, the 1st foster caretaker's birth year will be marked as incorrect as well as the race and Hispanic or Latino origin).

It is ACF policy that states should submit data on the foster caretakers from the foster home from which they ran away or went on a trial home visit, if applicable. However, it is possible that a child ran away from or went on a trial home visit from a group home, institution, or supervised independent living setting. Therefore, it is considered to be correct if the placement setting is either runaway or trial home visit and all of the appropriate foster caretaker information (i.e. #49-55) is entered or none of the data is entered. However, if some of the data is entered but it is inconsistent, it will be marked as incorrect.

Table 25. Foster Care Consistency Group #9

Condition Code Current Placement Setting (#41)
foster home-type**,
non-foster home-type***,
runaway/trial home visit,
blank/out of range
Foster Family Structure (#49)
out of range,
1st Foster
Caretaker Info
(#50, 52-53)
none completed*** *,
some completed*****,
all completed
2nd Foster Caretaker Info (#51, 54-55)
none completed,
some completed,
all completed
Error(s) to be Marked
9.1 Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
none completed none completed #49-55
9.2 Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
none completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.3 Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
none completed all completed #49
9.4 Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
some completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.5 Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
some completed some completed #49-55
9.6 Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
some completed all completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.7 Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
all completed none completed #49
9.8 Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
all completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f and 55
9.9 Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
all completed all completed #49
9.10 Foster Home-Type couple none completed none completed #49-55
9.11 Foster Home-Type couple none completed some completed #49-55
9.12 Foster Home-Type couple none completed all completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.13 Foster Home-Type couple some completed none completed #49-55
9.14 Foster Home-Type couple some completed some completed #49-55
9.15 Foster Home-Type couple some completed all completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.16 Foster Home-Type couple all completed none completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.17 Foster Home-Type couple all completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.18 Foster Home-Type couple all completed all completed no error
9.19 Foster Home-Type single none completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.20 Foster Home-Type single none completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.21 Foster Home-Type single none completed all completed no error
9.22 Foster Home-Type single some completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.23 Foster Home-Type single some completed some completed #49-55
9.24 Foster Home-Type single some completed all completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.25 Foster Home-Type single all completed none completed no error
9.26 Foster Home-Type single all completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.27 Foster Home-Type single all completed all completed #49
9.28 Non-Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
none completed none completed no error
9.29 Non-Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
none completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.30 Non-Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
none completed all completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.31 Non-Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
some completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.32 Non-Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
some completed some completed #49-55
9.33 Non-Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
some completed all completed #49-55
9.34 Non-Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
all completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.35 Non-Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
all completed some completed #49-55
9.36 Non-Foster Home-Type blank/NA/
out of range
all completed all completed #49-55
9.37 Non-Foster Home-Type couple none completed none completed #49
9.38 Non-Foster Home-Type couple none completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.39 Non-Foster Home-Type couple none completed all completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.40 Non-Foster Home-Type couple some completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.41 Non-Foster Home-Type couple some completed some completed #49-55
9.42 Non-Foster Home-Type couple some completed all completed #49-55
9.43 Non-Foster Home-Type couple all completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.44 Non-Foster Home-Type couple all completed some completed #49-55
9.45 Non-Foster Home-Type couple all completed all completed #49-55
9.46 Non-Foster Home-Type single none completed none completed #49
9.47 Non-Foster Home-Type single none completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.48 Non-Foster Home-Type single none completed all completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.49 Non-Foster Home-Type single some completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.50 Non-Foster Home-Type single some completed some completed #49-55
9.51 Non-Foster Home-Type single some completed all completed #49-55
9.52 Non-Foster Home-Type single all completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.53 Non-Foster Home-Type single all completed some completed #49-55
9.54 Non-Foster Home-Type single all completed all completed #49-55
9.55 Runaway/Trial Home Visit blank/NA/
out of range
none completed none completed no error
9.56 Runaway/Trial Home Visit blank/NA/
out of range
none completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.57 Runaway/Trial Home Visit blank/NA/
out of range
none completed all completed #49
9.58 Runaway/Trial Home Visit blank/NA/
out of range
some completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.59 Runaway/Trial Home Visit blank/NA/
out of range
some completed some completed #49-55
9.60 Runaway/Trial Home Visit blank/NA/
out of range
some completed all completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.61 Runaway/Trial Home Visit blank/NA/
out of range
all completed none completed #49
9.62 Runaway/Trial Home Visit blank/NA/
out of range
all completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.63 Runaway/Trial Home Visit blank/NA/
out of range
all completed all completed #49
9.64 Runaway/Trial Home Visit couple none completed none completed #49-55
9.65 Runaway/Trial Home Visit couple none completed some completed #49-55
9.66 Runaway/Trial Home Visit couple none completed all completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.67 Runaway/Trial Home Visit couple some completed none completed #49-55
9.68 Runaway/Trial Home Visit couple some completed some completed #49-55
9.69 Runaway/Trial Home Visit couple some completed all completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.70 Runaway/Trial Home Visit couple all completed none completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.71 Runaway/Trial Home Visit couple all completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.72 Runaway/Trial Home Visit couple all completed all completed no error
9.73 Runaway/Trial Home Visit single none completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.74 Runaway/Trial Home Visit single none completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.75 Runaway/Trial Home Visit single none completed all completed no error
9.76 Runaway/Trial Home Visit single some completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.77 Runaway/Trial Home Visit single some completed some completed #49-55
9.78 Runaway/Trial Home Visit single some completed all completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.79 Runaway/Trial Home Visit single all completed none completed no error
9.80 Runaway/Trial Home Visit single all completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.81 Runaway/Trial Home Visit single all completed all completed #49
9.82 Blank blank/NA/
out of range
none completed none completed no error
9.83 Blank blank/NA/
out of range
none completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.84 Blank blank/NA/
out of range
none completed all completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.85 Blank blank/NA/
out of range
some completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.86 Blank blank/NA/
out of range
some completed some completed #49-55
9.87 Blank blank/NA/
out of range
some completed all completed #49-55
9.88 Blank blank/NA/
out of range
all completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.89 Blank blank/NA/
out of range
all completed some completed #49-55
9.90 Blank blank/NA/
out of range
all completed all completed #49-55
9.91 Blank couple none completed none completed #49-55
9.92 Blank couple none completed some completed #49-55
9.93 Blank couple none completed all completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.94 Blank couple some completed none completed #49-55
9.95 Blank couple some completed some completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.96 Blank couple some completed all completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.97 Blank couple all completed none completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.98 Blank couple all completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.99 Blank couple all completed all completed no error
9.100 Blank single none completed none completed #49, 50, 52, and 53
9.101 Blank single none completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.102 Blank single none completed all completed no error
9.103 Blank single some completed none completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.104 Blank single some completed some completed #49-55
9.105 Blank single some completed all completed #49, 50, 52a-f, and 53
9.106 Blank single all completed none completed no error
9.107 Blank single all completed some completed #49, 51, 54a-f, and 55
9.108 Blank single all completed all completed #49

