i sure am!! anything that saves me
time when i'm cataloging is most welcome,
and i've found that getting bounding-box
coordinates and then entering them is one
of the most time-consuming parts of cm cataloging.
Colleen R. Cahill wrote:
>Due to the kindness of David Cobb, Phil Hoehn and Mary Larsgaard, there is
>an Excel table with decimal coordinates for every US county. This 411MB
>file is available for download at ftp://ftp.loc.gov/pub/gmdndl/. Please
>save the file before opening it so to put less stress on our server. Any
>questions on the data will have to go back to Mary.
>I am also going to work on converting this data to the format used in the
>MARC 034 field. If I succeed, is anyone else interested in this?
> Colleen R. Cahill | [log in to unmask]
> Digital Production Coordinator | (202)707-8540
> & Recommending Officer for | FAX (202)707-8531
> Science Fiction & Fantasy | Library of Congress
>These opinions are mine, Mine, Mine! | Washington, DC 20540-4652