How to Save Your Institute Lots of Money is a suite of office products that is open source and therefore free. In comparison, Microsofts product costs $400 per computer and have increasingly restrictive licenses. has now reached version 2 and is being adapted world-wide not only to save money but also for its advanced features, such as being able to write PDF files directly (not available from Microsoft), having a compact but open source format (XML) which prevents one from being locked to a vendor. The format is now an international standard. OpenOffice has no problem reading and writing Microsoft documents. I typically use it to read in the doc file and to write the text out in a more compact OpenOffice or text form - this saves me disk space since the doc format is a space-hog.

You can save thousands of dollars per year by adopting


Schneider Lab

origin: 2003 Nov 19
updated: 2007 Feb 15