Foster Care Group #10 : (marked as "j" or "J" in the Detailed Data Quality report)

Elements Involved:

#43 Most Recent Case Plan Goal
#47 Date of Termination of Mother's Parental Rights
#48 Date of Termination of Father's Parental Rights
#58 Reason for Discharge

Conditions under Which Check is Not Performed:

1) if #43 is blank or out of range
2) if #58 is blank or out of range

Principle of Check:

If a child is discharged from foster care because he or she has been adopted, there should be dates of termination of parental rights for both the mother and the father and it is most likely that the most recent case plan goal should be adoption. Likewise, it is unlikely that a child with a case plan goal of adoption would be discharged for some other reason and with neither of his or her parents having their parental rights terminated.

Table 26. Foster Care Consistency Group #10

Condition Code Case Plan Goal
Other Than Adoption
Mother's TPR (#47)
blank/out of range,
Father's TPR (#48)
blank/out of range,
Reason for Discharge (#58)
Other Than Adoption
Error(s) to be Marked
10.1 Adoption blank/out of range blank/out of range Adoption #47 and #48
10.2 Adoption blank/out of range blank/out of range Other than Adoption #43
10.3 Adoption blank/out of range valid Adoption #47
10.4 Adoption blank/out of range valid Other than Adoption need more info
10.5 Adoption valid blank/out of range Adoption #48
10.6 Adoption valid blank/out of range Other than Adoption need more info
10.7 Adoption valid valid Adoption no error
10.8 Adoption valid valid Other than Adoption #58
10.9 Other Than Adoption blank/out of range blank/out of range Adoption #58
10.10 Other Than Adoption blank/out of range blank/out of range Other than Adoption no error
10.11 Other Than Adoption blank/out of range valid Adoption need more info
10.12 Other Than Adoption blank/out of range valid Other than Adoption no error
10.13 Other Than Adoption valid blank/out of range Adoption need more info
10.14 Other Than Adoption valid blank/out of range Other than Adoption no error
10.15 Other Than Adoption valid valid Adoption #43
10.16 Other Than Adoption valid valid Other than Adoption no error

Foster Care Group #11: (marked as "k" or "K" in the Detailed Data Quality report)

Elements Involved:

#56 Date of Discharge
#57 Transaction Date of Discharge
#58 Reason for Discharge

Conditions under Which Check is Not Performed:

There are no conditions under which this check is not performed.

Principle of Check:

If a child has been discharged, there should be a date of discharge, a transaction date of discharge, and a reason for discharge.

