
Our veterans have made a great sacrifice in their service to our country. I believe they deserve the best healthcare and highest quality services that our VA can provide. I'm working hard in Congress to ensure that our veterans have the best healthcare they possibly can have. I'm doing what I can to hold the Veterans Administration accountable and ensure the VA is equipped to respond in an efficient and timely manner to the many needs of our veterans.     

More on Veterans' Affairs


Ending our dependence on foreign oil and promoting Iowa renewable energy is a top priority of mine. Iowa is already a national leader in biofuels, but our state has the potential to become a world leader in the research, development, and production of renewable energy. I'm working hard in Congress to shift the United States' energy focus from the Middle East to the Midwest so we can invest more in renewable energy like ethanol and biodiesel and create the good-paying jobs of the future. The first bill I introduced in Congress was the New Era Act of 2007-a law that would create a grant program for Iowa's community colleges to offer renewable energy workforce training programs.  

More on Renewable Energy  


I believe that standing up for Iowa's small businesses is critical to strengthening Iowa's economy. I'm working hard in Congress for small businesses' needs through my work on the House Small Business Committee. From healthcare to taxes to technology, today's entrepreneurs face unique challenges and obstacles to success, and I'll be a strong voice in Congress for their needs.  

More on Small Business  


The time has come for Congress to exercise some real oversight and work to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse in our federal government. I learned the value of a dollar when I was growing up in Brooklyn, Iowa-it's our hard-earned tax dollars the government is spending, and I'm going to work hard in my assignment on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to make sure it's spent wisely. I'm working hard in Congress to investigate waste, fraud, and abuse of government funds in Iraq-from unfair no-bid contracts to where $9 billion in government cash went missing.

More on Government Reform  


As a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I am standing up in Congress to make sure that our state has a voice at the table when important transportation decisions are being made in Congress. From highways to airports to railroads and the Mississippi River lock and dam system, I'm fighting in Congress to satisfy the transportation needs of Iowa.

More on Transportation  


The war in Iraq is the greatest foreign policy issue facing Congress today. It's time for a new direction in our policy there: I agree with the bipartisan Iraq Study Group that we need a timetable to redeploy our troops and turn the fighting over to the Iraqis. I do not believe that we should escalate the war in Iraq as the President's has supported. I'm working in Congress to investigate waste, fraud and abuse of government funds in Iraq. There will be no more blank check from Congress for the war in Iraq; there will be oversight and accountability.  

More on Iraq  


Working families have too often lost out to the special interests in Washington. I am doing what I can in Congress to fight for working families. From voting to raise the minimum wage to supporting legislation that makes it easier for families to afford college, I am working hard to enact common sense policies that put people before big corporations.  

More on the Economy