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Table 83: Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) National Directory of New Hires (NDNH), FY 2005

Number of Records Posted by Data Type
ALABAMA 9,509,342 677,808 8,495,565 335,969
ALASKA 1,631,538 140,162 1,358,782 132,594
ARIZONA 12,684,803 1,917,789 10,467,216 299,798
ARKANSAS 6,012,114 973,028 4,858,167 180,919
CALIFORNIA 73,411,840 6,043,069 63,864,179 3,504,592
COLORADO 12,714,807 3,182,519 9,279,932 252,356
CONNECTICUT 7,396,043 436,156 6,642,589 317,298
DELAWARE 2,120,884 290,952 1,763,211 66,721
DIST. OF COL. 2,236,822 111,692 2,066,888 58,242
FLORIDA 46,027,650 3,479,565 41,424,040 1,124,045
GEORGIA 19,255,442 1,710,269 17,017,900 527,273
GUAM 31,330 31,330
HAWAII 2,807,987 205,783 2,531,644 70,560
IDAHO 3,806,693 337,706 3,345,621 123,366
ILLINOIS 26,370,835 1,903,653 23,528,927 938,255
INDIANA 14,526,790 1,331,473 12,602,150 593,167
IOWA 7,268,848 655,558 6,388,105 225,185
KANSAS 6,206,308 366,736 5,737,384 102,188
KENTUCKY 6,777,550 562,806 5,839,313 375,431
LOUISIANA 7,164,791 520,013 6,418,088 226,690
MAINE 2,971,213 259,483 2,620,104 91,626
MARYLAND 11,890,757 1,252,402 10,455,072 183,283
MASSACHUSETTS 13,686,893 1,449,009 11,538,599 699,285
MICHIGAN 21,133,366 1,854,504 18,014,023 1,264,839
MINNESOTA 14,051,930 2,420,185 11,244,537 387,208
MISSISSIPPI 4,777,653 302,632 4,256,423 218,598
MISSOURI 13,729,630 1,030,708 12,132,015 566,907
MONTANA 2,027,397 137,636 1,833,864 55,897
NEBRASKA 2,807,378 420,486 2,261,952 124,940
NEVADA 5,826,908 671,709 4,982,973 172,226
NEW HAMPSHIRE 3,127,701 296,916 2,758,235 72,550
NEW JERSEY 18,956,972 1,173,961 15,985,237 1,797,774
NEW MEXICO 3,246,167 356,536 2,838,786 50,845
NEW YORK 37,419,264 3,221,183 32,581,545 1,616,536
NORTH CAROLINA 17,692,194 1,362,769 15,591,894 737,531
NORTH DAKOTA 1,611,612 150,660 1,427,134 33,818
OHIO 24,912,518 2,678,576 22,233,942
OKLAHOMA 7,032,290 347,005 6,487,422 197,863
OREGON 7,655,937 572,523 6,655,120 428,294
PENNSYLVANIA 26,312,392 2,128,907 22,733,012 1,450,473
PUERTO RICO 2,745,853 152,918 2,341,155 251,780
RHODE ISLAND 2,353,489 198,501 2,036,484 118,504
SOUTH CAROLINA 8,588,203 497,990 7,810,550 279,663
SOUTH DAKOTA 1,850,406 160,384 1,659,445 30,577
TENNESSEE 18,181,203 1,787,200 16,059,265 334,738
TEXAS 43,405,791 3,623,624 38,444,844 1,337,323
UTAH 5,647,018 962,672 4,523,825 160,521
VERMONT 1,554,043 99,459 1,405,084 49,500
VIRGIN ISLANDS 3,801 3,801

VIRGINIA 17,770,461 1,624,624 15,895,180 250,657
WASHINGTON 14,107,879 1,228,313 12,225,718 653,848
WEST VIRGINIA 3,669,132 228,944 3,304,520 135,668
WISCONSIN 13,553,942 1,076,533 11,720,686 756,723
WYOMING 1,257,647 135,058 1,100,629 21,960
TOTALS 1/ 643,521,457 58,745,878 560,788,975 23,986,604
Source: FPLS.
1/ These totals reflect only what is reported from State agencies and do not include any reporting by Federal agencies. Therefore, the State totals are lower than what is reported at the National level.

This is a Historical Document.