Table 27. Foster Care Consistency Group #11

Condition Code Discharge Date (#56)
blank/out of range,
Discharge Transaction Date (#57)
blank/out of range,
Reason for Discharge (#58)
blank/out of range,
not applicable,
11.1 blank/out of range blank/out of range blank/out of range no error
11.2 blank/out of range blank/out of range not applicable no error
11.3 blank/out of range blank/out of range valid #58
11.4 blank/out of range valid blank/out of range #57
11.5 blank/out of range valid not applicable need more info
11.6 blank/out of range valid valid #56
11.7 valid blank/out of range blank/out of range need more info
11.8 valid blank/out of range not applicable need more info
11.9 valid blank/out of range valid #57
11.10 valid valid blank/out of range #58
11.11 valid valid not applicable ** #58 **
11.12 valid valid valid no error

Foster Care Group #12: (marked as "m" or "M" in the Detailed Data Quality report)

Elements Involved:

#59 Source of Federal Financial Support - Title IV-E (Foster Care)
#60 Source of Federal Financial Support - Title IV-E (Adoption)
#61 Source of Federal Financial Support - Title IV-A (AFDC)
#62 Source of Federal Financial Support - Title IV-D (Child Support)
#63 Source of Federal Financial Support - Title XIX (Medicaid)
#64 Source of Federal Financial Support - SSI or Other
#65 None of the Above
#66 Monthly Amount

Conditions under Which Check is Not Performed:

1) if any of #59 - 65 are missing
2) if any of #59 - 66 are out of range

Principle of Check:

If any of the sources of federal support (#59-64) apply, then "None of the Above" (#65) should not apply. If any of the sources of federal support applies (except for Medicaid, #63, which should be marked as applies if the child is eligible for Medicaid funding), then the Monthly Amount should be greater than 0.

Table 28. Foster Care Consistency Group #12

Condition Code IVE-FC (#59),
IVE-Ad (#60),
IVA (#61),
IVD (#62),
SSI (#64)
none apply,
>1 applies
Medicaid (#63)
does not apply,
None of the Above (#65)
does not apply,
Monthly Amount (#66)
blank/out of range,
Error(s) to be Marked
12.1 none apply does not apply does not apply blank/out of range #65
12.2 none apply does not apply does not apply 0 #65
12.3 none apply does not apply does not apply >0 #59-66
12.4 none apply does not apply applies blank/out of range no error
12.5 none apply does not apply applies 0 no error
12.6 none apply does not apply applies >0 no error
12.7 none apply applies does not apply blank/out of range no error
12.8 none apply applies does not apply 0 no error
12.9 none apply applies does not apply >0 no error
12.10 none apply applies applies blank/out of range #65
12.11 none apply applies applies 0 #65
12.12 none apply applies applies >0 #65
12.13 >1 applies does not apply does not apply blank/out of range #66
12.14 >1 applies does not apply does not apply 0 #66
12.15 >1 applies does not apply does not apply >0 no error
12.16 >1 applies does not apply applies blank/out of range #59-66
12.17 >1 applies does not apply applies 0 #59-66
12.18 >1 applies does not apply applies >0 #65
12.19 >1 applies applies does not apply blank/out of range #66
12.20 >1 applies applies does not apply 0 #66
12.21 >1 applies applies does not apply >0 no error
12.22 >1 applies applies applies blank/out of range #59-66
12.23 >1 applies applies applies 0 #59-66
12.24 >1 applies applies applies >0 #65

Foster Care Group #13: (marked as "n" or "N" in the Detailed Data Quality report)

Elements Involved:

#8a, b, c, d, e, f Child's Race
#52a, b, c, d, e, f Race of First Foster Caretaker
#54a, b, c, d, e, f Race of Second Foster Caretaker

Conditions under Which Check is Not Performed:

1) for each element, if 'a'- 'f' are all blanks, out of range, or a combination of blank and out of range data

Principle of Check:

For each race element (#8, #52, #54), if at least one race category ('a' - 'e') applies, then "Unable to Determine" ('f') should not apply. For each race element, if "Unable to Determine" ('f') applies, then no race category should apply.

Table 29. Foster Care Consistency Group #13

Condition Code American Indian
or Alaska Native (#a),
Asian (#b),
Black or African American (#c),
Native Hawaiian
or Other Pacific Islander (#d),
White (#e)
none apply,
at least one applies*
Unable to Determine (#f)
blank/out of range,
does not apply,
Error(s) to be Marked
13.1 none apply does not apply #a-f
13.2 none apply applies no error
13.3 at least one applies blank/out of range no error
13.4 at least one applies does not apply no error
13.5 at least one applies applies #f

* "At least one applies" can be any combination of blanks, out of range data, "0s", and "1s" in these five race categories but there must be at least one "1".

** Foster Home-Type includes: Foster Home (Relative), Foster Home (Non-Relative), and Pre-Adoptive Home

*** Non-Foster Home-Type includes: Group Home, Institution, and Independent Living

**** None completed means the three elements were some combination of blank, out of range, or "not applicable"

***** Some completed means that at one or two of the three elements were either blank, out of range, or "not applicable"